Idiomatic constructors in F# - f#

I started with a small OpenGL wrapper and I run into a small problem. I usally create my data with records like this
type Shader =
{ Handle : int }
static member Create filepath stype =
let h = loadshader filepath stype
{ Handle = h }
type VertexShader =
{ shader : Shader }
static member Create path =
{ shader = Shader.Create path ShaderType.VertexShader }
type FragmentShader =
{ shader : Shader }
static member Create path =
{ shader = Shader.Create path ShaderType.FragmentShader }
I am always using a static constructor with a non tupled function. But now I want another type where I would like to have optional parameters.
type VAO =
{ Handle : int }
static member Create vboList ?ibo =
The problem is that this doesn't seem to be possible with non-tupled functions and I don't want to mix my Create methods with tupled and non-tupled functions.
I wonder if I even wrote idiomatic F# code in the first place. How would you approach this "problem"?

You're right -- if you want to define optional parameters for a method, you need to define the arguments in tupled form. One way you could approach this would be to move the implementation of your Create method into a private method (and rename it, e.g., to CreateImpl), then re-define Create as an overloaded method which will simply dispatch to the implementation. For example:
type VAO =
{ Handle : int }
static member private CreateImpl (vboList, ibo : _ option) =
failwith "Not implemented."
static member Create vboList =
VAO.CreateImpl (vboList, None)
static member Create (vboList, ibo) =
VAO.CreateImpl (vboList, Some ibo)
Another approach, is to define a module (it needs to be placed below the definition of your VAO type) which defines curried functions which "wrap" the static VBO.Create(...) method. This'll work however you decide to declare the arguments for Create (i.e., using a single method with tuple-style argument declaration and optional parameters, or using the overloading approach described above). For example, if you don't use my overloading method, and decide to just define Create as static member Create (vboList, ?ibo):
// The [<CompilationRepresentation>] attribute is necessary here, because it allows us to
// define a module which has the same name as our type without upsetting the compiler.
// It does this by suffixing "Module" to the type name when the assembly is compiled.
module VAO =
let create (vboList : _ list) =
VAO.Create vboList
let createWithIndex vboList ibo =
VAO.Create (vboList, ibo)
Those module functions are very simple, so it's very likely they'll be inlined automatically by the F# compiler and you won't pay any run-time costs for them. If you compile in Release mode, inspect the assembly's IL and find that's not the case, then you can add the inline keyword to the function definitions to force them to be inlined. (Best not to do force inlining unless you benchmark and are certain it offers a real performance gain.)
One tip, unrelated to your question about the optional arguments -- consider re-defining at least some of your types as structs rather than F# records. Record types are compiled into classes (i.e., reference types) so you pay the additional indirection cost for no reason; defining them as structs will eliminate this indirection and give your application better performance. Better yet, if you're able to, re-use one of the existing OpenGL wrapper libraries like OpenTK or OpenGL4Net.


Is there a neater way to map member functions in dart?

Dart has a handy map function on iterables, and it accepts a lambda. So I can write something like:
// Stupid example class
class Foo {
int v;
int v2() { return v*v; }
List<int> mapFoos(List<Foo> foos) {
return (Foo f) => f.v2() );
But this feels a little clunky to me. I'm used to being able to tell map to use the member function directly, something that would look more like:
// does not compile
List<int> mapFoos(List<Foo> foos) {
But this fails to compile with the error:
The argument type '() → int' can't be assigned to the parameter type '(Foo) → int'
Is there some way to turn the member function into a lambda in a succinct way, so that
we can have something closer to the second example.
I could write
int applyV2(Foo f) {
return f.v2();
List<int> mapFoos(List<Foo> foos) {
but then I'd need to create that for each member function I want to map, which isn't really any better than using the lambda function.
If it makes any difference I'm using dart 1 due to "legacy reasons", if this has changed in recent versions I'd love to know that too.
There is no shorter way to create a function which takes a Foo and calls its v2 method, than (f) => f.v2().
You can omit the Foo type on the parameter, because it can be inferred from the context (a List<X>.map<R> requires an R Function(X) as argument).
You cannot tear off Foo.v2 because v2 is an interface method, not a static method.
Just to elaborate on why Dart doesn't allow that, you can stop reading now if you just want to know what works:
Some languages allow you to tear off instance methods, so Foo.v2 becomes a function which expects its this object as an argument, in Dart a function of type int Function(Foo). Dart does not allow that. Probably for many different reasons, but most importantly because it cannot work. Dart types are interfaces, all class types can be implemented by another class without inheriting any implementation.
If you then tear off Foo.v2, you can call it with an instance of another class which implements Foo, but which won't necessarily find the private fields that Foo has, and which v2 could depend on.
Also, the tear-off would be covariant in its this-parameter.
Take SubFoo which extends Foo and has its own v2 method. If you do Foo foo = SubFoo(); var vtoo = foo.v2; then the static type of vtoo will be int Function(Foo), but the implementation from SubFoo will necessarily have runtime type int Function(SubFoo), which is not a subtype of the static type. That means it's unsound. The torn off function will have to do a run-time type check that its argument is actually a SubFoo, and throw if it's not. (So, that feature is not a good match for Dart.)

