Jenkins + Tycho: propagating update sites - jenkins

I'm wondering if there is an easy way to "publish" p2 update sites in Jenkins (built with Tycho) so that they can easily be accessed in downstreams jobs? Currently I'm doing it semi-manually using Jenkins support for copying artifacts between jobs, and then specifying a repository-mirror element in a job-specific settings.xml which refers to the artifacts copied into the job, but this is all a little tricky and requires configuring jobs and build settings in a number of different places.
Is there any nicer way short of using an external solution such as Artifactory?

The only solution involving a repository manager that I am aware of is to use a Nexus and the Unzip Plug-in. (Disclaimer: The Unzip Plug-in is provided by the Tycho project, of which I am a committer.)
With such a setup, you could have one job deploy an update site to Nexus, and the next job use the update site via the unzip URL of the deployed site. Example: If the site was deployed under the GAV, you could then access it via http://<nexus>/content/repositories/<unzip-repo-name>/project/abc/site/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/site-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-unzip/.
Note that you are slightly less flexible with such a setup that with what you have set up now: You need to have a version number for what your upstream project is building, so this may become tricky if you have multiple feature branches developing towards the same release version.
If you don't need this, you have the benefit of getting a portable build of your downstream project, i.e. developers build the project in the same way as your Jenkins does.


Does Jenkins support incremental pipeline builds?

I have been searching far and wide to see if I can find information on Jenkins incremental pipeline builds that does not involve Maven.
The general idea is that I want to build a generic project and run specific steps of the pipeline if the underlying code has changed. If the code did not change, I want to re-use the results from a previous build.
The reason why I want to do this, is to drastically reduce build times for huge projects.
Imagine that you only need to fix 1 line in a SCSS file, but the whole project needs to be rebuild, repackaged, etc because of this. In the meantime, the site is live and broken and waiting 15 mins to be fixed.
Can someone give a basic example of how such a build can be created or where I can find more information on incremental building?
The only thing I have been able to find is incremental building for Maven projects, but this is not applicable for me.
The standard solution is to create modules that depends on each others.
Publish the built artifact of your modules to a binary repository like Sonatype Nexus (you can easily create private npm repo as well as proxy npm repo).
During the build download the dependencies, instead of building them.
If this solution is not the one you want to take, you will have a hard time hacking a solution. To persist the state of your steps, an easy solution is to create files in the job workspace and read them at next build

How to set up artifcatory in Jenkins Free Style Project?

I am using Free Style Projects (in Jenkins) to schedule a regression test.
1. Get Source From BitBucket
2. Execute Windows Batch Command.
Earlier we are allowed to upload the jar files in Bitbucket. So we did not face any issue. Now Presently due to some changes in the process, we are not allowed to upload binaries which is affecting to upload jars in the Bitbucket.
Now, They gave given the artifactory url to set up for Maven. But we don't have any Maven projects.
It seems that artifactory is getting populated when it is hosted in the local. But we wanted to use the artifactory which is shared..
Can any one let me know the set up for free style project and the artifactory hosted in other machine and we have only URL.
Here is documentation:
I recommend to use Maven Project.

Should we use different server for automation scripts

This is a not related to code fix, but a general approach for test automation.
I have a test automation written in javascript which runs perfectly on my machine as well as my local jenkins.
Now, i want to use my company's server(centOS) and jenkins so that it is accessible to everyone in my organization.
Issue: nodejs version in company's server need update to run my automation, but server team wont do it since they are not sure if any other functionality used be other teams may start to break because of the upgrade.
Have you faced this situation. Do you have different servers for core code and automation scripts. Please suggest.
This is a complex situation that really depends on many variables. I would recommend using an agent that contains the proper version of Nodejs. With this solution you can leave the current build server how it is but you can also use the exact version of node you need. This will require an extra server/VM with the Jenkins slave software but this will remove the need to change the master server.
The solution my company went with is using Jenkins 2.x with Declarative pipelines and ephemeral Docker containers for builds. This allows you to use any Docker image such as the official Node image. You can pin a version and build it with that. With this there is no need to worry about the version on the server. Jenkins Master doesn't even need to actually build.

Build and Deploy a Web Application with TFS 2015 Build

We have just installed TFS 2015 (Update 1) on-premise and are trying to create a Continuous Integration/Build system using the new TFS Build system. The build works fine, and gives me a green light, but when I look at the default build it has only built the binaries from the bin directory, and there seems to be no easy way to deploy the app on-premise to a local server.
There are two deploy options for a filesystem copy, and a powershell script, and it would certainly be easy enough to use them to copy files to a new server, but since the build only built the binaries, I don't see a tool to gather up the Web artifacts (cshtml, images, scripts, css, etc..) for this.
After an exhaustive google search, I've only found one article which talks about this at:
However, this uses WebDeploy and creates a rather messy deploy package.
How can I deploy the site (standard MVC web application, in fact my tests are using the default boilerplate site created by the create project wizard) complete with artifacts to a local server in the easiest possible way? I don't want to have to install WebDeploy on the servers, and would rather use PowerShell or something to deploy the final artifacts.
The build is just the standard Visual Studio build template, with 4 steps (Build, Test, Index & Publish, Publish Build Artifacts).
We use "Visual Studio Build" step and as Arguments for MSBuild we use following line:
/p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:PublishProfile=$(DeploymentConfiguration)
On Variables tab page DeploymentConfiguration has to be configured. It must be the Name of the publish Profile (filename of the pubxml file). If the file Name is Build.pubxml the publish profile is Build.
for example:
/p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:PublishProfile=Build
I wanted to add that Ben Day has an excellent write-up that helped us package quickly and then release to multiple environments through Release Manager.
His msbuild arguments look like this:
/p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:DeployDefaultTarget=WebPublish /p:WebPublishMethod=FileSystem /p:DeleteExistingFiles=True /p:publishUrl=$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)\for-deploy\website
The difference between this and the accepted answer is that this parameter set stages everything in an artifacts folder, and then saves it as part of the build. We can then deploy exactly the same code repeatedly.
We capture the web.env.config files alongside the for-deploy folder and then use xdt transforms in the release process to ensure everything gets updated for whichever environment we're deploying to. It works well for all our web projects.
We use WebDeploy/MSDeploy for 40+ applications and love it. We do install WebDeploy on all our servers so we can deploy more easily but you could also use the Web Deploy On Demand feature which doesn't require WebDeploy be pre-installed.

Continuous Integration Clarification

I work in a team which maintains a Java website and back end java jobs and shell script jobs.
After all developers complete their updates, only the relevant ones are committed to source control system.
Later ant build scripts are run and war files are generated.
Along with these war files there will genrally be shell scripts etc to be copied to QA/PROD.
Then one fine day there is a team call the release management team which will transfer the code from our Dev environment to QA/PROD.
Recently I came across the Continuous Integration systems like Jenkins/Hudson.
Can these tools build all the changes committed and automatically transfer my code to QA/PROD.
BTW I work in a AIX Server environment and use Tomcat as the Container.
I am more curious whether the tool will be able to copy my code to QA/PROD.
Please Clarify.
The answer is almost certainly yes, depending on your particular setup for copying the code. There is a large number of plugins for this purposes at the appropriate Jenkins wiki page. You should be able to find something there for your needs.
