Ninject 3 multiple bindings -

My question is really a repeat of an old question posted here:
Ninject 2.2 multiple bindings
It seems someone was going to deal with this back in 2011. Does anyone know if there is some way to turn off such warnings in Ninject? Or some other workaround?
In response to #BatteryBackupUnit, here is my exact problem:
I have multiple libraries... and in my core library, I do something like this:
Find all assemblies referenced by the host application (including the host)
Find all types inheriting from IDependency from all those assemblies.
Automatically register all of those as transient
Then from another library (which may or may not be referenced by the host app), I have this:
Here IDbContextFactory is also an IDependency, so it got loaded already by the core library and now I register it here but with a different scope (singleton).
From experience (and having tested it earlier) I know this is no problem in Autofac, but Ninject gives me that error message about having already registered it.
Ideally it would be better to just override any previous registrations... "cascade style" (for lack of a better phrase)..

Ninject does now support overriding open generic bindings with more specific ones.
For Example:
public interface IFoo<T> { }
public class Foo<T> : IFoo<T> { }
public class StringFoo : IFoo<string> {}
used like:
var kernel = new StandardKernel();
var intFooInstance = kernel.Get<IFoo<int>>();
var stringFooinstance = kernel.Get<IFoo<string>>();
However, if you're not talking about open generic bindings, ninject 3 still handles multi bindings the same as ninject 2.2.
In most scenarios you can work around this by using contextual bindings. Okay i would not exactly call it a workaround, i would call it good design.
In general this is described here:
A simple way would be to specify the binding using a name. This requires one binding for the specified one and allows only one, too.
It is also possible to define a "default" binding like .Bind<IFoo>().To<Foo>(); and special case bindings with the .When(...) syntax, like:
.Bind<IFoo>().To<SpecialFoo>().When(ctx => ...)
If you show us your concrete problem we might be able to provide a more concrete solution.


Issue registering generic types with Autofac in ASP.NET Core

I'm a relatively new user of both Autofac and ASP.NET Core. I've recently ported a small project from a 'classic' ASP.NET WebAPI project to ASP.NET Core. I am having trouble with Autofac, specifically in registration of generic types.
This project uses a Command pattern, each command handler is a closed generic like
public class UpdateCustomerCommandHandler: ICommandHandler<UpdateCustomerCommand>
These command handlers are injected into the controllers like:
readonly private ICommandHandler<UpdateCustomerCommand> _updateCustomerCommand;
public ValuesController(ICommandHandler<UpdateCustomerCommand> updateCustomerCommand)
_updateCustomerCommand = updateCustomerCommand;
Autofac is configured (partially) as:
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
//This doesn't seem to be working as expected.
.As(t => t.GetInterfaces()
.Where(a => a.IsClosedTypeOf(typeof(ICommandHandler<>)))
.Select(a => new KeyedService("commandHandler", a)));
The above does not seem to be registering the generic as expected. If I use the below method for registration, it works well.
When I say "It doesn't work", what I mean is that when attempting to instantiate the controller, I get "InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service for type 'BusinessLogic.ICommandHandler`1[BusinessLogic.UpdateCustomerCommand]' while attempting to activate 'AutoFac_Test.Controllers.ValuesController'."
This worked well in the Full WebAPI version of this project, but not after recreating it in ASP.NET Core. To be clear, this was working perfectly well before porting to ASP.NET Core.
Here is a link to the code that I've used to recreate this issue:
There was nothing in fact wrong with my Autofac configuration and certainly not Autofac itself. What had happened was that I had renamed the output of my dependent assemblies in an effort to make the assembly scanning stuff (replacing of AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() more elegant, however I never modified the dependencies of the API project to reference the new assemblies. So Autofac was scanning the correctly loaded assemblies which happened to be the older versions, which did not contain the interfaces and implementations I expected...
Autofac has built-in support to register closed types of open-generic.
This will scan your assembly, find types that close the open generic ICommandHandler<> interface, and register each of them against the closed generic interface they implement - in your case, ICommandHandler<UpdateCustomerCommand>.
What doesn't work in your example is that you associate a key to your services. Autofac doesn't look for the keyed version of your ICommandHandler<UpdateCustomerCommand> when trying to instantiate the ValuesController, which is why you get the exception.
Edit after QuietSeditionist's comment:
I'll try to elaborate a bit on the keyed vs. default services. The way you registered your handlers is by associating the commandHandler key to them.
This means that once the container is built, here's the only way you can resolve such a handler:
// container will look for a registration for ICommandHandler<UpdateCustomerCommand> associated with the "commandHandler" key
When instantiating ValuesController, Autofac doesn't look for a keyed registration of ICommandHandler<UpdateCustomerCommand>, because it wasn't asked to.
The equivalent code it's executing is - and you can try to run that code yourself to get the exception:
// BOOM!
The reason your second registration works is because you didn't key the service:
// No key
// commandHandler key
But since you don't want to register all your handlers one by one, here's how to register them without keying them:
I can see two scenarios where keying services can be useful:
You have several types implementing the same interface and you want to inject different implementations in different services. Let's say, you register both SqlConnection and DB2Connection as IDbConnection. You then have 2 services, one which is supposed to target SQL Server, the other one DB2. If they both depend on IDbConnection, you want to make sure you inject the correct one in each service.
If you use decorators, the way registrations work is you define the services to which the decorators will apply by a key - the first example is self-explanatory
Because Google brings you to this page even when you're trying to manually register types, I thought that even though this doesn't answer the asked question, it would be useful for future visitors. So, if you want to manually register a generic type, you would use this format:
service.AddTransient(typeof(IThing<>), typeof(GenericThing<>));
or if there's no interface, then just:
and for completeness, if you have a generic with multiple types:

Dependency injection: Is it ok to instatiate a concrete object from a concrete factory

I am fairly new to Dependency Injection, and I wrote a great little app that worked exactly like Mark Seemann told me it would and the world was great. I even added some extra complexity to it just to see if I could handle that using DI. And I could, happy days.
Then I took it to a real world application and spent a long time scratching my head. Mark tells me that I am not allowed to use the 'new' keyword to instantiate objects, and I should instead let the IoC do this for me.
However, say that I have a repository and I want it to be able to return me a list of things, thusly:
public interface IThingRepository
public IEnumerable<IThing> GetThings();
Surely at least one implementation of this interface will have to instantiate some Thing's? And it doesn't seem so bad being allowing ThingRepository to new up some Things as they are related anyway.
I could instead pass round a POCO instead, but at some point I'm going to have to convert the POCO in to a business object, which would require me to new something up.
This situation seems to occur every time I want a number of things which is not knowable in the Composition Root (ie we only find out this information later - for example when querying the database).
Does anyone know what the best practice is in these kinds of situations?
In addition to Steven's answer, I think it is ok for a specific factory to new up it's specific matching-implementation that it was created for.
Also, check this answer, specifically the comments, which say something about new-ing up instances.
public interface IContext {
T GetById<T>(int id);
public interface IContextFactory {
IContext Create();
public class EntityContext : DbContext, IContext {
public T GetById<T>(int id) {
var entity = ...; // Retrieve from db
return entity;
public class EntityContextFactory : IContextFactory {
public IContext Create() {
// I think this is ok, since the factory was specifically created
// to return the matching implementation of IContext.
return new EntityContext();
Mark tells me that I am not allowed to use the 'new' keyword to instantiate objects
That's not what Mark Seemann tells you, or what he means. You must make the clear separation between services (controlled by your composition root) at one side and primitives, entities, DTOs, view models and messages on the other side. Services are injectables and all other types are newables. You should only prevent using new on service types. It would be silly to prevent newing up strings for instance.
Since in your example the service is a repository, it seems reasonable to assume that the repository returns domain objects. Domain objects are newables and there's no reason not to new them manually.
Thanks for the answers everybody, they led me to the following conclusions.
Mark makes a distinction between stable and unstable dependencies in the book I am reading ( "Dependency injection in .NET"). Stable dependencies (eg Strings) can be created at will. Unstable dependencies should be moved behind a seam / interface.
A dependency is anything that is in a different assembly from the one that we are writing.
An unstable dependency is any of the following
It requires a run time environment to be set up such as a database, web server, maybe even the file system (otherwise it won't be extensible or testable, and it means we couldn't do late binding if we wanted to)
It doesn't exist yet (otherwise we can't do parallel development)
It requires something that isn't installed on all machines (otherwise it can cause test difficulties)
It contains non deterministic behaviour (otherwise impossible to test well)
So this is all well and good.
However, I often hide things behind seams within the same assembly. I find this extremely helpful for testing. For example if I am doing a complex calculation it is impossible to test the entire calculation well in one go. If I split the calculation up into lots of smaller classes and hide these behind seams, then I can easily inject any arbirtary intermediate results into a calculating class.
So, having had a good old think about it, these are my conclusions:
It is always OK to create a stable dependency
You should never create unstable dependencies directly
It can be useful to use seams within an assembly, particularly to break up big classes and make them more easily testable.
And in answer to my original question, it is ok to instatiate a concrete object from a concrete factory.

