Why is there no NSShort or NSByte? - ios

Newbie in IOS programming here.
I was looking at the Foundation Types Data Reference and have started to use the NSInteger typedef on the assumption that it will make my app more portable. However I often have a use for 16-bit and 8-bit integers and I don't see an NSShort or NSByte.
It seems wasteful to allocate a 32/64 bit variable for something that has a small range, say 0 to 12.
Are there any symbols that are defined for that?

Use uint8_t and uint16_t if you want types that are a specific size. There are also similar types for 32 and 64 bits values.


Better to use long or long long in 64 bit

In LP64, the size of a long and the size of a long long are the same (Apple Docs, Unix Docs).
Is there any difference then, when limiting yourself to the understanding that you're running on an LP64 system (as XCode appears to when compiling for 64 bit), between a long and a long long? Is there any performance reason to use a long instead of a long long if your goal is a 64 bit integral?
Here's why I ask. In Objective C on Xcode, NSString's format (like printf) and NSNumber both use data types like int, long, long long and their unsigned variants when converting numbers and text and not specific bit length numbers like int16_t, int32. and int64_t. This would make it difficult to program things that require a certain minimum size (i.e. networking or currency applications) or times when you want to store specifically sized data into an NSNumber without typecasting.
Is it safe, limiting to any Intel Mac OS or iOS device, to use int for int32_t and long long for int64_t when interacting with things like NSString's format functions and NSNumber?
Is it safe, limiting to any Intel Mac OS or iOS device, to use int for int32_t and long long for int64_t when interacting with things like NSString's format functions and NSNumber?
According to the ILP32 & LP64 conventions yes, but you should really document that you are relying on these sizes.
One way to do that is to use a clever macro that originated (as I understand) in the Linux kernel:
#define BUILD_BUG_ON(condition) ((void)sizeof(char[1 - 2*!!(condition)]))
This macro will generate a compile time error if its condition argument is true, as in that case it attempts to determine the size of a negative-sized array. You can use it in the following simple function:
static __attribute__((unused)) void _compile_time_use_only_()
BUILD_BUG_ON( (sizeof(int) != 4) );
BUILD_BUG_ON( (sizeof(long long) != 8) );
Add that to your code and if you attempt to compile on any system where int is not 32-bits or long long is not 64-bits then you'll get a compile time error. There is essentially zero-cost at runtime (just a few bytes for the unused function).
Make sure you comment the function stating what it does!
You can of course assert the size of other types the same way.
Use either NSInteger or int64_t. NSInteger = fastest type with at least 32 bits, and compatible with sizes of arrays etc. int64_t = exactly 64 bit. This will also make the move to Swift easier.

Benefits of using NSInteger over int?

