Batch Delete Videos From YouTube Favorites Playlist - youtube

I am trying to batch delete videos from the user his YouTube favorites using the YouTube v2 API. (See also
Posting videos to the favorites in batch works nicely; and I can also remove single videos from the favorites without problem (This rules out a problem with authentication).
My request body is as follows, where VIDEOID1 and VIDEOID2 are the <yt:favoriteId>Ids found in their corresponding video xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns='' xmlns:media='' xmlns:batch='' xmlns:yt=''>
<batch:operation type="delete"/>
This is the response I get back however, where UserID ofcourse is the userID of the user and BatchID is the BatchID given by the service:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<feed xmlns=''>
<category scheme='' term=''/>
<title>Batch Feed</title>
<entry xmlns:batch=''>
<content>Invalid entry Id/Uri</content>
<batch:status code='400' reason='Invalid entry Id/Uri'/>
<entry xmlns:batch=''>
<content>Invalid entry Id/Uri</content>
<batch:status code='400' reason='Invalid entry Id/Uri'/>
It states Invalid entry Id/Uri for the videos I try to remove, while when I remove them by singular delete request with the same ID, it works.
Is batch deleting videos from favorites not supported, or am I missing something?

I've got it to work, thanks to this question and answer: Batch deleting videos using YouTube API and HTTpWebRequest
The trick was using the user its userId instead of default, and to use to complete video URL as id.
The batch URL looks like this:
The request looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns='' xmlns:media='' xmlns:batch='' xmlns:yt=''>
<batch:operation type="delete"/>


IBM Connection changing document owner

Hi I'm trying to change the document owner of a document located in a connection library (v 5.5), I'm still waiting for a reply from IBM but probably is going to take too long for me, that's why I'll try to reverse engineer.
I tried with the standard editor POST request changing Editor to Owner:{id}/document/{id}/members/feed?membershipTimestamp=1456418747000
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="">
<isSecurityInherited xmlns="">false</isSecurityInherited>
<role xmlns="">Reader</role>
<uid xmlns="">$IC-T-I-a</uid>
<securityAction xmlns="">ADD</securityAction>
<role xmlns="">Reader</role>
<uid xmlns="">$IC-C-M-e43da535-c2bb-4206-9d04-637ad878374b</uid>
<securityAction xmlns="">ADD</securityAction>
<role xmlns="">Owner</role>
<uid xmlns="">id</uid>
<securityAction xmlns="">ADD</securityAction>
it returns:
and is not working, do you have any idea?
I found the solution to the problem, is not possible to change the owner since the document on CCM will be owned by community group and the creator of the document.
If you want to add somebody as document owner you have to add it to the community owner group, the original creator is only readable!

Cannot get records for particular meeting

Cannot figure out how to properly send request to get all records, which are corresponding to the meeting.
From this request
I get such response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<status code="ok"/>
<sco account-id="1051298934" disabled="" display-seq="0" folder-id="1057190786" icon="meeting" lang="en" max-retries="" sco-id="1087877981" source-sco-id="1051270965" type="meeting" version="3">
<name>DevTeam Meeting 2</name>
<source-sco account-id="1051298934" disabled="" display-seq="0" folder-id="1051270964" icon="meeting" lang="en" max-retries="" sco-id="1051270965" source-sco-id="-8888" type="meeting" version="1">
<name>Default Meeting Template</name>
Where I see folder-id="1057190786" and sco-id="1087877981", but when I'm trying to get records for this meeting, using folder-id or sco-id according to documentation with requests
I receive:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<status code="invalid">
<invalid field="action" type="enum" subcode="no-such-item"/>
You should use another API method to get the recordings. They listed in the "scos" container, "url-path" element is what you need.
You should try the sco-contents method...
Get your meeting contents calling sco-contents
You will find your records in those sco with icon="archive"
Don't use "list-recordings" as is not available anymore.
Reference (Sep. 20, 2016)
Provides a list of recordings (FLV and MP4) for a specified folder. The service and hence the API is no longer available.
Docs here.

