How can I create static row in Excel spreadsheet that always stays on a top of the spreadsheet when scrolling down?
You can freeze the top row via the tab View.
I have 15 sections with dynamic height sections and rows. By default all sections are closed. After scrolling to end of tableview, I am tapping on last section and it opens properly but when I click again to close section at that time my tableview scroll to top.
This issue occurs when some of the sections are scrolled and after that when click on any visible section.
Please anyone knows what exactly the issue.
I am using Xamarin iOS and my table view contains multiple types of cells.
All the cells have dynamic height and different contents with multiple sections.
Here suppose I have total 10 cells out of which few are visible and others are hidden. Based on user action, It depends on whether to show or hide the cell.
In this scenario, If the number of cells is less, It's somehow working fine. But flickering and blank space are showing when the number of cells increases.
You need to reload only appropriate section or even rows instead of reload whole tableview.
Please checkout this solutions.
Reload sections in UITableView
I am creating an expandable UITableView. It works fine but the issue I am running into is when a given row is expanded and the user scrolls up, the opened section row scrolls up to the top of the visible table and stick.
In the below image, the detail row material and the succeeding section rows scroll OVER the opened section row.
I would expect that the section row would scroll off the top of the visible table view.
Am I missing something that would allow the section row to scroll up rather than stick?
I want to create table view in which paging is required but i want an extra feature like if one cell is added to bottom then one cell will be removed to top
for example
if table have 100 rows and user scroll to bottom app call to server and load another 20 rows at bottom and on same time 20 rows from top will be removed.
if user scroll to top then app call to server and load 20 cell to top and remove 20 cell to bottom.
in short anyhow table have 100 cells only depending on scroll direction cell will be added on top or bottom
To get Extra Feture
You have to maintain data states to get successively record for new 20 on scroll to down or to get old 20 records on scroll up.
A data source array with capacity of 20 items.
On scroll to down last row/scroll to up first row prvious items array replaced by new getted items.
4.Reload tableView.
It will be updated tableview with new 20 items.
You can maintain the offset and limit for your number of results.
Based on the previous offset, you can ask for the next set of results to load in the tableview.
And you can hit API to load result in willDisplayCell:forRowAtIndexpath method of UITableView when the indexPath.row is greater than or equal to your number of results while scrolling down and while scrolling up you can check for indexpath.row == 0 to hit the api to produce previous 20 results.
What you are looking for is "Infinite Scroll"
A Quick Search brought me following results:
I know the title is confusing. So I explain what I expect.
I have 3 sections in my table view. The first section has one or more rows. And second and third sections has only one row. When the first section has more than 4 rows the next sections going to be visible by scrolling table view bottom.
But I need these sections be visible in this case.
Actually I need show these sections at the bottom of the visible frame when first section has more than 4 rows!
Is it possible ?
The thing you can do it to display only the 3 first rows of the first section and then when the user starts scrolling, you add the additional cells to the first section while he is scrolling until you've added all of your cell.
Do the opposite when scrolling to top.
You can use two different TableView instead of one.
declare first TableView with only one section & seconds TableView with two section with one row each.
for that you need to use UIViewController instead of UITableViewController.
in this way your bottom TableView Cell always stay visible while first TableView can scroll with more cells.