Rails - Send all emails with delayed_job asynchronously - ruby-on-rails

I'm using delayed_job and I'm very happy with it (especially with the workless extension).
But I'd like to set that ALL mails from my app are sent asynchronously.
Indeed, the solution offered for mailers
# without delayed_job
# with delayed_job
doesn't suit me because:
it is not easily maintainable
mails sent from gems are not sent asynchronously (devise, mailboxer)
I could use this kind of extension https://github.com/mhfs/devise-async but I'd rather figure out a solution for the whole app at once.
Can't I extend ActionMailer to override the .deliver method (like here https://stackoverflow.com/a/4316543/1620081 but it is 4 years old, like pretty much all the doc I found on the topic)?
I'm using Ruby 1.9 and Rails 3.2 with activerecord.
Thanks for support

A simple solution would be to write a utility method on the Notifier object as follows:
class Notifier
def self.deliver(message_type, *args)
self.delay.send(message_type, *args)
Send the sign up email as follows:
Notifier.deliver(:signup, #user)
The utility method provides a single point where if needed you could replace delayed job with resque or sidekiq solutions.

If you have your ActiveJob and concurrency library set-up is done documentation here.The most simple solution is to override you device send_devise_notification instance methods involved with the transactions mails like shown here
class User < ApplicationRecord
# whatever association you have here
devise :database_authenticatable, :confirmable
after_commit :send_pending_devise_notifications
# whatever methods you have here
def send_devise_notification(notification, *args)
if new_record? || changed?
pending_devise_notifications << [notification, args]
render_and_send_devise_message(notification, *args)
def send_pending_devise_notifications
pending_devise_notifications.each do |notification, args|
render_and_send_devise_message(notification, *args)
def pending_devise_notifications
#pending_devise_notifications ||= []
def render_and_send_devise_message(notification, *args)
message = devise_mailer.send(notification, self, *args)
# Deliver later with Active Job's `deliver_later`
if message.respond_to?(:deliver_later)
# Remove once we move to Rails 4.2+ only, as `deliver` is deprecated.
elsif message.respond_to?(:deliver_now)


How do I create delayed_job jobs with hooks/callbacks?

I am using the most basic version of delayed_job in a Rails app. I have the max time allowed for a delayed_job set at 10 minutes. I would like to get the hooks/callbacks working so I can do something after a job stop executing at the 10 minute mark.
I have this set in my rails app:
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :delayed_job
This is how I normally queue a job:
The hook/callback example is for a named job but the basic, getting started steps are not for a named job. So I don't think I have a named job. Here is the example given to get the callbacks working:
class ParanoidNewsletterJob < NewsletterJob
def enqueue(job)
record_stat 'newsletter_job/enqueue'
def perform
emails.each { |e| NewsletterMailer.deliver_text_to_email(text, e) }
def before(job)
record_stat 'newsletter_job/start'
def after(job)
record_stat 'newsletter_job/after'
def success(job)
record_stat 'newsletter_job/success'
def error(job, exception)
def failure(job)
I would love to get the after or error hooks/callbacks to fire.
Where do I put these callbacks in my Rails app to have them fire for the basic delayed_job setup? If I should be using ActiveJob callbacks where do you put those callbacks given delayed_job is being used?
You cannot use object.delay.object_action convenience syntax if you want more advanced features like callbacks. The #delay convenience method will generate a job object that works similar to this:
# something like this is already defined in delayed_job
class MethodCallerJob
def initialize(object, method, *args)
#object = object
#method = method
#args = args
def perform
#object.send(#method, *#args)
# `object.delay.object_action` does the below automatically for you
# instantiates a job with your object and method call
job = MethodCallerJob.new(object, :object_action, [])
Delayed::Job.enqueue(job) # enqueues it for running later
then later, in the job worker, something like the below happens:
job = Delayed::Job.find(job_id) # whatever the id turned out to be
job.invoke_job # does all the things, including calling #perform and run any hooks
job.delete # if it was successful
You have to create what the delayed_job README calls "Custom Jobs", which are just plain POROs that have #perform defined at a minimum. Then you can customize it and add all the extra methods that delayed_job uses for extra features like max_run_time, queue_name, and the ones you want to use: callbacks & hooks.
Sidenote: The above info is for using delayed_job directly. All of the above is possible using ActiveJob as well. You just have to do it the ActiveJob way by reading the documentation & guides on how, just as I've linked you to the delayed_job README, above.
You can create delayed_job hooks/callback by something like this
module Delayed
module Plugins
class TestHooks < Delayed::Plugin
callbacks do |lifecycle|
lifecycle.before(:perform) do |_worker, job|
And need this plugin to initializer
require_relative 'path_to_test_plugin'
Delayed::Worker.plugins << Delayed::Plugins::TestHooks
Similar to perform there are also hooks for success failure and error.
And similar to 'before' you can also capture the 'after' hooks.

