Memory bandwidth measurement with memset,memcpy - memory

I am trying to understand the performance of memory operations with memcpy/memset. I measure the time needed for a loop containing memset,memcpy. See the attached code (it is in C++11, but in plain C the picture is the same). It is understandable that memset is faster than memcpy. But this is more-or-less the only thing which I understand... The biggest question is:
Why there is a such a strong dependence on the number of loop iterations?
The application is single threaded! And the CPU is: AMD FX(tm)-4100 Quad-Core Processor.
And here are some numbers:
memset: iters=1 0.0625 GB in 0.1269 s : 0.4927 GB per second
memcpy: iters=1 0.0625 GB in 0.1287 s : 0.4857 GB per second
memset: iters=4 0.25 GB in 0.151 s : 1.656 GB per second
memcpy: iters=4 0.25 GB in 0.1678 s : 1.49 GB per second
memset: iters=16 1 GB in 0.2406 s : 4.156 GB per second
memcpy: iters=16 1 GB in 0.3184 s : 3.14 GB per second
memset: iters=128 8 GB in 1.074 s : 7.447 GB per second
memcpy: iters=128 8 GB in 1.737 s : 4.606 GB per second
The code:
-- Compilation and run:
g++ -O3 -std=c++11 -o mem-speed && ./mem-speed
-- Output example:
#include <cstdio>
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
const uint64_t _KB=1024, _MB=_KB*_KB, _GB=_KB*_KB*_KB;
std::pair<double,char> measure_memory_speed(uint64_t buf_size,int n_iters)
// without returning something from the buffers, the compiler will optimize memset() and memcpy() calls
char retval=0;
unique_ptr<char[]> buf1(new char[buf_size]), buf2(new char[buf_size]);
auto time_start = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
for( int i=0; i<n_iters; i++ )
retval += buf1[0];
auto t1 = chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - time_start);
time_start = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
for( int i=0; i<n_iters; i++ )
retval += buf2[0];
auto t2 = chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - time_start);
printf("memset: iters=%d %g GB in %8.4g s : %8.4g GB per second\n",
n_iters,n_iters*buf_size/double(_GB),(double)t1.count()/1e9, n_iters*buf_size/double(_GB) / (t1.count()/1e9) );
printf("memcpy: iters=%d %g GB in %8.4g s : %8.4g GB per second\n",
n_iters,n_iters*buf_size/double(_GB),(double)t2.count()/1e9, n_iters*buf_size/double(_GB) / (t2.count()/1e9) );
double avr = n_iters*buf_size/_GB * (1e9/t1.count()+1e9/t2.count()) / 2;
retval += buf1[0]+buf2[0];
return std::pair<double,char>(avr,retval);
int main(int argc,const char **argv)
uint64_t n=64;
if( argc==2 )
n = atoi(argv[1]);
for( int i=0; i<=10; i++ )
return 0;

Surely this is just down to the instruction caches loading - so the code runs faster after the 1st iteration, and the data cache speeding access to the memcpy/memcmp for further iterations. The cache memory is inside the processor so it doesn't have to fetch or put the data to the slower external memory so often - so runs faster.


Why is GraalVM + native-image slower than GraalVM alone on a while loop?

Just for fun, I'm trying to compare gcc (9.4.0), OpenJDK (11.0.12), GraalVM (22.3.r19) and GraalVM + native-image (22.3.r19) performances on a "while loop n++" use case (see programs below).
Bottom line on Linux is (see results below): native-image is slower than all other options.
So I'm wondering: am I missing something (magic command-line option)? Or is it just life that native-image is slower on this particular program (and that's fine)?
public class Count {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int n = 0;
int inc = Math.random() >= 0 ? 1 : 0; // to prevent the optimizer from removing the loop
while (n < 1000000000) {
n += inc;
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int n = 0;
int inc = rand() >= 0 ? 1 : 0; // to prevent the optimizer from removing the loop
while (n < 1000000000) {
n += inc;
me#laptop:~/dev/java-count-graalvm$ gcc -O2 -s -DNDEBUG count.c -o count
me#laptop:~/dev/java-count-graalvm$ time ./count
real 0m0,261s
user 0m0,261s
sys 0m0,000s
OpenJDK 11:
me#laptop:~/dev/java-count-graalvm$ time java -classpath target/classes Count
real 0m0,632s
user 0m0,612s
sys 0m0,030s
me#laptop:~/dev/java-count-graalvm$ time java -classpath target/classes Count
real 0m0,326s
user 0m0,362s
sys 0m0,013s
GraalVM native-image:
me#laptop:~/dev/java-count-graalvm$ native-image -cp target/classes Count
me#laptop:~/dev/java-count-graalvm$ time ./count
real 0m1,283s
user 0m1,271s
sys 0m0,013s
For the sake of sanity, I commented-out the while loop and native image is returning in 3 milliseconds:
bruno#hearne:~/dev/java-count-graalvm$ time ./count
real 0m0,003s
user 0m0,000s
sys 0m0,003s
So I would say that the penalty is coming from the while loop and nothing else.

