require 'spec_helper'
describe "visit '/'" do
context "displays ", :driver => :selenium do
before :each do
FactoryGirl.create :restaurant, name: "John's Cafe"
visit '/'
context "content:" do
it "Restaurantly Spots!" do
expect(page).to have_content 'Restaurantly Spots!'
it "John's Cafe" do
expect(page).to have_content "John's Cafe"
capybara test using selenium is failing for 'have_content' "John's Cafe".
Is capybara not able to see db objects that were added to db in before block?
I'm certain that the test db has the object in it, but it isn't getting displayed on the view page, the view page is wired correctly in development, I'm more curious why this test won't pass. Thanks.
my test suite is configured based on avdi's blog post
A few things you could try:
a) Add the 'pry' gem to your gemfile and then you can add a binding.pry to your test code. For example:
it "John's Cafe" do
expect(page).to have_content "John's Cafe"
At this point when you run the test you will see a console (like irb or rails console) and have introspection to your application. So you can see if the content is in the database or not. For example:
That should give you a clue as to if the restaurant is getting saved to the database.
One question, does the first test pass? "Restaurantly Spots!"?
Let me know if this works or you have more questions.
Mike Riley
I am experiencing strange very test behavior, with logged in state being handled inconsistently.
The spec logs a user in, visits a (nested or un-nested) index page, and checks that the correct content is displayed. Records are fetched asynchronously, though I don't think this should have an impact.
When each spec is run individually, they each pass. When all specs are run together, they fail because the expected content is missing. Using save_and_open_page reveals this is because the login page is being rendered, rather than the expected index page.
Why does rspec think the user is not signed in when all specs are run together, yet each spec passes individually?
The tests look something like this
let(:user) {create :user}
let(:team) {create :team}
let(:country) {create :country}
before :each do
login_as( user, scope: :user )
describe 'unnested' do
it 'should have the expected content', :js do
visit users_path have_content "some content on the page"
describe 'nested by team' do
it 'should have the expected content', :js do
visit team_users_path(team) have_content "some content on the page"
describe 'nested by nationality' do
it 'should have the expected content', :js do
visit country_users_path(country) have_content "some content on the page"
The specs all require javascript (I don't know whether that is important here).
Authentication is handled by Devise, and my rails_helper.rb includes
config.append_after(:each) do
Why does rspec think the user is not signed in when all specs are run together, yet each spec passes individually?
It took a long time to get to the bottom of this. Posting this hear in case it is of help to anyone else encountering the same issue.
After much searching I eventually found this small mention that login_as may not work with Poltergeist when js is enabled on your test scenarios.
I tried the suggested fix to deal with shared DB connections. Unfortunately this resulted in the following errors:
PG::DuplicatePstatement at /session/users/signin
ERROR: prepared statement "a1" already exists
I tried using the Transactional Capybara gem, but this did not seem to work well with Poltergeist.
Eventually I abandonned login_as completely, and instead wrote a short method that visits the login page, fills in email and password, and logs in that way.
This solution appears to be working. It adds a little overhead, so I'm only using it for tests with JS.
If you are using Capybara gem then there is no need to use :js with test cases
What I did if this helps-
scenario "visit with user signed in" do
user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
login_as(user, :scope => :user)
visit "/"
expect(current_path).to eq('/')
expect(page).to have_title "Some Random Title"
The other way you can login user using feature specs like-
feature 'User signs in' do
before :each do
#user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
scenario "Signing in with correct credentials" do
visit "/"
fill_in "Email", with:
fill_in "Password", with: #user.password
click_button "Log In"
expect(current_path).to eq("/login/useremail/verification")
expect(page).to have_content "Signed in successfully"
If your pages are ajax then refer to this
I'm using Rspec Rails with Capybara for testing and I want to use the new feature spec in RSpec Rails 3 as they read more as customer tests and acceptance tests. However, one thing I find missing from the older (Describe/It) style is nesting. When trying to nest scenarios or use background inside any scenario block, I get an undefined method error. Is there anyway I could achieve nesting with feature specs to get something like this (from Michael Hartl's Ruby On Rails Tutorial:
describe "Authentication" do
subject { page }
describe "authorization" do
let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) }
describe "for non-signed in users" do
describe "when attempting to visit a protected page" do
before { visit edit_user_path(user) }
it "should redirect_to to the signin page" do
expect(page).to have_title('Sign in')
describe "after signing in" do
before do
valid_signin user, no_visit: true
it "should render the desired protected page" do
expect(page).to have_title('Edit user')
Or should I be thinking in a different way about integration tests ?
