JIRA REST API 6.01 - listing all groups - jira

I am trying to use JIRA REST API[1] to list all the groups in JIRA. I am currently using JIRA version 6.01 .
I tried /rest/api/2/groups/picker[2] in JIRA REST API 6.01 but could not find a way to specify the parameter "query" as the way I need.
If I use a whole group name in parameter "query", I receive the correct group like this.
Request 1:
GET /jira/rest/api/2/groups/picker?query=jira-users
Response 1
"header": "Showing 1 of 1 matching groups",
"total": 1,
"groups": [ {
"name": "jira-users",
"html": "<b>jira-users<\/b>"
But if I use a part of the group name in "query" parameter, it does not give expected results.
Request 2
GET /jira/rest/api/2/groups/picker?query=j
According to the method spec [2] I hope to receive all groups that name contains "j" but I do not receive any result.
Response 2
"header": "Showing 0 of 0 matching groups",
"total": 0,
"groups": []
Can anyone please let me know the right way to give parameters?
Thank you
[1] https://developer.atlassian.com/static/rest/jira/6.0.1.html
[2] https://developer.atlassian.com/static/rest/jira/6.0.1.html#id150432

We're using JIRA 6.0.7 and can do:
Which will show you all groups up to a max of 10000 results. The the response is important part as it shows the total number of groups, this may require you to adjust the maxResults query parameter that you pass to it if you have too small of a value to show all results:
"header":"Showing 5014 of 5014 matching groups",
If you omit the maxResults it just returns the first 20 out of 5014. However, for us doing:
Will result in all groups containing the letter j to show up. Maybe it wasn't properly implemented in your version. If you are unable to get the query part working properly, you could try and get all results and then do your own filter by analyzing the name for each group object returned.


How to do grouping in elasticsearch with searchkick rails

I have articles data indexed to elastic as follows.
"id": 1011,
"title": "abcd",
"author": "author1"
"status": "published"
Now I wanted to get all the article id grouped by status.
Result should someway look like this
"published": [1011, 1012, ....],
"draft": [2011],
"deleted": [3011]
NB: I tried normal aggs (Article.search('*',aggs: [:status], load: false).aggs) , it just giving me the count of each items in, I want ids in each item instead
#Crazy Cat
You can transform you query in this way:
sort(Inc/Dec order) your response from ES over field "status".
Only Ask ES query to return only ID Field and status.
Now the usage of sorting would be it would sort your response to like this: [1st N results of "deleted" status, then N+1 to M results to "draft" and then M+1 to K results to "published"].
Now the advantages of this technique:
You will get flagged ids field of every document over which you can apply operations in you application.
Your query would be light weight as compared to Aggs query.
This way you would also get the metdata of every document ike docId of that document.
Now the Disadvantages:
You would always have to give a high upper bound of your page size, but You can also play around with count coming in the metadata.
Might take a bit more of network size as it returns redundant status in every document.
I Hope this redesign of your query might be helpful to you.

Why does this OData query with $count=true return an object?

I am trying to figure out how to correctly support returning the number of items in a (filtered) data set in my OData API.
My understanding is that adding the $count=true argument to the query string should allow for this.
Now, based on the example from the tutorial in the official docs, adding that parameter should cause the web API to return just an integer number:
The request below returns the total number of people in the collection.
GET serviceRoot/People?$count=true
Response Payload
On the other hand, this accepted and quite upvoted1 answer indicates that a query with $count=true will actually return an object, one of whose properties holds said integer number. It provides an exemplary query on a sample endpoint:
https://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Customers?$count=true&$top=0&$filter=Country eq 'Germany'
Indeed, the actual result from that endpoint is the complex object
"#odata.context": "https://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/$metadata#Customers",
"#odata.count": 11,
"value": []
instead of the expected result of a single integer number
Why is this? Am I misunderstanding the documentation?
1: The answer had 25 upvotes at the time of writing.
The main issue is that the OData v4 specification is an evolving standard, as such many implementations handle some requests differently, either because the standard has changed or because the standard was hard to implement or the suggested behavior in the spec does not conform to the rest of the conventions.
Why is this? Am I misunderstanding the documentation?
So your main issue is that you were reading the wrong documentation for the API that you were querying. It is important to recognize that with each implementation of a standard it is up to the developer to choose how conformant to that standard they are, so you need to read the documentation that goes specifically with that API.
This is the specification in question for OData v4:
4.8 Addressing the Count of a Collection
To address the raw value of the number of items in a collection, clients append /$count to the resource path of the URL identifying the entity set or collection.
The /$count path suffix identifies the integer count of records in the collection and SHOULD NOT be combined with the system query options $top, $skip, $orderby, $expand, and $format. The count MUST NOT be affected by $top, $skip, $orderby, or $expand.
The count is calculated after applying any /$filter path segments, or $filter or $search system query options to the collection.
In the .Net implementation because $count is a result of a query, it needs to be evaluated as part of the query options pipeline, not as part of the path.
MS OData QueryOptions - Count
The $count system query option allows clients to request a count of the matching resources included with the resources in the response. The $count query option has a Boolean value of true or false.
Return, along with the results, the total number of products in the collection
The count of related entities can be requested by specifying the $count query option within the $expand clause.
From an implementaion point of view mixing this query option into the path breaks the convention used for all other processing and url parsing, it really is the odd one out. path and query.
Regarding the object response
In the .Net implementation, because $count is supported in collection expansions as well as on the root (see the second example) they have chosen to inject the value as metadata/attributes mixed in with the results. In that way the response will still be valid for serialization purposes and the count behaviour is again consistent where ever it is used.
This last example I leave you with from one of my own APIs, demonstrating the attribute response for expanded collections, if $count=true didn't return the object graph, I would not be able to get to the counts of the expansions at all:
"#odata.context": "https://localhost/odata/$metadata#Residents(Id,Entity(Id,Contacts()))",
"#odata.count": 29,
"value": [
"Id": 13110,
"Entity": {
"Id": 13110,
"Contacts#odata.count": 6,
"Contacts": []
"Id": 13164,
"Entity": {
"Id": 13164,
"Contacts#odata.count": 6,
"Contacts": []
"#odata.nextLink": "localhost/OData/Residents?$expand=Entity%28%24select%3DId%3B%24expand%3DContacts%28%24count%3Dtrue%3B%24top%3D0%29%29&$select=id&$top=2&$skip=2"

