Is there work background services for Bluetooth low energy (BLE) on iOS? - ios

I would like do coding in ios with Bluetooth low energy(BLE). i wanting to show notification of new BLE device while app background. is possible do it? I bought BLE Device from sensor tag site.

Yes, it is possible both in central and peripheral mode. You should declare the necessary permissions in your Info.plist and then you can search for one specific service in the background with the standard method scanForPeripheralsWithServices:options: of CBCentralManager Start with reading the docs of Apple.


iOS background app to read Bluetooth advertisement

Is it possible to build an iOS App that can run in the background, with minimal battery consumption, and collect BLE advertisements payloads of specific devices? Does iOS prevent such apps to work in the background even when the user has given consent?
Yes it is possible to build such an app that can continuously scan in the background. Check Apple's Documentation on the subject:-
CoreBluetooth background processing for iOS apps
Also check the following links with more details on the subject:-
BLE device keep connect with iPhone when app terminates
Leveraging background Bluetooth for a great user experience
iOS background Bluetooth: BLE scanning when phone is locked
However, there are limitations to the speed of the scan and the data retrieved from the scan. See the links below for more info:-
Scan peripheral in background
iOS: scan and connect to a BLE peripheral in the background
Overcoming the iOS background Bluetooth limitations

Swift - BLE command execution in Background mode in iOS

I want to continuously communicate with BLE device in in one of the my iOS application. Is it possible?
How can i achieve this?
Not sure what do you mean by Background mode. Do you mean when the app is minimized or do you mean in background thread?
As far as being continuously connected with the BLE device is concerned then yes it is possible! Provided your BLE device is continuously powered on and available.
You'd have to search for particular service and then its characteristics using Core Bluetooth.
Mind you this could be a battery draining operation.
Suggestion would be to connect read what you want to read and disconnect.

Route audio through bluetooth ios

I need some help from you ....
I have an app for VoIP calling and i need to route audio of call through bluetooth even in background (in case someone press home button while call is in progress ).. Do i need to set anything in info.plist file in background modes ??
This is what i have been set for background modes to use bluetooth and apple rejected app with given reason below :
2.16 Details
Your app declares support for bluetooth-central, and bluetooth-peripheral, in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist, but does not provide Bluetooth Low Energy functionality. The Bluetooth Background modes are for applications that communicate to other devices using Bluetooth Low Energy and the Core Bluetooth framework.
Next Steps
Please revise your app to add support for Bluetooth Low Energy communication through Core Bluetooth in your application or remove the bluetooth- values from the UIBackgroundModes key.
Please help me out ....
Thanks in Advance !!!
This is because you are not using core Bluetooth functions in your app.Just check "Audio and Airplay" and "Voice over IP" check boxes under Background Modes and resubmit the app.

bluetooth low energy on standby mode in iOS?

I have read the docs about the BLE for iOS, and i could see that every device has its UUID instead of mac adress for the BLE.
My question ,in which there is no answer to on the docs, is- when you turn on the bluetooth on the device ( without opening any app) , so the device's bluetooth is on , what does it advertise then, and could I discover that device or get its UUID, while his bluetooth is on,but without any app that is open.
I am pretty sure that when the BLE is on, you can discover that device, or awake him, but I wonder what data can I get from him while its on without an app .
(same for Android.. )
iOS does not advertise any Bluetooth Low Energy services that are visible to another iOS device without an app running. Once an app advertises a service you will see additional services available - device information, time service, battery level.
If you are using different Bluetooth hardware to scan then you may see some advertisements without an app but the reported UUID of an iOS device changes every 15 minutes for privacy reasons - See this answer - Corebluetooth, How to get a unique UUID?

iOS - iBeacon - Advertise (Broadcast) as beacon in Background after iOS 7.1 update

I am trying to make an Application using iBeacon in which One device will work as beacon Broadcaster and another one as Receiver.I gone through the similar thing in Run iPhone as an iBeacon in the background but the solution that present there is not for API of iBeacon so i am asking this thing again.
I succeed in being notified on Detector Device(receiver) even the App is in Background or in Quit mode. but Whenever Broadcaster Device's App goes in Background it stops Broadcasting packets and become no more as beacon. When it comes back in Foreground it again works fine. So the issue is Broadcaster has to be always in Foreground to Act as Advertiser or Broadcaster.
Is there anyway to advertise/Broadcast packets of iBeacon's even when App is in background mode.
I have enabled capabilities "Location Update" and "Acts as a Bluetooth LE accessory" from xCode.
Unfortunately, it is simply not possible to advertise as an iBeacon in the background on iOS. For an explanation as to why, see here: Can we start iBeacon transmitter in background?
Apple doesn't authorize it, it would be a mean to track an user which is quite against Apple current policy to preserve users' privacy.
The capabilities "Acts as a Bluetooth LE accessory" is to enable your application to continue being used as a bluetooth device (with a connection) when the app go in background mode. Advertising isn't a connected usage of bluetooth and isn't concerned by this capabilities.
