How to judge if two time series are similar? - time-series

this question troubles me for two days. Now i am comparing the similarity of two time series data. The approach i know so far is to calculate the distance between them. Here, i choose the Dynamic Time Warping(DTW) to compute their distance. As a result, there is a warping path together with their DTW distance. Now my question is, how can i judge whether these two are similar based on this distance? Is there any threshold defined for this problem?
My intuition tells me that, if they are identical, then the distance between them would be 0.
Can anyone help me deal with this question?

Why not just use some simple statistical methods like finding the correlation between the two sets of data? You could do this in Excel quite easily - see this tutorial

Using distance measure on Time Series is always risky and yes, you need to define some threshold. The value will depend on your data. (It is all hit and trial approach).
Further,You can also refer to the paper "A review on time series data mining".
In the paper, you can find various approach to find the similarity in Time Series


Cut points from which to choose the best split in Decision Tree regressor with continious feature?

I understand, that in the Decision Tree algorithm, when the splitting is decided, we choose the best split based on some criterion. And when you're looking for the best split, you have to iterate through some list of values. But it seems very computationally expensive to consider every value of the feature as the possible threshold (or, so called, cut point). Thus, there is a necessity for some heuristic for choosing these thresholds. For example, if we have continuous feature and categorical target (i.e, we are dealing with classification problem), we can do the following: sort dataset by given feature and consider for splitting only values, where target variable is changing it's value.
But what do you do if you have regression task, i.e. both feature and target are continuous variables? I realize, that I have to calculate, for example, the mean variance or mean median deviation in both branches for each split. But how do you decide from which values you're choosing you best split? People surely have came up with some optimal solution in order to avoid iterating over every value of the feature in the training set.
I've done some research, but most sources only focuses on different criteria and questions of how you determine whether your split is suitable. Which is not really answering my question.
I've found this question, but Predictor only suggests, that it can be done using the percentiles. And I think, that there is no guarantee, that this is how it really done in real life.
I've also found this question, but for me geledek's answer is not very clear (obviously, dude just copy-pasted his answer from presentation, that he is referring to). I'm pretty much fine with the Method 1, but I would really appreciate if someone could explain Method 2 in more details. Or, perhaps, provide some different source or explanation of your own.
UPD: I've also looked up to the scikit-learn repo at GitHub, and found this line. I can't quite understand the overall code, but it seems that this particular line implies that thresholds are chosen as the averages of the neighboring feature values (which corresponds with the aforementioned Method 1 from the question above). Is that correct? I also don't understand this comment: # sum of halves is used to avoid infinite value. How exactly does dividing by two prevent from getting infinite values? Don't you get infinity only when you are dividing by zero? Is dividing by two necessary, because this way we are getting average value (and not because we don't want to get infinitely)?

Comparison of two normal distribution

I have two normally distributed samples. I want to know how close or similar it is. I tried few methods to find the similarity, like z-score and bhattacharyya distance.
Bhattacharyya distance didn't work for me. It gives the same distance if the standard deviation of two samples is same. It doesn't change with change in mean.
I want to know whether any method is available that take the samples or its mean and standard deviation to find the similarity or similarity rank something like this.
I am not from mathematics background, so please ignore the terminology mistakes and let me know if any clarification is required.
I assume you're not looking for a relationship between the two samples, where a correlation coefficient would be appropriate?
I've been investigating a similar question for my current data and am looking at the Mahalanobis distance and the Earthmovers distance.
I found this post from a different forum which gave me a few ideas

which clustering algorithm is more likely to give the expected clustering result

I am given a set of 2-dimentional data in the format of Figure 1. The layout and the expected clustering results (in two different colors and symbols) are shown in Figure 2. Among the common clustering methods, which one(s) is/are more likely to give the expected clustering result? Why? Thanks.
Figure 1
Figure 2
This question is rather vague. So what exactly do you mean by among "the clustering approaches"?
I'll give it a try anyway:
At first glance I would guess, that there are a lot of good clustering algorithms which wouldn't have a hard time clustering your data, for the obvious reason, that your data is well separated.
Another thing to keep in mind is, whether you know the amount of clusters your expecting in your data, which you don't really state, but which highly influences the approach you would want to take (or whether you would add some sort of metric which determines the quality of clustering in order to find the suitable amount of clusters e.g. Ellbow method, or some entropy measurement).
Following a few clustering approaches that could work for you:
Region growing
I hope this gives you a start what to look into.

Grouping points that represent lines

I am looking for an Algorithm that is able to solve this problem.
The problem:
I have the following set points:
I want to group the points that represents a line (with some epsilon) in one group.
So, the optimal output will be something like:
Some notes:
The point belong to one and only line.
If the point can be belong to two lines, it should belong to the strongest.
A line is considered stronger that another when it has more belonging points.
The algorithm should not cover all points because they may be outliers.
The space contains many outliers it may hit 50% of the the total space.
Performance is critical, Real-Time is a must.
The solutions I found till now:
1) Dealing with it as clustering problem:
The main drawback of this method is that there is no direct distance metric between points. The distance metric is on the cluster itself (how much it is linear). So, I can not use traditional clustering methods and I have to (as far as I thought) use some kind of, for example, clustering us genetic algorithm where the evaluation occurs on the while cluster not between two points. I also do not want to use something like Genetic Algorithm While I am aiming real-time solution.
2) accumulative pairs and then do clustering:
While It is hard to make clustering on points directly, I thought of extracting pairs of points and then try to cluster them with others. So, I have a distance between two pairs that can represents the linearity (two pairs are in real 4 points).
The draw-back of this method is how to choose these pairs? If I depend on the Ecledian-Distance between them, it may not be accurate because two points may be so near to each other but they are so far from making a line with others.
I appreciate any solution, suggest, clue or note. Please you may ask about any clarification.
P.S. You may use any ready OpenCV function in thinking of any solution.
As Micka advised, I used Sequential-RANSAC to solve my problem. Results were fantastic and exactly as I want.
The idea is simple:
Apply RANSAC with fit-line model on the points.
Delete all points that are in-liers of the output of RANSAC.
While there are 2 or more points go to 1.
I have implemented my own fit-line RANSAC but unfortnantly I can not share code because it belongs to the company I work for. However, there is an excellent fit-line RANSAC here on SO that was implemented by Srinath Sridhar. The link of the post is : RANSAC-like implementation for arbitrary 2D sets.
It is easy to make a Sequential-RANSAC depending on the 3 simple steps I mentioned above.
Here are some results:

What algorithm would you use for clustering based on people attributes?

I'm pretty new in the field of machine learning (even if I find it extremely interesting), and I wanted to start a small project where I'd be able to apply some stuff.
Let's say I have a dataset of persons, where each person has N different attributes (only discrete values, each attribute can be pretty much anything).
I want to find clusters of people who exhibit the same behavior, i.e. who have a similar pattern in their attributes ("look-alikes").
How would you go about this? Any thoughts to get me started?
I was thinking about using PCA since we can have an arbitrary number of dimensions, that could be useful to reduce it. K-Means? I'm not sure in this case. Any ideas on what would be most adapted to this situation?
I do know how to code all those algorithms, but I'm truly missing some real world experience to know what to apply in which case.
K-means using the n-dimensional attribute vectors is a reasonable way to get started. You may want to play with your distance metric to see how it affects the results.
The first step to pretty much any clustering algorithm is to find a suitable distance function. Many algorithms such as DBSCAN can be parameterized with this distance function then (at least in a decent implementation. Some of course only support Euclidean distance ...).
So start with considering how to measure object similarity!
In my opinion you should also try expectation-maximization algorithm (also called EM). On the other hand, you must be careful while using PCA because this algorithm may reduce the dimensions relevant to clustering.
