Formula which I wanna solve looks like this in C:
#define foo(w,x,y) ((((w)*(x)*(y)+31) & ~31) / 8)
WORD w,x,y,z;
y = 24;
if( (foo(w,x,y) * z) == -1 )
I rewrite it to z3py in the following way:
from z3 import *
w= BitVec('w',16)
x= BitVec('x',16)
z= BitVec('z',16)
y= BitVecVal(24,16)
solve( (UDiv( (w*x*y+31) & ~31, 8 )) * z == 0xffffffff)
Any suggestions ?
PS: Please notice that trying to solve formula in that form:
solve( (UDiv( (w*x*y+31), 8 )) * z == 0xffffffff)
is possible, so I can't belive that bit-wise operation causes this formula Unsatisfiable.
I don't see anything wrong in Z3 behavior. Why do you think the formula should be satisfiable?
A = (w*x*y+31) & ~31 -- imply that the 5 rightmost bits will be always zero
B = UDiv( A & ~31, 8 ) (equal to a logical shift right by 3) -- imply that the 2 rightmost bits will be always zero.
C = B * z -- this will always have the 2 rightmost bits zero
c == 0xffffffff -- that's impossible
If you change the constant to 0xfffffffc, then you'll get a solution.
The C program doesn't print anything for me. And Z3 says "no solution". So, it's consistent.
Does your C program prints "yeah!"? If so, aren't you on a big-endian machine? I've tried your example in an x86 machine.
This code checks that the value a maps uniquely for the values 1 to 100 using the formula (a^x) % 101
local function f(a)
found = {}
bijective = true
for x = 1, 100 do
value = (a^x) % 101
if found[value] then
bijective = false
found[value] = x
return bijective
However does not produce the expected result.
it maps 2^65 % 101 to 56, which matches the value produced by 2^12 % 101 and I get a false result, however the correct value for 2^65 % 101 is 57 and 2 actually should produce all unique values resulting in a true result.
The error described above is specifically on Lua 5.1, is this just a quirk of Lua's number typing? Is there a way to make this function work correctly in 5.1?
The error described above is specifically on Lua 5.1, is this just a quirk of Lua's number typing? Is there a way to make this function work correctly in 5.1?
First of all, this is not an issue with Lua's number typing since 2^65, being a (rather small) power of two, can be represented exactly by the double precision since it uses an exponent-mantissa representation. The mantissa can simply be set to all zeroes (leading one is implicit) and the exponent must be set to 65 (+ offset).
I tried this on different Lua versions and PUC Lua 5.1 & 5.2 as well as LuaJIT have the issue; Lua 5.3 (and presumably later versions as well) are fine. Interestingly, using math.fmod(2^65, 101) returns the correct result on the older Lua versions but 2^65 % 101 does not (it returns 0 instead).
This surprised me so I dug in the Lua 5.1 sources. This is the implementation of math.fmod:
#include <math.h>
static int math_fmod (lua_State *L) {
lua_pushnumber(L, fmod(luaL_checknumber(L, 1), luaL_checknumber(L, 2)));
return 1;
this also is the only place where fmod from math.h appears to be used. The % operator on the other hand is implemented as documented in the reference manual:
#define luai_nummod(a,b) ((a) - floor((a)/(b))*(b))
in src/luaconf.h. You could trivially redefine it as fmod(a,b) to fix your issue. In fact Lua 5.4 does something similar and even provides an elaborate explanation in its sources!
** modulo: defined as 'a - floor(a/b)*b'; the direct computation
** using this definition has several problems with rounding errors,
** so it is better to use 'fmod'. 'fmod' gives the result of
** 'a - trunc(a/b)*b', and therefore must be corrected when
** 'trunc(a/b) ~= floor(a/b)'. That happens when the division has a
** non-integer negative result: non-integer result is equivalent to
** a non-zero remainder 'm'; negative result is equivalent to 'a' and
** 'b' with different signs, or 'm' and 'b' with different signs
** (as the result 'm' of 'fmod' has the same sign of 'a').
#if !defined(luai_nummod)
#define luai_nummod(L,a,b,m) \
{ (void)L; (m) = l_mathop(fmod)(a,b); \
if (((m) > 0) ? (b) < 0 : ((m) < 0 && (b) > 0)) (m) += (b); }
Is there a way to make this function work correctly in 5.1?