As described in, feature corresponds to describe and scenario corresponds to it. So, you can nest instances of feature, but you cannot nest a scenario within a scenario, just as you cannot nest an it within a it.
Nested feature with scenarios is available in Capybara version 2.2.1
In Gemfile include
gem "capybara", "~> 2.2.1"
and bundle install
As per official documentation of Capybara
feature is in fact just an alias for describe ..., :type => :feature,
background is an alias for before, scenario for it, and given/*given!*
aliases for let/*let!*, respectively.
Here is the original issue and later it was accepted and merged in version 2.2.1
Given the following simple spec:
require 'spec_helper'
feature 'Feeds', %q{
In order see the latest content of Buurtlink
As a user
I should be able to view a neighborhood or postal_code
} do
background do
#neighborhood = FactoryGirl.create(:neighborhood_with_posts)
scenario 'Visitor views a neighborhood' do
visit neighborhood_path(#neighborhood)
find('#header_title').should have_content 'Diemen-Zuid'
10.times do |index|
expect(page).to have_text "Title of new post #{index}"
This test randomly fails. No JS is used on the page, but Capybara seems to visit the neighborhood_path before FactoryGirl is done creating all necessary posts. When looking at the page using save_and_open_page I can see that sometimes not all posts have been created yet.
Simply adding sleep 1 above visit neighborhood_path fixes the problem, but that's not a solution.
I'm using RSpec, Capybara, Spork and DatabaseCleaner. I also monkey-patched ActiveRecord so that it uses a shared connection.
Try this instead of your background block:
and you can do
visit neighborhood_path(neighborhood)
This was in the ApplicationController:
def load_posts_after_current_time
session[:load_posts_after] = unless params[:page].present?
Therefore, errors occurred when fetching newly created records. So added created_at 1.hour.ago to the post factory.
factory :post do
user { FactoryGirl.create(:user) }
created_at 1.hour.ago
factory :neighborhood_post do
association :postable, factory: :_neighborhood_post
It works!
I am trying to test my rails app with rspec 2.10.0 + capybara 1.1.2. Here is my test file
require 'spec_helper'
describe AdminPanelController do
describe "index" do
it "should have return code 200" do
visit '/admin'
page.should have_content "hello"
#response.status.should be(200)
And here are test result
Failure/Error: page.should have_content "hello"
Unable to find xpath "/html"
I google about this issue but find only information that webrat can be a problem however i do not have this gem installed. Thanks for any suggestions.
Wrong type of test. This looks like a controller test, which does tests with methods like get and post and is in the spec/controllers folder. Request specs, which use capybara, reside in spec/requests. Run $ rails generate scaffold SomeModel to see how they each should look.
If you understood the above but would still like to use capybara for your controller test, modify your describe block:
describe AdminPanelController, :type => :request do
I have to write integration test case for my one feature listing page and that feature index method has code like below
def index
#food_categories = current_user.food_categories
Now when i try to write a test case for this it throws an error
'undefined method features for nil class' because it can not get the current user
Now what i have do is below
I have write the login process in the before each statement and then write the test case for the features listing page
Can you please let me know that how i can get the current_user ?
FYI, I have used devise gem and working on integration test case with Rspec
Here is my spec file
And here is my food_categories_spec.rb
Update: you confuse functional and integration tests. Integration test doesn't use get, because there's no controller action to test, instead you must use visit (some url). Then you have to examine content of a page, not response code (latter is for functional tests). It may look like:
visit '/food_categories'
page.should have_content 'Eggs'
page.should have_content 'Fats and oils'
In case you'll need functional test, here's an example:
# spec/controllers/your_controller_spec.rb
describe YourController do
before do
#user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
sign_in #user
describe "GET index" do
before do
get :index
it "is successful" do
response.should be_success
it "assings user features" do
assigns(:features).should == #user.features
# spec/spec_helper.rb
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Devise::TestHelpers, :type => :controller