IOS 7: Two issues with MFMailComposeViewController - ios

I used the MFMailComposeViewController a lot in the past but for some reason now there is a very strange behaviour...that creates lots of problem in the usability of the interface....
Issue #1: fields are not editable or the focus seems wrongly positioned.
I create an email to be sent with an attachment (text or pdf) and each time the controller starts the "cc/bcc/from" fields overlap and are not editable.
if i tap on the "to:" field sometimes the keyboards appears other times it doesn't ...
The "to:"field is the only one editable (in blue) but clearly the focus is not right because sometimes i can edit the email address, other times, it becomes a completely blue box (no text is visible), etc.etc.
At times the "cc:"field is expanded on a row but the tap position is not exactly right and no editing is possible.
Issue #2: the keyboards loads fast the first time, but if i close the composer and open it again, this time the keyboard takes at least 5 seconds to show up.
I tested the process on both iPad2 with IOS7 and in debug mode on Xcode 5.1 but the behaviour is always the same.
What i tried so far:
set the mail composer as first responder, each time i open it: not working
create temporary uitextfields to "pre-load" the keyboard: not working
change the modal appearance from full screen to form sheets/pagesheet/etc: not working
it seems to be memory related,at least the keyboard part, because at the beginning the App uses ~16 MBytes and the second time slightly higher (~26 Mbytes), but not big changes.
The process flow for both issues:
You tap a send button, the mail composer opens, tap in the body and the keyboard appears.(still the email fields overlaps and not editable).
You close it, you click again the send button, you do exactly the same moves but this time the keyboard does not show up , the "cc:/bcc:" fields are indented wrongly (on the left), nothing can be edited.
I have already gone through several answers/questions on this forum but nothing seems to work and this thing is really driving me more than 4 line of code (taken from Apple docs) and it does not work...

I had the same issue on ios6. (I've not tested this on ios7) Try these two methods before showing the MFMailComposeViewController,
[self.parentViewController resignFirstResponder];
And this one on the mailComposer,
[self becomeFirstResponder];
Note - This answer is for your issue #1


IOS native controls invisible/hidden in PWA

We have a PWA (web app) that the user can add to the homescreen to make it look more like an app. Some users have reported a strange issue that only seems to appear on IOS sometimes when the following step has been made.
Open the app from the homescreen
Use the app for a while
Put it into background
Turn off the screen for a while
Turn the screen back on and put the app to foreground again
The bug is that nothing seems to happen when you click on a select or date input control. First I thought that there was some overlay in the app that was blocking the ui controls but the elements receive focus on click, but not options are shown.
Now it really becomes strange. When I tried to click a little bit under the select input an option was selected. The same thing occured with a time select. If I first clicked on the timeselect input control and then a little bit under, it updated the time.
So, the controls seems to be there but nothing is visible on the screen. I have only been able to reproduce this on my own once but multiple users have been reporting the same thing. The only way to work around the bug is to restart the app.
It seems to be for all native safari controls that shows some kind of modal/popover.
I've did an indepth investigation on this select dropdown problem and posted an issue at
It's a problem with dropdowns of several components (such as select, input file/date/month) where either the animation to have the dropdown appear or disappear seems to get stuck. You can sometimes see the dropdown being tiny and very transparent (if you zoom into a screenshot) and sometimes you'll be able to select an option even though you don't see the dropdown.

iOS Text Field (JVFloatLabeledTextField) causing odd keyboard behavior

I have a login page on my app that exhibits weird behavior on the iPads but works well on the iPhones. On the iPad username/password fields pop-up the keyboard but as soon as the user types it pushed the keyboard down (see attached image). The text fields are JVFloatLabeledTextField which are UITextField subclasses.
I'm at a loss on where to start short of redoing the whole screen. Any thoughts are appreciated.

TextField text hides when typing

When i am typing in textfield.some times textfield internal part moves up when i am typing and text is visible when focus removed from textfield. Its occur some times but when it occurs then all textfield of my apps behave like this. Any solution to remove this bug?. No steps found to reproduce this bug. it occur randomly while using in Iphone.

UITextField Cursor and Keyboard Issue

My app was running fine on ios 8.4, but now after trying it on ios 9 beta, once the app is opened, the cursor on the UITextfield doesn't show up.
The keyboard doesn't come up. Shouldn't it come automatically?
The app works perfectly fine till ios8.4. Can some one help me out?
After one tap gesture on the UITextField, cursor doesn't show up at all.
Also, I tried checking the tintColor property as well as suggested by some users, but it is default blue.
Is there some specific change made in the way keyboard works on ios9?
A Situation - When I click on Login button, Alert message is displayed and then on pressing ok, the keyboard appears with a cursor but I can type only 1 character and suddenly the cursor and keyboard disappears. Then again, click on login, get the error message, cursor is available, type 1 character and cursor and keyboard disappears again.
Why is cursor on visible when tapped on a UITextField. This according to me must be a simple automatic thing. I have used resignFirstResponder and becomeFirstResponder too.
Anything to do with the Views here? For example, super view or something?
Thanks in advance!
Shrikant Kekane
The situation you have described is not happening when I tried the same.
The steps I followed:
Drag and drop one UITextField in Storyboard.
Give it required constraints.
Build & Run.
Keyboard and cursor both work perfectly in iOS9 simulator.

Firemonkey embedded ios web browser displays "done" bar issue

I have an interesting issue with an IOS app, 32bit at present.
I have a simple project with one form, a button and a TWebBrowser component.The "onclick" of the button sets the align property of the twebbrowser to client and opens a webpage ( for testing).
Every thing works ok until I go to use the virtual keyboard (e.g. enter a search). When the virtual keyboard appears I am getting a second "done" button bar appearing above (and behind?) the main one. The main "done" bar includes next and previous buttons, whereas the background one doesn't. It appears that there are two keyboards appearing. I have the issue on both my test phones, one running IOS7 and the other running IOS6 and I believe it is also happening under IOS8.
Does anyone have any idea what causes this?