I am trying to comprehend how development is affected when developing for both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. From what I have researched thus far, I understand an int is always 4 bytes regardless of the architecture of the device running the app. But an NSInteger is 4 bytes on a 32-bit device and 8 bytes on a 64-bit device. I get the impression NSInteger is "safer" and recommended but I'm not sure what the reasoning is for that.
My question is, if you know the possible value you're using is never going to be large (maybe you're using it to index into an array of 200 items or store the count of objects in an array), why define it as an NSInteger? That's just going to take up 8 bytes when you won't use it all. Is it better to define it as an int in those cases? If so, in what case would you want to use an NSInteger (as opposed to int or long etc)? Obviously if you needed to utilize larger numbers, you could with the 64-bit architecture. But if you needed it to also work on 32-bit devices, would you not use long long because it's 8 bytes on 32-bit devices as well? I don't see why one would use NSInteger, at least when creating an app that runs on both architectures.
Also I cannot think of a method which takes in or returns a primitive type - int, and instead utilizes NSInteger, and am wondering if there is more to it than just the size of the values. For example, (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section. I'd like to understand why this is the case. Assuming it's possible to have a table with 2,147,483,647 rows, what would occur on a 32-bit device when you add one more - does it wrap around to a -2,147,483,647? And on a 64-bit device it would be 2,147,483,648. (Why return a signed value? I'd think it should be unsigned since you can't have a negative number of rows.)
Ultimately, I'd like to obtain a better understanding of actual use of these number data types, perhaps some code examples would be great!
I personally think that, 64-bit is actually the reason for existence for NSInteger and NSUInteger; before 10.5, those did not exist. The two are simply defined as longs in 64-bit, and as ints in 32-bit.
NSInteger/NSUInteger are defined as *dynamic typedef*s to one of these types, and they are defined like this:
#if __LP64__ || NS_BUILD_32_LIKE_64
typedef long NSInteger;
typedef unsigned long NSUInteger;
typedef int NSInteger;
typedef unsigned int NSUInteger;
Thus, using them in place of the more basic C types when you want the 'bit-native' size.
I suggest you to throughly read this link.
CocoaDev has some more info.
For proper format specifier you should use for each of these types, see the String Programming Guide's section on Platform Dependencies
I remember when attending iOS developer conference. you have to take a look on the data-type in iOS7. for example, you use NSInteger in 64-bit device and save it on iCloud. then you want to sync to lower device (say iPad 2nd gen), your app will not behave the same, because it recognizes NSInteger in 4 bytes not 8 bytes, then your calculation would be wrong.
But so far, I use NSInteger because mostly my app doesn't use iCloud or doesn't sync. and to avoid compiler warning.
Apple uses int because for a loop control variable (which is only used to control the loop iterations) int datatype is fine, both in datatype size and in the values it can hold for your loop. No need for platform dependent datatype here. For a loop control variable even a 16-bit int will do most of the time.
Apple uses NSInteger for a function return value or for a function argument because in this case datatype [size] matters, because what you are doing with a function is communicating/passing data with other programs or with other pieces of code.
Apple uses NSInteger (or NSUInteger) when passing a value as an
argument to a function or returning a value from a function.
The only thing I would use NSInteger for is passing values to and from an API that specifies it. Other than that it has no advantage over an int or a long. At least with an int or a long you know what format specifiers to use in a printf or similar statement.
As a continue to Irfan's answer:
equals a processor word's size. It is much more simple and faster for processor to operate with words

Fast way to swap endianness using opencl

I'm reading and writing lots of FITS and DNG images which may contain data of an endianness different from my platform and/or opencl device.
Currently I swap the byte order in the host's memory if necessary which is very slow and requires an extra step.
Is there a fast way to pass a buffer of int/float/short having wrong endianess to an opencl-kernel?
Using an extra kernel run just for fixing the endianess would be ok; using some overheadless auto-fixing-read/-write operation would be perfect.
I know about the variable attribute ((endian(host/device))) but this doesn't help with a big endian FITS file on a little endian platform using a little endian device.
I thought about a solution like this one (neither implemented nor tested, yet):
uint4 mask = (uint4) (3, 2, 1, 0);
uchar4 swappedEndianness = shuffle(originalEndianness, mask);
// to be applied on a float/int-buffer somehow
Hoping there's a better solution out there.
Thanks in advance,
Sure. Since you have a uchar4 - you can simply swizzle the components and write them back.
output[tid] = input[tid].wzyx;
swizzling is very also performant on SIMD architectures with very little cost, so you should be able to combine it with other operations in your kernel.
Hope this helps!
Most processor architectures perform best when using instructions to complete the operation which can fit its register width, for example 32/64-bit width. When CPU/GPU performs such byte-wise operators, using subscripts .wxyz for uchar4, they needs to use a mask to retrieve each byte from the integer, shift the byte, and then using integer add or or operator to the result. For the endianness swaping, the processor needs to perform above integer and, shift, add/or for 4 times because there are 4 bytes.
The most efficient way is as follows
#define EndianSwap(n) (rotate(n & 0x00FF00FF, 24U)|(rotate(n, 8U) & 0x00FF00FF)
n could be in any gentype, for example, an uint4 variable. Because OpenCL does not allow C++ type overloading, so the best choice is macro.

