Can I define setter and getter in the attribute itself, rather than the containing class? - dart

Suppose I want my class to do things on attribute access. I can of course do that in setters and getters:
class Foo {
set bar (v) {
// do stuff
However, if I want to attach the same behavior to multiple attributes, I'd have to explicitly define the same setters and getters for every one of them. (The use case I have in mind is an observable, i.e. a class that knows when its attributes are being changed).
What I'd like to do is something like:
class Foo {
var bar = new AttributeWithAccessBehavior();
Python does this with descriptors - what is the closest thing in Dart?

AFAIK there isn't anything with getter/setter syntax that you can reuse.
You could assign a function to a field, that you can access using call notation (), but you have to be careful to call the function instead of overriding the field assignment.
A similar but more powerful alternative are classes that can emulate functions (see
A class that has a call method can be used like a method.
This is similar to assigned functions mentioned above but in addition you can store state information.
If you implement actual getter/setter you can of course delegate to whatever you want, but that is obviously not what you are looking for.
For the use case you mentioned, there is the observe package.
I have no idea how exactly it solves the problem, but it works quite well.


Is there a modifiable Iterable type?

I need a modifiable collection like a List or a Set to be passed as a parameter. Using Iterable doesn't guarantee this argument to have methods like add or remove.
Example method:
void foo(Iterable bar) {
bar.add(); // The method 'add' isn't defined for the type 'Iterable'.
Is there a class / interface for (modifiable) collections which guarantees those methods? If not, why?
There is not a modifiable type. Very early (before Dart 1) we had some other types in our hierarchy, but we decided to avoid including them because things were getting a bit too complex.
I still wish we'd shipped a List interface without the mutation members. 🤷

Delphi Polymorphism using a "sibling" class type

We have an app that makes fairly extensive use of TIniFile. In the past we created our own descendant class, let's call it TMyIniFile, that overrides WriteString. We create one instance of this that the entire app uses. That instance is passed all around through properties and parameters, but the type of all of these is still TIniFile, since that is what it was originally. This seems to work, calling our overridden method through polymorphism, even though all the variable types are still TIniFile. This seems to be proper since we descend from TIniFile.
Now we are making some changes where we want to switch TMyIniFile to descend from TMemIniFile instead of TIniFile. Those are both descendants of TCustomIniFile. We'll also probably be overriding some more methods. I'm inclined to leave all the declarations as TIniFile even though technically our class is no longer a descendant of it, just to avoid having to change a lot of source files if I don't need to.
In every tutorial example of polymorphism, the variable is declared as the base class, and an instance is created of the descendant class and assigned to the variable of the base class. So I assume this is the "right" way to do it. What I'm looking at doing now will end up having the variables declared as, what I guess you'd call a "sibling" class, so this "seems wrong". Is this a bad thing to do? Am I asking for trouble, or does polymorphism actually allow for this sort of thing?
TIniFile and TMemIniFile are distinct classes that do not derive from each other, so you simply cannot create a TMemIniFile object and assign it to a TIniFile variable, and vice versa. The compiler won't let you do that. And using a type-cast to force it will be dangerous.
You will just have to update the rest of your code to change all of the TIniFile declarations to TCustomIniFile instead, which is the common ancestor for both classes. That is the "correct" thing to do.
The compiler is your friend - why would you lie to it by using the wrong type ... and if you do lie to it why would you expect it to know what you want it to do?
You should use a base class that you derive from, like TCustomIniFile. I would expect compile issues if you are trying to make assignments which are known at compile time to be wrong.
The different classes have different signatures so the compiler needs to know which class it is using to call the correct method or access the correct property. With virtual methods the different classes setup their own implementation of those methods so that the correct one is called - so using a pointer to a base type when you call the virtual method it calls that method in the derived type because it is in the class vtable.
So if the code does compile, it's very likely that the compiler will not be doing the right thing ...

Aurelia: notification when ANY property is modified

Do you see any way to know when ANY model’s property has been modified through a binding?
I would need something generic because it would be applied to all the forms of the application. This means I cannot just have a 'property’Changed() observable callback for every properties of the models. I’m thinking along the ways of overriding the properties setters created by the binding engine so they can call a single defined callback but I feel like there could be a better way.
I created a aurelia-plugin for this kind of scenario (and more).
Its not exactly what your asking for, but can help you a lot.
because the plugin will create a single property called isDirty that you can observe and fire your code accordingly.
look at the Dirty Tracking a model: section
your model class need to extends the baseClass provided by the plugin.
now you can decorate any properties of your model with the
#dirtyTrack() decorator.
for babel users: the assignment in the declaration will set the
default value for the property. for TS users: you should call the
decorator with a parameter #dirtyTrack(7) someInt: number;
this will set up a isDirty variable in your model. this property will
be automatically updated to with every change to your tracked
at any point, you can call saveChanges() on your model, to commit the
current changes. or discardChanges() to revert back to the last saved
point. you can call serialize() to get a pojo object from your model,
or deserialize(pojo) to populate your model from a pojo object.
Ok, I ended up just using the binding engine to watch all properties changes. This allowed me to implement my isDirty checks without modifying the existing models...
So the final code looks like this:
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach(p => {
this.subscriptions.push(this.binding.propertyObserver(obj, p)
.subscribe(() => this.updateDirty()));
my updateDirty() method is called after every property change and no change was necessary to the model.
If anyone can come up with a better solution, I'm still interested but this fits my needs for the time being.

OGNL needs to call a method

I need to call a method from my action object inside the JSP, something like:
var currentStatus = ${getCurrentStatus()};
I cannot call an attribute, and I tried following this answer (How to call an action method using OGNL) and it didn't work.
There are a variety of ways to call methods (on actions, on other objects, or static methods from classes) from OGNL.
In this case, however, I don't see any issue with using a normal accessor. Note that the JavaBean convention is almost (completely?) about naming. A getter named getCurrentStatus(), accessed simply in OGNL via currentStatus, can contain whatever code you want.
This could include the DB access you mention in your question, etc.

A pragmatic view on private vs public

I've always wondered on the topic of public, protected and private properties. My memory can easily recall times when I had to hack somebody's code, and having the hacked-upon class variables declared as private was always upsetting.
Also, there were (more) times I've written a class myself, and had never recognized any potential gain of privatizing the property. I should note here that using public vars is not in my habit: I adhere to the principles of OOP by utilizing getters and setters.
So, what's the whole point in these restrictions?
The use of private and public is called Encapsulation. It is the simple insight that a software package (class or module) needs an inside and an outside.
The outside (public) is your contract with the rest of the world. You should try to keep it simple, coherent, obvious, foolproof and, very important, stable.
If you are interested in good software design the rule simply is: make all data private, and make methods only public when they need to be.
The principle for hiding the data is that the sum of all fields in a class define the objects state. For a well written class, each object should be responsible for keeping a valid state. If part of the state is public, the class can never give such guarantees.
A small example, suppose we have:
class MyDate
public int y, m, d;
public void AdvanceDays(int n) { ... } // complicated month/year overflow
// other utility methods
You cannot prevent a user of the class to ignore AdvanceDays() and simply do:
date.d = date.d + 1; // next day
But if you make y, m, d private and test all your MyDate methods, you can guarantee that there will only be valid dates in the system.
The whole point is to use private and protected to prevent exposing internal details of your class, so that other classes only have access to the public "interfaces" provided by your class. This can be worthwhile if done properly.
I agree that private can be a real pain, especially if you are extending classes from a library. Awhile back I had to extend various classes from the Piccolo.NET framework and it was refreshing that they had declared everything I needed as protected instead of private, so I was able to extend everything I needed without having to copy their code and/or modify the library. An important take-away lesson from that is if you are writing code for a library or other "re-usable" component, that you really should think twice before declaring anything private.
The keyword private shouldn't be used to privatize a property that you want to expose, but to protect the internal code of your class. I found them very helpful because they help you to define the portions of your code that must be hidden from those that can be accessible to everyone.
One example that comes to my mind is when you need to do some sort of adjustment or checking before setting/getting the value of a private member. Therefore you'd create a public setter/getter with some logic (check if something is null or any other calculations) instead of accessing the private variable directly and always having to handle that logic in your code. It helps with code contracts and what is expected.
Another example is helper functions. You might break down some of your bigger logic into smaller functions, but that doesn't mean you want to everyone to see and use these helper functions, you only want them to access your main API functions.
In other words, you want to hide some of the internals in your code from the interface.
See some videos on APIs, such as this Google talk.
Having recently had the extreme luxury of being able to design and implement an object system from scratch, I took the policy of forcing all variables to be (equivalent to) protected. My goal was to encourage users to always treat the variables as part of the implementation and not the specification. OTOH, I also left in hooks to allow code to break this restriction as there remain reasons to not follow it (e.g., the object serialization engine cannot follow the rules).
Note that my classes did not need to enforce security; the language had other mechanisms for that.
In my opinion the most important reason for use private members is hiding implementation, so that it can changed in the future without changing descendants.
Some languages - Smalltalk, for instance - don't have visibility modifiers at all.
In Smalltalk's case, all instance variables are always private and all methods are always public. A developer indicates that a method's "private" - something that might change, or a helper method that doesn't make much sense on its own - by putting the method in the "private" protocol.
Users of a class can then see that they should think twice about sending a message marked private to that class, but still have the freedom to make use of the method.
(Note: "properties" in Smalltalk are simply getter and setter methods.)
I personally rarely make use of protected members. I usually favor composition, the decorator pattern or the strategy pattern. There are very few cases in which I trust a subclass(ing programmer) to handle protected variables correctly. Sometimes I have protected methods to explicitly offer an interface specifically for subclasses, but these cases are actually rare.
Most of the time I have an absract base class with only public pure virtuals (talking C++ now), and implementing classes implement these. Sometimes they add some special initialization methods or other specific features, but the rest is private.
First of all 'properties' could refer to different things in different languages. For example, in Java you would be meaning instance variables, whilst C# has a distinction between the two.
I'm going to assume you mean instance variables since you mention getters/setters.
The reason as others have mentioned is Encapsulation. And what does Encapsulation buy us?
When things have to change (and they usually do), we are much less likely to break the build by properly encapsulating properties.
For example we may decide to make a change like:
int getFoo()
return foo;
int getFoo()
return bar + baz;
If we had not encapsulated 'foo' to begin with, then we'd have much more code to change. (than this one line)
Another reason to encapsulate a property, is to provide a way of bullet-proofing our code:
void setFoo(int val)
if(foo < 0)
throw MyException(); // or silently ignore
foo = val;
This is also handy as we can set a breakpoint in the mutator, so that we can break whenever something tries to modify our data.
If our property was public, then we could not do any of this!
