I could not build and test following cassandra erlang client in ubuntu. https://github.com/matehat/cqerl#connecting.How to do it?
Can you do the following:
git clone https://github.com/dieswaytoofast/erlang_cassandra.git
cd erlang_cassandra
rebar get-deps
rebar compile
Note: I am new to Erlang and Cassandra
I'm trying to deploy an angular project using Jenkins. In the window bash, I used the command npm install and npm run ng -- build to install packages and to build the project. Later when I try to host using http-server it throws an error like 'http-server' is not recognized as an internal or external command, and it clearly shows it is not supporting any Angular-related commands in it. Suggest me anyway to solve this. Thanks in advance
On root I used :
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-sonarscanner --version 4.7.1to install sonarscanner
and it's working:
SonarScanner for MSBuild 4.7.1
Using the .NET Core version of the Scanner for MSBuild
WARNING: Please specify the command 'begin' or 'end' to indicate whether pre- or post-processing is required. These parameters will become mandatory in a later release.
Post-processing started.
But in a docker it isn't:
root#3bea636a6418:/# dotnet sonarscanner
bash: dotnet: command not found
I tried to pass it:
export PATH="$PATH:/root/.dotnet/tools"
but with no luck
ps. ...and everything because of sonarscanner could not find java on docker:
SonarScanner for MSBuild 5.2
Using the .NET Core version of the Scanner for MSBuild
Post-processing started.
Calling the SonarScanner CLI…
Could not find ‘java’ executable in JAVA_HOME or PATH.
The SonarScanner did not complete successfully
14:43:39.402 Post-processing failed. Exit code: 1
Cleaning up file based variables
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1```
Install all the dependencies for your dotnet tools to work, ldd command can help you with this, and make sure all software required can be found also, for example can be found on the PATH variable if required.
to help you use interactive bash on the docker container, and add to your dockerfile if this works.
docker exec -it (container) bash
docker images usually installs what is required only, so you add the tools only to run your software successfully.
- apt-get update
- apt-get install --yes openjdk-11-jre
solved problem
ps. it's not that obvious because in docker bash when I run java -version I get answer that java is already installed
This may apply to any rebar commands but it is mostly about rebar shell.
By default rebar uses erl and this might be clunky on Windows shells.
According to this source
You can run rebar3 (and any other escript) with werl by specifying the
ESCRIPT_EMULATOR environment variable. In a Git bash that would be:
ESCRIPT_EMULATOR=werl rebar3 shell
I'm ready with Appium setup and AddContact testcase(script in java). I'm able to run successfully through eclipse and it's working fine. But, I would like to run same script on command line.
Open the command prompt on your system.
Go to the Test Java project folder where the new testng.xml is created.
Type the following line. java -cp "/opt/testng-6.8.jar:bin" org.testng.TestNG testng.xml.
This is the general way to run TestNG suites from command line
Hope this helps.
Better install maven in ur machine and add maven dependancy to your project. Then you can directly use the following command to execute the test command line easily.
mvn clean test
I am using Ubuntu 12.04. And i want to Jenkins to get automatically start with my system to perform building the tasks. Kindly let me know the steps
The best way to achieve this, in case you want to use Jenkin's built-in web server, is just to install a prepacked version of the software available at official Jenkins Debian/Ubuntu repository. It's as easy as installing any other software on Debian/Ubuntu-like distro. The package will add a startup scripts to your installation which you can control as any other daemon.
If you preffer to use your own installation you can use a startup script that is available on Jenkin's GitHub repository. Quite possibly you will have to modify it to suite your installation, but it's a very good starting point...
Go to your /etc/rc.local file and add the line: /etc/init.d/jenkins start to your file
This will run your jenkins start command on startup.
If jenkins is not starting at boot time install the chkconfig package:
apt-get install chkconfig
And then issue the following command:
chkconfig --add jenkins
Finally, with chkconfig --list you should obtain a list with a line inside stating the runlevels at which jenkins will start:
jenkins 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
Try this command in ubuntu
update -rc.d jenkins defaults