f# finding the indexes of a string in a char array - f#

Hey all i am new to F#
I am trying to find the starting indexes of all the occurrences of a string in a char array.
char array ['a';'b';'b';'a';'b';'b';'b';'b';'b';'a';'b']
would return 0 and 3 and 9 if you were searching for the string "ab"

Here's a solution using recursive functions:
/// Wraps the recursive findMatches function defined inside, so that you don't have to seed it with the "internal" paramters
let findMatches chars str =
/// Returns whether or not the string matches the beginning of the character array
let rec isStartMatch chars (str: string) =
match chars with
| char :: rest when str.Length > 0 ->
char = str.[0] && (isStartMatch rest str.[1..(str.Length - 1)])
| _ -> str.Length = 0
/// The actual function here
let rec findMatches matchedIndices i chars str =
match chars with
| _ :: rest ->
if isStartMatch chars str
then findMatches (i :: matchedIndices) (i + 1) rest str
else findMatches matchedIndices (i + 1) rest str
| [] -> matchedIndices
findMatches [] 0 chars str
Not the most efficient as it iterates over characters twice if they're part of a match, but that's not really a big worry.

I don't want to do a complete example here, so here is the hint:
let rec match (l:char seq) i=
match seq.tryFindindex ... (*the part you have already done goes here*)with
|None -> []
|Some(t) ->i+t::(match (Seq.skip t l) (i+t)
Basically, we just repeatedly apply the Findindex until it stops matching.