Yes: The easy way is to use fmod. This may work for these particular numbers since they still fit in doubles due to the base being 2 and the exponent being moderately small, but it won't work in the general case. The better approach is to leverage modular arithmetics to keep your intermediate results small, never storing numbers significantly larger than 101^2 since (a * b) % c == (a % c) * (b % c).
local function f(a)
found = {}
bijective = true
local value = 1
for _ = 1, 100 do
value = (value * a) % 101 -- a^x % 101
if found[value] then
bijective = false
found[value] = x
return bijective
Given a value x and an integer n (assigned at runtime), I want to print x to exactly n digits after the decimal (after rounding if needed).
print(round(x, n)) works fine for (x,n)=(3.141592, 3) but for (x,n)=(2.5,5), it prints just 2.5, not 2.50000 (5 digits after decimal point).
If I knew n at runtime, say 5, I could do
#printf("%.5f", x)
But #printf being a macro needs n to be known at compile time.
Is this possible using some show magic or something else?
Using the fresh new Format.jl package:
using Format
function foo(x, n)
f = FormatSpec(".$(n)f")
pyfmt(f, x)
foo(2.5, 5)
Unfortunately, for some reason the julia version of #printf / #sprintf do not support the "width" sub-specifier as per the c printf standard (see man 3 printf).
If you're feeling brave, you can rely on the c sprintf which supports the "dynamic width" modifier, to collect a string that you then just print as normal.
A = Vector{UInt8}(100); # initialise array of 100 "chars"
ccall( :sprintf, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8}, Cstring, Int64, Float64), A, "%.*f", 4, 0.1 )
print( unsafe_string(pointer(A)) ) #> 0.1000
Note the asterisk in %.*f, and the extra input 4 serving as the dynamic width modifier.
I have several equations that specify relationships between elements of an ellipse (minor and major semi axis, eccentricity, pericenter and apocenter distance, focal parameter).
I want to find other formulas that express each of those elements through combinations of all other elements. solve() works perfectly fine on some combinations, but not the other.
What is the difference between those cases and how I can make it solve?
/* solve(sys,[a,e,p,c]); -- gives error */
/* solve(sys,[a,e,p,d]); -- gives error */
/* solve(sys,[a,e,c,d]); -- gives error */
Here is output for "good" and "bad" case:
(%i5) solve(sys,[a,b,c,d]);
p sqrt(1 - e ) p p p
(%o5) [[a = - ------, b = - --------------, c = - -----, d = -----]]
2 2 e - 1 e + 1
e - 1 e - 1
(%i6) solve(sys,[a,e,p,c]);
algsys: tried and failed to reduce system to a polynomial in one variable; give up.
-- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);
Try to_poly_solve on these. It is a share package -- you have to enter load(to_poly_solve); before calling it.
Which is the best efficient way to round up a number and then truncate it (remove decimal places after rounding up)?
for example if decimal is above 0.5 (that is, 0.6, 0.7, and so on), I want to round up and then truncate (case 1). Otherwise, I would like to truncate (case 2)
for example:
232.98266601563 => after rounding and truncate = 233 (case 1)
232.49445450000 => after rounding and truncate = 232 (case 2)
232.50000000000 => after rounding and truncate = 232 (case 2)
There is no build-in math.round() function in Lua, but you can do the following:
A trick that is useful for rounding at decimal digits other than whole integers is to pass the value through formatted ASCII text, and use the %f format string to specify the rounding desired. For example
mils = tonumber(string.format("%.3f", exact))
will round the arbitrary value in exact to a multiple of 0.001.
