Jenkins: How to configure a always running server in a multijob scenario? - jenkins

I am new to jenkins and trying to configure a server-client scenario using Multijob plugin.
So here's how it should go :
Phase 1: Compilation of the code.
In this one a separate project runs in which only compilation shell command is given
Phase 2: Running of Server
In this one a shell command project is given to run the server
Phase3 : Running of Client
In this one the client command should run
PROBLEM FACED : The project gets paused as the phase 2 never ends (with fail or success). As the server is always running one.
I tried giving the running of client parallel in phase 2 as a diff job but with that sometimes client job starts running before server job. Moreover I have multiple client jobs so it would be wise to create a different phase for them.
Can somebody please help me with the issue.

As phase 2 runs a shell command, I assume the server is running on Linux. Put an ampersand character after the server run command to put the process in background:
run_server &
and phase 2 will complete as soon as the server is launched. You'll probably also want to send the server's console output to a file, e.g.
run_server > server.log 2>&1 &
(the 2>&1 sends stdout and stderr output to the same file)


how to deploy Drupal with Jenkins only if the tests are successful

I have some doubts about the correct configuration of Jenkins to ensure the continuous integration of a Drupal project but I arrive at some contradictions.
Let me explain: the deployment, after all, consists in executing:
cd / path / to / web / root
pull from git
drush config:import
drush cache:rebuild
The tests are launched with the command
../vendor/bin/phpunit --verbose --log-junit ../tests_output/phpunit.xml -c ../phpunit.xml
The contradiction is that I do not understand when to run the tests.
Before the pull does not make sense because the last changes are missing, after the pull if any test goes wrong I should be able to restore the situation before the pull (but I'm not sure it's a safe action).
I'm trying to run the tests directly in the workspace of jenkins and to do this I also created a separate database, but at the moment I get the error:
Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException: Button with id|name|label|value "Log in" not found
What could be the best strategy to follow?
So, your order seems ok - pull first then run tests.
However, you can have 2 Jenkins jobs. First runs, your tasks. 2nd runs ONLY if your first job completes without failure.
There are ways to get exit status from scripts - see following plugins/notes about that.
How to mark Jenkins builds as SUCCESS only on specific error exit values (other than 0)?
How to mark a build unstable in Jenkins when running shell scripts

How to start Owasp zap server(exe or jar) from jenkins

Actually, the main issue is if I start the server then my next commond will never trigger as it always running as zap server in listening mode.
Can I run two command line in Jenkins. I have added 2 "Execute Windows batch command" still nothing works. I have added the image in same thread
I have tried by creating a batch file
cd /
cd C:\Program Files\OWASP\Zed Attack Proxy
start java -jar zap-2.6.0.jar
I am getting error as below after using above batch file
Process leaked file descriptors. See for more information
I have also use command line arugument directly in "Execute window batch command" like:-
java -jar zap-2.6.0.jar
But the UI of zap is not starting
I have also tried "Windows Exe Runner Plugin"
But jenkins not allowing me to put an exe name in configuration. Looks like a bug of jenkins.
I have also tried by adding zap in environmental variable but that also not working.
Now I am out of idea.
The issue is if I am triggering zap.bat it will do not allow another command to run forward as below which is in my batch:-
Additionally, UI of zap is not open as it is open after direct clicking on zap.bat file
I have added 2 "Execute Windows batch command" still nothing works
Any suggestions will be welcome
Simple - dont start it from the jar!
Start it using the or zap.bat scripts we provide as part of the installation :) You'll also probably want to use the -daemon flag.
Or you can use the official ZAP jenkins plugin:
I have resolve this issue by creating two jobs in jenkins.
The main job trigger the first job.
Follow the steps :-
Go to the configure section of main job
Now add "Trigger/call builds on other projects" from Build option
Add the project name of zombie job
Note :- uncheck the checkbox of "Block until the triggered projects finish their builds".

Is there any way to start appium server silently?

Use case: I need to start appium server on CI Jenkins and run tests right after that. Tests don't start because appium server starting in debug mode and doesn't switch to another command.
So i have jenkins on Windows machine with the following build steps (as Windows batch command):
start /B node path_to_appium_server\appium.js --address --port 4723
timeout 10
"path_to_tests_runner\vstest.console.exe" "path_to_dll\test.dll"
And in this case, my tests cannot started because jenkins terminate first process (with appium).
Basic issue was with permissions for '*.dll' file which contains tests and which cannot be ran with bat file without 'runas' command (which is waiting for password) from Jenkins.
So my Jenkins job contains 3 Build steps:
execute Windows batch command
start node path_to_appium_server\appium.js --address --port 4723
Run unit tests with VSTest.console (to get this build option you need install VSTest Runner plugin)
specify path to dll and command line parameters
execute Windows batch command
taskkill /F /IM node.exe
Second step resolve permission issue for dll file.
It depends on how are you starting it. In most situations if on Jenkins you have 2 ways:
Start appium and tests in different build "shell execution" steps
If you want to do it in the same build step, just start it in a background with "START /B program".
Installed Node.js 0.10 or greater.
At least an appium server instance installed via npm.
using javaclient 3.2.0
AppiumDriverLocalService service =AppiumDriverLocalService.buildDefaultService();

Run a background process permanently on a node through a script on Jenkins and let Jenkins build successfully

I am running a background process through a script , this script is invoked when Jenkin starts building. However, the jenkins build gets stuck and on looking at the console it seems it is running the process and waits for it to complete.
This process will never complete, consider this as a server listening to its client.Every build I trigger kills the server process and restarts the process, so I am perfectly handling that scenario.
Is there any way , I can build jenkins successfully?
The exact details depend on your operating system (which you did not tell), but the Jenkins wiki has a page about this:
There is a trick you can do in order you free a Jenkins thread.
What you can do is to execute a bash script through a ssh connection and send it to the background while saving the pid of the process somewhere so you can make checks further.
The format of the command would be:
ssh -n _hostname_ "_commands_ & echo \$! > \"_path_to_pid_file_\"" &
Example with a never-ending program:
ssh -n "tail -f /var/log/my.log & echo \$! > \"$WORKSPACE/pid\"" &
This example will spawn the tail process listening forever for new changes in the /var/log/my.log file and store its pid in the $WORKSPACE/pid file.
When executed from a Jenkins job the ssh process will exit immediately while the commands sent to the background will remain in execution in the specified host.
I do this in order to maintain always one of the services I run in my build farm in-sync with the latest code modification of it in the repository.
Just have a job that ssh' into the target machine and then kill the process, update the service and re-launches it.
This could be a bit cumbersome but it works great!

Jenkins logs for a perl build file

Today I started working with jenkins and I successfully added my projects to jenkins and it says all works fine . one of the build takes more than 5 hours but didn't finish either so aborted it(while manual build takes less than 1 hour).. and while i tried to check with the log the log was not detailed. so i tried to get the logs of the perl script by running it as a shell command
there was no log written and there was no evidence of the build triggered either cases.i'm not aware of what the problem is as both the perlscript(works fine while manually triggered) and jenkins are working properly except this project. I would like to have your help.thanks in advance
A few things you should understand about Jenkins:
Jenkins shows STDOUT as the log of the Job,
so if you redirect it to a file - nothing will be shown in the log.
Depending on how you have set it up, Jenkins may run as its own user,
which may change the behavior of your scripts.
You can confirm this by echo-ing the username at the beginning of your Execute Shell block,
for example:
echo $USER
Each Jenkins-Job is run from its own workspace -
you can confirm that location by simply printing the current working directory
at the beginning of your Execute Shell block, for example:
echo my current directory is