Splitting a Seq of Strings Of Variable Length in F#

I am using a .fasta file in F#. When I read it from disk, it is a sequence of strings. Each observation is usually 4-5 strings in length: 1st string is the title, then 2-4 strings of amino acids, and then 1 string of space. For example:
let filePath = #"/Users/XXX/sample_database.fasta"
let fileContents = File.ReadLines(filePath)
fileContents |> Seq.iter(fun x -> printfn "%s" x)
I am looking for a way to split each observation into its own collection using the OOB high order functions in F#. I do not want to use any mutable variables or for..each syntax. I thought Seq.chunkBySize would work -> but the size varies. Is there a Seq.chunkByCharacter?
Mutable variables are totally fine for this, provided their mutability doesn't leak into a wider context. Why exactly do you not want to use them?
But if you really want to go hardcore "functional", then the usual functional way of doing something like that is via fold.
Your folding state would be a pair of "blocks accumulated so far" and "current block".
At each step, if you get a non-empty string, you attach it to the "current block".
And if you get an empty string, that means the current block is over, so you attach the current block to the list of "blocks so far" and make the current block empty.
This way, at the end of folding you'll end up with a pair of "all blocks accumulated except the last one" and "last block", which you can glue together.
Plus, an optimization detail: since I'm going to do a lot of "attach a thing to a list", I'd like to use a linked list for that, because it has constant-time attaching. But then the problem is that it's only constant time for prepending, not appending, which means I'll end up with all the lists reversed. But no matter: I'll just reverse them again at the very end. List reversal is a linear operation, which means my whole thing would still be linear.
let splitEm lines =
let step (blocks, currentBlock) s =
match s with
| "" -> (List.rev currentBlock :: blocks), []
| _ -> blocks, s :: currentBlock
let (blocks, lastBlock) = Array.fold step ([], []) lines
List.rev (lastBlock :: blocks)
> splitEm [| "foo"; "bar"; "baz"; ""; "1"; "2"; ""; "4"; "5"; "6"; "7"; ""; "8" |]
[["foo"; "bar"; "baz"]; ["1"; "2"]; ["4"; "5"; "6"; "7"]; ["8"]]
Note 1: You may have to address some edge cases depending on your data and what you want the behavior to be. For example, if there is an empty line at the very end, you'll end up with an empty block at the end.
Note 2: You may notice that this is very similar to imperative algorithm with mutating variables: I'm even talking about things like "attach to list of blocks" and "make current block empty". This is not a coincidence. In this purely functional version the "mutating" is accomplished by calling the same function again with different parameters, while in an equivalent imperative version you would just have those parameters turned into mutable memory cells. Same thing, different view. In general, any imperative iteration can be turned into a fold this way.
For comparison, here's a mechanical translation of the above to imperative mutation-based style:
let splitEm lines =
let mutable blocks = []
let mutable currentBlock = []
for s in lines do
match s with
| "" -> blocks <- List.rev currentBlock :: blocks; currentBlock <- []
| _ -> currentBlock <- s :: currentBlock
List.rev (currentBlock :: blocks)
To illustrate Fyodor's point about contained mutability, here's an example that is mutable as can be while still somewhat reasonable. The outer functional layer is a sequence expression, a common pattern demonstrated by Seq.scan in the F# source.
let chooseFoldSplit
folding (state : 'State)
(source : seq<'T>) : seq<'U[]> = seq {
let sref, zs = ref state, ResizeArray()
use ie = source.GetEnumerator()
while ie.MoveNext() do
let newState, uopt = folding !sref ie.Current
if newState <> !sref then
yield zs.ToArray()
sref := newState
match uopt with
| None -> ()
| Some u -> zs.Add u
if zs.Count > 0 then
yield zs.ToArray() }
// val chooseFoldSplit :
// folding:('State -> 'T -> 'State * 'U option) ->
// state:'State -> source:seq<'T> -> seq<'U []> when 'State : equality
There is mutability of a ref cell (equivalent to a mutable variable) and there is a mutable data structure; an alias for System.Collection.Generic.List<'T>, which allows appending at O(1) cost.
The folding function's signature 'State -> 'T -> 'State * 'U option is reminiscent of the folder of fold, except that it causes the result sequence to be split when its state changes. And it also spawns an option that denotes the next member for the current group (or not).
It would work fine without the conversion to a persistent array, as long as you iterate the resulting sequence lazily and only exactly once. Therefore we need to isolate the contents of the ResizeArrayfrom the outside world.
The simplest folding for your use case is negation of a boolean, but you could leverage it for more complex tasks like numbering your records:
[| "foo"; "1"; "2"; ""; "bar"; "4"; "5"; "6"; "7"; ""; "baz"; "8"; "" |]
|> chooseFoldSplit (fun b t ->
if t = "" then not b, None else b, Some t ) false
|> Seq.map (fun a ->
if a.Length > 1 then
{ Description = a.[0]; Sequence = String.concat "" a.[1..] }
else failwith "Format error" )
// val it : seq<FastaEntry> =
// seq [{Description = "foo";
// Sequence = "12";}; {Description = "bar";
// Sequence = "4567";}; {Description = "baz";
// Sequence = "8";}]
I went with recursion:
type FastaEntry = {Description:String; Sequence:String}
let generateFastaEntry (chunk:String seq) =
match chunk |> Seq.length with
| 0 -> None
| _ ->
let description = chunk |> Seq.head
let sequence = chunk |> Seq.tail |> Seq.reduce (fun acc x -> acc + x)
Some {Description=description; Sequence=sequence}
let rec chunk acc contents =
let index = contents |> Seq.tryFindIndex(fun x -> String.IsNullOrEmpty(x))
match index with
| None ->
let fastaEntry = generateFastaEntry contents
match fastaEntry with
| Some x -> Seq.append acc [x]
| None -> acc
| Some x ->
let currentChunk = contents |> Seq.take x
let fastaEntry = generateFastaEntry currentChunk
match fastaEntry with
| None -> acc
| Some y ->
let updatedAcc =
match Seq.isEmpty acc with
| true -> seq {y}
| false -> Seq.append acc (seq {y})
let remaining = contents |> Seq.skip (x+1)
chunk updatedAcc remaining
You also can use Regular Expression for these kind of stuff. Here is a solution that uses a regular expression to extract a whole Fasta Block at once.
type FastaEntry = {
Description: string
Sequence: string
let fastaRegexStr =
^> # Line Starting with >
(.*) # Capture into $1
\r?\n # End-of-Line
( # Capturing in $2
^ # A Line ...
[A-Z]+ # .. containing A-Z
\*? \r?\n # Optional(*) followed by End-of-Line
)+ # ^ Multiple of those lines
(?: ^ [ \t\v\f]* \r?\n ) # Match an empty (whitespace) line ..
| # or
\z # End-of-String
(* Regex for matching one Fasta Block *)
let fasta = Regex(fastaRegexStr, RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace ||| RegexOptions.Multiline)
(* Whole file as a string *)
let content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText "fasta.fasta"
let entries = [
for m in fasta.Matches(content) do
let desc = m.Groups.[1].Value
(* Remove *, \r and \n from string *)
let sequ = Regex.Replace(m.Groups.[2].Value, #"\*|\r|\n", "")
{Description=desc; Sequence=sequ}