F#: get source files to evaluate automatically

I'm making a project where there are separate source files/modules that add functions to a single Dictionary contained in a higher level file. However, I find that nothing in these source files evaluates on its own, even functions that take no arguments/code that isn't even inside a function.
As a result nothing is being added to the Dictionary. Is there a way to forcibly evaluate complete function calls in a module automatically? I'll give an example of what I'm trying to do:
let private functions = Dictionary<string, MessageHandler>()
let add type handler =
functions.Add(type, handler)
Registry.add "type1" (fun m -> ....
Registry.add "type2" (fun m -> ....
I believe you need to see this relevant topic. Loose method calls would get compiled as method calls inside of a static constructor for the enclosing type/module, when the F# code gets compiled to IL. This would roughly be equivalent to the following C# code, just to see the picture:
static class Handler1 {
static Handler1() {
// this is the static constructor
Registry.add "type1" ....
In .NET static constructors are not eagerly initialized1. This means, if you want to cause the .NET runtime to call the Handler1 static constructor, you need to access a static member of the type Handler1.
An example of using the type in a static context would be to
Expose a sufficiently accessible static member/method:
module Handler1 =
let Name = "Handler1"
Access that static member from your code, such as the main method:
let main args =
printf Handler1.Name
The above line will force the .NET runtime to load the Handler1 type's static context, which will result in invoking the static constructor if the type is encoutered by your code for the first time. If your code never encounters a given type's static context (any static member or method), then it will never be initialized -- the static constructors will never get called.
This behaviour is by design of the .NET framework (and that is regardless of the chosen language -- C#, F#, VB, others -- they all compile to similar IL). The point is to not allocate unnecessary resources by types that are never actually used.
1 Until .NET 4, static type context was initialized when the given type was first encountered by the executing code, regardless if the user code is interacting with instace or static members of that type. After .NET 4, this slightly changed -- the static context is initialized only when the user code interacts with static members of the type.

F# Val without Self Identifier

Just curious why F# has:
member val Foo = ... with get, set
While omitting the self identifier (e.g. this.).
This is still an instance property. Maybe I am the only one confused when using it. But just bothered me enough to query whoever knows how the language was defined.
With this syntax, the property is almost totally auto-implemented -- all you provide is the initialization code, which essentially runs as part of the constructor.
One of the best-practice guard rails F# puts in place is that it does not let you access instance members before the instance is fully initialized. (wow, crazy idea, right?).
So you would have no use for a self-identifier in auto-props, anyways, since the only code you get to write is init code that can't touch instance members.
Per the MSDN docs (emphasis mine):
Automatically implemented properties are part of the initialization of
a type, so they must be included before any other member definitions,
just like let bindings and do bindings in a type definition. Note that
the expression that initializes an automatically implemented property
is only evaluated upon initialization, and not every time the property
is accessed. This behavior is in contrast to the behavior of an
explicitly implemented property. What this effectively means is that
the code to initialize these properties is added to the constructor of
a class.
Btw, if you try to be a smartass and use the class-level self-identifier to get around this, you'll still blow up at runtime:
type A() as this =
member val X =
this.Y + 10
with get, set
member this.Y = 42
let a = A()
System.InvalidOperationException: The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
at Microsoft.FSharp.Core.LanguagePrimitives.IntrinsicFunctions.FailInit()
at FSI_0013.A.get_Y()
at FSI_0013.A..ctor()
at <StartupCode$FSI_0014>.$FSI_0014.main#()
Edit: Worth noting that in upcoming C# 6, they also now allow auto-props with initializers (more F# features stolen for C#, shocker :-P), and there is a similar restriction that you can't use the self-identifier:
class A
// error CS0027: Keyword 'this' is not available in the current context
public int X { get; set; } = this.Y + 10;
public int Y = 42;
public A() { }