Configuring mapping behavior that's non-framework specific

I'm trying to configure my Object Mapper without knowing which mapper I'm using. :/
This might sound a bit strange. The reason for this is that I'm trying out the Onion Architecture so my UI cannot know about my Object Mapper located in my Infrastructure. See this solution for an example.
I'm having some trouble figuring out how I should "delegate" the none default mapping behavior.
Stuff like:
.CreateMap<MyModel, MyDestViewModel>()
dest => dest.SomeDestinationProperty,
opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.SomeSourceProperty)
I've setup a class in my MVC project which is called from Global.asax and this is where I want to configure my mappings.
public static class MapConfig
public static void RegisterMaps()
I was thinking I could do something like the following. (IMapper is a self defined interface located in Domain)
public static void RegisterMaps(HttpConfiguration config)
var mapper = config.DependencyResolver.GetService(IMapper);
mapper.CreateMap<MyModel, MyViewModel>();
Now... how would I go about setting up special behavior like the .ForMember? Keeping in mind that it cannot be AutoMapper specific.
I was thinking something along these lines mapper.CreateMap<MyModel, MyViewModel>(Expression<Func<T>>) where the Func would do some black magic that I cannot figure out right now :( - Am I on the right path or have I missed something essential?
Onion Architecture isn't about the configuration being implementation-agnostic, it's about the execution.
Just create an IMapper interface for the execution of mappings, but don't worry about the configuration. This applies to your ORM, IoC container and everything else.
Also, Onion Architecture isn't about project structure, it's about the direction of your dependencies. Just call CreateMap in your UI. You can then define an IMapper interface all the way down in Core, with the other pieces implementing a version that delegates to AutoMapper.
you're abstracting away useful functionality that will cost you more time than you initially realize. Why not spend the time choosing a mapper and sticking with it?
Why is it so important that your UI doesnt know about your mapper? Assuming that you are using MVC, you are going to be flexing a lot of your chosen mappers functionality to flatten our your domain models to view models anyway.
Its the same kind of nonsense where people use generic repository implementations 'just in case' they decide to switch ORM mid project.
Choose your infrastructure carefully and stick with it.

