Security Error when trying to load content from resource in a Firefox Addon (SDK) - firefox-addon

I am creating a firefox addon using the SDK. My goal is simple, to intercept a specific iframe and load my own HTML page (packaged as a resource with my addon) instead of the content that was requested originally.
So far I have the following code:
var httpRequestObserver =
observe: function(subject, topic, data)
var httpChannel, requestURL;
if (topic == "http-on-modify-request") {
httpChannel = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel);
requestURL = httpChannel.URI.spec;
var newRequestURL, i;
if (/someurl/.test(requestURL)) {
var ioService = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIIOService);
httpChannel.redirectTo(ioService.newURI('pages/test.html'), undefined, undefined));
var observerService = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIObserverService);
observerService.addObserver(httpRequestObserver, "http-on-modify-request", false);
This code works in that it detects the proper iframe loading and does the redirect correctly. However, I get the following error:
Security Error: Content at may not load or link to
How can I get around this limitation?

actually man i was really over thinking this.
its already solved when I changed to using loadContext. Now when you get loadContext you get the contentWindow of whatever browser element (tab browser, or frame or iframe) and then just abort the http request like you are doing and then loadContext.associatedWindow.document.location ='pages/tests.html');
ill paste the code here removing all the private stuff. you might need the chrome.manifest ill test it out and paste the code back here
var httpRequestObserver = {
observe: function (subject, topic, data) {
var httpChannel, requestURL;
if (topic == "http-on-modify-request") {
httpChannel = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel);
requestURL = httpChannel.URI.spec;
var newRequestURL, i;
if (/someurl/.test(requestURL)) {
var goodies = loadContextGoodies(httpChannel);
if (goodies) {
goodies.contentWindow.location ='pages/test.html');
} else {
//dont do anything as there is no contentWindow associated with the httpChannel, liekly a google ad is loading or some ajax call or something, so this is not an error
Services.obs.addObserver(httpRequestObserver, "http-on-modify-request", false);
//this function gets the contentWindow and other good stuff from loadContext of httpChannel
function loadContextGoodies(httpChannel) {
//httpChannel must be the subject of http-on-modify-request QI'ed to nsiHTTPChannel as is done on line 8 "httpChannel = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel);"
//start loadContext stuff
var loadContext;
try {
var interfaceRequestor = httpChannel.notificationCallbacks.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor);
//var DOMWindow = interfaceRequestor.getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindow); //not to be done anymore because: //instead do the loadContext stuff below
try {
loadContext = interfaceRequestor.getInterface(Ci.nsILoadContext);
} catch (ex) {
try {
loadContext = subject.loadGroup.notificationCallbacks.getInterface(Ci.nsILoadContext);
} catch (ex2) {}
} catch (ex0) {}
if (!loadContext) {
//no load context so dont do anything although you can run this, which is your old code
//this probably means that its loading an ajax call or like a google ad thing
return null;
} else {
var contentWindow = loadContext.associatedWindow;
if (!contentWindow) {
//this channel does not have a window, its probably loading a resource
//this probably means that its loading an ajax call or like a google ad thing
return null;
} else {
var aDOMWindow =
var gBrowser = aDOMWindow.gBrowser;
var aTab = gBrowser._getTabForContentWindow(; //this is the clickable tab xul element, the one found in the tab strip of the firefox window, aTab.linkedBrowser is same as browser var above //can stylize tab like = 'blue'; //can stylize the tab like = 'red';
var browser = aTab.linkedBrowser; //this is the browser within the tab //this is where the example in the previous section ends
return {
aDOMWindow: aDOMWindow,
gBrowser: gBrowser,
aTab: aTab,
browser: browser,
contentWindow: contentWindow
//end loadContext stuff
NOTE: Now try this first, I didn't test it yet, if you get a security error when it tries to redirect then create a chrome.manifest file and put it in the root directory. If it throws a security error than you definitely need a chrome.manifest file and that will without question fix it up. I'll test this myself later tonight when I get some time.
The chrome.manifest should look like this:
content kaboom-data ./resources/kaboom/data/ contentaccessible=yes
Then in the code way above change the redirect line from goodies.contentWindow.location ='pages/test.html'); to goodies.contentWindow.location = 'chrome://kaboom-data/pages/test.html');.