Graph "beta" filtering for date time from audit logs not working (returns all data)

Using the graph explorer, I'm trying to limit (time box) the number of entries being returned. This is so I can extract the data from Azure to upload into our SIEM portal. I am getting the data back (10's of thousands of datapoints) - but I need to time box them.
This works as a query (both in graph explorer and from powershell) - but the results are not in the time frame requested. I've tried different time formats (including down to the second) and they don't limit the results.
It seems like it isn't going deeper into the data structure for the filter to operate on.
Any suggestions on the filter or a different approach (without accepting all the data each query and doing a post-results filter)?
Note: I also tried the activityDateTime prefix with value/ and value\ (reading from a different article I found) - so value/activityDateTime and value\activityDateTime - no different results (no errors either)
This is the 'get' from graph explorer (beta selected)
https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/auditLogs/directoryAudits?=activityDateTime ge 2018-07-16T15:48:00 and activityDateTime lt 2018-07-16T15:58:00
returned this (only partially results, guid/hex strings were removed) - you'll notice that the activityDateTime returned below is not >= and < the date/time passed in the query
"#odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/$metadata#auditLogs/directoryAudits",
"#odata.nextLink": "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/auditLogs/directoryAudits?=value%2factivityDateTime+ge+2018-07-16T15%3a48%3a00+and+value%2factivityDateTime+lt+2018-07-16T15%3a58%3a00&$skiptoken=[hex string removed]_1000",
"value": [
"id": "Directory_[hex string removed]",
"category": "Core Directory",
"correlationId": "[GUID removed]",
"result": "success",
"resultReason": "",
"activityDisplayName": "Update group",
**"activityDateTime": "2018-07-18T14:30:44.6046176Z"**,
"loggedByService": "AzureAD",
"initiatedBy": {
"user": null,
"app": null
"targetResources": [
"#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.targetResourceGroup",
[rest of data returned 1000 total removed]
You need to specify the parameter name. Otherwise, the API has no way of knowing what operation you want (select, orderby, filter). In this case, you want to $filter like this: $filter=activityDateTime ge 2018-07-16T15:48:00Z and activityDateTime lt 2018-07-16T15:58:00Z.
https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/auditLogs/directoryAudits?$filter=activityDateTime ge 2018-07-16T15:48:00Z and activityDateTime lt 2018-07-16T15:58:00Z

Report Filtering With Adobe Analytics API

I am queuing and getting a report through the API and javascript, but now I want to start filtering the report. I want the results that come back to apply only to the user (other filters are needed too) who is requesting the report. What is the best way to put a filter on the initial report queue?
The way I am doing it now is adding a selected element to the report description:
"elements": [
{ "id": "page" },{ "id": "evar23" , "selected": ["295424","306313"]}
But this only seems to apply to the breakdown section of the results, not the top level count that is returned. I would expect the top level count in the below example be 66, not 68:
I know I can just crawl through the breakdown array and total up what I need, but the more filters I apply the messier it becomes. All of a sudden I am three levels deep in a nested array, making sure that all 3 breakdown names match my conditions. There must be a better way to do this, any ideas? Many thanks.
Although there are some possible limitations to them that I am still working through, it seems that segments is what I need, not elements.
"segments": [
"element": "evar23","selected": ["295424","306313"]

Etsy API: Can I get a number of active listings by shop id without paginating through all listing items

I want to know the total number of active listings by shop id. Is there any such API available ?
I could find the API which returns paginated results for all the listings in a shop.
I cannot give a limit of over 100 in this API and for fetching total count of all listings, I will have to make a lot of requests is the listings are lets say several thousands. A simple API endpoint that can get the count of total active listings would be really helpful
It's included in the standard response:
"results": [
{ result object }
"params": { parameters },
"type":result type
Docs can be found here: https://www.etsy.com/developers/documentation/getting_started/api_basics#section_standard_response_format
Got it.
The response contains a count field which gives the exact count of the active listings.
100 is the highest limit you can set—you will need to use the "page" parameter to move to the next 100 and so on.