Dependency Injection with Ninject, MVC 3 and using the Service Locator Pattern

Something that has been bugging me since I read an answer on another stackoverflow question (the precise one eludes me now) where a user stated something like "If you're calling the Service Locator, you're doing it wrong."
It was someone with a high reputation (in the hundred thousands, I think) so I tend to think this person might know what they're talking about. I've been using DI for my projects since I first started learning about it and how well it relates to Unit Testing and what not. It's something I'm fairly comfortable with now and I think I know what I'm doing.
However, there are a lot of places where I've been using the Service Locator to resolve dependencies in my project. Once prime example comes from my ModelBinder implementations.
Example of a typical model binder.
public class FileModelBinder : IModelBinder {
public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext,
ModelBindingContext bindingContext) {
ValueProviderResult value = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue("id");
IDataContext db = Services.Current.GetService<IDataContext>();
return db.Files.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Id == id.AttemptedValue);
not a real implementation - just a quick example
Since the ModelBinder implementation requires a new instance when a Binder is first requested, it's impossible to use Dependency Injection on the constructor for this particular implementation.
It's this way in a lot of my classes. Another example is that of a Cache Expiration process that runs a method whenever a cache object expires in my website. I run a bunch of database calls and what not. There too I'm using a Service Locator to get the required dependency.
Another issue I had recently (that I posted a question on here about) was that all my controllers required an instance of IDataContext which I used DI for - but one action method required a different instance of IDataContext. Luckily Ninject came to the rescue with a named dependency. However, this felt like a kludge and not a real solution.
I thought I, at least, understood the concept of Separation of Concerns reasonably well but there seems to be something fundamentally wrong with how I understand Dependency Injection and the Service Locator Pattern - and I don't know what that is.
The way I currently understand it - and this could be wrong as well - is that, at least in MVC, the ControllerFactory looks for a Constructor for a Controller and calls the Service Locator itself to get the required dependencies and then passes them in. However, I can understand that not all classes and what not have a Factory to create them. So it seems to me that some Service Locator pattern is acceptable...but...
When is it not acceptable?
What sort of pattern should I be on the look out for when I should rethink how I'm using the Service Locator Pattern?
Is my ModelBinder implementation wrong? If so, what do I need to learn to fix it?
In another question along the lines of this one user Mark Seemann recommended an Abstract Factory - How does this relate?
I guess that's it - I can't really think of any other question to help my understanding but any extra information is greatly appreciated.
I understand that DI might not be the answer to everything and I might be going overboard in how I implement it, however, it seems to work the way I expect it to with Unit Testing and what not.
I'm not looking for code to fix my example implementation - I'm looking to learn, looking for an explanation to fix my flawed understanding.
I wish had the ability to save draft questions. I also hope whoever answers this question gets the appropriate amount of reputation for answering this question as I think I'm asking for a lot. Thanks, in advance.
Consider the following:
public class MyClass
IMyInterface _myInterface;
IMyOtherInterface _myOtherInterface;
public MyClass(IMyInterface myInterface, IMyOtherInterface myOtherInterface)
// Foo
_myInterface = myInterface;
_myOtherInterface = myOtherInterface;
With this design I am able to express the dependency requirements for my type. The type itself isn't responsible for knowing how to instantiate any of the dependencies, they are given to it (injected) by whatever resolving mechanism is used [typically an IoC container]. Whereas:
public class MyClass
IMyInterface _myInterface;
IMyOtherInterface _myOtherInterface;
public MyClass()
// Bar
_myInterface = ServiceLocator.Resolve<IMyInterface>();
_myOtherInterface = ServiceLocator.Resolve<IMyOtherInterface>();
Our class is now dependent on creating the specfic instances, but via delegation to a service locator. In this sense, Service Location can be considered an anti-pattern because you're not exposing dependencies, but you are allowing problems which can be caught through compilation to bubble up into runtime. (A good read is here). You hiding complexities.
The choice between one or the other really depends on what your building on top of and the services it provides. Typically if you are building an application from scratch, I would choose DI all the time. It improves maintainability, promotes modularity and makes testing types a whole lot easier. But, taking ASP.NET MVC3 as an example, you could easily implement SL as its baked into the design.
You can always go for a composite design where you could use IoC/DI with SL, much like using the Common Services Locator. You component parts could be wired up through DI, but exposed through SL. You could even throw composition into the mix and use something like the Managed Extensibility Framework (which itself supports DI, but can also be wired to other IoC containers or service locators). It's a big design choice to make, generally my recommendation would be for IoC/DI where possible.
Your specific design I wouldn't say is wrong. In this instance, your code is not responsible for creating an instance of the model binder itself, that's up to the framework so you have no control over that but your use of the service locator could probably be easily changed to access an IoC container. But the action of calling resolve on the IoC container...would you not consider that service location?
With an abstract factory pattern the factory is specialised at creating specific types. You don't register types for resolution, you essentially register an abstract factory and that builds any types that you may require. With a Service Locator it is designed to locate services and return those instances. Similar from an convention point of view, but very different in behaviour.