cannot get RTMP URL and stream key

I am developing code using the youtube API for live streaming. What I have done
I have registered a project in google and gotten client_id, client_secret, and
developer ID
I have done OAuth 2.0 and gotten the code and exchanged it to AUTH_TOKEN
I can create a live event by posting to domain
with request
with header
Authorization: Bearer AUTH_TOKEN
GData-Version: 2
Content-Type: application/atom+xml
X-GData-Key: key=DEV_ID
with content
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<entry xmlns=''
<summary>Test gogogogo!</summary>
<content type='application/atom+xml'>
<yt:cdn name='primary'>
<media:content yt:format='18'/>
<media:content yt:format='19'/>
<yt:when start='2013-07-05T22:00:00.000Z'/>
This returns HTTP code : 201 and my live event is created, but the returned data
does not include STREAM KEY AND RTMP URL. I need these data to start my live
event automatically.
the return data
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<entry xmlns=''
<category scheme=''
<summary>Test gogogogo!</summary>
<content type='application/atom+xml'
<link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
<link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'
<media:description type='plain'>Test gogogogo!</media:description>
<media:title type='plain'>Test</media:title>
<yt:when start='2013-07-05T22:00:00.000Z'/>
If I manually login youtube and click on my create live event, I can see my
stream key and RTMP URL there. And I can use they to start streaming manually
So my problem is: how can I get STREAM KEY and RTMP URL automatically (by API
based on
it said that when I success create/adding an event, youtube will returns url like this
<yt:cdn name='primary'>
<media:content yt:format='19' yt:name='yt-live_SpQXZYILnN0_35'
but in my case, my returned data doesn't include this line
After do some research, I solved it by sending this request
and the youtube returns me RTMP server URL
Thanks all

Import custom Atom feed in PowerPivot

Question: I have created a sample xml document containing data conforming to the atom 1.0 schema. When I import the contents of this file (for testing purposes) in PowerPivot, it creates columns for each atom element in each entry, instead of creating a column per content element. Why is this?
Background: A customer wants to import data from a web service which provides a feed that uses a custom XML schema that is not supported by PowerPivot. The service provides the ability for the caller to supply an XSLT template that will be applied to the feed. I am hoping to be able to transform this feed into a valid atom feed thereby allowing the customer to import data into PowerPivot.
Sample atom xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns:d=""
<title type="text">My Data Feed</title>
<title type="text">Title</title>
<content type="application/xml">
<d:Name>John Smith</d:Name>
When imported into PowerPivot (selecting "From Data Feeds", clicking "Browse" and pointing out the xml file), it looks like this:
I was excpecting three columns: Name, Address and Zip. If I change "Include Atom Elements" from Auto to False in the connection configuration, no columns are imported.
It seems I was just missing the m:properties element. Final result - also includes examples of null attributes and data types:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns:d=""
<title type="text">My Data Feed</title>
<title type="text">Title</title>
<content type="application/xml">
<!-- attributes placed under the properties element -->
<d:Name>John Smith</d:Name>
<d:Zip m:type="Edm.Int32">1234</d:Zip>
<d:Comment m:null="true" />

error posting images to my bucket in google cloud storage

I have a bucket with the acl set to Allusers and Full_control, so that users can post and retrieve images from the bucket.
. I have tried using this url ( to post images from my app; but i get the "error 1104, the image cannot be posted with the url provided.
here is my alc for the bucket:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Scope type="AllUsers"/>
<Scope type="GroupById">
This doesn't sound like an ACL problem. Can you try without the + at the beginning of the object name? i.e. image.png rather than +image.png?
Thanks for sending me the source. Your program is written with App Inventor and does not have the Auth token.
App Inventor can get the token, but you need to know what to do.
I am working on documenting that flow for others, I'll work with you to get you going and also follow up with a working example here.