CV_8U opencv's matrixes on no 8 bit systems

I've read that the signed char and unsigned char types are not guaranteed to be 8 bits on every platform, but sometimes they have more than 8 bits.
If so, using OpenCv how can we be sure that CV_8U is always 8bit?
I've written a short function which takes a 8 bit Mat and happens to convert, if needed, CV_8SC1 Mat elements into uchars and CV_8UC1 into schar.
Now I'm afraid it is not platform independent an I should fix the code in some way (but don't know how).
P.S.: Similarly, how can CV_32S always be int, also on machine with no 32bit ints?
Can you give a reference of this (I've never heard of that)? Probably you mean the padding that may be added at the end of a row in a cv::Mat. That is of no problem, since the padding is usually not used, and especially no problem if you use the interface functions, e.g. the iterators (c.f.). If you would post some code, we could see, if your implementation actually had such problems.
// template methods for iteration over matrix elements.
// the iterators take care of skipping gaps in the end of rows (if any)
template<typename _Tp> MatIterator_<_Tp> begin();
template<typename _Tp> MatIterator_<_Tp> end();
the CV_32S will be always 32-bit integer because they use types like those defined in inttypes.h (e.g. int32_t, uint32_t) and not the platform specific int, long, whatever.

The importance of using a 16bit integer

How seriously do developers think about using a 16bit integer when writing code? I've been using 32bit integers ever since I've been programming and I don't really think about using 16bit.
Its so easy to declare a 32bit int because its the default for most languages.
Whats the upside of using a 16bit integer apart from a little memory saved?
Now that we have cars, we don't walk or ride horses as much, but we still do walk and ride horses.
There is less need to use shorts these days. In a lot of situations the cost of disk space and availability of RAM mean that we no longer need to squeeze every last bit of storage out of computers as we did 20 years ago, so we can sacrifice a bit of storage efficiency in order to save on development/maintenance costs.
However, where large amounts of data are used, or we are working with systems with small memories (e.g. embedded controllers) or when we are transmitting data over networks, using 32 or 64 bits to represent a 16-bit value is just a waste of memory/bandwidth. It doesn't matter how much memory you have, wasting half or three quarters of it would just be stupid.
APIs/interfaces (e.g. TCP/IP port numbers) and algorithms that require manipulation (e.g. rotation) of 16-bit values.
I was interested in the relative performance so I wrote this small test program to perform a very simple test of the speed of allocating, using, and freeing a significant amount of data in both int and short format.
I run the tests several times in case caching and so on are affected.
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
const int DATASIZE = 1000000;
template <typename DataType>
long long testCount()
long long t1, t2;
DataType* data = new DataType[DATASIZE];
for(int i = 0; i < DATASIZE; i++) {
data[i] = 0;
delete[] data;
return t2-t1;
int main()
cout << "Test using short : " << testCount<short>() << " ticks.\n";
cout << "Test using int : " << testCount<int>() << " ticks.\n";
cout << "Test using short : " << testCount<short>() << " ticks.\n";
cout << "Test using int : " << testCount<int>() << " ticks.\n";
cout << "Test using short : " << testCount<short>() << " ticks.\n";
cout << "Test using int : " << testCount<int>() << " ticks.\n";
cout << "Test using short : " << testCount<short>() << " ticks.\n";
and here are the results on my system (64 bit quad core system running windows7 64 bit, but the program is a 32 bit program built using VC++ express 2010 beta in release mode)
Test using short : 3672 ticks.
Test using int : 7903 ticks.
Test using short : 4321 ticks.
Test using int : 7936 ticks.
Test using short : 3697 ticks.
Test using int : 7701 ticks.
Test using short : 4222 ticks.
This seems to show that there are significant performance advantages at least in some cases to using short instead of int when there is a large amount of data. I realise that this is far from being a comprehensive test, but it's some evidence that not only do they use less space but they can be faster to process too at least in some applications.
when there is memory constraints short can help u lot. for e.g. while coding for embedded systems, u need to consider the memory.
16-bit values are still in great demand (though unsigned would do - don't really need signed).
For example,
16 bit Unicode - UTF-16/UCS-2.
16 bit graphics - especially for embedded devices.
16 bit checksums - for UDP headers and similar.
16 Bit devices - e.g. many norflash devices are 16 bit.
You might need to wrap at 65535.
You might need to work with a message sent from a device which includes fields which are 16 bit. Using 32 bit integers in this case would cause you to be accessing bits at the wrong offset in the message.
You might be working on an embedded 16 bit micro, or an embedded 8 bit micro. Hint: not all processors are x86, 32 bit.
This is really important in database development, because sometimes people are using a lot more space than is really needed (e.g. using int when small would have been sufficient). When you have tables with millions of rows this can be important factor in e.g. database size and queries. I would recommend people using always the appropriate datatype for columns.
I also try to use the correct datatype for other development, I know it can be a pain dealing with long and small (pretty convenient to have everyting int) but I think it pays off in the end, for example when serializing objects.
you ask: Any good reason to keep them around?
Since you say 'language-agnostic' the answer is a 'certainly yes'.
The computer CPU still works with bytes, words, full registers and whatnot, no matter how much these 'data types' are abstracted by some programming languages. There will always be situations where the code needs to 'touch the metal'.
It's hardly a little memory saved [read: 50%] when you allocate memory for a large number of numeric values. Common uses are:
COM and external device interop
Reducing memory consumption for large arrays where each number will never exceed a couple thousands in magnitude
Unique hashes for pairs of objects, where no more than ~65K objects are needed (hash values can only be 32-bit ints, but note that hash table types must transform the value for internal representations so collisions are still likely, but equality can be based on exact hash matches)
Speed up algorithms that rely on structs (smaller sized value types translates to increased performance when they are copied around in memory)
In large arrays, "little memory saved" could instead be "much memory saved".
The use of 16 bit integers is primarily for when you need to encode things for transmission over a network, for saving on hard disk, etc. without using up any more space than necessary. It might also occasionally be useful to save memory if you have a very large array of integers, or a lot of objects that contain integers.
Use of 16 bit integers without there being a good memory saving reason is pretty pointless. And 16 bit local variables are most often silently implemented with 32 or 64 bit integers anyway.
you have probably been using the 16 bit datatype more often than you knew. The char datatype in both C# and Java are 16 bit. Unicode is typically stored in a 16bit datatype.
The question should really be why we need a 16-bit primitive data type, and the answer would be that there is an awful lot of data out there which is naturally represented in 16 bits. One ubiquitous example is audio, e.g. CD audio is represented as streams of 16 bit signed integers.
16 bits is still plenty big enough to hold pixel channel values (e.g. R, G, or B). Most pixels only use 8 bits to store a channel, but Photoshop has a 16-bit mode that professionals use.
In other words, a pixel might be defined as struct Pixel16 { short R, G, B, A; } or an image might be defined as separate channels of struct Channel16 { short channel[]; }
I think most people use the default int on their platform. However there are times when you have to communicate with older systems or libraries that are expecting 16 bit or even eight bit integers (thank god we don't have to worry about 12 bit integers any more). This is especially true for databases. Also, if you're doing bit masking or bit shifting, you might have an algorithm that specifies the length of the integer. By default, and on platforms where memory is cheap, you should probably use integers sized to your processor.
Those 2 bytes add up. Your data types eventually become part of array or databases or messages, they go into data files. It adds up to a lot of wasted space and on embedded systems it can make a huge difference.
When we do peer review of our code at work, if something is sized incorrectly, it will be written as a discrepancy and must be corrected. If we find something that has a range of 1-1000 using an int32_t, it has to be corrected. The range must also be documented in a comment. Our department does not allow use of int, long, etc, we must use int32_t, int16_t, uint16_t, etc. so that the expected size is documented.
uint16_t conicAngle; // angle in tenths of a degree (range 0..3599)
or in Ada:
type Amplitude is range 0 .. 255; // signal amplitude from FPGA
Get in the habit of using what you need and no more and documenting what you need (if the language doesn't support it).
We are currently in the process of fixing a performance problem by resizing the data types in several messages, they have 32 bit fields that could be 8 or 16 bit. By resizing them appropriately we can reduce the message rate in half and improve our data throughput to meet the requirements.
Once upon a time, in the land of Earth, there existed devices called computers.
In the early days following the invention of "computers," there was limited storage in memory for fancy things like numbers and strings.
Billy, a programmer, was encouraged by the evil Wizard (his boss) to use the least amount of memory that he could!
Then one day, memory sizes got large enough that everyone could use 32-bit numbers if they wanted!
I could continue on, but all the other obvious things were already covered.
