What happens if I accidentally override Apple's private APIs? - ios

Say that Apple has an API defined in a private header file:
// Can't see this at all
#interface NSThing
- (void)secretMethod;
and I have a category:
#interface NSThing (Helpers)
- (void)secretMethod;
Does this override Apple's implementation and will their other private methods start calling into my implementation?

From "Avoid Category Method Name Clashes":
If the name of a method declared in a category is the same as a method
in the original class, or a method in another category on the same
class (or even a superclass), the behavior is undefined as to which
method implementation is used at runtime. This is less likely to be an
issue if you’re using categories with your own classes, but can cause
problems when using categories to add methods to standard Cocoa or
Cocoa Touch classes.
So if you "accidentally" implement a category method with the same name as
an existing method (private or not), the behaviour is undefined.
You should therefore prefix your category methods with a prefix that makes
name clashes unlikely.


Objective C: Declaring a selector but implementing it in objects category

I have a framework in obj-c which is included by other modules. I want to allow the modules which are going to include it to provide their own implementation for certain methods.
I can't use subclassing because of some issues around serializing these objects. So, have to rely on using category.
I am thinking of declaring a method/selector for the object and then modules will define the category and implement that method. Something like below:
Framework will declare interface like below:
#interface framework:NSObject
- (void)methodToBeImplemented;
#implementation framework()
- (void)invokeClientDefinedMethod
if([self respondsToSelector:#(methodToBeImplemented)]) {
[self methodToBeImplemented];
//Module-1 will link against this framework and define the category
#implementation framework(methodImplementor)
- (void)methodToBeImplemented
Can I choose not to implement methodToBeImplemented at all in framework and implementation to be provided by the modules themselves.
I know that I can do it performSelector route. But I cringe to do so because I want to send pointers to my method which is not really possible with performSelector
If possible, I would highly recommend using a delegate pattern for your object so that callers can pass a delegate that conforms to a protocol rather than directly extending the class. That's the normal way to implement this kind of system. But if there's a particular reason a delegate is not possible, you can build what you're describing.
What you're looking for is an informal protocol, which is how almost all protocols were handled prior to the introduction of #optional.
What you want to do is define a category on your class in your public header:
#interface Framework (OverridePoints)
- (void)methodToBeImplemented
This declares that such a method may exist, but it does not enforce its actually being implemented. The key is having a name in the parentheses. This can be anything (I used "OverridePoints" here), but it cannot be empty since that would be an extension instead of a category.
Once you have that, then the rest of your ideas work. You can test for respondsToSelector:, and the consumer can implement (or not implement) the category methods just as you describe.
The one danger is that there is nothing preventing multiple parts of the program implementing the same method in categories. That is undefined behavior, but the compiler will not catch it for you.

Class Extension vs Primary Interface vs Category

I am fairly new to realm of iOS. Coming from Java and Android background i am facing few challenges while learning objective C.
My question: I understand how the above three are different from each other but I fail to understand their use cases in practice.
Do we need a Class Extension for every class with private functions? What is the use of Category, when we can extend a Cocoa/Cocoa-touch class in interface and add custom functions? Please do provide some example from your experience.
Categories are a way to split a single class definition into multiple files.A category can be declared for any class, even if you don't have the original implementation source code.At runtime, there's no difference between a method added by a category and one that is implemented by the original class.
example for categories:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface NSString(Additions)
#import "NSString+Additions.h"
#implementation NSString (Additions)
The primary interface for a class is used to define the way that other classes are expected to interact with it. In other words, it’s the public interface to the class.
Class extensions are often used to extend the public interface with additional private methods or properties for use within the implementation of the class itself.
Class extensions are used to declare private methods in objective C
For example, to define a property as readonly in the interface, but as readwrite in a class extension declared above the implementation, in order that the internal methods of the class can change the property value directly.
The methods declared by a class extension are implemented in the implementation block for the original class, so you can't, for example, declare a class extension on a framework class, such as a Cocoa or Cocoa Touch class like NSString..
The syntax to declare a extension uses the #interface keyword, just like a standard Objective-C
#interface ClassName ()
you may find that you wish to extend an existing class by adding behavior that is useful only in certain situations. Please refer this
Category is adding methods to a class in the runtime. As far as the runtime is concerned, the methods that are implemented in a class extension, ARE the methods that are available for the class itself. Category in Objective-C is a fancy name for Monkey Patching in other programming languages like C#. You can read about it here.
With that said, you can create a category for UIColor with some method if you want every UIColor to have that behaviour throughout that module. This isn't the case with subclassing. Only the subclassed (theoretically speaking) UIColor object will get those behaviour since there is a distinct difference in the type of the object.
UIColor has built in methods that give you different colors; you can call UIColor.greenColor() to get the green color; UIColor.blackColor() to get black color and so on...
Suppose you want your own to be called in a similar fashion, you create a category (example in swift) like so
extension UIColor {
static func yourColor() -> UIColor {
return UIColor(red:220/225,green:222/225,blue:223/225)
This way, it is valid for you to call UIColor.yourColor(). Every UIColor that you would use has this method available. Convenient than subclassing, isn't it?
Creating a subclass has polymorphic implications; categories don't. You subclass only when you need refinement of an existing class and treat it both as a parent and the child when required. As a Java developer you would know when it makes sense to subclass.
An extension is best for private methods which you would like to declare in your .m file. Think of extension as a category private to the .m file.
Class Extesions: If you mean by Extension Methods like in .Net, then it called as Category in Objective-C.
Categories: These are nothing but the Extension Methods, it allows to add methods in existing classes from iOS SDK (like NSString, NSURL, etc.)
For more details: Apple Doc: Category
Primary Interface: Writing a class (Interface in terms of Objective-C) definition inside its implementation file called primary interface.
//ClassName.mm #interface ClassName() {
- Methods;
+ Methods;
#implementation ClassName
So, Categories are also one type of primary interfaces.

Undeclared Methods vs Categories in Objective-C

Imagine I have define a class MyClass as follows:
The class interface file:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface MyClass : NSObject
#property (nonatomic) NSString *myProperty;
- (void)myPublicMethod;
The class implementation file using categories:
#import "MyClass.h"
#interface MyClass (MyCategory)
- (void)myPrivateMethod;
#implementation MyClass
- (void)myPublicMethod {
NSLog(#"myPublicMethod was called!");
[self myPrivateMethod];
- (void)myPrivateMethod {
NSLog(#"myPrivateMethod was called!");
An alternative class implementation file NOT using categories:
#import "MyClass.h"
# implementation MyClass
- (void)myPublicMethod {
NSLog(#"myPublicMethod was called!");
[self myPrivateMethod];
- (void)myPrivateMethod {
NSLog(#"myPrivateMethod was called!");
Was hoping someone could explain the difference between the two implementation file approaches.
Is it the case that using categories means the "private" methods are inherited by any subclasses of MyClass and not using categories means the "private" methods are not inherited by any subclasses?
All methods that exist on a class are always inherited and are callable by anyone regardless of how you declare them. The main difference is whether anybody knows about them. There was also a historic need to declare things before use which leads to internal forward declarations in older and old-style code.
A category is used to add methods to an existing class. A common use is to extend the functionality of one of the existing classes. For example you might implement:
#interface NSURL (HTTPQueryParameters)
- (NSDictionary *)httpQueryParameters;
So from then on you've given NSURL itself the knowledge required to parse HTTP protocol query parameters. It's often the correct factoring to add functionality directly to classes you don't have the source for.
Objective-C used to follow the C rule that methods had knowledge only of those methods that had preceded them within the compilation unit. So to be able to call a method that appeared later in the source file you'd need a forward declaration. If you didn't want to publish that method for the world to see you could achieve that with a category or a class extension (which for this purpose is just an unnamed category).
Nowadays Objective-C methods can call any method that is defined anywhere within the compilation unit, including subsequently in the same source file. It's therefore now normal not to collect up your unpublished methods into a category or an extension just for the benefit of the compiler.
That leaves categories for:
adding functionality to existing classes; and
segmenting your classes if they become very large;
Class extensions are now primarily for:
declaring #propertys without publishing them.
In Objective-C any method call can be sent to any object — objects are dynamically typed. So there's a mapping table in memory at runtime for every class from method name to implementation. The lookup process is to see whether the method is implemented in the class dispatched to. If not then dispatch to the superclass. An exception will be raised if the runtime runs out of superclasses.
The declaration of the method in a category #interface only serves to expose the method to users of the class, including -- as you mentioned in your comment -- subclasses.
(It would be much more usual to use a class extension (sometimes called an "anonymous category") declare a method that you're defining in the main implementation block. Actually, I'm not 100% sure what the interaction is between your category declaration and the main block definition -- I wouldn't have been surprised if it didn't compile, but it does.)
Thus, the only difference between your two examples is that the declaration allows you to create a private header in a situation where you want your own subclasses to access this method, but have framework users who you want to restrict.

Expose a protected Objective-C instance variable to subclass

I am subclassing a pod's class, and in this class there's a private instance variable that I want to expose and use within my class:
#interface MySuperClass () {
UIScrollView *_scrollView;
Usually with exposing a private member or method, I would use a category like someone previously mentioned here, but I am having a problem doing it with a private instance variable. I read here that Associative References might work, but I wasn't able to make it work.
Try implementing in child class:
- (UIScrollView *)scrollView {
return [self valueForKey:#"_scrollView"]
Unfortunately, in Objective-C there is no way to declare private instance variables.
Whatever you want your subclass to be able to see, you'll have to declare in your .h-file. The Associative References that you were talking about work in that exact same way, but they solve a different problem, namely the one of declaring instance variables in a category.
This is due to the design of the language, and I guess it makes sense in the way that .m files are really implementation files, and no other class should actually care about the implementation of another, even with inheritance relationships like subclassing.
The option for you with the private instance variable of that pod's class would be to either put it in a property or indeed implement a category where you add methods to access it.

Objective C: several categories on one class

I must have misunderstood Categories I made a category on a class to extend it with some methods, and make some methods abstract following the OOP guidelines. But I thought that only when I #import and use the category will those methods in the category be called. Instead I find when I #import and use the base class, that this class will automatically call that method but in the Category on the class, not itself.
What I wanted was if the user tried to use this method in the class without a category a exception would get trowed. And this way I could make different categories on the same class
with slightly different internal behavior.
Am I just misunderstanding Categories ?
Categories add methods to a class without condition or other means of picking and choosing.
Once the methods are added to the class, there is no removal short of mucking with the runtime directly.
Subclasses inherit the additional methods.
It doesn't matter if you #import the method declarations or not.
If you want different versions of a class, declare different subclasses.