F# problems calling a function that takes a integer and return a string

I'm pretty new to programming in F#, and I am working on a project at the moment, with a function that takes an integer and returns a string value.
My problem (se my code below) is that no matter what I do, I cant return the values of my str, calling my function.
let mulTable (n:int):string = string n
let mutable m = 1
let mutable str = ""
while m < 10 do
str <- "m\t" + str
m <- m + 1
printfn "%A" (mulTable str)
My idea here is that I want to store the value of m, in str, så that str in the end of my while loop contains the values of "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9". But no matter what I try my printfn "%A" mulTable str, returns "this expressions was exspected to have type int, but here has type string". I have tried converting my str to a string in my mutable value like:
let mutable str = ""
let mutable str1 = str |> int
and then I try to call my str1 using function mulTable instead of calling str. But still it does not work.
What am I missing here? I've been trying every single possible solution I can think of, without being able to solve my problem.
A fix of your own algorithm could be:
let getSequenceAsString max =
let concat s x = sprintf "%s\t%i" s x
let mutable m = 1
let mutable str = ""
while m < max do
str <- concat str m
m <- m + 1
printfn "%A" (getSequenceAsString 10)
But as others have shown it's a lot of work that can be done more easily:
open System
let getSequenceAsString max =
String.Join("\t", [1..max-1])
If you want each number reverted as you ask for in a comment it could be done this way:
let getSequenceAsString min max =
let revert x =
let rec rev y acc =
match y with
| 0 -> acc
| _ -> rev (y / 10) (sprintf "%s%i" acc (y % 10))
rev x ""
String.Join("\t", ([min..max-1] |> List.map revert))
printfn "%A" (getSequenceAsString 95 105)
"59 69 79 89 99 001 101 201 301 401"
You can easily join an array of strings into a string array, and then print it out if necessary.
open System
let xs = [1..9] |> List.map string
//you should avoid using mutable variables, and instead generate your list of numbers with an list comprehension or something similar.
String.Join("\t", xs)
//A little exploration of the List/Array/String classes will bring this method up: "concatenates the members of a collection using the separator string.
This gives me:
val it : string = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"
I've adjusted the code to make it produce results similar to what you wanted:
let mulTable (n:int):string = string n
let mutable m = 1
let mutable str = ""
while m < 10 do
str <- mulTable m+ "\t" + str
m <- m + 1
printfn "%A" (str)
I've used your mulTable to convert m to string, but for printfn you don't need to use that, because str is already a string.
Still the result would be 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
There are more then one way to revert the string, one of them would be to split the string into an array of characthers and then revert the array. From resulting array we will build a new string again. It would look something like:
printf "%A" (new System.String(str.ToCharArray() |> Array.rev ))
To achieve the same result, I would suggest to use more functional style, using recursion and avoiding mutating variables.
let getNumbersString upperLimit =
let rec innerRecursion rem acc=
match rem with
| 0 -> acc
| _ -> innerRecursion (rem-1) (sprintf "%i "rem::acc)
innerRecursion upperLimit [] |> String.concat ""
getNumbersString 9
Will result in
val it : string = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "

How do I split a string into a List of chars in F sharp

How do I split string into a list of chars in F sharp for example if I want to split the word "Hello" into a list of chars ie.
"Hello" ->['H';'e';'l';'l';'o']
I have tried Split([| |]) but it only splits a string depending on the parameter u pass in.
I have tried this to but it still did not work
let splitChar (text:string) =
[for c in text ->c]
let splitChar (text:string) =
[for c in text do yield c]
You can use Seq.toList to convert a string to a list of characters:
Seq.toList "Hello"
A string is essentially a sequence of characters, as it implements IEnumerable<char>. Internally, a string is an array of char values. That array is exposed through the Chars indexer.
You can use any Seq method on a string, eg :
"abc" |> Seq.iter (fun x->printfn "%c" x)
Individual characters are also available
You can also use the optimized functions of the String module :
"abc" |> String.iter (fun x->printfn "%c" x)
The String module uses the methods of the String class to improve performance. For example, the String.length function is an alias for the String.Length property, so it doesn't have to iterate over all characters like Seq would do:
let length (str:string) =
let str = emptyIfNull str
Other functions, like String.iter use the Chars indexer directly :
let iter (f : (char -> unit)) (str:string) =
let str = emptyIfNull str
for i = 0 to str.Length - 1 do
f str.[i]
In .NET, you can use String.ToCharArray method. To get back into a String, you can use String(Char[]) now that F# using constructors as functions.
"Hello".ToCharArray() |> List.ofArray
It may be better performance to just use the F# Array module. I'm guessing List.ofArray is more efficient than List.ofSeq. If that doesn't matter, similar to Chad's answer, the F# idiomatic way is:
"Hello" |> List.ofSeq
I've noticed occasions where I would initially think to split something into a char array or a list first - but where I should be more succinct.
let msg = "hello-world"
let resultA =
msg.[0..0].ToUpper() + msg.[1..].Replace('-', ' ')
let resultB =
Seq.toList (msg)
|> (fun list -> (string list.Head).ToUpper() + (String.Concat(list.Tail)).Replace('-', ' '))
// val resultA : string = "Hello world"
// val resultB : string = "Hello world"
The 'resultA' way is nicer I think.

F# idiomatic way of transforming text

Myello! So I am looking for a concise, efficient an idiomatic way in F# to parse a file or a string. I have a strong preference to treat the input as a sequence of char (char seq). The idea is that every function is responsible to parse a piece of the input, return the converted text tupled with the unused input and be called by a higher level function that chains the unused input to the following functions and use the results to build a compound type. Every parsing function should therefore have a signature similar to this one: char seq -> char seq * 'a . If, for example, the function's responsibility is simply to extract the first word, then, one approach would be the following:
let parseFirstWord (text: char seq) =
let rec forTailRecursion t acc =
let c = Seq.head t
if c = '\n' then
(t, acc)
forTailRecursion (Seq.skip 1 t) (c::acc)
let rest, reversedWord = forTailRecursion text []
(rest, List.reverse reversedWord)
Now, of course the main problem with this approach is that it extracts the word in reverse order and so you have to reverse it. Its main advantages however are that is uses strictly functional features and proper tail recursion. One could avoid the reversing of the extracted value while losing tail recursion:
let rec parseFirstWord (text: char seq) =
let c = Seq.head t
if c = '\n' then
(t, [])
let rest, tail = parseFirstWord (Seq.skip 1 t)
(rest, (c::tail))
Or use a fast mutable data structure underneath instead of using purely functional features, such as:
let parseFirstWord (text: char seq) =
let rec forTailRecursion t queue =
let c = Seq.head t
if c = '\n' then
(t, queue)
forTailRecursion (Seq.skip 1 t) (queue.Enqueu(c))
forTailRecursion text (new Queue<char>())
I have no idea how to use OO concepts in F# mind you so corrections to the above code are welcome.