see this addon here:
in the chrome.manifest file we set the contentaccessible parameter to yes
you dont need sdk for this addon. its so simple, just ocpy paste that into a bootstrap skeleton as seen here:
Bootstrap With Some Features, Like chrome.manifest which you will need
Bootstrap Ultra Basic
if you want to really do a redirect of a page to your site, maybe you want to make a custom about page? if you would like ill throw togather a demo for you on making a custom about page. you can see a bit hard to understand demo here

posting my trials here so it can help all:
trail 1 failed - created chrome.manifest file with contents content kaboom-data resources/kaboom/data/ contentaccessible=yes
var myuri ='chrome://kaboom-data/content/pages/test.html', undefined, undefined);
Error Thrown
Security Error: Content at may
not load or link to
trial 2 failed - created resource in bootstrap.js
alias.spec =
alias updated to spec:
let resource ="resource").QueryInterface(Ci.nsIResProtocolHandler);
let alias =;
Cu.reportError('alias.spec = ' + alias.spec);
if (!data.installPath.isDirectory()) {
alias ="jar:" + alias.spec + "!/", null, null);
Cu.reportError('alias updated to spec: ' + alias.spec);
resource.setSubstitution("kaboom_data", alias);
var myuri ='resource://kaboom_data/resources/kaboom/data/pages/test.html', undefined, undefined);
Error Thrown
Security Error: Content at may
not load or link to
in both trials above it was the weirdest thing, it wouldnt show the resource or chrome path in the security error thrown but it would give the full jar path. Leading me to believe that this has something to do with redirectTo function.
The solution that did work was your solution of
var gBrowser = utils.getMostRecentBrowserWindow().gBrowser;
var domWin = httpChannel.notificationCallbacks.getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
var browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForDocument(domWin.document);
however I changed this to use loadContext instead of this method because it is the recommended way. also gBrowser to getMostRecentBrowserWindow will fail if the url load is slow and in that time the user swithces to another tab or window
I also changed to use Services.jsm as you had imported Cu anyways. Using Services.jsm is super fast not even blink fast. Its just a pointer.
Im still working on trying to the redirectTo method working its really bothering me. The changes I made are to my local copy.

Have you considered turning your local HTML file into a data URL and loading that?


Interacting with HTML Page - Firefox: Content Not Defined

I have a script here, which is extracting the links within a web page. It is comming back with the error 'content is not defined'.
// extract the links
var links = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < content.document.links.length; i++) {
var thisLink = content.document.links[i].toString();
In order to interact with the HTML documents within the Firefox SDK, do I need to import a library?
It depends on when the self executing anonymous function is running. It is possible that it is running before window.document is defined.
In that case, try adding a listener
window.addEventListener('load', yourFunction, false);
// ..... or
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', yourFunction, false);
yourFunction () {
// some ocde

Notification at DART lang - html / browser / webkit / Desktop

I want to ask about the normal notification in DART, which is different than the Chrome Packaged App discussed here
I created the below code, the browser [DARTIUM] asked for permission as expected, but the response in both cases (Allow/Deny) appeared as "default" in the console, and the notification did not appear.
void main() {
Notification.requestPermission().then((String permission) {
print(permission); // ==> This is always = "default" for both Allow and Deny
if (permission == "default") {
print('permission granted');
var notification = new Notification('hello');
else print('sorry no permission!');
any thought! thanks
The code as it's currently written would never show a permission either way -- "default" means that permission hasn't been allowed or denied. You should be checking for permission == "granted" before displaying the notification.
Keep in mind, there is an outstanding bug with notifications and checking the current permissions, see, although this may not be affecting you.
thanks Brian and Gunter, I made my own notification, inspired by this
I made used the same, CSS file, and made a custom element, notification.dart
part of myApp;
class NotificationElement extends HtmlElement {
// Define the custom element tag
static final tag = 'x-Notification';
factory NotificationElement() => new Element.tag(tag);
// Create the element and define its stylesheet
NotificationElement.created() : super.created(){
LinkElement styleSheet = new LinkElement()..rel = "stylesheet"..type="text/css"..href="./style/toastr.css";
var notificationContainer = new Element.html('<div></div>')'notification-container';
var notificationBody = new Element.html('<div></div>')
var notificationButton = new ButtonElement()
var notificationTitle = new Element.html('<div></div>')..classes.add('notification-title');
var notificationMsg = new Element.html('<div></div>')..classes.add('notification-message');
var notificationMsgLabel = new LabelElement();
Element launchElement(type,location,Title,Msg){
notificationButton.onClick.listen((e) => notificationContainer.nodes.remove(notificationBody));
return (notificationContainer);
Element mynotification = querySelector('#notification-element');
void CreatefonixNotification(type,location,Title,Msg){
var notifyMe = new Element.tag('x-notification');
notifyMe = notifyMe.launchElement(type,location,Title,Msg);
in the index.dart, I registered the element:
document.registerElement(NotificationElement.tag, NotificationElement);
and in index.html, I added this div:
<div id='notification-element'></div>
and any place in the application, I can call it like:
CreateNotification('error','top-left','Error:','sorry we have some issue!!.')

