Strange black dim under UINavigationBar - ios

Recently I've faced a strange thing in my app. I don't know if this is a bug but it's annoying.
I've a view hierarchy like on the screenshot below:
... and when I move my app to the background (tapping on the home button) there appears a black dim under UINavigationBar. Of course it stays in the task-switching mode (screenshot below). I don't know what caused this bug and of course I don't know how to get rid of this.

I wasn't able to fix this problem directly but as I said it is a problem with hierarchy and I'll try to explain it just the way I understand it so if I'm wrong, don't hasitate to correct me!
UIView called Groups is filling only the space under the UINavigationBar. In that case there is nothing under the bar. So why is it displaying this dim? I guess because of the native blur effect under UINavigationBar.
So how did I manage to deal with this without changing the view hierarchy? I've changed the size of UIView to cover whole window and because UIView has some backround set the dim effect disappeared. This operation is easy to achieve. Just by selecting Extended edges Under Top Bars option in Attributes Inspector of View Controller


In iOS, is there a way to add (overlay) a subview of a UIBarButtonItem image without it moving the buttons already in the bar?

I have my swift 5 app working and I'm now adding a 'tool tips' feature, explaining what each part of the screen does.
The approach I have taken is from an article online - add a subview of grey to dim the background, then to that, add a subview of the item being described again, so it is now highlighted, then also, add a subview of an explainer bubble to explain the item highlighted.
This works fine, so long as the UIView I'm using isn't from a UIBarButtonItem. When it is, the bar buttons underneath the grey screen move around to accomodate what they believe is another bar button being added, which causes everything to miss-align. Other buttons do not have this problem, only UIBarButtons.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Are you adding the duplicate subview to the bar itself? It'd probably be better to add it to the screen rather than the bar so it doesn't affect the bar's layout. In order to get its frame relative to the view controller so you can display your duplicate in the correct position, you could use:
barButtonItem.convert(barButtonItem.bounds, to: self.view)
Assuming self is a UIViewController.

White Bar appearing at bottom of each view controller in storyboard but doesn't affect when ran

In my storyboard view these white bars appeared at the bottom of every view. I can't remember what I did when they appeared, the only thing I can think of was that I tried to add a bar button but then deleted it, so maybe that created some sort of bar. However the bar doesn't show up when running the app in the simulator, it just has a visual in the storyboard.
Does anyone know what it is / why it appeared? and also how can I get rid of it. I got rid of a few by changing the view heights and then changing them back, but when trying to do the same in the first view when I clicked the white bar they all appeared again on every view.
Also, I've noticed some are within the view and some are an extension.
This issue is caused by adding a bar button item and then removing it. The fix is pretty easy though. Go to your storyboard and select the View Controller having the issue.
You will then want to go to the Utility area on the right side of your screen. You will see Bottom Bar = Translucent Toolbar. Change that to None and you're good to go.

Weird grey tint in top right of screen on navigation segue

I have a strange, unwanted graphic effect when I navigate to and from views. There is a temporary grey tint in the top right of the screen. As it's difficult to describe, I made a short screen capture of what is happening.
View it here:
I was just curious if any of you have seen this and/or know where I can look to modify/get rid of this behavior?
Thanks so much,
Alright, I figured it out. It had to do with my navigation bar being translucent and one of my covered background layers being grey. I checked off 'Translucent' on my navigation bar and it fixed it.

iPad UITableView top right corner covered with white box in landscape popover

I am attempting to create a custom popover for an iPad application in landscape orientation. I created a new UITableViewController with static cells on my storyboard and set the size setting to "free form". I then set the size of the UITableView to my desired size. I connected a Modal segue from the parent controller to the new popover.
Then in the parent UIViewController I created a method that performs the segue through a custom presenter. After working through a bug in Apple's orientation handling routines, I got the popover to show at the correct location.
When I run the app, I then discovered that in the top right hand corner of the UITableView a white box is displayed that covers whatever I place in the UITableViewCell. The more cells I place in the table the longer this white box appears. So I believe it has something to do with the UITableViewCell not orienting properly although I have not figured out what yet.
I cannot seem to find what this box is, nor have I had any luck getting rid of it. Has anyone seen something like this? Any help to get this white box remove (or whatever is needed to get the cells working correctly again), will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
For anyone who is interested, I was able to work around this problem. It turns out that there is a bug in the modal segue logic that does not handle landscape orientation. So I created a XIB and presented that as my modal view. I still need to adjust things since it is landscape but the view displays correctly.
From what I understand this storyboard bug should be fixed soon.

UISplitView with UITabbar

I have a strange one that I can not seem to fix. I am currently working on updating my app to iOS7. This all worked in iOS6. It is an universal app and thus uses same xib files. However the iPad uses UISplitViews on some. Like I said, this all worked in iOS6 oh this all works on the iPhone too.
The problem is a grey bar at the bottom. I changed the tab bar to be opaque to move views up properly as i had some UI clipped to bottom of views and that went underneath the tab bar, sidetracked there. But if i set it back to translucent bar, it goes underneath but stretched properly. if i dont, it adds a bar. Other tabs work fine when NOT using splitview.
The UISplitviewController is added programmatically.
See attached image for better description.
This I have tried:
Added autoresize on splitview
Checked xib for subviews in the splitviews to have auto resize
Tried to force splitview to be screen bounds
Removed clips to bounds on all views
Removed autoresize subviews
Any ideas would be welcomed.
Thank you all.
setting the background colour the uisplitview, it does colour the bar black. So the uisplitview is definitely stretching to it.
I subclassed UISplitViewController and added the line below to viewDidLoad and that fixed the grey line.
self.extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars = YES;
I believe I have found an alternative solution for you. I have had the exact same problem, mostly because we are both doing something against Apple's Guidelines which is having a SplitViewController nested within a Tabbar controller (SplitView should be the root view). This was okay in iOS 5/6, but now in iOS 7 there are far too many side effects to achieve this.
The reason you see your view stretch completely when you set the bar to be translucent is because the bar is NOT taken into account when drawing the view. When you set translucent to false, it is then taken into account of the view and you will see that grey bar there because that's your view pretending there's a tabbar at the bottom of the screen.
And as always, a SplitViewcontroller's height cannot be changed, as it is determined by the visible window height.
I tried everything you did and then some. The real solution came from using a third-party Split View Controller.
I recommend switching over to . This split view controller is actually one large View with container views living inside of it. Because of this, you avoid all the side effects of putting an actual split view controller within a tab bar.
If that doesn't float your boat, you could create your own solution which follows the same idea of having one UIViewController with two container views contained in it, though the people behind MGSplitViewController did a good job of that already.
This was the only way I was able to solve this issue, let me know if you find an alternative.
Instead of creating a subclass for UISplitViewController, I just added this code on my master's viewDidLoad:
self.splitViewController?.extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars = true
For the controller that is the detail view of UISplitViewController you just do this:
return nil;