How to understand the return value of uxtaskgetstackhighlwatermark()

According to the official doc <FreeRTOS_Reference_Manual_V10.0.0>:
"uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark() is used to query how close a task has come to overflowing the stack space allocated to it."
I'm using rtl8720, a 32-bits chip running FreeRTOS_v10.2.0.
I wrote a test program as follows, and main() function will call TestTaskEntry() :
static void TestStack()
char buff[500] = {0};
#if defined(INCLUDE_uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark) && (INCLUDE_uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark == 1)
printf("\n\r[2] Min available stack size %d * %d bytes\n\r", uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL), sizeof(portBASE_TYPE));
static void TestTask()
#if defined(INCLUDE_uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark) && (INCLUDE_uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark == 1)
printf("\n\r[1] Min available stack size %d * %d bytes\n\r", uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL), sizeof(portBASE_TYPE));
#if defined(INCLUDE_uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark) && (INCLUDE_uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark == 1)
printf("\n\r[3] Min available stack size %d * %d bytes\n\r", uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL), sizeof(portBASE_TYPE));
void TestTaskEntry(void)
if(xTaskCreate(TestTask, ((const char*)"test task"), 500, NULL,
printf("\n\rcreate stack failed\n\r");
The printing of the program is as follows:
[1] Min available stack size 485 * 4 bytes
[2] Min available stack size 424 * 4 bytes
[3] Min available stack size 424 * 4 bytes
I think [1] should be closer to the task depth (500 * 4 bytes) of TestTask. But [2] and [3] should be 500 bytes smaller than [1], because there is a local array with a size of 500 bytes.
How should I understand the actual execution results of my program? Why is StackHighWater not the smallest remaining stack in TestTask history?
I think your buff variable is optimized by the compiler because it is never used, so it does not need any stack. You can try to prevent optimization by writing volatile char buff[500] = {0};.
For testing purposes, I would also increase the stack size when calling xTaskCreate.
There is also a remarkable chapter for stack usage estimation in the FAQ:

What exactly are the transaction metrics reported by NVPROF?

