Grails dynamic baseurl for multi-url webapp - url

Any one have an idea how to use a dynamic baseurl??
f.e: I have file.war and I want to deploy the same war for &
I tried to use alias for my server.xml host, and I tried to use a separated host in server.xml.. but every time I try url I get the

Grails registers a bean named grailsLinkGenerator. I believe you can accomplish what you're trying to do by overriding this bean with your own custom logic. Your bean must implement the LinkGenerator interface. You might find it easiest to extend DefaultLinkGenerator or CachingLinkGenerator


MVC Dependency resolver conditional

I am using dependency resolver and i have added my unity container to the same. So by default "GoldCustomer" gets injected in to the "CustomerController" as per the current container rules.
IUnityContainer oContainer = new UnityContainer();
oContainer.RegisterType<ICustomer, GoldCustomer>(); // injects GoldCustomer
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new UnityDependencyResolver(oContainer));
If i want to change by current container configuration i can always create new Container and set it and call the SetResolver again. I know that the above code should be configurable via XML config but still if we need to pickup new container objects we have to still call the setresolver.
Is this the right way or are there better ways of changing container depedency rules while the application running.
Second what are the events where we can change the container is it session_start , httphandler's or something better.
Firstly why would you need multiple containers? It must be the singleton object who keeps all the dependency registered since the application started.
In a practice I would say keep single container and if required create multiple Registration function in separate assemblies and invoke all of them in a AppBootstrapper.
If it's an application then best way is to use the Application start with Async behaviour so that the startup doesn't get affected.
Unfortunately the Named registration is the only option and Unity required to register with names explicitly. Thats why I personally like DI containers like Autofac and SimpleInjector. They are fast and They allow multiple registrations of an Interface with multiple Types and the resolver uses Type resolver and Named resolver methods without explicitly asking for Names and those resolvers are overridable too.
I am not sure why it does not look that complex to me , If I understand question quickly I can do it as follows,
assume that I have interface IMovieRepository and two classes implementing it EnglishMovieRepository and HindiMovieRepository.
How about resolving them as in UnityConfig.cs as follows,
container.RegisterType<IMovieRepository, EnglishMovieRepository>();
container.RegisterType<IMovieRepository, HindiMovieRepository>();
If requirement is something different then please let me know

Grails: Change contents of (i18n) in production

Is is possible to modify text in when in production without a redeploy/restart.
It's quite possible, but you need to replace the default messageSource bean with a ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource. You can do this by configuring a new messageSource bean definition in your grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy as follows:
beans = {
messageSource( {
basenames = ["classpath:grails-app/i18n/myApp", "file:grails-app/i18n/messages", "WEB-INF/grails-app/i18n/messages"]
The above will work in both development and production. You may also want to research other options available to you using the ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource.
This is not possible if you use the default messageSource bean. If you want to do this, one option is to store the messages in the database rather than properties files. Here are a couple of plugins that support this (I've never used either of them myself)
Alternatively, replace the default messageSource bean with one that supports reloading, e.g. ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource.

DefaultMessageCodesResolver in Grails

When validating domainclasses in Grails, it uses the DefaultMessageCodesResolver from Spring to "extend" the set of i18n-keys to try and lookup. I would like to simplify this, and have therefore implemented my own SimpleMessageCodesResolver by extending the MessageCodesResolver interface.
However, I can't seem to make Grails pick up on this. I've declared it as a custom dependency injection, trying to override, what Spring normally does:
I still see the DefaultMessageCodesResolver when looking at the domain object... Any ideas how to make this work?
I belive your custom dependency injection should be:
MessageCodesResolver is an interface, but not spring bean as DefaultMessageCodesResolver instance is.

Grails access Config properties in Secured annotation

I am trying to access the Config of the grails application via the #Secured annotation of spring security with the aim to externalize the role name later.
Sadly, I wasn't able to get this working. Neither by trying to use deprecated ConfigurationHolder class nor getting reference to grailsApplication object.
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ConfigurationHolder as CH
class MyController { ...}
Does anyone have an advice how to solve this?
Came across Burt's article which was informational.
You can't - annotation element values must be compile-time constants because they're resolved by the compiler and stored as part of the class bytecode.
You may have more luck using one of the other mechanisms to specify security constraints (static rules or Requestmap instances in the database) instead of annotations.

Using resources.groovy to define services

I'm using the resources.groovy to declare a service e.g.
so that I can tie aService to my controllers instead of using organizationService which could change in the future.
I've noticed that the OrganizationService doesn't get treated special like other services "not" declared in the resources.groovy. For example it doesn't get injected with grailsApplication, and likely a hibernateSession etc and other things I've not hit yet....
Now, I know I can manually wire in stuff to my service but I'd rather not have to maintain that...
Is there a special way to declare a service in the resources.groovy so that gets treated like another service that grails loads up?
The short answer to your question is "no".
Under the covers, Grails services are driven by some intelligent code that is referencing a specific location and expecting certain properties.
Viewing the source code (especially around the ServicesGrailsPlugin.groovy) is a good way to see the "magic" in how these are wired together.
Is there a reason you wouldn't want to use a bonafide Grails service to solve your problem? If you are expecting things like a grailsApplication, it seems like that use is pretty specific to Grails and would be a good candidate for porting over to a "true" Grails service.
Good luck!
So I've come full circle on this. This is a timing problem. Where services haven't been grails initialized yet.
Basically when you use the resources.groovy to do service wiring you run the risk of using a Service that might initialize itself e.g. afterPropertiesSet method or static initializers that use grails services (log, hibernate session, ..) that haven't been injected yet.
So... What I've turned to instead is to create my own BeanBuilder in a BootStrap.groovy file.
BeanBuilder builder = new BeanBuilder(grailsApplication.parentContext)
def bb = builder.beans {
LoginListener( {
springSecurityService = ref("springSecurityService")
userService = ref("userService")
