Adding Users support to ComfortableMexicanSofa - ruby-on-rails

I m a new user to the CMS, after extensive search on google and through the github repo of comfy, all i found is this file - http_auth.rb, where i can add name:password pairs, i think this is for basic http auth.
here's from the manual:
After finishing installation you should be able to navigate to
Default username and password is 'username' and 'password'. You probably want to change it right away. Admin credentials (among other things) can be found and changed in the cms initializer: /config/initializers/comfortable_mexican_sofa.rb
Before creating pages and populating them with content we need to create a Site. Site defines a hostname, content path and it's language.
as i see now, this actually means there can only be one user, the admin? no user support like in wordpress etc?

There's a good extension gem built on Devise called cms-fortress. This is likely the easiest way to add multiple users to a Comfy rails app.
By default you get a new admin route at /cms-admin and login:
password: 1234qwer
Other more advanced features like user permissions are also implemented.

Out of the box ComfortableMexicanSofa only supports BasicAuth. So yeah, only one "admin". This CMS doesn't have a user/auth system because it doesn't want to take away freedom of choice from you (see Refinery/Devise).
However, it's very easy to make it work with whatever you want. See:
This way you can use your existing Devise / Sorcery / whatever else auth system.
Also, for many installs Devise is a major overkill. Sometimes one admin user is more than enough.


Admin Panel System Design using Ruby on Rails

I'm trying to make an admin panel for a website that is already running. I've never deployed an admin panel feature, so I want to ask you what the best and most common approach to creating one, and what I need to look out for when I launch it using a subdomain This website already has users and sessions controller, and I also would like to know how to differentiate two different authentication systems.
you can use Active admin gem.
see the complete documentation from this link

Should I use rails admin for end user?

I'm building an API management apps where every user able to find their own token for making an API request. Every end user will have to manage their own API access, they should also have access to many other custom endpoint.
At the moment, the Rails Admin is being used for the internal administration. Such as CRUD of "AdminUser", "Payment", and other internal system management.
The question is: Should I use Rails Admin's feature for this functionality (as in exposing admin control to every regular user)? Or should I just create a separate admin section for the general user with a standard form?
I'm not very experienced in Rails Admin implementation. So, I wonder if I should use it too for the end user.
Thanks for your time & help!
Some of my basic concern about using Rails Admin to me is that: Rails Admin is for developer or internal adminstration. There will be some risk of giving a wrong permission to the end user
Rails Admin is a quick and easy way to access all the data in your app. It can be customised to restrict access to certain models or fields, however you will have to use the Rails Admin DSL for that, and it kind of defeats the purpose of using Rails Admin if you need to do lots of customising.
A danger is also that if you did not set it up properly, the default is to expose all data to the users.
Since the functions you want to expose to the user doesn't sound too complex, it wouldn't be too much effort to write your own.

Using Devise for Two Different Models but the same Login Form

I have seen lots of similar questions here but nothing that quite fits my need.
I am a pretty experience rails developer but this new project is my first time using both Rails 3 and Devise (I'm normally on authlogic).
My app has two different models that I want to authenticate via devise.
One, User is just a standard users model
Two, Business is similar to a user, (it has an email address column too) but it has additional info in the database (address, phone number, etc..)
I want to be able to log them both in via the same login form. Then obviously once they are logged in they will be presented with different info depending on what type of Model has logged in.
It may or may not be relevant that I was planning on using OmniAuth to allow Users (though probably not businesses) to sign up/on via facebook.
What's the easiest way to go about doing this?
I think the only way to handle this would be to have your own custom sign in form and controller that determined the type of user and then sign them in correctly. I would recommend an approach like what mark mentioned for simplicity (take a look at something like CanCan to manage roles).
Another potential problem with having multiple user models is that you will have multiple versions of all the devise helper methods. So for current_<resource> and <resource>_signed_in? you would have current_user, current_business_user, user_signed_in? and business_user_signed_in?. Then you would either have to implement your own versions of these methods or you would need to check both versions everywhere you used them.
Can do this in application_controller?
current_user = current_resource_a || current_resource_b

What are people's opinions vis-a-vis my choice of authorization plugins?

I'm slowly but surely putting together my first rails app (first web-app of any kind in fact - I'm not really a programmer) and it's time to set up a user registration/login system. The nature of my app is such that each user will be completely separated from each other user (except for admin roles). When users log in they will have their own unique index page looking at only their data which they and no-one else can ever see or edit. However, I may later want to add a role for a user to be able to view and edit several other user's data (e.g. a group of users may want to allow their secretary to access and edit their data but their secretary would not need any data of their own).
My plan is to use authlogic to create the login system and declarative authorization to control permissions but before I embark on this fairly major and crucial task I thought I would canvas a few opinions as to whether this combo was appropriate for the tasks I envisage or whether there would be a better/simpler/faster/cheaper/awesomer option.
What about cancan by Ryan Bates?
Here you can get a complete visual guided implementation
Take a look at this, it might help:
Basic Rails 3 engine utilizing Authlogic, CanCan and Easy Roles
What about Devise? Take a look at the site.

Authorization model for Ruby on Rails

I am building a project management app and I am not sure which is the best/correct authorization model to implement given I am new to Rails (and programming in general). Here is what I am trying to do.
I want to be able to add a "client" to the application and then multiple projects to a client. I would like to be able to add users (that are essentially representatives of the client) to view that clients multiple projects but not other clients. I intend on having controllers for time tracking, notes, comments and images all to be associated with both clients and project of that client.
In addition, I would like to set up the account to control who is able to have one. I don't need the user to establish an account on their own.
Does that make sense?
I believe what you are mentioning is called Authorization not Authentication, anyway:
I would suggest acl9 for authorization and authlogic for authentication.
These (free) Railscasts should give you some food for thought. There are lots of great RubyGems/plugins out there for this sort of thing.
The Ruby Toolbox gives you an overview of tools and their popularity in the rails community (rated by watchers and forkers on GitHub). As you can see there, the suggested plugins restful_authentication and authlogic are almost on the same level.
Restful Authentication is still the golden standard for user authentication in ruby on rails.
I have used Authorization plug-in in the past and like it because it gives some nice meta methods such as:
user.is_eligible_for_what --> returns array of authorizable objects for which user has role "eligible"
user.is_moderator_of? group --> returns true/false
user.is_moderator_of group --> sets user to have role "moderator" for object group.
user.is_administrator --> sets user to have role "administrator" not really tied to any object.
There's also a brand new RailsCast on CanCan.
I'd use AuthLogic for authentication (logging in users and making sure they are who they claim to be) and declarative_authorization for authorization (making sure they have access to resources). See Ryan Bates' excellent Railscasts on AuthLogic and restful_authentication for more info.