How to instantiate a MEF exported object using Ninject?

My application is using MEF to export some classes from an external assembly. These classes are setup for constructor injection. The issue I am facing is that
MEF is attempting to instantiate the classes when I try to access them. Is there a way to have Ninject take care of the instantiation of the class?
IEnumerable<Lazy<IMyInterface>> controllers =
// The following line throws an error because MEF is
// trying to instantiate a class that requires 5 parameters
IMyInterface firstClass = controllers.First().Value;
There are multiple classes that implement IMyInterface and I would like to select the one that has a specific name and then have Ninject create an instance of it. I'm not really sure if I want laziness.
public class MyClassOne : IMyInterface {
private MyRepository one;
private YourRepository two;
public MyClassTwo(MyRepository repoOne, YourRepository repoTwo) {
one = repoOne;
two = repoTwo;
public class MyClassTwo : IMyInterface {
private MyRepository one;
private YourRepository two;
public MyClassTwo(MyRepository repoOne, YourRepository repoTwo) {
one = repoOne;
two = repoTwo;
Using MEF, I would like to get either MyClassOne or MyClassTwo and then have Ninject provide an instance of MyRepository and YourRepository (Note, these two are bound in a Ninject module in the main assembly and not the assembly they are in)
You could use the Ninject Load mechanism to get the exported classes into the mix, and the you either:
The creation is lazy (i.e., each impl of IMyInterface is created on the fly as you iterate over the above) IIRC, but have a look at the tests in the source (which is very clean and readable, you have no excuse :P) to be sure.
If you dont need the laziness, use LINQ's ToArray or ToList to get a IMyInterface[] or List<IMyInterface>
or you can use the low-level Resolve() family of methods (again, have a look in the tests for samples) to get the eligible services [if you wanted to do some filtering or something other than just using an instance - though binding metadata is probably the solution there]
Finally, if you can edit in an explanation of whether you need laziness per se or are doing it to illustrate a point. (and have a search for Lazy<T> here and in general wrt both Ninject and autofac for some samples - cant recall if there are any examples in the source - think not as it's still on 3.5)
EDIT: In that case, you want a bind that has:
Bind<X>().To<>().In...().Named( "x" );
in the registrations in your modules in the child assembly.
Then when you're resolving in the parent assembly, you use the Kernel.Get<> overload that takes a name parameter to indicate the one you want (no need for laziness, arrays or IEnumerable). The Named mechanism is a specific (just one or two helper extensions implement it in terms of the generalised concept) application of the binding metadata concept in Ninject - there's plenty room to customise it if somethng beyond a simple name is insufficient.
If you're using MEF to construct the objects, you could use the Kernel.Inject() mechanism to inject properties. The problem is that either MEF or Ninject
- has to find the types (Ninject: generally via Bind() in Modules or via scanning extensions, after which one can do a Resolve to subset the bindings before instantiation - though this isnt something you normally do)
- has to instantiate the types (Ninject: typically via a Kernel.Get(), but if you discovered the types via e.g. MEF, you might use the Kernel.Get(Type) overloads )
- has to inject the types (Ninject: typically via a Kernel.Inject(), or implicit in the `Kernel.Get())
What's not clear to me yet is why you feel you need to mix and mangle the two - ultimately sharing duties during construction and constructor injection is not a core use case for either lib, even if they're both quite composable libraries. Do you have a constraint, or do you have critical benefits on both sides?
You can use ExportFactory to create Instances
see docs here:
Your case would be slitly different
I would use Metadata and a custom attribute also
IEnumerable<ExportFactory<IMyInterFace, IMyInterfaceMetaData>> Controllers{ get; set; }
public IMyInterface CreateControllerFor(string parameter)
var controller = Controllers.Where(v => v.Metadata.ControllerName == parameter).FirstOrDefault().CreateExport().Value;
return controller;
or use return Controllers.First() without the Metadata
Then you can code the ninject parts around that or even stick with MEF
Hope this helps