firefox addon-sdk, display current page URL through Content Scripts

I recently started learning firefox addon development using Addon-SDK.
I created a simple addon which displays the current webpages URL, but I'm not getting the results.
Here's my main.js file
var widgets = require("sdk/widget");
var tabs = require("sdk/tabs");
var data = require("sdk/self").data;
var showipWidget = widgets.Widget({
id : "show-ip",
label : "Display IP Address of current Page",
contentURL : data.url("lens_icon.png"),
contentScriptURL : data.url("click_handler.js"),
/*onClick : function() {
var curtab = tabs.activeTab;
console.log(curtab.url+" is Opened in Browser.");
And The ContentScript click_handler.js
However when I use onClick event (commented code above) the URL is logged in console.
I think I'm accessing document object in wrong way. Can anyone show me how to do it right way.
That's weird that should work.
But try putting this in your content script:
var check = self.port.on("check", function() {
var location = window.location.href;
alert(location + " is opened in browser");
then emit that check function.
Figured out my problem. It was a silly mistake, I used contentScriptURL which is wrong. The correct term is contentScriptFile. I mixed content and contentURL with contentScript.
Reference from firefox:

External link in WinJS, iframe or not, doesnt matter

I work on a Windows 8 app, and from a page that I use link hystory for running back and forward through the app, I also have 3 or 4 links to external websites(eg: facebook or my site). I tried to run them in iframe, or also to make them open in the default browser like simple links. Both method resulted in an error in base.js that says it can't handle my error (!?) I searched a lot before asking here. I watched msdn sample that works just fine, but if i copy what I need in my app results in the same error. I I use it from another page where I dont have forward history, it works, but i really need it on the front page. Any ideeas? Thank you very much.
This is my items.js code: ( for the items.html page )
(function () {
"use strict";
var appViewState = Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationViewState;
var ui = WinJS.UI;
ui.Pages.define("/pages/items/items.html", {
// This function is called whenever a user navigates to this page. It
// populates the page elements with the app's data.
ready: function (element, options) {
var listView = element.querySelector(".itemslist").winControl;
listView.itemDataSource = Data.groups.dataSource;
listView.itemTemplate = element.querySelector(".itemtemplate");
listView.oniteminvoked = this._itemInvoked.bind(this);
this._initializeLayout(listView, Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView.value);
WinJS.Utilities.query("a").listen("click", this.linkClickEventHandler, false);
// This function updates the page layout in response to viewState changes.
updateLayout: function (element, viewState, lastViewState) {
/// <param name="element" domElement="true" />
var listView = element.querySelector(".itemslist").winControl;
if (lastViewState !== viewState) {
if (lastViewState === appViewState.snapped || viewState === appViewState.snapped) {
var handler = function (e) {
listView.removeEventListener("contentanimating", handler, false);
listView.addEventListener("contentanimating", handler, false);
var firstVisible = listView.indexOfFirstVisible;
this._initializeLayout(listView, viewState);
if (firstVisible >= 0 && listView.itemDataSource.list.length > 0) {
listView.indexOfFirstVisible = firstVisible;
linkClickEventHandler: function (eventInfo) {
var link =;
// This function updates the ListView with new layouts
_initializeLayout: function (listView, viewState) {
/// <param name="listView" value="WinJS.UI.ListView.prototype" />
if (viewState === appViewState.snapped) {
listView.layout = new ui.ListLayout();
} else {
listView.layout = new ui.GridLayout();
_itemInvoked: function (args) {
var groupKey = Data.groups.getAt(args.detail.itemIndex).key;
WinJS.Navigation.navigate("/pages/split/split.html", { groupKey: groupKey });
And from items.html I have different types of links: some of them links to other application pages, from where I can return with history buttons back/forward and some of them are links to external page. Simple link.These links crashes my app with the error that I mentioned below. If I erase the next line:
WinJS.Utilities.query("a").listen("click", this.linkClickEventHandler, false);
from my js script, external links works, but I dont have anymore history buttons in my others's app pages.
You are trying to use the navigation framework to navigate to an external URI. It's usually meant to be used within the application's local context and pages that can contain 'fragments' to load up into your main nav control.
I wouldn't hook anchor tags with your function call, instead in your linkClickEventHandler I would do the following to only hook your internal links
WinJS.Utilities.query(".nav").listen("click", linkClickEventHandler, false);
in turn your internal links would be
click me
This approach only hooks the navigation framework into your internal links. Another approach is to inspect the 'this.href' in your handler and if it contains http:// or https:// then call instead

