How to delete tarfileset after creation of archive? - ant

I have following ant target to create an archive of log files.
It collects all log files from the .metadata directory of an eclipse workspace recursively and log files from the project directories non-recursively.
I would like to delete the files after they have been archived. How can I achieve this?
I cannot use fileset as I need the extra attributes of the tarfileset.
<target name="tar_logfiles">
<tar destfile="logs.tgz" compression="gzip">
<tarfileset dir=".metadata" preserveLeadingSlashes="true" prefix=".metadata">
<include name="**/.log*" />
<include name="**/*.log" />
<tarfileset dir="${basedir}" preserveLeadingSlashes="true">
<include name="*/.log" />


I wan to unzip multiple files in a folder with the same name as the file name using Ant?

I have a folder with multiple .zip files. I want to unzip them in the same folder, with the name same as that of the file.
Output expected:
How can I make a generic code using Ant?
The code which I am using now is able to only unzip the last file.
<path id="warFilePath">
<fileset dir="/temp">
<include name="product_*.zip"/>
<property name="warFile" refid="warFilePath" />
<basename property="warFilename" file="${warFile}" suffix=".zip" />
<unzip dest="temp/${warFilename}">
<fileset dir="/temp">
<include name="${warFilename}.zip"/>

How to include an empty folder in a zip file

I have created a zip file with many folders and files in it.
<!-- Create the distribution directory -->
<mkdir dir="${buildDirectory}/core/dist"/>
<zip destfile="${buildDirectory}/core/dist/">
<zipfileset dir="${buildDirectory}/core/" prefix="core/bin">
<include name="*.jar" />
<zipfileset dir="${buildDirectory}/core/src/resources" prefix="core/conf">
<include name="" />
<include name="" />
<include name="conf.xml" />
<zipfileset dir="${buildDirectory}/algorithm/testData" prefix="core/data">
<include name="" />
<include name="proto.aza" />
So the zip now has
I also need to include (add) an empty /logs folder in the zip structure.
How do I do that.
The least clumsy way I can find of doing this is to create an empty directory somewhere first, and then include it in your zipfile. Cutting down your example a bit, to get a zip with just an empty logs directory in it, you could write:
<mkdir dir="${buildDirectory}/core/dist"/>
<mkdir dir="${buildDirectory}/core/dist/logs"/>
<zip destfile="${buildDirectory}/core/dist/">
<zipfileset dir="${buildDirectory}/core/dist/logs" fullpath="logs"/>

ant checksum directory does not reflect removed files

I have the following ant targets defined. The idea is to do the heavy work only, if some contents of a folder have changed.
<target name="checksumAssets">
<echo message="verify checksums" />
<checksum todir="${bin.loc}/../checksums" verifyproperty="checksum.isUpToDate.test">
<fileset dir="${bin.loc}/assets/" id="filelist">
<include name="somefolder/" />
<exclude name="somefolder/result.swf"/>
<echo message="${toString:filelist}"/>
<echoproperties regex="checksum.isUpToDate.test"/>
<target name="createAsset" depends="checksumAssets" unless="${checksum.isUpToDate.test}">
<!-- do create the assets and other magic -->
<echo message="create checksum files" />
<checksum todir="${bin.loc}/../checksums" >
<fileset refid="filelist" />
somefolder contains images which will be processed and result in a swf file containing these assets.
i want this heavy processing only to take place if something in the asset folder changes.
this works as espected in two cases:
i add a new file to somefolder
i change an existing file in somefolder
my problem is:
it does not work when i delete a file from this folder.
this means, the createAsset Target is not called on ant createAsset if i remove a file from the folder in question. it is called in the two aforementioned cases and if there are no checksum files present in the checksums folder.
is there something i missed?
ant version is 1.8.2
i've found a workaround.
since <checksum> only saves the checksum of single files, it cannot know if a file is missing from a previous run. for this it would need to save the checksum of a complete filelist on disk.
this is what i accomplished:
<target name="checksumAssets">
<echo message="verify checksums" />
<!-- generate filelist.txt with actual content of somefolder -->
<fileset dir="${bin.loc}/assets/somefolder/" id="filelist">
<exclude name="result.swf"/>
<exclude name="filelist.txt"/>
<concat destfile="${bin.loc}/assets/somefolder/filelist.txt" fixlastline="true">${toString:filelist}</concat>
<!-- checksum folder including the filelist.txt -->
<checksum todir="${bin.loc}/../checksums" verifyproperty="checksum.isUpToDate.test">
<fileset dir="${bin.loc}/assets/" id="checkedlist">
<include name="somefolder/" />
<exclude name="somefolder/result.swf"/>
<target name="createAsset" depends="checksumAssets" unless="${checksum.isUpToDate.test}">
<!-- do create the assets and other magic -->
<echo message="create checksum files" />
<checksum todir="${bin.loc}/../checksums" >
<fileset refid="checkedlist" />
first i generate a filelist.txt with the content of the current folder.
then i generate checksums of all files in this folder, including the filelist.txt
on every an run, filelist.txt will be generated and checked against the filelist.txt from the last successful run of createAsset.
now the createAsset target is run if a content file changes or if the content of this folder changes.
mission accomplished ;)