A similar result can be had with scaling before and after using one of math.floor() or math.ceil(), but getting the details right according to your expectations surrounding the treatment of edge cases can be tricky. Not that this isn't an issue with string.format(), but a lot of work has gone into making it produce "expected" results.
Rounding to a multiple of something other than a power of ten will still require scaling, and still has all the tricky edge cases. One approach that is simple to express and has stable behavior is to write
function round(exact, quantum)
local quant,frac = math.modf(exact/quantum)
return quantum * (quant + (frac > 0.5 and 1 or 0))
and tweak the exact condition on frac (and possibly the sign of exact) to get the edge cases you wanted.
To also support negative numbers, use this:
function round(x)
return x>=0 and math.floor(x+0.5) or math.ceil(x-0.5)
If your Lua uses double precision IEC-559 (aka IEEE-754) floats, as most do, and your numbers are relatively small (the method is guaranteed to work for inputs between -251 and 251), the following efficient code will perform rounding using your FPU's current rounding mode, which is usually round to nearest, ties to even:
local function round(num)
return num + (2^52 + 2^51) - (2^52 + 2^51)
(Note that the numbers in parentheses are calculated at compilation time; they don't affect runtime).
For example, when the FPU is set to round to nearest or even, this unit test prints "All tests passed":
local function testnum(num, expected)
if round(num) ~= expected then
error(("Failure rounding %.17g, expected %.17g, actual %.17g")
:format(num+0, expected+0, round(num)+0))
local function test(num, expected)
testnum(num, expected)
testnum(-num, -expected)
test(0, 0)
test(0.2, 0)
test(0.4, 0)
-- Most rounding algorithms you find on the net, including Ola M's answer,
-- fail this one:
test(0.49999999999999994, 0)
-- Ties are rounded to the nearest even number, rather than always up:
test(0.5, 0)
test(0.5000000000000001, 1)
test(1.4999999999999998, 1)
test(1.5, 2)
test(2.5, 2)
test(3.5, 4)
test(2^51-0.5, 2^51)
test(2^51-0.75, 2^51-1)
test(2^51-1.25, 2^51-1)
test(2^51-1.5, 2^51-2)
print("All tests passed")
Here's another (less efficient, of course) algorithm that performs the same FPU rounding but works for all numbers:
local function round(num)
local ofs = 2^52
if math.abs(num) > ofs then
return num
return num < 0 and num - ofs + ofs or num + ofs - ofs
Here's one to round to an arbitrary number of digits (0 if not defined):
function round(x, n)
n = math.pow(10, n or 0)
x = x * n
if x >= 0 then x = math.floor(x + 0.5) else x = math.ceil(x - 0.5) end
return x / n
For bad rounding (cutting the end off):
function round(number)
return number - (number % 1)
Well, if you want, you can expand this for good rounding.
function round(number)
if (number - (number % 0.1)) - (number - (number % 1)) < 0.5 then
number = number - (number % 1)
number = (number - (number % 1)) + 1
return number
Expected results:
3, 3, 42, 5, 5
I like the response above by RBerteig: mils = tonumber(string.format("%.3f", exact)).
Expanded it to a function call and added a precision value.
function round(number, precision)
local fmtStr = string.format('%%0.%sf',precision)
number = string.format(fmtStr,number)
return number
Should be math.ceil(a-0.5) to correctly handle half-integer numbers
Here is a flexible function to round to different number of places. I tested it with negative numbers, big numbers, small numbers, and all manner of edge cases, and it is useful and reliable:
function Round(num, dp)
round a number to so-many decimal of places, which can be negative,
e.g. -1 places rounds to 10's,
173.2562 rounded to 0 dps is 173.0
173.2562 rounded to 2 dps is 173.26
173.2562 rounded to -1 dps is 170.0
local mult = 10^(dp or 0)
return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5)/mult
For rounding to a given amount of decimals (which can also be negative), I'd suggest the following solution that is combined from the findings already presented as answers, especially the inspiring one given by Pedro Gimeno. I tested a few corner cases I'm interested in but cannot claim that this makes this function 100% reliable:
function round(number, decimals)
local scale = 10^decimals
local c = 2^52 + 2^51
return ((number * scale + c ) - c) / scale
These cases illustrate the round-halfway-to-even property (which should be the default on most machines):
assert(round(0.5, 0) == 0)
assert(round(-0.5, 0) == 0)
assert(round(1.5, 0) == 2)
assert(round(-1.5, 0) == -2)
assert(round(0.05, 1) == 0)
assert(round(-0.05, 1) == 0)
assert(round(0.15, 1) == 0.2)
assert(round(-0.15, 1) == -0.2)
I'm aware that my answer doesn't handle the third case of the actual question, but in favor of being IEEE-754 compliant, my approach makes sense. So I'd expect that the results depend on the current rounding mode set in the FPU with FE_TONEAREST being the default. And that's why it seems high likely that after setting FE_TOWARDZERO (however you can do that in Lua) this solution would return exactly the results that were asked for in the question.
