Unable to read GPS coordinate of camera roll images - ios

In one of app I'm developing,I am retrieving EXIF data from images.I want to get GPS coordinate of images on iOS device.As I get GPS coordinate of an image taken by UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera.But when I try to select images from gallery which are taken by camera roll it doesn't gives me GPS coordinate.

Images taken with UIImagePickerController do not contain location data (unlike those taken with the Camera app).
Camera app developers have to capture the location data separately at the time of capture, add it to the metadata that is there, and then save the image with the revised metadata.


Get photos that contains disparity data in iOS11 from PhotoKit

I want to get the user photos that contains disparity data, my first thought was to use the smart album .smartAlbumDepthEffect but since Portrait Mode photos taken in iOS 10 doesn't have disparity data that won't work. Is there a way to query PhotoKit and specify that I only want receive photos that has the disparity data?

Why do some photos taken with iPhone camera not have stored GPS coordinates?

I have an app that allows a user to upload photos from his camera roll only if the photo has stored GPS coordinates. I was wondering what causes some of these photos- taken on iPhone camera- to not have a stored location.
Thanks in advance.
I can think of at least four different ways to get photos without GPS coordinates associated:
Screenshots - seem to not have any geo information associated
Downloaded / imported photos - from Mail, or apps like 9gag for example.
Photos taken during active airplane mode
Most uncertain about the last one:
Photos taken where there simply is no GPS available, e.g. deep inside a mountain?

How to use AVCaptureStillImageOutput to capture image to camera roll with geo location

I am developing for iOS9, and I have added captured image to camera roll with PHAssetCreationRequest but the geolocation information is missing.
Any help?

Olympus Camera Kit: Need to acquire captured image in the original size after shooting

I am trying to make capture program with Olympus Camera Kit (ver. 1.1.0) for iOS. I'd like to get captured image as soon as possible in the original size after shooting.
I know the original image can be transferred in playback mode, but it may take time to change the run mode from recording mode to playback mode. How can I get the image in original size while the camera runs in recording mode?
There are two possible means to acquire captured image in the original size, but none of these work in recording mode. Only for playback mode. Only if the camera property RECVIEW is ON, XGA-size image is transferred in recording mode.
Change destination to store captured image
You can directly transfer captured image to your mobile device when the camera property DESTINATION_FILE is set to DESTINATION_FILE_WIFI.
Note that the captured image is NOT SAVED to the microSD card in the camera.
onReceiveCapturedImage method is called back the camera finishes shooting.
Continuous shooting is invalid and movie is stored in microSD card.
Check update of file list
Check the update of file list before and after shooting with downloadContentList, then detect the difference.
The original image can be downloaded with downloadImage(IMAGE_RESIZE_NONE) method.
You can check if the camera is in memory access with isMediaBusy property.
Stop live view transfer calling stopLiveView to efficiently download the image. Call startLiveView to resume live view transfer.

Determining if front or rear camera was used to capture video

Is there a way to determine whether the front or rear camera was used to record a video that is selected from the camera roll?
I'm not aware of any meta-data or property associated with video's that Apple requires to be present for video's in your camera roll that could tell you this. And since you can't control where the clips on the camera roll came from, you have to rely on the absolute minimum amount of meta-data required for that file format.
Case in point, there is no guarantee whatsoever that a clip was even taken from a camera at all. If someone texted you a video file that they created from software, and you saved it to your camera roll, the concept of "Front or rear" camera would make no sense at all.
You could certainly keep track of clips that your app takes by storing them in a folder within your app and associating a camera position with each unique clip name, ([[NSProcessInfo processInfo] globallyUniqueString] is great for this)