Why Rails instance method can be used as class method in rspec

I found a snippet in an article about sending mails in a Rails application:
class ExampleMailerPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
def sample_mail_preview
in this link: http://www.gotealeaf.com/blog/handling-emails-in-rails.
I do not know why the method: sample_email(), which in my mind should be an instance method, can be accessed like class method here as ExampleMailer.sample_email(). Can anyone explain?
It's not an rspec thing, it's an ActionMailer thing. Looking at:
Take a look at the comments in lines 135-146:
# = Sending mail
# Once a mailer action and template are defined, you can deliver your message or defer its creation and
# delivery for later:
# NotifierMailer.welcome(User.first).deliver_now # sends the email
# mail = NotifierMailer.welcome(User.first) # => an ActionMailer::MessageDelivery object
# mail.deliver_now # generates and sends the email now
# The <tt>ActionMailer::MessageDelivery</tt> class is a wrapper around a delegate that will call
# your method to generate the mail. If you want direct access to delegator, or <tt>Mail::Message</tt>,
# you can call the <tt>message</tt> method on the <tt>ActionMailer::MessageDelivery</tt> object.
The functionality is implemented by defining a method_missing method on the ActionMailer::Base class that looks like:
def method_missing(method_name, *args) # :nodoc:
if action_methods.include?(method_name.to_s)
MessageDelivery.new(self, method_name, *args)
Essentially, defining a method on an ActionMailer instance (NotifierMailer in the comment example) and then calling it on the class creates a new MessageDelivery instance which delegates to a new instance of the ActionMailer class.

Passing params into MailView or ActionMailer::Preview in Ruby on Rails

Is it possible when using the MailView gem or Rails 4.1 mail previews to pass parameters into the MailView? I would love to be able to use query string parameters in the preview URLs and access them in the MailView to dynamically choose which record to show in the preview.
I stumbled upon the same issue and as far as I understand from reading the Rails code it's not possible to access request params from mailer preview.
Crucial is line 22 in Rails::PreviewsController (email is name of the mailer method)
#email = #preview.call(email)
Still a relevant question and still very few solutions to be found on the web (especially elegant ones). I hacked my way through this one today and came up with this solution and blog post on extending ActionMailer.
# config/initializers/mailer_injection.rb
# This allows `request` to be accessed from ActionMailer Previews
# And #request to be accessed from rendered view templates
# Easy to inject any other variables like current_user here as well
module MailerInjection
def inject(hash)
hash.keys.each do |key|
define_method key.to_sym do
eval " ##{key} = hash[key] "
class ActionMailer::Preview
extend MailerInjection
class ActionMailer::Base
extend MailerInjection
class ActionController::Base
before_filter :inject_request
def inject_request
ActionMailer::Preview.inject({ request: request })
ActionMailer::Base.inject({ request: request })
Since Rails 5.2, mailer previews now have a params attr reader available to use inside your previews.
Injecting requests into your mailers is not ideal as it might lead to thread safety issues and also means your mailers won't work with ActiveJob & co

how do I test that an instance variable is set in my my mailer with rspec?

How do I test that a certain instance variable is set in my my mailer with rspec? assigns is coming back undefined..
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper'
describe UserMailer do
it "should send the member user password to a User" do
user = FG.create :user
mail = UserMailer.reset_notification(user).deliver
ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size.should == 1
user.login.should be_present
assigns[:person].should == user
assigns(:person).should == user #both assigns types fail
The error returned is:
undefined local variable or method `assigns' for #<RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::Nested_1:0x007fe2b88e2928>
assigns is only defined for controller specs and that's done via the rspec-rails gem. There is no general mechanism to test instance variables in RSpec, but you can use Kernel's instance_variable_get to access any instance variable you want.
So in your case, if object were the object whose instance variable you were interested in checking, you could write:
expect(object.instance_variable_get(:#person)).to eql(user)
As for getting ahold of the UserMailer instance, I can't see any way to do that. Looking at the method_missing definition inside https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/base.rb, a new mailer instance will be created whenever an undefined class method is called with the same name as an instance method. But that instance isn't saved anywhere that I can see and only the value of .message is returned. Here is the relevant code as currently defined on github:
Class methods:
def respond_to?(method, include_private = false) #:nodoc:
super || action_methods.include?(method.to_s)
def method_missing(method_name, *args) # :nodoc:
if respond_to?(method_name)
new(method_name, *args).message
Instance methods:
attr_internal :message
# Instantiate a new mailer object. If +method_name+ is not +nil+, the mailer
# will be initialized according to the named method. If not, the mailer will
# remain uninitialized (useful when you only need to invoke the "receive"
# method, for instance).
def initialize(method_name=nil, *args)
#_mail_was_called = false
#_message = Mail.new
process(method_name, *args) if method_name
def process(method_name, *args) #:nodoc:
payload = {
mailer: self.class.name,
action: method_name
ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("process.action_mailer", payload) do
#_message = NullMail.new unless #_mail_was_called
I don't think this is possible to test unless Rails changes its implementation so that it actually provides access to the ActionMailer (controller) object and not just the Mail object that is generated.
As Peter Alfvin pointed out, the problem is that it returns the 'message' here:
new(method_name, *args).message
instead of just returning the mailer (controller) like this:
new(method_name, *args)
This post on the rspec-rails list might also be helpful:
Seems reasonable, but unlikely to change. Here's why. rspec-rails
provides wrappers around test classes provided by rails. Rails
functional tests support the three questions you pose above, but rails
mailer tests are different. From
http://guides.rubyonrails.org/action_mailer_basics.html: "Testing
mailers normally involves two things: One is that the mail was queued,
and the other one that the email is correct."
To support what you'd like to see in mailer specs, rspec-rails would
have to provide it's own ExampleGroup (rather than wrap the rails
class), which would have to be tightly bound to rails' internals. I
took great pains in rspec-rails-2 to constrain coupling to public
APIs, and this has had a big payoff: we've only had one case where a
rails 3.x release required a release of rspec-rails (i.e. there was a
breaking change). With rails-2, pretty much every release broke
rspec-rails because rspec-rails was tied to internals (rspec-rails'
fault, not rails).
If you really want to see this change, you'll need to get it changed
in rails itself, at which point rspec-rails will happily wrap the new
and improved MailerTestCase.

ruby on rails: delayed_job does not execute function from module

I want to use delayed_job to execute a function from controller. The function is stored in module lib/site_request.rb:
module SiteRequest
def get_data(query)
handle_asynchronously :get_data
class QueryController < ApplicationController
include SiteRequest
def index
#query = Query.find_or_initialize_by_word(params[:query])
if #query.new_record?
flash[:notice] = "Request for data is sent to server."
I also tried to remove handle_asynchronously clause from module and use delay.get_data(#query), both do not executed silently (without delayed_job code works)
I had trouble trying to use the built-in delay methods myself, too. The pattern I settled on in my own coding was to enqueue DelayedJobs myself, giving them a payload object from which to work. This should work for you too and would seem to make sense even. (This way, you may not even need your SiteRequest module, for example.)
class MyModuleName < Struct.new(:query)
def perform
Then, instead of calling get_data(query) after saving, enqueue with:
I found the same issue. My environment is:
Ruby 2.1.7
Rails 4.2.6
activejob (4.2.6)
delayed_job (4.1.2)
delayed_job_active_record (4.1.1)
MY solutions:
Turn the module into a class.
Instantiate a object from the class and apply the method to the instance.
It seems that ActiveJob can enqueue only instances.
In your case:
Class SiteRequest
def initialize
def get_data(query)
handle_asynchronously :get_data
def index
q= SiteRequest.new
flash[:notice] = "Request for data is sent to server."
