Documentation on passing parameters to event url - eventbrite

I am working on developing an integration between EventBrite and a CRM platform. In order to sync data back to the CRM platform I would like to pass a query string variable of the customer id to the EventBrite event url and have that data passed back to me when I query the API. Is this possible? If so is there documentation on what query string variables are available?

Unfortunately, there isn't an endpoint right now that supports this.
I would assume that you'd want to pass an email address as a unique identifier, and see all the associated tickets/registrations with that attendee.
Thanks for the feedback, we'll add this to our backlog, but it isn't something on our roadmap.


I am creating shopify app,and i need to filter the customers from particular customergroup

I am using the following API to get Customer group. ShopifyAPI::CustomerGroup. I got customer group names and id but i am not able to retrive the customers for particular customer group.Kindly suggest some ideas.
You can't. Customer groups is not a valid Shopify API resource or an endpoint. Instead, try to get the customers based on field values listed here - Customer API.
It'd help much if your grouping is based on certain conditions that are easy to extract from API endpoints.

Get Attendee Data w/ Website Workflow's 3rd Part Next Steps

I am working w/ the Event Brite API and I have a need that I am trying to figure out the best approach for. Right now, I have an event that people will be registering for. At the final step of the registration process, I need to ask them some questions that are specific to my event. Sadly, these questions are data-driven from my website, so I am unable to use the packaged surveys w/ Event Bright.
In a perfect world, I would use the basic flow detailed in the Website Workflow of the EB documentation, ending upon the "3rd Party Next Steps" step (redirect method).
Upon landing on that page, I would like to be able to access the order data that we just created in order to update my database and to send emails to each person who purchased a seat. This email would contain the information needed to kick off the survey portion of my registration process.
Is this possible in the current API? Does the redirect post any data back to the 3rd party site? I saw a few SO posts that gave a few keywords that could be included in the redirect URL (is there a comprehensive list?). If so, is there a way to use that data to look up order information for that order only?
Right now, my only other alternative is to set up a polling service that would pull EB API data, check for new values, and then kick off the process on intervals. This would be pretty noisy for all parties involved, create delay for my attendees, and I would like to avoid it if possible. Thoughts?
Here are the full set of parameters which we support after an attendee places an order:$event_id&attid=$attendee_id&oid=$order_id
It's possible that order_id and attendee_id would not be a numeric value, in which case it would return a value of "unknown." You'll always have the event_id though.
If you want to get order-specific data after redirecting an attendee to your site, you can using the event_list_attendees method, along with the modified_after parameter. You'll still have to look through the result set for the new order_id, but the result set will be much smaller and easier to navigate. You can get more information here:
You can pass the order_id in your redirect URL in order to solve this.
When you define a redirect URL, Evenbrite will automatically swap in the order_id value in place of the string "$order_id".$order_id
When the user completes their transaction, they will be redirected to your external site, as shown here: /
When your post-transaction landing page is loaded, grab the order_id from the request URL, and call the event_list_attendees API method to find the order information in the response.

Eventbrite custom ticket pdf

Is it possible to use event_list_attendees to get the list of attendees and their specific information for the event in order to place it onto my own custom designed ticket graphic/PDF?
For instance, I want to create my own stand alone website that links to my event, have users register/purchase tickets, then from my website via the API, I would send the user a custom email as well as a custom designed ticket specific to my event. On the ticket itself I would want to pull the attendee name and number of tickets ordered, as well as the barcode and the event information.
Yes, that is totally possible. See the page on the Eventbrite API - event_list_attendees
It should give you all the information you need.
Good luck!
You may be interested by Pygmento custom emails & tickets :
You can use the service customize the confirmation email and pdf ticket using any variable from Eventbrite : given name, surname, ticket class, barcode, or even the user-defined checkout fields.

adwords API adparam to set price in ad

I've been using the API for several things, and recently wanted to use it to set the prices displayed on my ads.
The adGroups are arraigned so that they are each related to a product. I simply want to update the param1 value in all ads in a given adGroup.
What I have found so far is that the parameter needs to be set for every single keyword used on that adGroup. The only usage I can see for this is to use more API calls/credits?
Recap on what I want to do:
Best case: Send the AdGroup ID up and a value for the param and have all ads up dated.
Worst Case: Send up the Adgroup ID and Ad ID and param Value for each ad to be updated.
Is there anyway of doing this?
Ad params are tied to keywords, so there's no way right now to achieve what you are trying to do in a single call.

what is the standard for creating a web REST API for adding new items

i have a order catalogue web site and i want to create a REST API so people can create their own apps and Add an Order or Update an existing order:
Lets say an order has:
So i need some API to allow someone to send in a new order (orderid would be blank as that would be in the response).
How do you deal with passing in items like Product or Shipping type. These are tables in my db and are keyed off their own specific primary key id. Should the NewOrder API ask for a string name for these fields, should it ask for the id. If it asked for the ID, that would assume they would have to call the GiveMeProductList() method upfront (which gives you the name and id of all product as a dataset).
What is the standard for dealing with this?
Martin Fowler has a good post about the steps toward the glory of REST that you might find useful to come up with REST API.
The media type that I use for sending this information to the server can handle both scenarios, Id and Code/Name. If the user enters the product code manually then I send up the code, if the user asks to pick from a list then I provide the list and send back the Id.
