How i can limit the connections per ip? i've tried this code how to block unknown clients in indy (Delphi) but if my server is flooded i can't connect. the code from Remy just prevent CPU to use 100% and use more ram. but the connection from flood still alive on tcpserver and i can't connect to server. so my question is, how i can limit the connection before onconnect, something on accept using tcpserver? maybe hook accept function and try limit the connection ?
How i can limit the connections per ip?
You already know the answer to that, as that is exactly what the other code is doing.
if my server is flooded i can't connect.
The purpose of the other code is simply to limit a client IP address to a max of 10 simultaneous connections, not to prevent flooding or lower CPU/RAM usage. You can't stop unwanted clients from connecting to your server, unless you deactivate the server, or set its MaxConnections property. Outside of that, about all you can do is disconnect unwanted clients as soon as possible, which you can do in the server's OnConnect event. But if you are getting flooded, that is going to take time to process, especially if you are continuously locking and unlocking the server's Contexts list, which will end up serializing the server's internal threading.
Flood management really needs to be handled by a firewall or router/load balancer, not in the server app itself. If this is not acceptable to you, then at least on Windows only, an option might be to write a custom TIdServerIOHandlerStack-derived component that overrides the virtual Accept() method to call WinSock's WSAAccept() function, which offers a callback you can use to reject connections before they leave the accept queue, and thus they will not be seen by TIdTCPServer. For example:
TMyServerIOHandler = class(TIdServerIOHandlerStack)
function Accept(ASocket: TIdSocketHandle; AListenerThread: TIdThread; AYarn: TIdYarn): TIdIOHandler; override;
function MyConditionFunc(lpCallerId, lpCallerData: LPWSABUF; lpSQOS, lpGQOS: LPQOS; lpCalleeId, lpCalleeData: LPWSABUF; g: PGROUP dwCallbackData: DWORD_PTR): Integer; stdcall;
if (the address stored in lpCallerId is blocked) then
Result := CF_REJECT
Result := CF_ACCEPT;
TIdSocketHandleAccess = class(TIdSocketHandle)
function TMyServerIOHandler.Accept(ASocket: TIdSocketHandle; AListenerThread: TIdThread; AYarn: TIdYarn): TIdIOHandler;
LIOHandler: TIdIOHandlerSocket;
LBinding: TIdSocketHandle;
LAcceptedSocket: TIdStackSocketHandle;
Result := nil;
LIOHandler := TIdIOHandlerStack.Create(nil);
while not AListenerThread.Stopped do
if ASocket.Select(250) then
LBinding := LIOHandler.Binding;
LAcceptedSocket := WSAAccept(ASocket.Handle, nil, nil, #MyConditionFunc, 0);
if LAcceptedSocket <> Id_INVALID_SOCKET then
Result := LIOHandler;
LIOHandler := nil;
Then you can assign an instance of TMyServerIOHandler to the TIdTCPServer.IOHandler property before activating the server.
Using Delphi 2006; My aim is to check wether a TSQLConnection instance is idle or not. Therefore, i am setting a Datetime "m_dLastActivity" to "now" each time activity is seen.
As TSQLMonitor is buggy in its trace handling and causes memory problems (see, i try to register a trace callback of my own using SetTraceCallbackEvent:
procedure TConnectionGuard.SetSQLConnection(const Value: TSQLConnection);
if Assigned ( Value )
and not ( csDesigning in ComponentState ) then begin
m_SQLConnection.SetTraceCallbackEvent(U_ConnectionGuard.OnTraceCallBack, integer(self));
The callback is just returning the data to the TConnectionGuard object that registered it:
function OnTraceCallBack( CallType: TRACECat; CBInfo: Pointer): CBRType; stdcall;
var Desc: pSQLTraceDesc;
Desc := pSQLTraceDesc(CBInfo);
Result := TConnectionGuard(Desc.ClientData).OnTraceCallBack(CallType, CBInfo);
The event itself:
function TConnectionGuard.OnTraceCallBack(CallType: TRACECat; Desc: pSQLTraceDesc): CBRType;
m_dLastActivity := now;
Result := cbrUSEDEF;
So far, so good, it works. But i am quite uncomfortable with the fact that i have no idea what i have to pass back as CBRType result (defined in DBCommonTypes.pas) to have a minimum performance impact. In fact, i have no idea what i am answering, as the given parameter CallCAT provides no hint how to read / handle it.
