How to change LinPhone SIP Port on iOS? - ios

Does anybody know how change SIP port for Linphone-iPhone ( The iOS Version ) to something other than its default value ( 5060 ) ?

Below links may be help you:-

If you choose SIP Account while login, and tapped TLS, it automatically goes to 5061, I suspected!
But if you want port something different than 5060 and 5061 you can change it using Settings screen by tapping on account name and adding proxy.
Like this:
After editing proxy and tapping back button, it will automatically starts connecting to given port(thanks for logs)
BTW, I wanted to put comment on #mixtly87, but don't know how to add image in comment :(

Probably too late, but maybe this can be helpful:
LCSipTransports transport;
linphone_core_get_sip_transports(linphoneCore, &transport);
transport.tls_port = 5061;
linphone_core_set_sip_transports(linphoneCore, &transport);
This code can be placed in createCore method, where linphoneCore is created.


How to catch ios device button press in react native?

I need to catch sound volume button press inside my react-native application. Couldn't find anything in docs.
You can use react-native-system-setting package with addVolumeListener listener. Something like this
componentDidMount() {
// listen the volume changing
this.volumeListener = SystemSetting.addVolumeListener(data => {
// your action here
You could create a native module as per FuzzyTree's comment however if you want something that's ready out of the box you could use and make it hidden. The onValueChange callback is called upon the iOS device volume controls being changed.
Another idea could be to look into the aforementioned module and just take out what you need to form a new module and publish it for the benefit of everyone.

Setting "origin" in youtube-ios-player-helper breaks programatic functionality

Using the YouTube iOS Player Helper library ( downloaded on 2015-06-16), if I add the line:
#"origin": #"",
#"modestbranding": #1
at line 30 in SingleVideoViewController.m, then the programatic controls no longer function to affect the video, and the progress bar no longer updates. Additionally, very few of the status messages are being shows/received.
I assume/hope "origin" would show up in analytics, to signify source, which is why I'm setting it.
Is there a specific format this text needs to be in, or something else I should be setting?
I'm cross posting this issue here as I have got no response to the GitHub issue
You are not passing in a valid url for the origin parameter.
Try #"origin": #"" or #"origin": #"". Note the http(s)://.

For plug in running on iOS

What I want to implement is as follow:
A-app (calling app) : request the return value of a-string sent as parameter : request(a-string) -> b-string.
B-app (plug-in installed separately by me or others, it plays the role of dictionary or database ) : search a-string from database and return the result (b-string).
With successful experiences of plug-in on android and with Apple's confident rhetoric of plug-in, I thought plug-in, of course, run on iOS. After a lot of hard work, however, I finally found out:
* Note : The creation and use of loadable bundles is not supported in iOS.*
Nonetheless, not giving up, I finally made it with custom URl and pasteboard:
A-app : write a-string and false state to pasteboard & call B-app via custom URL.
B-app : viewDidLoad runs following func and thereafter exit program ; func { read pasteboard and search from database & write the result(b-string) and true state to pasteboard }
A-app : while-loop detects whether state is false or true. if true, catch b-string from pasteboard.
Anyway it works but it's too long thus almost useless. Do you have any idea for better solutions? Why doesn't Apple allow plug-in for iOS? Any responses are welcome. Thank you.
I can't answer why Apple doesn't allow plug-ins, but I can offer some advice on what you're trying to achieve.
The common pattern for sending data back to your application is to implement a callback url, so the A-app would also implement a custom URI and add that to the uri sent to B-app.
B-app would then process the uri as you have already implemented, but then instead of exiting, it simply sends the data you requested in the uri passed to it.
See for more details and example implementations.

App launched with custom URL scheme. How do I return data to the calling app when done?

I am taking an Android programming course at my University only I have been allowed by the teacher to do IOS but I have to implement the same projects. This project is to have two apps. The first app is a color picker from a previous assignment. The second app is to call the colorpicker and allow the user to choose a color and when done return it too the second app to be displayed.
I have defined a custom URL scheme in my ColorPicker which works fine. In my second app I have a changeColor button that has the following IBAction method.
- (IBAction)colorChangePressed:(UIButton *)sender {
UIApplication *test = [ UIApplication sharedApplication ];
BOOL found =
[ test openURL:[ NSURL URLWithString:#"colorPicker://" ] ];
if (found) NSLog( #"Resource was found" );
else NSLog(#"unable to locate resource" );
This indeed launches the color picker app and it behaves as expected. My question is, after the color has been selected how do I return to the calling app with the selected color? I will add a finished button in my colorPicker to be clicked when the user is done selecting the color and I will capture the values I need but I can't figure out how to get this data back to the calling app. Is there some protocol/delegate pattern I need to implement?
The complete code is on git hub at.
Thanks in advance for any insight as to how to solve my problem.
You need to have both apps with unique schemes. Encode the scheme of app1 and use it as a part of app1->app2 URL. When app2 is finished, you'll have a app2->app1 URL, use itto open app1 and send it required information (encoded).
It is similar as if you've put a String extra to app2 Intent with the name of app1 Intent, but instead of Intent you use URL and parse it as needed.
I defined a custom scheme in the other project as stated in the first answer but I was unsure how to generate the query string in the called URL and return it to the calling application to be parsed. I had this resolved in the following post.
Syntax for passing NSArray to other application with custom URL Scheme

Blackberry facebook integration error

I have integrated the facebook in my app using, it work fine in stimulator but when view in device it show me the[0.0] 61&[0.0] 26error%3Daccess_denied%26error_description%3DThe%2Buse[0.0] r%2Bdenied%2Byour%2Brequest.&fbconnect=1&[0.0] quest%3F_path%3Dpermissions.request%26app_id%3D175269295861061%26redirect_uri%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fw[0.0][0.0] splay%3Dwap%26response_type%3Dtoken%26fbconnect%3D1%26perms%3Duser_about_me%252Cuser_activities%252C[0.0] user_birthday%252Cuser_education_history%252Cuser_events%252Cuser_groups%252Cuser_hometown%252Cuser_[0.0] interests%252Cuser_likes%252Cuser_location%252Cuser_not[0.0] es%252Cuser_online_presence%252Cuser_photo_video_tags%252Cuser_photos%252Cuser_relationships%252Cuse[0.0] r_relationship_details%252Cuser_religion_politics%252Cuser_status%252Cuser_videos%252Cuser_website%2[0.0] 52Cuser_work_history%252Cemail%252Cread_friendlists%252[0.0] Cread_insights%252Cread_mailbox%252Cread_requests%252Cread_stream%252Cxmpp_login%252Cads_management%[0.0] 252Cuser_checkins%252Cfriends_about_me%252Cfriends_activities%252Cfriends_birthday%252Cfriends_educa[0.0] tion_history%252Cfriends_events%252Cfriends_groups%252C[0.0] friends_hometown%252Cfriends_interests%252Cfriends_likes%252Cfriends_location%252Cfriends_notes%252C[0.0] friends_online_presence%252Cfriends_photo_video_tags%252Cfriends_photos%252Cfriends_relationships%25[0.0] 2Cfriends_relationship_details%252Cfriends_religion_pol[0.0] itics%252Cfriends_status%252Cfriends_videos%252Cfriends_website%252Cfriends_work_history%252Cmanage_[0.0] friendlists%252Cfriends_checkins%252Cpublish_stream%252Ccreate_event%252Crsvp_event%252Coffline_acce[0.0] ss%252Cpublish_checkins%252Cmanage_pages%252Coffline_ac[0.0] cess%26from_login%3D1&rcount=1&_rdr
I have change the app id in url.
just show me the text in white background.Please let me know if anything else requires.
Thank you
It was issue from network side,i have check with other wi-fi and it was working.
Thank you.