Being new to this language, I would like to be guided in terms of the usual compromises that an F# developer makes. Among the suggested approaches and your own, which should I consider more idiomatic and why? Also, in that particular case, how would you encapsulate the return value: char seq * char seq, char seq * char list or evenchar seq * Queue<char>? Or would you even consider char seq * String following a proper conversion?
I would definitely have a look at FSLex. FSYacc, FParsec. However if you just want to tokenize a seq<char> you can use a sequence expression to generate tokens in the right order. Reusing your idea of a recursive inner function, and combinining with a sequence expression, we can stay tail recursive like shown below, and avoid non-idiomatic tools like mutable data structures.
I changed the separator char for easy debugging and the signature of the function. This version produces a seq<string> (your tokens) as result, which is probably easier to consume than a tuple with the current token and the rest of the text. If you just want the first token, you can just take the head. Note that the sequence is generated 'on demand', i.e. the input is parsed only as tokens are consumed through the sequence. Should you need the remainder of the input text next to each token, you can yield a pair in loop instead, but I'm guessing the downstream consumer most likely wouldn't (furthermore, if the input text is itself a lazy sequence, possibly linked to a stream, we don't want to expose it as it should be iterated through only in one place).
let parse (text : char seq) =
let rec loop t acc =
seq {
if Seq.isEmpty t then yield acc
let c, rest = Seq.head t, Seq.skip 1 t
if c = ' ' then
yield acc
yield! loop rest ""
else yield! loop rest (acc + string c)
loop text ""
parse "The FOX is mine"
val it : seq<string> = seq ["The"; "FOX"; "is"; "mine"]
This is not the only 'idiomatic' way of doing this in F#. Every time we need to process a sequence, we can look at the functions made available in the Seq module. The most general of these is fold which iterates through a sequence once, accumulating a state at each element by running a given function. In the example below accumulate is such a function, that progressively builds the resulting sequence of tokens. Since Seq.fold doesn't run the accumulator function on an empty sequence, we need the last two lines to extract the last token from the function's internal accumulator.
This second implementation keeps the nice characteriestics of the first, i.e. tail recursion (inside the fold implementation, if I'm not mistaken) and processing of the input sequence on demand. It also happens to be shorter, albeit a bit less readable probably.
let parse2 (text : char seq) =
let accumulate (res, acc) c =
if c = ' ' then (Seq.append res (Seq.singleton acc), "")
else (res, acc + string c)
let (acc, last) = text |> Seq.fold accumulate (Seq.empty, "")
Seq.append acc (Seq.singleton last)
parse2 "The FOX is mine"
val it : seq<string> = seq ["The"; "FOX"; "is"; "mine"]
One way of lexing/parsing in a way truly unique to F# is by using active patterns. The following simplified example shows the general idea. It can process a calculation string of arbitrary length without producing a stack overflow.
let rec (|CharOf|_|) set = function
| c :: rest when Set.contains c set -> Some(c, rest)
| ' ' :: CharOf set (c, rest) -> Some(c, rest)
| _ -> None
let rec (|CharsOf|) set = function
| CharOf set (c, CharsOf set (cs, rest)) -> c::cs, rest
| rest -> [], rest
let (|StringOf|_|) set = function
| CharsOf set (_::_ as cs, rest) -> Some(System.String(Array.ofList cs), rest)
| _ -> None
type Token =
| Int of int
| Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Mod
| Unknown
let lex: string -> _ =
let digits = set ['0'..'9']
let ops = Set.ofSeq "+-*/%"
let rec lex chars =
seq { match chars with
| StringOf digits (s, rest) -> yield Int(int s); yield! lex rest
| CharOf ops (c, rest) ->
let op =
match c with
| '+' -> Add | '-' -> Sub | '*' -> Mul | '/' -> Div | '%' -> Mod
| _ -> failwith "invalid operator char"
yield op; yield! lex rest
| [] -> ()
| _ -> yield Unknown }
List.ofSeq >> lex
lex "1234 + 514 / 500"
// seq [Int 1234; Add; Int 514; Div; Int 500]

