How to make sure that a form is only opened once? - x++

Is it possible to make sure a user only can open one instance of a specific form, for instance CustTrans from CustTable?
Modal form is not an option. Some sort of Singleton pattern?

You can use the global cache for this, more info on MSDN: However a lot of the time the use of the global cache is a sign of bad design.
You can use the global cache to implement a singleton pattern as demonstrated here:
Also consider alternative solutions to your problem, for example the one used on inventory journals. When you open the lines for a journal, it is marked as "in use" so no one else can open that particular journal.
Side note: I believe what you are trying to achieve is a bit of an anti-pattern. Dynamics AX uses dynalinks to link forms together. All of this functionality will be lost if you implement this.


Persisting Dashboard Info for Glimpse for ASP.NET MVC

How do I persist Glimpse (for MVC4) information for historical purposes? For example, I would like to store specific dashboard data items (e.g., time on the wire) a database, per request, so as to create a chart based on that. I have searched all over the docs and forums for something like this, but I have not found anything really useful for setting up this use case.
This question may be related to How glimpse persists debugging information?. It suggests implementing IDataStore
However, if go down this route, how do I actually reference my interface implementation so my Glimpse installation will use it?
If you are only interested in persisting the data and getting it out independently (for your dashboard) that should be fairly easy. You will will probably want to inherit from ApplicationPersistenceStore (which implements IPersistenceStore) so that you get the out of the box behavior of the default PersistenceStore and just save off to your store before calling base.Seve(...).
In order to register the you will want to take a look at whats going on here. You will see that we look to the UserServiceLocator (which is a IServiceLocator) to see if you want to customize whats going on. To register your service locator, you can do this off the Glimpse config section. Here is an example of how to do it:
<glimpse serviceLocatorType="Glimpse.Test.Core.TestDoubles.DummyServiceLocator, Glimpse.Test.Core" ...>
Let me know how you get on.

iOS Cross Cutting Concerns

I have a Swift application i'm working on that allows a user to save various settings about their profile. Throughout my code, there are times where knowing these settings/preferences are important for the application's business logic. One of them is where the user works (their job, (which is a row in a sqllite database that has an ID as a primary key). The user is allowed to select one (and only one) in the app at any given time. Think of it like a profile - they can work many jobs, but only have one selected.
The following are scenarios where knowing the workplaceid profile is important:
In my sqllite database, retrieving work/shift information based upon the currently selected work ID(so not the ID from the database, but the ID they currently have selected). I'm passing this into my query.
In an NSDate extension function, when I go to determine some things about their starting date, I need to retrieve their currently selected profile, and use that for the calculation.
Within a particular view model when I want to show/hide certain fields.
On an alert view to show something related to their current workplace.
Now I think the quick and dirty way to do this is simply create a wrapper class to your nsuserdefaults in a utility class. Sure, all your info is stored in sqllite, but your currently selected app preferences are in nsuserdefaults since I can change this around (and it will change). This would parallel my other cross-cutting concerns such as logging/error handling, where I could use similar utility classes for all my work.
The fact that I might call this helper/utility class from every single layer of my application seems like a typical red flag you wouldn't do. Whether it's logging, or a user service to get information.
I'm curious to know what other people are doing in scenarios like this. When you need nsuserdefaults from all over your app, is the answer "eh who cares, just make a utility class and call it wherever you need it" ? Or is there a best practice others have followed with well-designed iOS apps? I know AOP is something folks tend to recommend. Does that have a place in iOS?
Thanks so much stackoverflow :)
The user is allowed to select one (and only one) in the app at any given time.
This tells me you want to create a singleton class. Every time you want to change the profile, you hit the singleton class and set it. That class encapsulates all the logic to get/set whatever you need, and the accessor functions. That's what I've been doing in my ObjC code for many years, and it has served me well. It's extremely easy to debug, and the rest of the code needs to know nothing about profile management (unless it's the UI part where you choose a profile).

How to add multiple *.sitemap files to mvcsitemapprovider during session start

I want to associate multiple sitemaps to mvcsitemapprovider during session_start event as sitemaps names and locations are retrieved based upon the type of client/user. But, according to documents related to mvcsitemapprovider, all *.sitemaps are getting associated to mvcsitemapprovider during application start. Is there any way, I can provide this functionality using this control?
There is no built-in per session functionality, but you could implement your own ICacheProvider to handle this requirement. Also see MvcSiteMapProvider 4.0 - Extending the Cache and Multiple SiteMaps in One Application for more guidance.
Do note that the primary reason this doesn't exist out of the box is because it would be extremely memory intensive and would not scale to very many users. Unless your navigation is completely different per user, I wouldn't recommend using this approach. A better alternative is to use the preservedRouteParameters approach to force some route values to match any value (in your case userid or clientid), and then use ISiteMapNodeVisibilityProvider, SiteMapTitleAttribute, and/or manual updating of SiteMapNode properties per request to control the visibility of the node.
Please see my open question here and explain to me why you would want to do this on GitHub, as it renders most of the features useless:

What is IdentityPart in Orchard CMS good for?

I havent found any mention in Orchard documentation about IdentityPart despite it being used in some main modules like Comments. I took a look at some relevant sources, but it didn't help me to fully understand it's purpose.
So what's it for and when should I use it?
Thanks in advance!
This is part of the import/export feature. In order to be able to move contents around servers reliably and in a repeatable way that takes into account updated and new items, we need a way to identify content items that's not just a simple id. Some contents have a path but not all types do (widgets, users, etc.). The export/import hooks for any part can participate in building the id of the item and in recognizing it on import. The routable part for example implements the use of path. But for those types that do not have routable, you can add the IdentityPart to fulfill that role. The id that gets exported in the end is a composite of all contributed ids.
Makes sense?

Sticky notes associated with web page - how to?

I have this idea for a project. Associated with any web page, i want to create notes that will be saved locally in a database, the notes will be reloaded automatically from that database the next time i visit the same page.
Creating the note is easy, but i'm looking for how to link the notes to the web page url and how to keep aware of the active web page. Any idea?
(Note: i have come to this searching on the internet: - this is part of WebKit Open source projects) - this is about what i'm looking for.
Browserdependent probably. You'll have to have a plugin for every browser type.
IE might be doable via the COM interface, but that probably would require starting IE via a way you control. So that probably will have to be a plugin too.
For browser independence, there are quite a few challenges in this one. One way would be to implement a proxy server and watch for text/html content....this will work for most of the general cases, but not every case. Handling frames for instance... which resource is the "parent" and which is the "child"? Which one contains the sticky note? I think you would have to inject some client side javascript to keep track of things, and that might break some websites. is a web service version of this. Not sure how they do it though.
Actually, Daniel H hit the nail on the head mate:
It does exactly as you want, in fact it gives you two options to store your data, the first is hosted, the second is your own mySQL db - protonotes pipes the data from the tack-on style notes to your own db, if you prefer. This means that you're not the only person who can see the notes - access is granted by a unique 'group' key.
I've just deployed protonotes as our main online review tool for two reasons, we can save our own data, and it lacks some features which I generally label "dubious" anyway.
It's simplicity is great, the only thing I'm aware of that could cause a prob is that it dumps a bunch of stuff in the global namespace - if that's a potential problem for you.