Does anyone know if cbrUSEDEF is the right thing to have tracing at a minimum?
EDIT: I realized through the source code of TSQLMonitor that the CBInfo pointer given is not the client info i registered, but a psQLTraceDesc that contains the client info (in this case, the pointer to my Guard). I have adapted the methods to that fact...
I'm in the process of updating a Delphi app from Indy 9 to Indy 10.
It's quite painful, as apparently a lot has changed.
I'm stuck at one step.
Here is the old code (working with Indy 9):
A Thread Pool is created and every thread of the pool is initialized and then started.
The individual threads create an indy http client (but it does not matter here).
TUrlThread = class(TIdThread)
i: Integer;
// create the Pool and init it
Pool := TIdThreadMgrPool.Create(nil);
Pool.PoolSize := Options.RunningThreads;
Pool.ThreadClass:= TUrlThread;
// init threads and start them
for i := 1 to Options.RunningThreads do
with (Pool.GetThread as TUrlThread) do
Index := i;
Controler := Self;
Priority := Options.Priority;
The TIdThreadMgrPool class is gone with Indy 10.
I've looked for a replacement and TIdSchedulerOfThreadPool looks like a winner,
but I cannot get it running.
Here is the modified (Indy 10) code:
TUrlThread = class(TIdThreadWithTask)
i: Integer;
// create the Pool and init it
Pool := TIdSchedulerOfThreadPool.Create(nil);
Pool.PoolSize := Options.RunningThreads;
Pool.ThreadClass:= TUrlThread;
// init threads and start them
for i := 1 to Options.RunningThreads do
with (Pool.NewThread as TUrlThread) do
Index := i;
Controler := Self;
Priority := Options.Priority;
I get an access violation exception here (this is indy code):
procedure TIdTask.DoBeforeRun;
FBeforeRunDone := True;
FBeforeRunDone is nil.
You are correct that TIdSchedulerOfThreadPool is Indy 10's replacement for TIdThreadMgrPool. However, what you are not taking into account is that the TIdScheduler architecture is quite a bit different than the TIdThreadMgr architecture.
In Indy 10, TIdThreadWithTask does not operate by itself. As its name implies, TIdThreadWithTask performs a Task, which is a TIdTask-derived object (such as TIdContext, which is Indy 10's replacement for TIdPeerThread) that gets associated with the thread. You are running threads without giving them tasks to perform, that is why you are experiencing crashes. In order to call Start() manually, you need to first create and assign a TIdTask-based object to the TIdThreadWithTask.Task property. TIdTCPServer handles that by calling TIdScheduler.AcquireYarn() to create a TIdYarn object that is linked to a TIdThreadWithTask object, then creates a TIdContext object and passes it to TIdScheduler.StartYarn(), which uses the TIdYarn to access the TIdThreadWithTask to assign its Task property before then calling Start() on it.
However, all is not lost. In both Indy 9 and 10, you really should not be calling TIdThread.Start() manually to begin with. TIdTCPServer handles that for you after accepting a new client connection, obtaining a thread from its ThreadMgr/Scheduler, and associating the client connection to the thread. You can initialize your thread properties as needed without actually running the threads immediately. The properties will take effect the first time the threads begin running at a later time.
Try this:
TUrlThread = class(TIdThread)
i: Integer;
// create the Pool and init it
Pool := TIdThreadMgrPool.Create(nil);
Pool.PoolSize := Options.RunningThreads;
Pool.ThreadClass:= TUrlThread;
Pool.ThreadPriority := Options.Priority;
// init threads and start them
for i := 1 to Options.RunningThreads do
with (Pool.GetThread as TUrlThread) do
Index := i;
Controler := Self;
TUrlThread = class(TIdThreadWithTask)
i: Integer;
// create the Pool and init it
Pool := TIdSchedulerOfThreadPool.Create(nil);
Pool.PoolSize := Options.RunningThreads;
Pool.ThreadClass:= TUrlThread;
Pool.ThreadPriority := Options.Priority;
// init threads and start them
for i := 1 to Options.RunningThreads do
with (Pool.NewThread as TUrlThread) do
Index := i;
Controler := Self;
Now, with that said, one last thing to watch out for. In both Indy 9 and 10, it is possible for threads to not be put back in the pool when finished, and for new threads to get added to the pool after your initialization code has run. The PoolSize is the minimum number of threads to keep in the pool, not an absolute count. More than PoolSize number of clients can connect to the server and it will happily create more threads for them at the time they are needed, thus bypassing your initialization code. In both versions, the best place to initalize your threads is in the TUrlThread constructor. Store your Controler pointer somewhere that the constructor can reach it when needed. And it does not make sense to assign an Index to each thread since the order of the threads in the pool changes dynamically over time.
In fact, your manual initialization code is actually the wrong approch in both versions for another reason. Both TIdThreadMgrPool.GetThread() and TIdSchedulerOfThreadPool.NewThread() do not add the new thread to the pool at all. Threads are added to the pool in both Indy 9 and 10 when a thread stops running and there is room to save the thread for reuse, and additionally in Indy 10 only when TIdTCPServer is starting up. So you are actually creating threads that are not actually doing anything and are not being tracked by the pool. All the more reason to re-design your initialization code in both versions so threads initialize themselves when they are created under normal conditions, rather than you hacking into the architecture to create them manually.
I have three questions:
is it possible to destroy IdTCPServer by to many connection?
I tried to test my application and when I have several connections - it works very good (even several days) but when sometimes number of connection increases application gives acess violation. I wrote application similates 50 clients sending data constantly (with only sleep(200)). And in this situation IdTCPServer gives exceptions?
My application reseives information from clients by onExecute event and modyfies databases table using
TidNotify and TIdSync classes. I believe it protects crosses connections threads?
Sending information to clients is doing by TTimer (it is only now, I'll change it to other thread).
Have I use in this situation special protection or something like that is enough:
PClient = ^TClient;
TClient = record
AContext: TIdContext;
list := server.Contexts.LockList;
for i := 0 to list.Count - 1 do
with TIdContext(list[i]) do
if SecondsBetween(now(), PClient(data)^.activity_time) > 6 then
2.Is a simple way to refuse connection when server is to busy (I think my database isn't complicated (100 rows, only one row is modyfied by one connection) but maybe here is a way to keep stability of server?
3.I know that this question was repeating many times but I didn't find satisfying answer: how to protect application to avoid message exception: "Connection closed gracefully" and "Connection reset by peer"?
Thank You for all advices
is it possible to destroy IdTCPServer by to many connection?
You are asking the wrong question, because you are not actually destroying TIdTCPServer itself, you are simply closing idle connections from an outside thread. That kind of logic can be (and should be) handled inside of the OnExecute event instead, where it is safest to access the connection, eg:
PClient = ^TClient;
TClient = record
Activity_time: TDateTime;
Heartbeat_time: TDateTime;
AContext: TIdContext;
procedure TForm1.serverConnect(AContext: TIdContext);
Client: PClient;
Client^.Activity_time := Now();
Client^.Heartbeat_time := Client^.Activity_time;
AContext.Data := TObject(Client);
procedure TForm1.serverDisconnect(AContext: TIdContext);
Client: PClient;
Client := PClient(AContext.Data);
AContext.Data := nil;
if Client <> nil then Dispose(Client);
procedure TForm1.serverExecute(AContext: TIdContext);
Client: PClient;
dtNow: TDateTime;
Client := PClient(AContext.Data);
dtNow := Now();
if SecondsBetween(dtNow, Client^.Activity_time) > 6 then
if SecondsBetween(dtNow, Client^.Heartbeat_time) > 2 then
Client^.Heartbeat_time := dtNow;
if AContext.Connection.IOHandler.InputBufferIsEmpty then
if not AContext.Connection.IOHandler.CheckForDataOnSource(100) then
// process incoming data as needed ...
Client^.Activity_time := Now();
Is a simple way to refuse connection when server is to busy (I think my database isn't complicated (100 rows, only one row is modyfied by one connection) but maybe here is a way to keep stability of server?
The current architecture does not allow for refusing connections from being accepted. You can let the server accept connections normally and then close accepted connections when needed. You can do that in the OnConnect event, or you can set the server's MaxConnection property to a low non-zero number to allow the server to auto-disconnect new connections for you without wasting resources creating new TIdContext objects and threads for them.
Another option is to call the server's StopListening() method when the server is busy, so that new connections cannot reach the server anymore, and then call the server's StartListening() method when you are ready to accept new clients again. Existing clients who are already connected should not be affected, though I have not actually tried that myself yet.
I know that this question was repeating many times but I didn't find satisfying answer: how to protect application to avoid message exception: "Connection closed gracefully" and "Connection reset by peer"?
You should not avoid them. Let them happen, they are normal errors. If they are happening inside of the server's events, just let the server handle them normally for you. That is how TIdTCServer is designed to be used. If they are happening outside of the server's events, such as in your timer, then just wrap the socket operation(s) in a try/except block and move on.
I poll a lot of devices in network (more than 300) by iterative ping.
The program polls the devices sequentially, so it's slow.
I'd like to enhance the speed of polling.
There some ways to do this in Delphi 7:
Each device has a thread doing ping. Manage threads manually.
Learn and use Indy 10. Need examples.
Use overlapped I/O based on window messages.
Use completion ports based on events.
What is faster, easier? Please, provide some examples or links for example.
Flooding the network with ICMP is not a good idea.
You might want to consider some kind of thread pool and queue up the ping requests and have a fixed number of threads doing the requests.
Personally I would go with IOCP. I'm using that very successfully for the transport implementation in NexusDB.
If you want to perform 300 send/receive cycles using blocking sockets and threads in parallel, you end up needing 300 threads.
With IOCP, after you've associated the sockets with the IOCP, you can perform the 300 send operations, and they will return instantly before the operation is completed. As the operations are completed, so called completion packages will be queued to the IOCP. You then have a pool of threads waiting on the IOCP, and the OS wakes them up as the completion packets come in. In reaction to completed send operations you can then perform the receive operations. The receive operations also return instantly and once actually completed get queued to the IOCP.
The real special thing about an IOCP is that it knows which threads belong to it and are currently processing completion packages. And the IOCP only wakes up new threads if the total number of active threads (not in a kernel mode wait state) is lower than the concurrency number of the IOCP (by default that equals the number of logical cores available on the machine). Also, if there are threads waiting for completion packages on the IOCP (which haven't been started yet despite completion packages being queued because the number of active threads was equal to the concurrancy number), the moment one of the threads that is currently processing a completion package enters a kernel mode wait state for any reason, one of the waiting threads is started.
Threads returning to the IOCP pick up completion packages in LIFO order. That is, if a thread is returning to the IOCP and there are completion packages still waiting, that thread directly picks up the next completion package, instead of being put into a wait state and the thread waiting for the longest time waking up.
Under optimal conditions, you will have a number of threads equal to the number of available cores running concurrently (one on each core), picking up the next completion package, processing it, returning to the IOCP and directly picking up the next completion package, all without ever entering a kernel mode wait state or a thread context switch having to take place.
If you would have 300 threads and blocking operations instead, not only would you waste at least 300 MB address space (for the reserved space for the stacks), but you would also have constant thread context switches as one thread enters a wait state (waiting for a send or receive to complete) and the next thread with a completed send or receive waking up. – Thorsten Engler 12 hours ago
Direct ICMP access is deprecated on windows. Direct access to the ICMP protocol on Windows is controlled. Due to malicious use of ICMP/ping/traceroute style raw sockets, I believe that on some versions of Windows you will need to use Windows own api. Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7, in particular, don't let user programs access raw sockets.
I have used the canned-functionality in ICMP.dll, which is what some Delphi ping components do, but a comment below alerted me to the fact that this is considered "using an undocumented API interface".
Here's a sample of the main delphi ping component call itself:
function pIcmpEchoReply;
{var }
// Get/Set address to ping
if ResolveAddress = True then begin
// Send packet and block till timeout or response
_NPkts := _IcmpSendEcho(_hICMP, _Address,
_pEchoRequestData, _EchoRequestSize,
_pIPEchoReply, _EchoReplySize,
if _NPkts = 0 then begin
result := nil;
end else begin
result := _pIPEchoReply;
end else begin
result := nil;
I believe that most modern Ping component implementations are going to be based on a similar bit of code to the one above, and I have used it to run this ping operation in a background thread, without any probems. (Demo program included in link below).
Full sample source code for the ICMP.DLL based demo is here.
UPDATE A more modern IPHLPAPI.DLL sample is found at here.
Here's an article from Delphi3000 showing how to use IOCP to create a thread pool. I am not the author of this code, but the author's information is in the source code.
I'm re-posting the comments and code here:
Everyone by now should understand what
a thread is, the principles of threads
and so on. For those in need, the
simple function of a thread is to
separate processing from one thread to
another, to allow concurrent and
parallel execution. The main principle
of threads is just as simple, memory
allocated which is referenced between
threads must be marshalled to ensure
safety of access. There are a number
of other principles but this is really
the one to care about.
And on..
A thread safe queue will allow
multiple threads to add and remove,
push and pop values to and from the
queue safely on a First on First off
basis. With an efficient and well
written queue you can have a highly
useful component in developing
threaded applications, from helping
with thread safe logging, to
asynchronous processing of requests.
A thread pool is simply a thread or a
number of threads which are most
commonly used to manage a queue of
requests. For example a web server
which would have a continuous queue of
requests needing to be processed use
thread pools to manage the http
requests, or a COM+ or DCOM server
uses a thread pool to handle the rpc
requests. This is done so there is
less impact from the processing of one
request to another, say if you ran 3
requests synchronously and the first
request took 1 minute to complete, the
second two requests would not complete
for at least 1 minute adding on top
there own time to process, and for
most of the clients this is not
So how to do this..
Starting with the queue!!
Delphi does provides a TQueue object
which is available but is
unfortunately not thread safe nor
really too efficient, but people
should look at the Contnrs.pas file to
see how borland write there stacks and
queues. There are only two main
functions required for a queue, these
are add and remove/push and pop.
Add/push will add a value, pointer or
object to the end of a queue. And
remove/pop will remove and return the
first value in the queue.
You could derive from TQueue object
and override the protected methods and
add in critical sections, this will
get you some of the way, but I would
want my queue to wait until new
requests are in the queue, and put the
thread into a state of rest while it
waits for new requests. This could be
done by adding in Mutexes or signaling
events but there is an easier way. The
windows api provides an IO completion
queue which provides us with thread
safe access to a queue, and a state of
rest while waiting for new request in
the queue.
Implementing the Thread Pool
The thread pool is going to be very
simple and will manage x number of
threads desired and pass each queue
request to an event provided to be
processed. There is rarely a need to
implement a TThread class and your
logic to be implemented and
encapsulated within the execute event
of the class, thus a simple
TSimpleThread class can be created
which will execute any method in any
object within the context of another
thread. Once people understand this,
all you need to concern yourself with
is allocated memory.
Here is how it is implemented.
TThreadQueue and TThreadPool
(* Implemented for Articles, 11/01/2004
Chris Baldwin
Director & Chief Architect
Alive Technology Limited
unit ThreadUtilities;
uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes;
EThreadStackFinalized = class(Exception);
TSimpleThread = class;
// Thread Safe Pointer Queue
TThreadQueue = class
FFinalized: Boolean;
FIOQueue: THandle;
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure Finalize;
procedure Push(Data: Pointer);
function Pop(var Data: Pointer): Boolean;
property Finalized: Boolean read FFinalized;
TThreadExecuteEvent = procedure (Thread: TThread) of object;
TSimpleThread = class(TThread)
FExecuteEvent: TThreadExecuteEvent;
procedure Execute(); override;
constructor Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean; ExecuteEvent: TThreadExecuteEvent; AFreeOnTerminate: Boolean);
TThreadPoolEvent = procedure (Data: Pointer; AThread: TThread) of Object;
TThreadPool = class(TObject)
FThreads: TList;
FThreadQueue: TThreadQueue;
FHandlePoolEvent: TThreadPoolEvent;
procedure DoHandleThreadExecute(Thread: TThread);
constructor Create( HandlePoolEvent: TThreadPoolEvent; MaxThreads: Integer = 1); virtual;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure Add(const Data: Pointer);
{ TThreadQueue }
constructor TThreadQueue.Create;
//-- Create IO Completion Queue
FIOQueue := CreateIOCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, 0, 0);
FFinalized := False;
destructor TThreadQueue.Destroy;
//-- Destroy Completion Queue
if (FIOQueue <> 0) then
procedure TThreadQueue.Finalize;
//-- Post a finialize pointer on to the queue
PostQueuedCompletionStatus(FIOQueue, 0, 0, Pointer($FFFFFFFF));
FFinalized := True;
(* Pop will return false if the queue is completed *)
function TThreadQueue.Pop(var Data: Pointer): Boolean;
A: Cardinal;
OL: POverLapped;
Result := True;
if (not FFinalized) then
//-- Remove/Pop the first pointer from the queue or wait
GetQueuedCompletionStatus(FIOQueue, A, Cardinal(Data), OL, INFINITE);
//-- Check if we have finalized the queue for completion
if FFinalized or (OL = Pointer($FFFFFFFF)) then begin
Data := nil;
Result := False;
procedure TThreadQueue.Push(Data: Pointer);
if FFinalized then
Raise EThreadStackFinalized.Create('Stack is finalized');
//-- Add/Push a pointer on to the end of the queue
PostQueuedCompletionStatus(FIOQueue, 0, Cardinal(Data), nil);
{ TSimpleThread }
constructor TSimpleThread.Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean;
ExecuteEvent: TThreadExecuteEvent; AFreeOnTerminate: Boolean);
FreeOnTerminate := AFreeOnTerminate;
FExecuteEvent := ExecuteEvent;
inherited Create(CreateSuspended);
procedure TSimpleThread.Execute;
if Assigned(FExecuteEvent) then
{ TThreadPool }
procedure TThreadPool.Add(const Data: Pointer);
constructor TThreadPool.Create(HandlePoolEvent: TThreadPoolEvent;
MaxThreads: Integer);
FHandlePoolEvent := HandlePoolEvent;
FThreadQueue := TThreadQueue.Create;
FThreads := TList.Create;
while FThreads.Count < MaxThreads do
FThreads.Add(TSimpleThread.Create(False, DoHandleThreadExecute, False));
destructor TThreadPool.Destroy;
t: Integer;
for t := 0 to FThreads.Count-1 do
while (FThreads.Count > 0) do begin
procedure TThreadPool.DoHandleThreadExecute(Thread: TThread);
Data: Pointer;
while FThreadQueue.Pop(Data) and (not TSimpleThread(Thread).Terminated) do begin
FHandlePoolEvent(Data, Thread);
As you can see it's quite straight
forward, and with this you can
implement very easily any queuing of
requests over threads and really any
type of requirement that requires
threading can be done using these
object and save you a lot of time and
You can use this to queue requests
from one thread to multiple threads,
or queue requests from multiple
threads down to one thread which makes
this quite a nice solution.
Here are some examples of using these
Thread safe logging
To allow multiple
threads to asynchronously write to a
log file.
uses Windows, ThreadUtilities,...;
PLogRequest = ^TLogRequest;
TLogRequest = record
LogText: String;
TThreadFileLog = class(TObject)
FFileName: String;
FThreadPool: TThreadPool;
procedure HandleLogRequest(Data: Pointer; AThread: TThread);
constructor Create(const FileName: string);
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure Log(const LogText: string);
(* Simple reuse of a logtofile function for example *)
procedure LogToFile(const FileName, LogString: String);
F: TextFile;
AssignFile(F, FileName);
if not FileExists(FileName) then
Writeln(F, DateTimeToStr(Now) + ': ' + LogString);
constructor TThreadFileLog.Create(const FileName: string);
FFileName := FileName;
//-- Pool of one thread to handle queue of logs
FThreadPool := TThreadPool.Create(HandleLogRequest, 1);
destructor TThreadFileLog.Destroy;
procedure TThreadFileLog.HandleLogRequest(Data: Pointer; AThread: TThread);
Request: PLogRequest;
Request := Data;
LogToFile(FFileName, Request^.LogText);
procedure TThreadFileLog.Log(const LogText: string);
Request: PLogRequest;
Request^.LogText := LogText;
As this is logging to a file it will
process all requests down to a single
thread, but you could do rich email
notifications with a higher thread
count, or even better, process
profiling with what’s going on or
steps in your program which I will
demonstrate in another article as this
one has got quite long now.
For now I will leave you with this,
enjoy.. Leave a comment if there's
anything people are stuck with.
Do you need a response from every machine on the network, or are these 300 machines just a subset of the larger network?
If you need a response from every machine, you could consider using a broadcast address or multicast address for your echo request.
Please give a try on "chknodes" parallel ping for Linux which will send a single ping to all nodes of your network. It will do also dns reverse lookup and request http response if specified so. It's written completely in bash i.e. you can easily check it or modify it to your needs. Here is a printout of help:
chknodes -h
chknodes ---- fast parallel ping
chknodes [-l|--log] [-h|--help] [-H|--http] [-u|--uninstall] [-v|--version] [-V|--verbose]
-l | --log Log to file
-h | --help Show this help screen
-H | --http Check also http response
-n | --names Get also host names
-u | --uninstall Remove installation
-v | --version Show version
-V | --verbose Show each ip address pinged
You need to give execute right for it (like with any sh/bash script) in order to run it:
chmod +x chknodes
On the first run i.e.
it will suggest to install itself to /usr/local/bin/chknodes, after that giving just
will be enough. You can find it here: