After upgrading to TFS2013 RTM, the search from the web interface returns "TF51535: Missing or unsupported field name." - tfs

After upgrading to TFS2013 RTM, the search from the web interface returns "TF51535: Missing or unsupported field name." It looks like the default fields to search changed.
How do you change the work item fields that are searched on by default in TFS2013?
What I have found so far:
It is searching on Title, Description, Repro Steps\
In TFS2010 you could follow the steps listed here to change the default (at least I assume... I didn't actually use that version)

This is likely to happen for anyone that started using bugs in an older process template and has continued to use and upgrade the template to work with the newer versions.
Microsoft is now searching on Description, Title, and "Repro Steps" by default. The error happens because "Repro Steps" is not in any of the work item types. This field maps to Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.ReproSteps the old similar field was Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.StepsToReproduce
One way to fix the problem:
export the bug work item type
witadmin exportwitd /collection:CollectionName /p:projectName /n:Bug /f:"Bug.xml"
add the new field
FIELD name="Repro Steps" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.ReproSteps" type="HTML"
import the bug work item type
witadmin importwitd /collection:CollectionName /p:projectName /n:Bug /f:"Bug.xml"
This allows the search to find the field but with these minimum steps that field won't have anything in it. The search will effectively be on title and description only.
There are two other solutions:
- Change what fields are being searched on to not include reprosteps (I haven't figured out how to do this yet)
- Do the above, copy all the old data into the new field, show the new field on the WI. This would allow the search of the field as intended.


Adding new "tab" to a bug work item in TFS 2017

I am trying to add a new "tab" to bug item in TFS 2017. Looking at the "tabs" you see things like "Steps to Reproduce", System, etc.
I have found information on changing work item types but nothing about adding a new "tab" across the top where you see Steps to Repro, System, Test Cases, Tasks. The change I want to make may not be possible? Or it is possible I don't know the correct verbiage to use when asking google. The think I want to change may not be a tab control at all it maybe something else different.
***************** Updated questions after posting *****************************
After playing around with Process Editor -> WIT -> Open WIT from server -> Bug
as suggested by Andy Li-MSFT I don't see a lot of control on the formatting on the tab. I was planning to add fields in a grid like pattern like a table as shown below. I am able to get the values in the drop down list for field1 and add the fields. However I have a couple follow up questions if you have time.
Setting either the control or column for the control to read-only the column will not render when adding a new bug. I have a little more control if I set AllowedValues and Frozen for the column however the value can still be changed. Is there a better way to set read-only?
There is not much control on the layout. I am OK adding a lot of fields but would like them to be displayed in a table like structure. Is there a way to control the look of the fields on the form?
Is there a way to add the fields in a grid? This would be ideal so I only have one header for each column.
The last-updated-by and last-updated-date. Is it possible to track on a row level who made a change? If not I would be OK just adding a last updated by and last updated date to the new tab. Row level updates would be nice.
Field 1 Field 2 (Read-only) Field 3 Last Updated By Last updated Date
Status (completed, empty, N/A) "Some text here which describes something to do" "Optional comments" tfs user name date/time
Status (completed, empty, N/A) "Some text here which describes something to do" "Optional comments" tfs user name date/time
You need to modify the WIT definition file (Bug work item type in your scenario).
You can try below ways to do that:
Export the WIT definition file with witadmin commands, add a new tab under <TabGroup> and add a new control for it, then save and import the file. See Import, export, and manage work item types for details.
<Tab Label="Tab0501">
<Control FieldName="System.ChangedDate" Type="DateTimeControl" Label="Test0501:" LabelPosition="Left" />
You can also use the TFS Power Tools to export/import WIT definition files or directly modify the files from server:
Visual Studio 2015 : Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server
2015 Power Tools
Visual Studio 2017 : TFS Process Template Editor
Reference below screenshot to do that.
Another way is writing an extension to Extend the work item form, you can reference my answer in another thread to do that.

