I have a setup devise for user signup, this is working and so are the password validations that come by default. I have updated that devise model to include other fields like hometown, address, etc. I still want the user to be able to sign up by only providing email and password. When I added validations for fields like address, gender, etc, when a user wants to sign up, it will complain that those fields are empty. How can I ignore specific validations such as address, gender, etc, without ignoring the password validation that came by default? I saw something about using a flag inside .save(:validate => false) but I don't want to use this because it will ignore password validation.
Is there a way to solve this without having to create an additional model? User and UserAdditionalInfo? I want everything in User.
when you add the validation for address, say :allow_blank => true
For eg:
validates_length_of :address, :maximum => 30, :allow_blank => true
This will allow you to create a user without checking the address length.
So I'm working on the registration aspect of the site currently. I have a main sign up which is just full name, email and password. (aka new.html.erb)
After you fill in that information I direct you to a new site (setup.html.erb) and ask for more info like city, country etc.
On that you also have the edit profile account.
I am trying to make my app more secure and adding restrictions and presence etc in the model. However how can I limit them.
Currently if I do
validates :email, presence: true,
and I go to a form that doesn't even contain the email for nor permits it I get an error up that I need to add an email.
Also how do I fix this: I make presence true, I input require in html5. But still if I go to my source code and just remove the form and push submit it saves and I can bypass adding info.
Currently if I do validates :email, presence: true,
and I go to a form that doesn't even contain the email for nor permits it I get an error up that I need to add an email.
what you need is a conditional validation. If we look at rail guides it says
Sometimes it will make sense to validate an object only when a given predicate is satisfied. You can do that by using the :if and :unless options, which can take a symbol, a string, a Proc or an Array.
So in your model you could do something like:
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :email, presence: true, if: :need_to_validate?
def need_to_validate?
#your condition to check whether you want email validation or not
You can use params[:action] and params[:controller] smartly to check in which action and controller(hence which view) you currently are in so your method would be:
def need_to_validate?
params[:action] == your_view_action && params[:controller] == your_controller_name #your condition to check whether you want email validation or not
I have a Devise auth working on my Rails 4 app, I'm facing this problem which I have my Member model with some extra fields being validated (required) only on the update method (so it doesn't messed up the sign up form) but I just noticed that the "reset password" also uses the update method, but in a different controller (DeviseController). Here's what's happening:
I try to reset a member's password
submit the form (only password and password_confirmation fields)
Got errors about the extra/required fields
Is there a way to tell Devise to only request the password and password_confirmation fields on this specific form?
I had the same problem, I don't know why but it was only on production.
First of all, check if this fields(extra/required fields) are not empty, before you reset password.
Also you can try smth like this in your user model
validates :first_name, :last_name, presence: true, format: { with: /\A[a-zA-Z]+\z/, message: 'only allows letters' }, unless: :password_reset
def password_reset
I tested, just check fields that must be validated before you'll reset password.
I am a rails newbie and I have started hacking together a web app.
I used devise to set up user registrations and also generated the devise views templates.
I added custom models in there - username, first name, surname etc. I then added them in the attr_accessor in user.rb etc. and validates for the presence of these details
I thought of adding these elements in the edit registration form which worked successfully.
On the signup page - the code asks only for email, password, confirm password (as is set as default by devise).
If i now try and register as a new user (after all these steps), i get an error saying that First name cannot be empty, surname cannot be empty etc.
How can i exclude these from the sign up yet keep them active in the user profile edit?
I hope I'm making sense.thanks for your help in advance
If I understand correctly, during signup/registration you want to only ask for email and password, excluding the other User model attributes (first name, surname) from that form. However you also want to later have these other attributes validated when the user edits their profile.
So since you are validating for the presence of these extra attributes which are not provided when the signup form is submitted, the attempt to create a new user record simply fails to create at validation.
Try the :on => :update validation option to specify that certain fields should only be validated when later updated, rather than the default which is to validate any time a record is saved. Like this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :email, :presence => true
validates :firstname, :presence => true, :on => :update
validates :surname, :presence => true, :on => :update
See http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_validations_callbacks.html#on
you can go into your views > devise folder and create a registrations folder if its not there and make a new.html.erb
have a look at the file that you find under the link:
copy it to your new file and customize it as you want... it should overwrite the devise default view.
i have a user model with a password attribute, which gets saved as password_digest.
What i want to do is have the edit user page and the edit password page separated, so that
the admin doesn't need to input the password everytime he needs to change something else. For this i have made an extra action / view.
My problem is that when i update the user info, i get password validation errors even though
i have no password field in the form. Which leads me to the conclusion that partial_updates isn't working with the password attribute (as i have already tested in the console that it is enabled, and it is)
Is this me doing something wrong, or should i approach this differently?
Similar to the railscasts approach mentioned by #normalocity, but without the need to set a pseudo-attribute in the controller, we do this (which is essentially taken from restful_authentication):
attr_accessor :password
validates :password,
:length => { :minimum => 8 },
:confirmation => true,
:presence => true,
:if => :password_required?
def password_required?
password_digest.blank? || !password.blank?
Basically, we assume that if the password_digest hasn't been set yet (for a new record), or if the password pseudo-attribute has been set, then that means the password is being changed and the validations have to be run. So we don't need to set a updating_password pseudo-attribute like they do in the railscasts episode.
You need to validate the password only if it's being changed. If it's not being changed, then the validation for the password field should be skipped.
Railscasts.com episode #41 shows you how to do this.
For the sign-up form for my website I don't require that users confirm their passwords so there isn't a password confirmation field.
However when a user resets their password and they click the link in their email and then taken to a change password page I require they confirm their password and provide a field for them to do this.
My question is how can I add password confirmation and min and max lengths for passwords with out it affecting my sign up form because they use they same model. For my signup form I have min and max length validation rules and want these to apply to the change password form but also include password confirmation.
What is the best and most convenient way to do this in your opinion?
If password confirmation should only be done for users already created, the simplest solution is :
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_confirmation_of :password, :unless => :new_record?
So it will only call the validation when setting the value for new users and not for users trying to sign up.
You can create your own methods to validate model data, something like this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validate :user_data_validation
def user_data_validation
errors.add(:password_confirmation, "error in the password confirmation") if
!password.blank? and password != password_confirm
On the other hand you can use control-level validations, but:
Controller-level validations can be tempting to use, but often become
unwieldy and difficult to test and maintain. Whenever possible, it’s a
good idea to keep your controllers skinny, as it will make your
application a pleasure to work with in the long run. (c)