Parsing numbers in FParsec

I've started learning FParsec. It has a very flexible way to parse numbers; I can provide a set of number formats I want to use:
type Number =
| Numeral of int
| Decimal of float
| Hexadecimal of int
| Binary of int
let numberFormat = NumberLiteralOptions.AllowFraction
||| NumberLiteralOptions.AllowHexadecimal
||| NumberLiteralOptions.AllowBinary
let pnumber =
numberLiteral numberFormat "number"
|>> fun num -> if num.IsHexadecimal then Hexadecimal (int num.String)
elif num.IsBinary then Binary (int num.String)
elif num.IsInteger then Numeral (int num.String)
else Decimal (float num.String)
However, the language I'm trying to parse is a bit strange. A number could be numeral (non-negative int), decimal (non-negative float), hexadecimal (with prefix #x) or binary (with prefix #b):
numeral: 0, 2
decimal: 0.2, 2.0
hexadecimal: #xA04, #x611ff
binary: #b100, #b001
Right now I have to do parsing twice by substituting # by 0 (if necessary) to make use of pnumber:
let number: Parser<_, unit> =
let isDotOrDigit c = isDigit c || c = '.'
let numOrDec = many1Satisfy2 isDigit isDotOrDigit
let hexOrBin = skipChar '#' >>. manyChars (letter <|> digit) |>> sprintf "0%s"
let str = spaces >>. numOrDec <|> hexOrBin
str |>> fun s -> match run pnumber s with
| Success(result, _, _) -> result
| Failure(errorMsg, _, _) -> failwith errorMsg
What is a better way of parsing in this case? Or how can I alter FParsec's CharStream to be able to make conditional parsing easier?
Parsing numbers can be pretty messy if you want to generate good error messages and properly check for overflows.
The following is a simple FParsec implementation of your number parser:
let numeralOrDecimal : Parser<_, unit> =
// note: doesn't parse a float exponent suffix
numberLiteral NumberLiteralOptions.AllowFraction "number"
|>> fun num ->
// raises an exception on overflow
if num.IsInteger then Numeral(int num.String)
else Decimal(float num.String)
let hexNumber =
pstring "#x" >>. many1SatisfyL isHex "hex digit"
|>> fun hexStr ->
// raises an exception on overflow
Hexadecimal(System.Convert.ToInt32(hexStr, 16))
let binaryNumber =
pstring "#b" >>. many1SatisfyL (fun c -> c = '0' || c = '1') "binary digit"
|>> fun hexStr ->
// raises an exception on overflow
Binary(System.Convert.ToInt32(hexStr, 2))
let number =
choiceL [numeralOrDecimal
"number literal"
Generating good error messages on overflows would complicate this implementation a bit, as you would ideally also need to backtrack after the error, so that the error position ends up at the start of the number literal (see the numberLiteral docs for an example).
A simple way to gracefully handle possible overflow exception is to use a little exception handling combinator like the following:
let mayThrow (p: Parser<'t,'u>) : Parser<'t,'u> =
fun stream ->
let state = stream.State
p stream
with e -> // catching all exceptions is somewhat dangerous
Reply(FatalError, messageError e.Message)
You could then write
let number = mayThrow (choiceL [...] "number literal")
I'm not sure what you meant to say with "alter FParsec's CharStream to be able to make conditional parsing easier", but the following sample demonstrates how you could write a low-level implementation that only uses the CharStream methods directly.
type NumberStyles = System.Globalization.NumberStyles
let invariantCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
let number: Parser<Number, unit> =
let expectedNumber = expected "number"
let inline isBinary c = c = '0' || c = '1'
let inline hex2int c = (int c &&& 15) + (int c >>> 6)*9
let hexStringToInt (str: string) = // does no argument or overflow checking
let mutable n = 0
for c in str do
n <- n*16 + hex2int c
let binStringToInt (str: string) = // does no argument or overflow checking
let mutable n = 0
for c in str do
n <- n*2 + (int c - int '0')
let findIndexOfFirstNonNull (str: string) =
let mutable i = 0
while i < str.Length && str.[i] = '0' do
i <- i + 1
let isHexFun = id isHex // tricks the compiler into caching the function object
let isDigitFun = id isDigit
let isBinaryFun = id isBinary
fun stream ->
let start = stream.IndexToken
let cs = stream.Peek2()
match cs.Char0, cs.Char1 with
| '#', 'x' ->
let str = stream.ReadCharsOrNewlinesWhile(isHexFun, false)
if str.Length <> 0 then
let i = findIndexOfFirstNonNull str
let length = str.Length - i
if length < 8 || (length = 8 && str.[i] <= '7') then
Reply(Hexadecimal(hexStringToInt str))
Reply(Error, messageError "hex number literal is too large for 32-bit int")
Reply(Error, expected "hex digit")
| '#', 'b' ->
let str = stream.ReadCharsOrNewlinesWhile(isBinaryFun, false)
if str.Length <> 0 then
let i = findIndexOfFirstNonNull str
let length = str.Length - i
if length < 32 then
Reply(Binary(binStringToInt str))
Reply(Error, messageError "binary number literal is too large for 32-bit int")
Reply(Error, expected "binary digit")
| c, _ ->
if not (isDigit c) then Reply(Error, expectedNumber)
stream.SkipCharsOrNewlinesWhile(isDigitFun) |> ignore
if stream.Skip('.') then
let n2 = stream.SkipCharsOrNewlinesWhile(isDigitFun)
if n2 <> 0 then
// we don't parse any exponent, as in the other example
let mutable result = 0.
if System.Double.TryParse(stream.ReadFrom(start),
then Reply(Decimal(result))
Reply(Error, messageError "decimal literal is larger than System.Double.MaxValue")
Reply(Error, expected "digit")
let decimalString = stream.ReadFrom(start)
let mutable result = 0
if System.Int32.TryParse(stream.ReadFrom(start),
then Reply(Numeral(result))
Reply(Error, messageError "decimal number literal is too large for 32-bit int")
While this implementation parses hex and binary numbers without the help of system methods, it eventually delegates the parsing of decimal numbers to the Int32.TryParse and Double.TryParse methods.
As I said: it's messy.
