IOS Status Bar not in its position - ios

I working with an application which consist of two Targets (Paid and free). The In free version the status bar was misplaced somewhere in the screen (Both in ios7 and ios 6.1). But the Paid version working perfectly. Any ideas? Refer below image

set your iPhone retina 4 launch image 640*1136

You have forgotten to add the 4" default-image to your project, the Default-568h#2x.png, so your application is in 3.5" mode.


UIView shows perfect on iPhone but not on iPad

I am pretty new to iOS development and I am able to create views and controllers. I have been testing using my iPhone and other sizes of iPhone and they look great. I tried once on an iPad but it was a border around the screen like in this image.
I constrained to margins and I did not give any height or width constraints so it could stretch properly. It also looks good on the storyboard viewing so what could I be doing wrong? Can't seem to find any resource online to help.
This is default behaviour when you run iphone app in ipad
This happened because your app is supported iphone only .
Tap on your project and select universal if you want to add support for both iphone and ipad.
Other option is you can check requires full screen check box but it will still show black bar
Note: However you are developing iPhone Only app but it is compulsory to check that everything works fine in ipad because apple review team will also check that in ipad and your app may be rejected if something is not proper
May be you have made an iPhone app. Try to change the setting to Universal app in the xcode settings. Normally iPhone app shows scaled on iPad, which is same as in your case.
Select Projet in xcode -> General Setting

xcode only running 3.5 inch screen [duplicate]

We have an iPod app built with base SDK as 5.1.
App has a tabBarController with three tabs and each tab has a UIViewController to load a different view.
The app works fine for iOS 6.1 and iOS 7 (3.5 inch display) simulator and device but when we run the app on
iOS 7 (4 inch display simulator) or device we are getting black bars at the top and bottom of the view screen in all three tabs.
If anyone can suggest reason for this or some feasible solution to this problem, it would be really helpful for us.
First thing is that you must add the required default image for 4 inch screen display. Check Properly in you project have image with name Default-568h#2x.png (640 × 1136 pixels)
This Default-568h#2x.png is Necessary for Support app in 4 inch Screen display
Ones you add this image in to you working Project, Remove old Build from device or Simulatore, clear Project and re build and check Hope you issue will solve.
After fix the black Bar issue you can check the device like my answer Give here check this:-
Detect device type
you have two choice if you can't use AutoLayout
Create two xib with same class one for 3.5 inch screen and one for 4 inch screen set using macro with checking which screen appear.
Set Self.view frame using macro with checking which screen appear.
There are also other methods you can use for set self.view frame as using window frame or UIScreen
My problem was I accidentally deleted the value found here:
I added back LaunchScreen, and made sure there was a LaunchScreen.xib. Maybe it will help some others.
Ive had the same problem - black bars at the top and bottom. It was simply solved by setting the drop down in "App Icons and Launch Images" to Main_iPhone:
App Icons and Launch Images Screen Shot
I was facing same problem . I just added launch image and it worked for me.
XCode->Click on Project File -> Select Target-> App Icons and Launch Images -> Add launch image source
This worked!
Pay attention to Step#5 and Step#6 below:
1.In xcode, Click on the Project file in Project Navigator
2.Click General tab
3.Type "Main_iPhone" in the Launch Screen File field
5.Remove the app from device or simulator
6.Then in Xcode go to Product Menu and then select Clean
7.Build again

Launch image for iOS 7 iPhone

I have a problem. I've created launch images for my app. I added them through assets catalog.
Ipad ios 6 and 7 works, but iphone works only for ios 6. Ios 7 on iphone shows only black screen (for all: 3, 3 retina and 4 inch), and then app starts, but launch image don't shows.
Yes, iOS6 and iOS7 require you to insert separate launch images for each… Actually, technically, the 2x iOS7 and 2x iOS6 iPhone launch images can be identical, and the R4 iOS7 and R4 iOS7 launch images can likewise be identical, but they are associated separately in the images.xcassets folder based on version.
To guarantee you have launch images associated with each version, go to Targets > General then go to "Launch Images":
Then select all of your supported devices in the right-hand menu under the 3rd tab (in this screenshot from my particular app, only portrait interface is available for iPhone, but if your app also supports landscape, landscape should show up here too). To find out the "expected size" of each launch image, select its placeholder then scroll down to look for the "expected size" also in the right-hand menu. And finally drag the appropriate images into the appropriate placeholder slots to make sure your app has launch images suitable for each device/interface.
I have faced same problem few days ago and i posted my Answer in this question-
iPhone application developed in X-code 5, not showing icon and launch image while running on iPad
Hope it help you.

ios app not fitting iphone 5 screen

My ios app does not fit on iphone 5 screen. When I run the app, I can see blank space at the top and bottom of the screen. I have made the app compatible for both iphone sizes. But Since I have updated to the latest xcode, I am facing this issue. See screen shot. Can any one please help?
You probably may not have set your Default-568h image.
On the simulator make sure you have set to iPhone (Retina 4-inch).
You can do this by going simulator menu at the top go to Hardware->Device->iPhone (Retina 4-inch) that will change the phone simulator to the iPhone 5 version.
click here for more get information for naming convention of images [here]Naming convention for iPhone 5 images? [here]
Try setting AutoresizingMask to your container views instead of assigning appFrame.
I have faced the same problem while moving to iOS 7.
Solution comes with AutoresizingMask. iOS 7 has full Screen layout for ViewControllers.

Storyboard designed for iOS7 not going fullscreen on iOS 6 on 4 inch device

I am designing my iPhone app using storyboard and auto-layout. Everything works fine in iOS 7 on both 4 inches and 3,5 inches device.
On iOS 6.1 the app runs like is always on 3,5 inches device, even if is running on a 4 inches device, the black bars on top and bottom appears.
screenshot on the simulator:
Anyone with the same issue? how can i solve this problem?
I think are you Forget to adding splash screen Default-568h#2x.png in to you Project please check Property and set required splash-screen Default-568h#2x.png (640 × 1136 pixels)
Ones you add this image in to you working Project, Remove old Build from device or Simulatore, clear Project and re build and check Hope you issue will solve.
Yes, i'm agree with Nitin. In XCode 5 just create e new LaunchImage Set and add the standard, retina and R4 image in both iOS version (5,6 and 7).
Remember to set this set as default in your project info.
A quick fix is to replace Launch Images with your Storyboard.
In Xcode, go to Target > General, and then:
