Itunes Connect shows desktop as platform for ipad app - ios

Today i noticed that iTunes Connect sales and trends section has a new skin and some new functionality, however it seems that the app (solely for iPad/iPhone) of my company has downloads on a desktop?
Does anyone know what "desktop" could mean for iOS apps?

it is for mac app store applications. since it is a new content on iTunes they are still ironing it out. it will function properly in a short while. like everything else apple does. i actually called the iTunes department for that.
as apple advisors let me know: that means someone downloaded the app from their desktop. so it seems that consumers have the ability to download the iOS apps from their desktop. ha, good to know.:)

This is a tool that provides information about installs, not usage. It doesn't really tell you anything about how people are using the application. I would expect "Desktop" to mean that somebody bought the application through iTunes running on a Mac.

By desktop, it simply means on a Mac or PC someone downloaded the app from iTunes (which stores in your iTunes until you connect your device and sync). Sometimes when you are at your computer it's easier to grab something on sale from iTunes even if you don't sync. The app is still flagged as bought, and if the price goes up you don't have to pay anything.
When browsing or grabbing lots of apps, the computer is usually a bit faster to navigate and easier to flip to app reviews and videos.
For us developers it's an irritating category because we don't know if they are getting the app for an iPad, iPhone or iPod touch.


Keep my own non-published ios app in my phone

I developed an app to my personal usage, and since this is not a commercial app, I don't want to publish it in AppStore. Also, as this one is currently my only iOS app, I don't want to pay the Apple Developer Program (I am not going to publish any app there anytime soon).
Because of that, to use my app I have sideloaded it in my iPhone from the XCode in my MacBook, but every time I do it, after a few days it keeps being deactivated in my phone and becomes unavailable to use. Is there any way to keep it in my phone without being removed from time to time?
Is there any way to keep it in my phone without being removed from time to time?
Not on a non jailbroken phone, unless you pay the membership fee. That's exactly what the developer membership buys you: the right to run on a device long-term.

How to publish a Flutter app, created in Android Studio, in the Apple app store

I have developed a Flutter app in Android Studio (running on a Windows computer) and have successfully published it in the Google Play store. I would also like to publish the same app in Apple's app store but can't seem to find instructions on how to do this.
I do not own a Apple computer but if that is the only way forward I can look into purchasing one.
The last thing I want to do is to rewrite the app in another language (e.g. Swift).
Can't image being the first person wanting to do this but I can't find any info on the net. Can someone tell me what to do or point me in the right direction?
Well, the language won't really matter. The main step in publishing your app to the app store is making the app archive which you can do only in Xcode, for which you will need a Mac.
You have to options: purchase a Mac or rent it online. There are webs that offers this kind of service and I think this is a good option if you’re not sure if it’s worth to invest on Apple machine at this time.

Does a service exist to publish my cordova app to IOS?

(I've tried google but couldn't find a direct answer.)
I've created an app, mostly as a joke and published it to Android without much effort. Now my friends with iPhones want to try it too, but I don't own any Apple devices nor do I have an apple account.
Buying a macbook and an iPhone just to publish a joke seems a bit much, but I'd be willing to pay a few dollars to have it published to IOS.
Does such a service exist?
As MStoner told you, look at
If you can get the .IPA from (if not use the MAC of a friend), once getting the file you can use to deploy the app on your friend's phone.
Interesting links about your question :
Is it possible to publish an iPhone App without having an iPhone?
Is it possible to make a PhoneGap app for iOS without Mac?

Install iOS App onto Multiple Devices with Free Developer Account

Fledgling iOS hobbyist here. I have a demo app I plan on presenting to a group of people in about a month. It is a simple app, and I am still on the free tier of the Apple Developer Program for now. For this presentation, I'm being provided loaner iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks to demo my app and its code on.
I do know that I am able to load my app onto at least two devices, but they are my own personal iPhone and iPad.
My question is this: With a free developer account, will I be able to 1) load my app onto multiple iPhones and iPads (that I do not own) to demo for the duration of this presentation; and 2) load the code into Xcode on multiple Macs (that I do not own) so that I can show the code to those present. Or will I have to take the plunge and purchase the full $99/year developer account.
This isn't a code question, I know - but the Apple Developer forums are not nearly as active, and I would like a clear answer on this.
Connect each iOS device to your dev machine and build your app on it. The device will ask you to trust the developer, which you can do in Settings. It's no different than debugging on your own device.
Are you showing the code or the finished app? If showing the code, make sure the other machine has Xcode, then transfer the code from your dev machine (by USB, network folder, GitHub, etc) and build on the new machine. If you are showing the finished app, make sure Gatekeeper is set to at least "Mac App Store and Identified Developer"
The quick workaround is you change the identifiers and install it on various phones. and com.componay.app2 and install the same app on different device. Although with this push notifications and all services connected to identifier does not works.

How to submit an app with companion device to AppStore?

We are developing an application for one of our customer to go along with their device. The application by itself cannot do anything, and must be connected to the device via Wi-Fi in order to function.
Do we:
just submit the app the standard way, even though there's no way for Apple to really test the functionality of the app?
do we need to provide a test device to Apple to really test the functionality of the app? If so, what's the procedure for doing this?
Apple's Not-Very-Helpful Response
While we cannot pre-approve apps, we can address compliance questions about specific App Store Review Guidelines or sections of the iOS Developer Program License Agreement (PLA). I understand that this may be a little frustrating and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, however, we may only answer specific questions concerning the following resources, unless the app is submitted for review so that we may test the functionality.
App Store Review Guidelines:
iOS Developer Program License Agreement:
There are a few possibilites that have been reported.
One is to submit a video of the app running with your companion device, with a complete walk-through of the app's functionality using that device.
Another is to provide a device emulator as a test mode built into the app (perhaps requiring two devices).
Another is to provide an demo account in the Review notes; and have that account wifi tunnel out to control a remote wifi device at your location, maybe with a webcam aimed at that device and viewable by Apple.
Include proper contact info for that possibility where Apple may want you to send them a sample device for evaluation.
I have the same issue: a third-party device with which the app communicates. Without the device, the app is useless. One screen with one label. I submitted the app to the store, explaining what it does and how it communicates.
The app got approved 5 days later, without Apple asking any questions whatsoever.