I'm trying to figure out what exactly each of the metrics reported by "nvprof" are. More specifically I can't figure out which transactions are System Memory and Device Memory read and writes. I wrote a very basic code just to help figure this out.
#define TYPE float
#define BDIMX 16
#define BDIMY 16
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
__global__ void kernel(TYPE *g_output, TYPE *g_input, const int dimx, const int dimy)
__shared__ float s_data[BDIMY][BDIMX];
int ix = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int iy = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
int in_idx = iy * dimx + ix; // index for reading input
int tx = threadIdx.x; // thread’s x-index into corresponding shared memory tile
int ty = threadIdx.y; // thread’s y-index into corresponding shared memory tile
s_data[ty][tx] = g_input[in_idx];
g_output[in_idx] = s_data[ty][tx] * 1.3;
int main(){
int size_x = 16, size_y = 16;
dim3 numTB;
numTB.x = (int)ceil((double)(size_x)/(double)BDIMX) ;
numTB.y = (int)ceil((double)(size_y)/(double)BDIMY) ;
dim3 tbSize;
tbSize.x = BDIMX;
tbSize.y = BDIMY;
float* a,* a_out;
float *a_d = (float *) malloc(size_x * size_y * sizeof(TYPE));
cudaMalloc((void**)&a, size_x * size_y * sizeof(TYPE));
cudaMalloc((void**)&a_out, size_x * size_y * sizeof(TYPE));
for(int index = 0; index < size_x * size_y; index++){
a_d[index] = index;
cudaMemcpy(a, a_d, size_x * size_y * sizeof(TYPE), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
kernel <<<numTB, tbSize>>>(a_out, a, size_x, size_y);
return 0;
Then I run nvprof --metrics all for the output to see all the metrics. This is the part I'm interested in:
Metric Name Metric Description Min Max Avg
Device "Tesla K40c (0)"
Kernel: kernel(float*, float*, int, int)
local_load_transactions Local Load Transactions 0 0 0
local_store_transactions Local Store Transactions 0 0 0
shared_load_transactions Shared Load Transactions 8 8 8
shared_store_transactions Shared Store Transactions 8 8 8
gld_transactions Global Load Transactions 8 8 8
gst_transactions Global Store Transactions 8 8 8
sysmem_read_transactions System Memory Read Transactions 0 0 0
sysmem_write_transactions System Memory Write Transactions 4 4 4
tex_cache_transactions Texture Cache Transactions 0 0 0
dram_read_transactions Device Memory Read Transactions 0 0 0
dram_write_transactions Device Memory Write Transactions 40 40 40
l2_read_transactions L2 Read Transactions 70 70 70
l2_write_transactions L2 Write Transactions 46 46 46
I understand the shared and global accesses. The global accesses are coalesced and since there are 8 warps, there are 8 transactions.
But I can't figure out the system memory and device memory write transaction numbers.
It helps if you have a model of the GPU memory hierarchy with both logical and physical spaces, such as the one here.
Referring to the "overview tab" diagram:
gld_transactions refer to transactions issued from the warp targetting the global logical space. On the diagram, this would be the line from the "Kernel" box on the left to the "global" box to the right of it, and the logical data movement direction would be from right to left.
gst_transactions refer to the same line as above, but logically from left to right. Note that these logical global transaction could hit in a cache and not go anywhere after that. From the metrics standpoint, those transaction types only refer to the indicated line on the diagram.
dram_write_transactions refer to the line on the diagram which connects device memory on the right with L2 cache, and the logical data flow is from left to right on this line. Since the L2 cacheline is 32 bytes (whereas the L1 cacheline and size of a global transaction is 128 bytes), the device memory transactions are also 32 bytes, not 128 bytes. So a global write transaction that passes through L1 (it is a write-through cache if enabled) and L2 will generate 4 dram_write transactions. This should explain 32 out of the 40 transactions.
system memory transactions target zero-copy host memory. You don't seem to have that so I can't explain those.
Note that in some cases, for some metrics, on some GPUs, the profiler may have some "inaccuracy" when launching very small numbers of threadblocks. For example, some metrics are sampled on a per-SM basis and scaled. (device memory transactions are not in this category, however). If you have disparate work being done on each SM (perhaps due to a very small number of threadblocks launched) then the scaling can be misleading/less accurate. Generally if you launch a larger number of threadblocks, these usually become insignificant.
This answer may also be of interest.

Integer overflow in Fibonacci number

I was solving this codechef problem on Fibonacci numbers. It says number is of 1000 digits then why it is not causing integer overflow in tester's solution when it is scanning the array and storing it in unsigned long long int. I can't understand how solution is working. Below is the problem and tester's solution.
The Head Chef has been playing with Fibonacci numbers for long . He has learnt several tricks related to Fibonacci numbers . Now he wants to test his chefs in the skills .
A fibonacci number is defined by the recurrence :
f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2) for n > 2
and f(1) = 0
and f(2) = 1 .
Given a number A , determine if it is a fibonacci number.
The first line of the input contains an integer T denoting the number of test cases. The description of T test cases follows.
The only line of each test case contains a single integer A denoting the number to be checked .
For each test case, output a single line containing "YES" if the given number is a fibonacci number , otherwise output a single line containing "NO" .
1 ≤ T ≤ 1000
1 ≤ number of digits in A ≤ 1000
The sum of number of digits in A in all test cases <= 10000.
**Tester's solution:**
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int const mx = 6666;
set <unsigned long long> f;
unsigned long long fib[mx + 10];
char s[mx + 1];
int main(){
// freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);
// freopen("output.txt", "w", stdout);
fib[0] = 0;
fib[1] = 1;
int i;
for (i = 2; i <= mx; i++){
fib[i] = fib[i - 1] + fib[i - 2];
int tc;
while (tc--){
unsigned long long n = 0, ten = 10;
int len = strlen(s);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++){
char q = s[i];
unsigned long long a = q - '0';
n = n * ten + a;
if (f.find(n) == f.end()) printf("NO\n");
else printf("YES\n");
return 0;
From cplusplus you will see that,
ULLONG_MAX Maximum value for an object of type unsigned long long int is 18446744073709551615 (264-1) or greater.
The actual value depends on the particular system and library implementation, but shall reflect the limits of these types in
the target platform.
Above information is just to let you know its a BIG number. Moreover the cause of not getting overflow is not the limit i mentioned.
Most probably, the input file of judge does not contain any input that can cause an overflow.
And its still possible to set such input even after fulfilling the conditions,
1 ≤ T ≤ 1000
1 ≤ number of digits in A ≤ 1000
The sum of number of digits in A in all test cases <= 10000.