TF400930: The reporting attribute is inconsistent between the imported XML and what is currently configured for the field

We've just upgraded from TFS 2015.2 to TFS 2017.3 and we're running in to an issue when creating new team projects.
For some reason, we're getting the following error in the error log when we try to create a new team project:
[09:54:24.797] Importing work item types
[09:54:25.663] [Error] TF400930: The reporting attribute for field Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateChangeDate is inconsistent between the imported XML and what is currently configured for the field. Correct the field configuration in the XML and try again.
[09:54:25.667] Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Server.LegacyValidationException: TF400930: The reporting attribute for field Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateChangeDate is inconsistent between the imported XML and what is currently configured for the field. Correct the field configuration in the XML and try again.
[09:54:25.667] at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Server.ServerMetadataProvisioningHelper.ThrowValidationException(String message)
[09:54:25.667] at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Common.Provision.UpdatePackageField.CheckDefinitionConsistency(XmlElement fieldElement)
[09:54:25.667] at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Common.Provision.UpdatePackageField.Update(XmlElement fieldElement)
Here is the result from witadmin:
Field: Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateChangeDate
Name: State Change Date
Type: DateTime
Use: --- (Bug, Shared Steps, Task, Test Case, User Story, Issue, Change Request)
Indexed: False
Reportable As: dimension
And from a search with Notepad++:
Notepad++ Search for Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateChangeDate
As you can see from the search, it is being "reportable" as a dimension, which is what witadmin is saying the current attribute is.
Any idea on what we're doing wrong?
I checked on my side, by default the reportable attributes are not set in the Workitem definition files (.xml files).
So, please try to remove the attribute reportable = "dimension" from all the Wits. Then import the Wits and try it again.
If that still not work, you can try removing the Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateChangeDatedefinition from these work items, it's a standard field which will be added to all your work item types automatically.
Reference this similar thread : Tfs project creation results in error: TF400930: Field 'System.ExternalLinkCount' is defined multiple times

Can we change the default description about the field that appears on hovering the field in vso?

i have 2 questions.
can we remove the default description(field name and type) of a field that appears on hovering the field ? After adding the description to the field, on hovering it some default text is displayed along with the description added.
can we add hyperlink in the desctiption of the field ?
If you are using VSTS (VSO), the answers for both questions are NO since you can only list WIT definitions but can’t change and import into VSTS.
If you are using TFS, the answers are yes for both. You can use witadmin to change a WIT.
With witadmin, you can modify XML definition files to support the
On-premises XML process model. For Hosted XML and Inheritance process
models, you can only use witadmin commands to list information.

Tfs project creation results in error: TF400930: Field 'System.ExternalLinkCount' is defined multiple times

I have recently upgraded an on-premises Team Foundation Server from Tfs 2015 to Tfs2015.Update3 (14.102.25423.0)
The upgrade was completed and all other functionality seems to work as usual.
A day or so ago I attempted to create a new Tfs project (TFVC) and that resulted in an error.
When I look at the application tier log files, I see the following:
[10:31:30.153] Executing step: Create the Team Project.
[10:31:30.167] Executing step: 'Create the Team Project.' WorkItemTracking.CreateTeamProject (4 of 13)
[10:31:30.183] Getting process template.
[10:31:31.463] Refreshing server caches.
[10:31:31.463] Importing work item link types.
[10:31:32.180] Importing work item types
[10:31:33.727] Importing work item types
[10:31:34.413] [Error] TF400930: Field 'System.ExternalLinkCount' is defined multiple times with different field definitions. Correct the field definition and try again.
[10:31:34.507] Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Server.LegacyValidationException: TF400930: Field 'System.ExternalLinkCount' is defined multiple times with different field definitions. Correct the field definition and try again.
[10:31:34.507] at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Server.ProvisioningService.InternalImportWorkItemTypesOrGlobalWorkflows(IVssRequestContext requestContext, Int32 projectId, String methodologyName, IEnumerable`1 typeElements, ProvisioningActionType actionType, InternalSchemaType schemaType, Boolean overwrite, ProvisioningImportEventsCallback importEventCallback)
We are unfortunately making use of a customized template (which is based on the Scrum template) and it is exactly this template that causes the error.
When creating a new Tfs project (TFVC) based on the standard Scrum or Agile templates it works fine.
I downloaded the customized scrum template in question and did a grep search on “System.ExternalLinkCount”.
When I look at the fields they do seem to be of the same type.
Any ideas or suggestion why it is acting up in this way?
You can just remove the field definition from these work items, it's a standard field which will be added to all your work item types automatically.

Unable to update field datatype

I had to create a work item template.In order to do it quickly.I created all the fields by opening the template in notepad and copy pasting them with differnent name but same datatype.
Then I import the template. Now I am trying to change the datatype form Open Wit from Server option , it is throwing me errors that datatype do not match . So I deleted those fields and reimported the templated.It is still throwing me the same error. I notice when I open work item field explorer then I can see the fields there. Even I have deleted them form workitem template.
So my question how can I delete Fields and work items.
For TFS 2008:
- To delete a work item type, use the "DestroyWITD" from the power tools
For TFS 2010:
Use WitAdmin DestroyWitd and WitAdmin DeleteField:
Found the answer:
