run rake task inside rails application - ruby-on-rails

I want to run asset precompile task inside the rails application,As I had many dependencies who will change the code,in that case all the time whenever they change i need to run the script as I cant give server access to them so I am providing the GUI for them from that they alone can run the script,so,I have built UI to run the task with some parameter like
system("Template='#{params[:template]}' Theme='#{params[:theme]}' rake assets:precompile)
I am getting two values from UI(params[:template],params[:theme]).Another thing i want to run this task in another path(site path) means Admin side UI is there that task should execute in Site directory,
if(params[:theme_script] == "true")
template=Template.where(:name => params[:template]).first
if template
theme = template.themes.where(:name => params[:theme]).first
if theme
# Dir.chdir "#{THEMEPATH}"do
# `Template="#{}" Theme="#{}" rake assets:precompile`
# end
# sleep 10
# system("#{Rails.root.to_s}/lib/")
# RunRake.run_rake(,
# Dir.chdir "#{THEMEPATH}"do
# Rake::Task['assets:precompile'].invoke
# end
ENV["Template"] =
ENV["Theme"] =
precompile_task = "bundle exec rake assets:precompile --trace 2>&1"
output = Dir.chdir(THEMEPATH) { %x[ #{precompile_task} ] }
flash[:notice] = "Asset created successfully"
flash[:notice] = "U have enter invalid data"
flash[:notice] = "U have enter invalid data"
This is my code am checking multiple condition and am allowing to execute the task.
I have tried this code by putting in controller and lib, but this is not working.
I have tried with shell script also.
Could please anyone can help me.

You can just setup an environment variable for rails, and then issue #invoke method from a controller. So, prepare the files:
gem 'rake'
Rake.load_rakefile Rails.root.join( 'Rakefile' )
ENV["Template"] =
ENV["Theme"] =
Rake::Task[ 'assets:precompile' ].invoke
Issue bundle install, then run console rails c, and type: 'assets:precompile'
# => ["assets:precompile"]
As you can see, the task assets:precompile is loaded successfully. Then just issue the action for the controller.
To run the task for an other rails app you shell run also the other ruby instance, similar to as you had done:
system( " '#{}' '${}'" )
source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
cd /other/app/path
export Template="$1"
export Theme="$2"
rake assets:precompile


Heroku rake task with poltergeist

I'm writing a rake task which tests an application. To test it I need Capybara and Poltergeist.
Rake task looks like this:
require "capybara"
require "capybara/poltergeist"
require "capybara/dsl"
namespace :almet do
desc "Checking if something changed on"
task check_news: :environment do
Capybara.current_driver = :poltergeist
Browser = { include Capybara::DSL }
page =
unless page.has_selector?(".home-events ul li") &
page.has_selector?(".home-events__item-lead") &
page.has_selector?(".home-events__item-date") &
page.has_selector?("h2 a")
news_link = page.find(:css, "h2 a", match: :first)[:href]
unless page.has_selector?(".page__content-i h2") &
page.has_selector?(".page__content-i .news") &
def alert
This code checks if the main site from parsing data is still the same (no changes in css selectors). This rake task works good locally, but when I pushed it to heroku I've got an error:
rake aborted!
Cliver::Dependency::NotFound: Could not find an executable ["phantomjs"] on your path.
I googled this, installed phantomJS but still got the same error.(Poltergeist using phantomJS). Is it possible to solve my problem?
You need to install PhantomJS onto your Heroku instance. Usually that involves adding a build pack which will install it for you, like

Why doesn't it know how to build this task?

So I have the following task in rails running on jruby:
desc "Creates a new site with args: name, api_url (must be http(s):// - note the ending slash), api_key"
task :add_new_site, [:name, :api_url, :api_key] => :enviroment do | t, args |
if !Site.find_by_site_name(args[:name])
new_site = args[:name], site_api_url: args[:api_url], site_api_key: args[:api_key])
puts "Created new Site: " + args[:name]
puts "This site already exists."
When I run it as such:
$ bin/rake add_new_site['sample', '', 'addasdsd']
rake aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'add_new_site[sample,'
You can see the error.
What am I doing wrong to receive this? I have other tasks that take one argument and they seem to work fine.
Note: yes this is in a .rake and not a .rb file
Update One:
You can see from the below out put that I saw what was required of this task, and I tried it and it still failed:
$ bin/rake -T add_new_site ['sample', '', 'addasdsd']
rake add_new_site[name,api_url,api_key] # Creates a new site with args: name, api_url (must be http(s):// - note the ending slash), api_key
$ bin/rake add_new_site['sample','','addasdsd']
rake aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'enviroment'
Tasks: TOP => add_new_site
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
I seem to be getting a different error?
You have a typo: enviroment instead of environment
That's why you are getting this error:
rake aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'enviroment'

rake aborted! Don't know how to build task 'sandbox'

I'm trying to add the sandbox to my rails spree application and have run into this error
(using windows 8/powershell with Rails 4.1.6). I'm going by this manual:
This link Use older version of Rake
seems to have a similar issue but I am not sure how to take the necessary steps to achieve it.
When I try:
C:\Ruby193\openUpShop> bundle exec rake sandbox
I get:
rake aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'sandbox'
I'm am new to rails and am still not sure how everything works so a throughout explanation
with step by step instructions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
you can use a file sandbox.rb
# use example: rake task:sub_task -- --sandbox
if ARGV.any? {|arg| arg == '--sandbox' }
puts "** << USING SANDBOX!! >> **"
# beginning
$sandbox = -> do
# end
at_exit do
then only you need add at the beginning of your task.rake file
require_relative 'path_to_your/sandbox.rb'
..and add at the beggining of your task code
desc "description task"
task example_task: :environment do
$ if $sandbox.present?

Rake task working on local machine, not on heroku

Here is my simple rake task :
desc 'Create objects from csv'
task :add_missing_information_from_url, [:url] => [:environment] do |t, args|
url = args[:url]
puts "STARTED", :headers => :first_row).to_enum.with_index(1).each do |line, i|
user = User.find(line['id'])
next if user.nil?
user.flag = true
puts "#{i} - #{user.firstname}"
For starters doesn't do anything smart. But for some reason this doesn't work on Heroku. This is how I execute the task (my namespace is dbs):
heroku run rake dbs:add_missing_information_from_url['']
Or on dev machine :
bundle exec rake dbs:add_missing_information_from_url['']
This is the only output I get from the console when running heroku task :
Running `rake dbs:add_missing_information_from_url[]` attached to terminal... up, run.7246
And returns to my shell after it has executed with nothing printed, nor the user objects get saved.
However when I run it on my dev machine, all works fine, starting by printing STARTED onwards.
What am I doing wrong here?
Is it me or does your log actually outputs this :
Running `rake dbs:add_missing_information_from_url[]` attached to terminal... up, run.7246
If you take a closer look at the argument in the [], it appears not to be a string. You would want your log to output [''].
So I suggest you try running your task like this :
heroku run rake dbs:add_missing_information_from_url['""']

Rails - delete_all or destroy_all not working on production server but working fine in development server

I have a rails app where I need to periodically delete search logs from a model. For this I am using a rake task with the syntax model.destroy_all, it is working fine in development server. However, nothing seems to be happening on production server.
Both development and production servers are using Ubuntu Server 10.04, Rails 3.0.7, Mysql Database. Did you face similar situation before?
Below is the rake task code:
task :cleansed_log => :environment do
raw_logs = Searchlog.find_by_sql("SELECT q from searchlogs")
flag = 0
pres_log, prev_log = "", ""
if raw_logs.count > 1
raw_logs.each do |raw_log|
if flag == 0
prev_log = raw_log.q
flag = 1
pres_log = raw_log.q
if pres_log =~ /#{prev_log}/
prev_log = pres_log
#cleansedlog = => prev_log)
prev_log = pres_log
#cleansedlog = => pres_log)
Below is the cron job which calls above rake task:
# Begin Whenever generated tasks for: cleansedlog
# 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /var/www/prodsite//releases/20110715035538 && RAILS_ENV=production rake cleansed_log -- silent >> /work/saptcodes/cron.log 2>&1'
# End Whenever generated tasks for: cleansedlog
I am not sure, but do you pass RAILS_ENV option to you rake task?
For example:
rake logs:destroy RAILS_ENV='production'
Can you try with
Careful since this will not honor callbacks, dependent associations and goes straight to the database.
I have encountered similar behavior sometimes with destroy_all, especially in migrations.
