Find device on personal hotspot network in iPhone - ios

I need find IP of device which is connected on iPhones personal hotspot.
My solution is check every IP(from to which returns html with certain words.
Because device return html page on 80 now device has IP on iPhones personal hotspot network.
iPhone IP is (as gateway) on iOS 6.3 and IP getting started from i think.
For my solution i need know: what is IP give personal hotspot on iOS7.
Can anybody help me with this?
I'm not have device with iOS7 only iOS6.3.
Just give me internal IP of device which connected with iOS7 personal hotspot device.

iOS 7 device hot spot gives an IP address in the 172.20.10.* range, just as for iOS 6


iOS Swift: find Macbook Computer Name/Ip Address on connected Iphone

For local development, I was hoping to programmatically get the computer name or ip address of the macbook my iphone is connected to. I've been looking at hostess; however, it seems to only provide my iphone's ip address. Is this possible?
Thanks so much for the help!
What I've experienced is that if you're building an Xcode project on an iOS device, and then run the project with the debugger attached, it routes all of the iOS device's networking through your computer. So it will only show your computer's IP address, not the device's. It looks in the debugger as if that's your iPhone's networking info, but it's really your computer's.

Does an iPhone broadcast it's MAC address when searching for Wi-Fi Access Points?

I have just read an article saying that a company named Euclid analytics, can report if an iPhone is nearby by seeing it's MAC address being broadcast over Wi-Fi.
How can analytics systems see the iPhone's MAC adress without pairing with it in anyway before?
When a device looks for Wi-Fi access points, it sends the MAC address as part of the Probe Request. You can disable Wi-Fi to prevent this. iOS 8 adds MAC address randomization support to improve user privacy.

TCP connection not working properly when using iPhone as hotspot

I'm developing an application for iOS which is connecting through TCP sockets to a server aplication run on Android. In order to find the IP of the 2nd device I use a UDP request and receive the IP of the server.
It's working well all the time when I'm connecting them to Wi-Fi network or when I use the Android device as a hotspot to the iPhone. But if I want to make the iOS device a personal hotspot, I can't reach connection between the two devices and the app is useless in this regime. Is it possible to connect the devices then and is the algorithm the problem? I would be glad to hear if someone has ever had a similar problem and knows the solution.

how to connect an ios device to a Hotspot driven by hostapd

I met a problem to connect an ios device to the hotspot driven by hostapd which runs on my arm board.
IOS device will take a long time to connect, at last, the wifi signal is shown on status bar, and also got the ip address, but the circle, by the ssid side, won't disappear, it always turns round. This will make user think that the wifi doesn't connected yet, but it really connected.
I have tried some devices to connect the hotsopt, such as android cell phones, windows laptop, they all work correctly.
PS. My English is not good, I hope you could understand what I mean.
if the "circle by the ssid side" keeps showing ,i think your device is still trying to get ip address.
could you please provide us with more detail messages? such as your hostapd configure file and your dhcpd configure file.

iOS Simulator on Mac with Ethernet & WiFi

I am working on a Mac that has an Ethernet connection to a LAN and the Internet. I have an iOS application that I am running in the simulator that needs to connect to a WiFi network in another office. I turned on Airport and connected to the WiFi network I need, but I don't know if the simulator is using the Ethernet or Wifi connection to communicate. I looked for settings in the simulator and couldn't find a way to tell it to use the WiFi connection exclusively.
Thanks for your help.
A coworker answered this question for me today. Apparently, the iOS simulator does not do WiFi. It only knows about a network connection. He said the simulator simply reports that there's a connection, but it's not WiFi.
Hope this helps someone.
I guess iOS Simulator uses whatever network connection is available tot the Computer it is running on. If there are multiple Connections it should scan both IP ranges... I don't exactly know how it handles the case both ip ranges are the same... This is (even if possible) no good solution, because you never exactly know if there are multiple devices with the same IP...
