Heroku Hosting Rails - ruby-on-rails

So I host with company X and have my domain on there. I deployed my app to heroku and pointed my domain at it. I can't wrap my head around if I am hosting my site on heroku now or if I am hosting it on company X's servers.
I would assume I'm hosting on herokus server because that is the most logical, but just keep having this brainfart.
Could someone please explain this to me?

Your application is on Heroku's server. All company X has done is perform the DNS magic necessary to map the friendly URL (www.yoursite.com) to your Heroku deployment.

You should also be aware that Heroku doesn't actually "store" the app on its own servers - it uses Amazon's ec2 cloud to create instances of your app
So although you have your domain with company X, your app handled through heroku, it will actually be running in one of Amazon's data centers
Keep that in mind when you start to grow (you may find benefits of using Amazon directly)


Is there a way to setup SSL on heroku-godaddy using letsencrpyt entirely for free?

I've been an amateur developer for quite some time now and this is the first time I've actually needed to set up the domain and SSL for a website. I already bought a domain name from GoDaddy and I'm using my rails as my backend. But it seems that on almost all of the guides online (the ones I've come to search) is for the Heroku paid dynos (I'm on the free tier) or has their website hosted somewhere else/bought the domain somewhere else. As of now, I'm not actually sure how straightforward this should be but any guide to free SSL cert generation and free setup would be nice.
You have 2 options here:
Use Heroku domain app.herokuapp.com as this is encrypted and served through https.
If you want to use a custom domain. There is no way but to use a paid dyno. There were some tutorials on how to do this manually and a couple of projects that allowed you to do so on free dynos but they are all outdated/deprecated.
There is no need to configure anything on Heroku's side if you start off with a paid dyno.
ACM is enabled by default for all Common Runtime apps created after March 21, 2017 that run on Hobby or Professional dynos.
To upgrade, simply run heroku ps:resize web=hobby via heroku cli. Then, to enable letsencrypt automated certificate, simply run heroku certs:auto:enable. Just make sure your DNS is activly pointing to the currect address before doing so or you'll need to verify your DNS target.
Docs: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/automated-certificate-management
deprecated project: https://github.com/dmathieu/sabayon
outdated tutorial: https://github.com/dwyl/learn-heroku/blob/master/SSL-certificate-step-by-step-setup-instructions.md
I have used the same setup for my heroku app. By default heroku free tier gives ssl on your web app.
Like if you hit url yourwebsite.herokuapp.com, it is encrypted and provides ssl for free.
But when you will add a custom domain name to your heroku app, then its without ssl. You cannot use ssl on it unless you moved to hobby dyno(paid)
Here is what heroku says

How to live Rails applications

I am new user for website developer(rails3.2) and I don't know how to hosting over website to live.
I have used heroku but over website is not searchable by google and heroku added there domain i.e. http://example.herokuapp.com but I want website with http://www.example.com.
Please suggest me what process I have to follow. Please explain step by step.
Need paid server
Heroku is a PaaS (Platform as a Service). There is no easier way to deploy application on the Cloud.
There are several domain configurations available to your app. Most simple is to add custom domains on Heroku heroku domains:add www.example.com and the next step, you must configure your application’s DNS to point to Heroku.
Becareful, DNS changes can take several minutes to several days to take effect.
You need to purchase a domain from any of the Domain provider(Go Daddy,Zerigo DNS).
And you need to point out your Heroku app configurations at Domain C-panel.
Here is an article at Heroku. have you checked it?
Also here are some few URL's that gives you some basic Idea.
How to configure heroku application DNS to Godaddy Domain?

What plan(s) are needed to get Rails set up on AWS?

I'm new to Amazon's cloud though I have used other cloud provides like Rackspace, Windows Azure and Heroku. I want to deploy my Ruby on Rails 4 application on Amazon but I am overwhelmed with all of the services Amazon offers. AWS, EC2, EBS, S3, SimpleDB, Elastic Beanstalk.... argh!!
My site is a relatively simple Rails app with a Postres database. There will not be much traffic at launch but we obviously hope it will grow and need to scale up.
What is a simple, no-frills plan that Amazon offers to get my app out there? I feel like I need to read 100 pages of documentation just to understand what it is that Amazon is offering.
First of all, there are no plans. You sign-up for an AWS account, and you have access to whichever services you want to use.
Secondly, I can wholeheartedly recommend a single-instance Elastic Beanstalk environment to get started. It only uses 1 EC2 virtual server behind the scenes, but you get much better deployment options.
I can't speak to other services like Heroku.

Rails hosting for small photo app

I'm making a small photo-gallery app. The photos will be hosted locally. Right now I use dreamhost but their rails implementation looks horrible. So I'm looking for other options. I know Heroku gives you one 'web dyno' for free, but they don't say anything about how much space you get. As I said, I want my photos stored locally with the app, I don't want to deal with s3 or other cloud storage.
there is no local storage with heroku - only temporary space. you'll need to use S3 or some off-site storage with heroku.
(and I agree, rails on DH is awful, even if you enable passenger)
Use Openshift to deploy your app
checkout this deploying rails app in openshift
openshift provides one permanent data directory to store data and its free
If you are interested in VPS, Digital Ocean - https://www.digitalocean.com/, provides excellent hosting starting from $5. And you can store your photos on the local disc.
There are very good tutorials on their site to get you started with.
Check out Shelly Cloud: https://shellycloud.com/ You get persistent storage (so you don't lose data in case of disk failure) and the deployment is optimized for Rails applications.
With Heroku you can host images that you store in the repository of your project. Just try this:
rails new mytest
create a simple page and link to a test image in your /app/assets/images
heroku create mytest123 # <-- mytest1234 must be your unique app name
and now push the repo to Heroku:
git push origin master # origin points automatically to Heroku after you created this
This is the easiest way to host small projects for free. Sometimes the Dyno takes some time to startup, and you need to point the domain to the right proxy, but these issues can be dealt with later.
S3 comes into play when you deal with uploaded content / images. For this use case, you need S3 which is out of the scope of your question too.

Publishing a Ruby on Rails website using Amazon S3

I've completed my website using a Ruby on Rails framework, which uses a simple database.
I have set up an Amazon S3 account and would like to upload it to this, however I've been told that I would need more than just this to get the website working.
I am COMPLETELY new to uploading RoR websites, so would anyone be willing to talk me through what needs doing/ why?
Amazon S3 is simply for storing static assets, images, css etc. You can run entirely static sites on it ie html but not 'applications'.
You may have misheard - you could use Amazon EC2 which provide you with a virtual server to host your application and run your application.
If you are entirely new to this process then I suggest you investigate the likes of Heroku (heroku.com) EngineYard, BrightBox, Rackspace etc With the first you probably would be able to use their free offering and deployment is simply by Git - there's no system administration involved.
