Jquery Assets precompilation in rails - ruby-on-rails

I am using 'Jquery-rails' gem. when the server compiles all assets, every single plugin from jquery library is attatched to the page in front-end. Is it possible to use only the specific plugins.
These are the files being automatically attached in front-end:-->
jquery.ui.bind,jquery.ui.bounce, jquery.ui.droppable, jquery.ui.explode, jquery.ui.shake,
jquery.ui.slider, jquery.ui.sortable, jquery.ui.spinner,..................
[more than 100 of them]
but i am using only few of them.
how to solve this problem.

Yes you can add the specific jquery plugins as required. Download it from here Jquery plugin Download. Select the required plugins as per your requirement. Now include the files in your assets folder and change the layouts/application.html.erb to make the files available.


Bootstrap with Rails without LESS/SASS

I have a project of Rails 4 integrated with bootstrap.
I use less-rails-bootstrap gem in order to integrate it.
I wonder what is the best way to integrate bootstrap into rails without using less (os sass). I assume I can simply download the css and js files as explained in the bootstrap site, but I wonder if i might have problems with it.
Yes, if you don't want to customize Bootstrap styles, you can simply download it from bootstrap site and put it under vendor folder.
And you won't have problems, since Rails will precompile the files (js/css/img) under vendor folder.
Make sure to read this answer if you add fonts too.

Why use gems for serving assets instead of the vendor file?

I am relatively new to Rails and I have a question about serving assets from a gem vs just loading the files into the asset pipeline.
As far as I can tell, they do virtually the same thing in that they both make the files available in the asset pipeline to be called in the manifest.
What are the advantages to serving something like gem 'jquery-rails' as a gem instead of just putting /vendor/assets/javascripts/jQuery.js in the vendor assets and loading it that way?
The advantage is you don't have to add the file(s) to your repo and manage updates, you update the gem and you've updated the dependency. They can also add helpers to use the assets more easily.
Not all JS/CSS projects are out-of-the-box compatible with the asset pipeline too, so sometimes the gems will do that work for you as well.
Just because the files get served to clients doesn't make it much different than any other dependency in your application.
The gem includes the unobtrusive javascript for Rails as well as jQuery itself. It also allows you to user assert_select_jquery in tests.
jquery-rails is gem contains js file for both jquery.js, jquery_ujs.js. If you does not include jquery-rails, then you have include both jquery.js and jquery_ujs.js.If you are not using gem for jquery-rails, you have manually keep track what version jquery.js is used for jquery_ujs.js. Currently these dependency management is taken care by gem 'jquery-rails'.
You don't need to manually copy them when you get a new version of
jquery released, gem will make sure to add the latest codes only.
Check this link:
It provides couple of methods which helps while testing your code.

Rails: Managing Javascript Plugins

I am developing a website when i have third-party plugins (javascript plugins, with css files and images) and i don't want to separate the plugin between stylesheets and javascript, i want to keep the plugins folder, and each plugin with the javascript and the stylesheet.
And i use different plugins in different pages of the webapp. So i put a "plugins" folder inside "vendor/assets" but i don't know how to load them in the webpage.
Do you know how can i do that? or do you have any advice for working with javascript plugins?
Try adding this in your application.css:
#import "/vendor/assets/plugins/css-stuff.css";
and in your application.js, try this:
<script src="/vendor/assets/plugins/javascript-stuff.js"></script>
That should work for you, but if not, then say something here.

RoR asset pipeline best practices for one-off JS plugins

I have a best practices question regarding one-off javascript plugins and their role in the Rails asset pipeline.
I'm new to Rails, and am working on a new project. The site template I'm using uses a large collection of js plugins for added functionality. (eq chartjs.org, ckeditor, and about 40 others) Since these are needed on a page-by-page basis, I'm not sure if I should really load them all in the application.js manifest.
Currently, I have the template's assets under the /vendor directory and only the core assets are being loaded from my application.js manifest.
Thoughts on how/where to include the plugins?
As i know that rails default added all js file include in application.js by //= require_tree . so, you can remove it and add only those file which you want to added. and if you want to run only specific function then you can use location.pathname with condition and it will work for only that specific page.

Sharing CSS through Ruby Gem

We have common CSS styling in our organisation that most of the projects use. These assets (css, images etc) are included in every project's source code.
I would like to have a gem that could host these assets and the projects that use this gem would be able to directly use them. At the moment, I can only find ways to use generators and 'install' the assets into a project, not to use them from the gem itself.
The main requirement is that if there's a bug fix/ improvement made to the assets, just updating the gem should get me the latest in all projects that use the upgraded gem.
how do I go about doing this?
You can do this quite easily in rails 3.1+ if you make your gem a rails engine. Among other things if you add assets to an engine then you can require those CSS files from your application's manifest files etc.
There's a walk through on how to do this here and quite a few gems out there that wrap js/CSS packages with that exact aim of being able to upgrade the assets used without having to run generators or anything. For example the jquery-rails gem does this for jquery. A more complicated example is jquery-ui-rails, which bundles all the jquery ui js,CSS, images etc and lets you load only the jquery ui components you actually need.