two way communication between extension and content javascript files

i am trying to accomplish a two way communication request response in my firefox sidebar extension, i have a file named event.js this resides on the content side, i have another file called sidebar.js file which is residing in the xul. I am able to communicate from event.js to sidebar.js file using the dispatchEvent method. my event in turn raises a XMLHttpRequest in sidebar.js file which hits the server and sends back the response. Now, here i am unable to pass the response to the event.js file. I want the response to be accessed in the event.js file. Till now i have achieved only one way communication. Please help me in getting the two way communication.
Code is as follows:
// event.js file
// This event occurs on blur of the text box where i need to save the text into the server
function saveEvent() {
var element = document.getElementById("fetchData");
element.setAttribute("urlPath", "http://localhost:8080/event?Id=12");
element.setAttribute("jsonObj", convertToList);
element.setAttribute("methodType", "POST");
var evt = document.createEvent("Events");
evt.initEvent("saveEvent", true, true);
//Fetching the response over here by adding the listener
document.addEventListener("dispatchedResponse", function (e) { MyExtension.responseListener(e); }, false, true);
var MyExtension = {
responseListener: function (evt) {
function receivedResponse(event) {
alert('response: ' + event);
// sidebar.js file
window.addEventListener("load", function (event) {
var saveAjaxRequest = function (urlPath, jsonObj, methodType, evtTarget) {
var url = urlPath;
var request = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIXMLHttpRequest);
request.onload = function (aEvent) {
window.alert("Response Text: " +;
saveResponse =;
//here i am again trying to dispatch the response i got from the server back to the origin, but unable to pass it...
evtTarget.setAttribute("responseObject", saveResponse);
var evt = document.createEvent("dispatchedRes"); // Error line "Operation is not supported" code: "9"
evt.initEvent("dispatchedResponse", true, false);
request.onerror = function (aEvent) {
window.alert("Error Status: " +;
//window.alert(methodType + " " + url);, url, true);
this.onLoad = function () {
document.addEventListener("saveEvent", function (e) { MyExtension.saveListener(e); }, false, true);
var MyExtension =
saveListener: function (evt) {
saveAjaxRequest("urlPath"),"jsonObj"),"methodType"), evt.originalTarget);
Why are you moving your fetchData element into the sidebar document? You should leave it where it is, otherwise your content code won't be able to receive the event. Also, use the content document to create the event. Finally, document.createEvent() parameter for custom events should be "Events". So the code after your //here i am again trying comment should look like:
evtTarget.setAttribute("responseObject", saveResponse);
var evt = evtTarget.ownerDocument.createEvent("Events");
evt.initEvent("dispatchedResponse", true, false);
Please note however that your code as you show it here is a huge security vulnerability - it allows any website to make any HTTP requests and get the result back, so it essentially disables same-origin policy. At the very least you need to check that the website talking to you is allowed to do it (e.g. it belongs to your server). But even then it stays a security risk because server response could be altered (e.g. by an attacker on a public WLAN) or your server could be hacked - and you would be giving an attacker access to sensitive data (for example he could trigger a request to and if the victim happens to be logged in he will be able to read all email data). So please make this less generic, only allow requests to some websites.
