Tab Bar Item Shadow Effect - ios

I don't want the default style of touching the tabBarItem, which is making the one choosing to be white and others be grey. I want to make them to be white all the time, and the one choosing having a rectangle containing the icon with darker color? Just like the one below.How can I achieve this?


How to make a tab bar with images?

I want to make an tab bar like this
I don't want to make image grey or blue on selection of a tab, which is default that when you select a tab, it will become blue, and when you unselect, it will become grey.

Xcode Navigation Bar "Bar Tint" Clear Color is black

I'm attempting to achieve an effect where the navigation bar has the "transparent blurry" effect. I've been able to achieve the desired effect with one problem. The navigation bar is a "black transparent" color. I'm looking for it to be a "white transparent" color. Here's an image of the current output:
I've done a bunch of googling on the topic, and I can only find solutions that make the navigation bar completely transparent, or remove the transparency effect altogether.
Here is a screen shot of my storyboard settings for the navigation bar:
No matter how I modify these settings, the only way I can get the desired transparent blur effect is with it being "black transparent". Any ideas? Thanks!
The default clear color is black with 0% opacity. Change the tint color of the navigation bar to white.
The opacity of the color does not matter in this case. You can test this by setting the tint color to black and comparing it with the results with black color with a different opacity.

remove tab bar blurred effect

Is there any away to remove tab bar blurred effect
I set background image and it looks like the first picture.
If I make it transparent, you can see the table through it like the second picture.
I want to make it like the third picture
You can make it transparent using
the barTintColor property.
nameOfTabBar.barTintColor = .clear
This property is incharge of the tint color to apply to the tab bar background.
You can find more information on

Change the Tint Color of UITableView Multiple Selection Check Circles

When you enable allowsMultipleSelectionDuringEditing on a UITableView and then enter edit mode on it, each row will display a light grey circle on the left hand side. Upon tapping a row, the circle will be replaced with a tick icon, of the tint colour currently set to the table view.
I'm wondering, is there any way to override the tint colours of both of these icons and control them manually? I've discovered if you set cell.tintColor, you can override the tint colour of the icon when it's checked (But not the hollow circle graphic), but I'd rather be able to change the tint colour of just this icon.
I'm getting the sinking feeling the only way to do this is to manually hack the internal subviews, but I'm hoping someone may have found a way I've missed.
Setting the tintColor property of the cell should be enough.
cell.tintColor = .green

XCode UIButton confusion

I'm having some confusion about UIButton on the storyboard. I create a new button, change the background color, and the color is always darker than what I choose. In this example, the actual color that is being displayed is #163ca1 (22, 60, 161), even though I clearly picked something lighter:
Wassup with that? The thing is, if I set the background color programmatically it displays the correct color. This issue extends to other view elements as well.
Also, what does Tint color do? It seems like it has a different function depending on the element in question, but in this case it seems to have no effect. I figured it was for the highlighted state, but no matter what I change it to the button text maintains a light blue color on click.