Copy files and folder to WEB-INF using Ant

I want to copy a .properties file from a certain location to my WEB-INF/classes/com/infiniti folder(in a WAR file).
I have gone through this link How to get Ant to copy properties file to classes directory
using which I can copy the .properties file to WEB-INF/classes/ but not to WEB-INF/classes/com/infiniti
Code I am using is:
<war destfile="${deploy}/acc.war" webxml="${warSrc}/web/WEB-INF/web.xml">
<lib dir="${lib}">
<classes dir="${configHome}/config/com/infiniti">
<include name="" />
Also I need to copy ${configHome}/resources/com/infiniti/errorcode folder to
Is this possible using Ant?
yes, you can use for instance ZipFileSet like this
<war destfile="${deploy}/acc.war" webxml="${warSrc}/web/WEB-INF/web.xml">
<zipfileset dir="${configHome}/config/com/infiniti" includes="**/*.properties" prefix="WEB-INF/classes/com/infiniti"/>
Yes, it's possible using ant. Just use the copy or sync commands to move your file:
<copy todir="${distribution}/location" file="${local.path}/data/file.txt">
You can also copy with rules:
<copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="${combined.bin}">
<fileset dir="${buildbin}"/>
<fileset dir="${output2buildbin}"/>
<fileset dir="${output3buildbin}"/>
Using sync:
<sync includeemptydirs="false" todir="${distres}">
<fileset dir="${buildres}">
<include name="logging/**" />
Tasks are described on their doc site:
The same 'fileset' declarative applies to the war task:
Assume the following structure in the project's base directory:
then the war file myapp.war created with
<war destfile="myapp.war" webxml="src/metadata/myapp.xml">
<fileset dir="src/html/myapp"/>
<fileset dir="src/jsp/myapp"/>
<lib dir="thirdparty/libs">
<exclude name="jdbc1.jar"/>
<classes dir="build/main"/>
<zipfileset dir="src/graphics/images/gifs"
will consist of

Ant Zip Extracted Parent Directory

I have several zip files that I need to unzip within an Ant target. All the zip files are in the same directory, and have the same internal directory and file structure.
So I am using the following snippet to unzip all the zip files in the directory, but each zip file does not contain a parent folder at the root, so each successive zip file is unzipped and overwrites the previous files.
<unzip dest="C:/Program Files/Samsung/Samsung TV Apps SDK/Apps">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="**/*.zip"/>
Is there a better way to unzip a group of files, and create a directory to unzip them to that is based on the zip file name?
So, if the zip files are:
then the content of each will be extracted to:
One solution might be to use the ant-contrib 'for' and 'propertyregex' tasks to do this:
<for param="">
<fileset dir="." includes="**/*.zip" />
<propertyregex property=""
override="yes" />
<unzip src="#{}" dest="${}" />
The 'propertyregex' strips the .zip extension from the zip file name to use as the target directory name.
Without ant-contrib:
<!-- Get the path of the war file. I know the file name pattern in this case -->
<path id="warFilePath">
<fileset dir="./tomcat/webapps/">
<include name="myApp-*.war"/>
<property name="warFile" refid="warFilePath" />
<!-- Get file name without extension -->
<basename property="warFilename" file="${warFile}" suffix=".war" />
<!-- Create directory with the same name as the war file name -->
<mkdir dir="./tomcat/webapps/${warFilename}" />
<!-- unzip war file -->
<unwar dest="./tomcat/webapps/${warFilename}">
<fileset dir="./tomcat/webapps/">
<include name="${warFilename}.war"/>