Try using math.ceil(number + 0.5) This is according to this Wikipedia page. If I'm correct, this is only rounding positive integers. you need to do math.floor(number - 0.5) for negatives.
If it's useful to anyone, i've hash-ed out a generic version of LUA's logic, but this time for truncate() :
**emphasized text pre-apologize for not knowing lua-syntax, so this is in AWK/lua mixture, but hopefully it should be intuitive enough
-- due to lua-magic alrdy in 2^(52-to-53) zone,
-- has to use a more coarse-grained delta than
-- true IEEE754 double machineepsilon of 2^-52
function trunc_lua(x,s) {
return \
((x*(s=(-1)^(x<-x)) \
- 2^-1 + 2^-50 \ -- can also be written as
\ -- 2^-50-5^0/2
- _LUAMAGIC \ -- if u like symmetric
\ -- code for fun
) *(s) };
It's essentially the same concept as rounding, but force-processing all inputs in positive-value zone, with a -1*(0.5-delta) offset. The smallest delta i could attain is 2^-52 ~ 2.222e-16.
The lua-magic values must come after all those pre-processing steps, else precision-loss may occur. And finally, restore original sign of input.
The 2 "multiplies" are simply low-overhead sign-flipping. sign-flips 4 times for originally negative values (2 manual flips and round-trip to end of mantissa), while any x >= 0, including that of -0.0, only flips twice. All tertiary function calling, float division, and integer modulus is avoided, with only 1 conditional check for x<0.
usage notes :
(1) doesn't perform checks on input for invalid or malicious payload,
(2) doesn't use quickly check for zero,
(3) doesn't check for extreme inputs that may render this logic moot, and
(4) doesn't attempt to pretty format the value
if not exist math.round
function math.round(x, n)
return tonumber(string.format("%." .. n .. "f", x))
I'm new to Z3 and I was checking the online python tutorial.
Then I thought I could check overflow behavior in BitVecs.
I wrote this code:
x = BitVec('x', 3)
y = Int('y')
solve(BV2Int(x) == y, Not(BV2Int(x + 1) == (y + 1)))
and I was expecting [y = 7, x = 7] (i.e. when values are equal but successors are not because x + 1 will be 0 and y + 1 will be 8)
But Z3 answers [y = 0, x = 0].
What am I doing wrong?
I don't think you're doing anything wrong, looks like BV2Int is buggy:
x = BitVec('x', 3)
prove(x <= 3)
prove(BV2Int(x) <= 3)
Z3py proves the first one, but gives the counter-example x=0 for the second. That doesn't sound right. (The only explanation might be some weird Python thing, but I don't see how.)
Also note that the model you get will depend on whether + treats the bit-vector as a signed number in the Python bindings, which I believe is the case. However, BV2Int might not do so, treating it as an unsigned value. This would further complicate the matters.
In any case, looks like BV2Int is not quite kosher; I'd stay away from it until there's an official answer from the Z3 folks.
For others who are concerned by this, this appears to have been solved at some point. I just re-ran this example with the latest version of z3 (a few years after initial post), and it does return 7,7.