F# top level do binding

I have a file with a module with some routines that take parameters and return unit, these routines have side-effects. I noticed that when accessing these f# routines from c# they're actually properties of type unit and when I try to access 1 property, it runs all properties in the module.
From the F# documentation all top level do bindings are run on type initialization.
What is the preferred way to write functions that should not be run on type initialization but are also not associated with other state i.e. a class with functions and member variables?
Should I put these functions inside a type and just have no records in the type?
Code example:
namespace test_space
open System.Diagnostics;
module test =
let test_1 =
Debug.WriteLine ("One")
let test_2 =
Debug.WriteLine ("Two")
I'm running this code with C#:
static void Main (string [] args)
Object o;
o = test.test_2;
And the output is:
The problem is you didn't create functions but value bindings. test_1 is a value. test_1() is a function of type unit -> unit. Make sure you put () after the function name.
I don't fully understand the scenario you're describing - F# functions declared in a module will generally appear as methods and values will appear as properties. The code that is executed when you first access module (type initialization) is the initialization of values.
If you write just:
module Foo =
let Operation () =
printfn "hello"
...then calling Operation will be a method and calling Foo.Operation() will run the side-effect. If you can post some code that behaves unexpectedly, then someone can explain it.
Anyway, if you want to be sure about the behavior, you can write operations as static members of a class:
type Foo =
static member Operation() =
printfn "hello"
Then you can be sure that F# will compile them as static members of a class in a predictable way.

why is the implementation of my abstract member not public

I've been struggling to get this to compile for about an hour. It must be something stupid. Can you spot it?
in my lib project:
namespace TravelerStuff
open System
type Traveler =
abstract GetData : unit -> unit
type public DeltaTraveler() =
interface Traveler with
member v.GetData () =
printf "hello"
and in my console test app:
[<EntryPoint>] let main _ =
let traveler = new TravelerStuff.DeltaTraveler()
traveler.GetData // this line won't compile: (The field, constructor or member 'GetData' is not defined)
As gradbot says, F# doesn't currently implicitly convert values to interfaces when searching for members. Also, F# only uses explicit interface implementation (as known from C#) and not implicit implementation where members are not only compiled as implementation of an interface, but also as ordinary (directly visible) members of the type.
Aside from casting, you can duplicate the member in the type definition:
type DeltaTraveler() =
member v.GetData () = printf "hello"
interface Traveler with
member v.GetData () = v.GetData()
Also, if you just want to implement an interface, but don't need to add any members, you can use F# object expressions (which are more lightweight):
let deltaTraveler() =
{ new Traveler with
member v.GetData () = printf "hello" }
// The function directly returns value of type 'Traveler'
let t = deltaTraveler()
You need to upcast. F# currently won't do it for you in this situation.
(traveler :> TravelerStuff.Traveler).GetData()
// open the namespace to reduce typing.
open TravelerStuff
(traveler :> Traveler).GetData()
Snip from F# docs.
In many object-oriented languages,
upcasting is implicit; in F#, the
rules are slightly different.
Upcasting is applied automatically
when you pass arguments to methods on
an object type. However, for let-bound
functions in a module, upcasting is
not automatic, unless the parameter
type is declared as a flexible type.
For more information, see Flexible Types (F#).
