How export render view to HTML file - ruby-on-rails

How do I export all my rendered view to an html file? I want to save the view to a file rather than display it to the screen. Is this possible?

Instead of render call render_to_string and save the returned string into an file.

This sort of sounds like Dynamic Page Caching. There is a Railscasts on this topic. It is rather dated, unless you subscribe (there is a revised version with subscription).


Render an action view into a file in Rails

I'd like to render an action view into a file (or a string it doesn't matter as long as I can write it to a file later), it seems simple enough but I spend many hours on this without success.
Of course we can render a partial or whatever anywhere, but I also need the controller part. So for example, when I go to /mycontroller/myaction I want the rendering to be done into a file (am I making sense ? :)).
you're looking for render_to_string method. It accepts all the options you can pass to render but it will return it as a string which you can write to a file.
Use render_to_string as per the Rails rendering guide:

can I change the format of render partial in a way which changes the format of the partial it loads?

I'm trying to simplify a view from spree for a tablet, using mobile-fu, I copied the view I want to simplify and named it .tablet.erb and i also had to copy the admin layout and rename it to .tabler.erb, the problem is that the layout uses more partials, and those partials use some more, i'm trying to avoid having to copy all the files just to give them a different name or just plain change the render to tell it to use the html one.
Is there a way to tell it to use html format from that point on? like setting the format recursively?
<% self.formats = [:mobile, :html] %> on each view solved it
Got it from here

how do i dynamically change my format rendering engine in rails?

My default templating engine is haml, but I would to sometimes change it to erb if i specify a specific parameter?
For example, I am pasting in some html code and would just like to test the code without HAML complaining about its format.
Any idea how to do this?
do something like:
if params[:render_erb]
render 'file.html.erb'
render 'file.html.haml'
and call the action with ?render_erb=true
render "file.html.#{params[:render]}" ir params[:render]
and call it ?render=haml or ?render=erb (or nothing and it will use the default
at the end of the controller's action that you are using
Am I wrong that you simply need to save file as your_file.html.erb instead of your_file.html.haml?
You can use different templates in the same application, and you can use different template engines for views, partials, and layouts, but as far as I know you can't duck in and out of multiple template engines within the same template file.
If you just want to drop some code in using a different template language, then I'd put it in a separate partial. That certainly seems easiest in this particular case.

Capture HTML output from the view in RAILS and save to DB

Is there a way to capture the output of my view file after it is rendered?
I basically want to save the full HTML output into a database after the page renders.
You could use render_to_string, then stick it in the db and send the string containing the rendering to the browser. See RoR render_to_string doc.
What I ended up using is the following:
after_filter :save_if_necessary
and what I stored was

Where should I place code which generates Excel spreadsheet?

I am using spreadsheet gem to generate native Excel file. This is not CSV, XML file. Ordinary Ruby code is used to create the file. The generated Excel file (kept in StringIO) is forwarded to a client using send_data method. I need send_data method because of its parameters like disposition.
The data for the Excel is retrieved in controller method just like for ordinary HTML, JS requests. However I placed the code to generate the spreadsheet in controller protected method. Not in a view as I should.
Is there an elegant solution to above problem compliant with MVC design pattern?
Update: There is no popular and accepted by all solution to above problem but at least I know all possible ideas.
The lib directory is meant as a place for code that isn't strictly part of the MVC structure, but will be needed by multiple models, views, or controllers. It can be brought in with a require when needed.
However, if you only need the code in a single controller, you'd be just as well off putting it into that controller's helper. That way it's auto-loaded and at your fingertips. Plus, it makes sense: it's code to help a specific controller.
Either way, don't leave it in your controller or try to wedge it into your view.
Create an excel library in your lib folder in which you include your xls generation routine as well as a method that overrides ActionController's render method.
In a model that should be rendered as xls implement a method called to_excel method which generates a hash that you can provide to your xls routine.
Doing it this way, you'll get something really "Railsy". In your controller you'll just call
render :xls => #model
i just did this today for my app hope this helps for an excel o/p ; never used any plugin
def export
pr = Program.find(session[:pr_id])
#voucherdatas = Voucherdata.find_all_by_pr_name(pr.pr_name)
view: export.html.erb
"reports/voucherdatas", :object =>#voucherdatas %>
map.resources :reports ,:collection =>{:export =>:get}
whereever u want the link give
link_to "Export As Excel", export_reports_url, :popup=>true