Amount of local memory per CUDA thread

I read in NVIDIA documentation (, table #12) that the amount of local memory per thread is 512 Ko for my GPU (GTX 580, compute capability 2.0).
I tried unsuccessfully to check this limit on Linux with CUDA 6.5.
Here is the code I used (its only purpose is to test local memory limit, it doesn't make any usefull computation):
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#define MEMSIZE 65000 // 65000 -> out of memory, 60000 -> ok
inline void gpuAssert(cudaError_t code, const char *file, int line, bool abort=false)
if (code != cudaSuccess)
fprintf(stderr,"GPUassert: %s %s %d\n", cudaGetErrorString(code), file, line);
if( abort )
inline void gpuCheckKernelExecutionError( const char *file, int line)
gpuAssert( cudaPeekAtLastError(), file, line);
gpuAssert( cudaDeviceSynchronize(), file, line);
__global__ void kernel_test_private(char *output)
int c = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; // absolute col
int r = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; // absolute row
char tmp[MEMSIZE];
for( int i = 0; i < MEMSIZE; i++)
tmp[i] = 4*r + c; // dummy computation in local mem
for( int i = 0; i < MEMSIZE; i++)
output[i] = tmp[i];
int main( void)
printf( "MEMSIZE=%d bytes.\n", MEMSIZE);
// allocate memory
char output[MEMSIZE];
char *gpuOutput;
cudaMalloc( (void**) &gpuOutput, MEMSIZE);
// run kernel
dim3 dimBlock( 1, 1);
dim3 dimGrid( 1, 1);
kernel_test_private<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(gpuOutput);
gpuCheckKernelExecutionError( __FILE__, __LINE__);
// transfer data from GPU memory to CPU memory
cudaMemcpy( output, gpuOutput, MEMSIZE, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
// release resources
return 0;
And the compilation command line:
nvcc -o cuda_test_private_memory -Xptxas -v -O2 --compiler-options -Wall
The compilation is ok, and reports:
ptxas info : 0 bytes gmem
ptxas info : Compiling entry function '_Z19kernel_test_privatePc' for 'sm_20'
ptxas info : Function properties for _Z19kernel_test_privatePc
65000 bytes stack frame, 0 bytes spill stores, 0 bytes spill loads
ptxas info : Used 21 registers, 40 bytes cmem[0]
I got an "out of memory" error at runtime on the GTX 580 when I reached 65000 bytes per thread. Here is the exact output of the program in the console:
MEMSIZE=65000 bytes.
GPUassert: out of memory 48
I also did a test with a GTX 770 GPU (on Linux with CUDA 6.5). It ran without error for MEMSIZE=200000, but the "out of memory error" occurred at runtime for MEMSIZE=250000.
How to explain this behavior ? Am I doing something wrong ?
It seems you are running into not a local memory limitation but a stack size limitation:
ptxas info : Function properties for _Z19kernel_test_privatePc
65000 bytes stack frame, 0 bytes spill stores, 0 bytes spill loads
The variable that you had intended to be local is on the (GPU thread) stack, in this case.
Based on the information provided by #njuffa here, the available stack size limit is the lesser of:
The maximum local memory size (512KB for cc2.x and higher)
GPU memory/(#of SMs)/(max threads per SM)
Clearly, the first limit is not the issue. I assume you have a "standard" GTX580, which has 1.5GB memory and 16 SMs. A cc2.x device has a maximum of 1536 resident threads per multiprocessor. This means we have 1536MB/16/1536 = 1MB/16 = 65536 bytes stack. There is some overhead and other memory usage that subtracts from the total available memory, so the stack size limit is some amount below 65536, somewhere between 60000 and 65000 in your case, apparently.
I suspect a similar calculation on your GTX770 would yield a similar result, i.e. a maximum stack size between 200000 and 250000.
