Resource management when using "use" inside a sequence expression - f#

I have a simple sequence expression that makes use of a resource that I'd like to clean up when I'm finished:
type MyObject() =
member this.Items =
seq {
use resource = ResourcePool.Get()
let c = resource.ValueCount
if c > 0 then
for i in 0 .. c - 1 do
yield resource.GetValue i
If I then use the sequence to iterate, say, half-way through the items, when will the resource be Disposed?
For example:
// ...
let foo = MyObject
let item = foo.Items |> Seq.find ( fun i -> i.Name = "name" )
// ...
Will resource be disposed after Seq.find is finished? Or do I need to reconsider my resource management strategy?

It will be disposed when the IEnumerator is disposed, regardless of how many items are enumerated. For functions in the Seq module this happens when the function exits (see tryFind as an example). GetEnumerator is rarely called directly in user code, but when it is it should be done with use instead of let.


How to set a timercalling a member method in F#?

I am trying to achieve this:
type Test() =
member val MyTimer : Timer = new Timer(TimerCallback TimerEvent)
member mutable Status : bool = false
member this.StartTimer =
member this.TimerEvent =
if this.Status...
I need to create a timer that is part of the class instance, needs to be referenced by several methods (to start / stop it) but also, the timer ballback needs to be able to access some of the inner states.
I can't find the syntax to create the timer object so that it has access to class members and class members have access to it.
But I think I'm having some confusion:
It looks like I can do the timer like this:
member this.Timer : Timer = new Timer(TimerCallback (fun x -> printfn "%A" x))
but I though member was reserved for methods and val for the fields? can anyone clarify this? I can do member, but I can't do val
I found this post because I need to implement a scheduled job in F# for the first time.
I'm also learning F# and it is the first time I saw "val", so I read something about it.
Regarding your question.
"member val ... " is a particular case described here:
The val Kweyword
Another use of the val keyword is in conjunction with the member keyword to declare an auto-implemented property.
I think this answer your question.
Said that, I looked up to your code:
member this.Timer : Timer = new Timer(TimerCallback (fun x -> printfn "%A" x))
This is not correct to me because it exposes the Timer publicly.
I like the idea to have an object (the Timer) declared but not initialized, so that I can refer to its instance within multiple methods (Start/Stop) and (most important) Dispose it properly.
So, also regarding your doubt about the syntax...
I can't find the syntax to create the timer object so that it has access to class members and class members have access to it.
I came out with the following example:
open System
open System.Threading
type public ExampleJob () as me =
let timer_elapsed:TimerCallback = TimerCallback(fun (state) -> me.OnCall(state) )
[<DefaultValue>] val mutable private timer:Timer // no need to initialize
member __.IsActive with get() = __.timer <> null
member __.Start(frequency:TimeSpan) =
__.Stop() // Dispose previous timer if exists
__.timer <- new Timer(timer_elapsed)
__.timer.Change(0, int(frequency.TotalMilliseconds)) |> ignore
member __.Stop() =
if __.timer <> null then __.timer.Dispose() ; __.timer <- null
member private __.OnCall (state:obj) =
// do the real work here
// The state object is the Timer object.
Console.WriteLine(sprintf"OnCall(%i) at %s" ((state :?> Timer).GetHashCode()) (DateTime.Now.ToString("ss:fff")))
interface IDisposable with
member this.Dispose(): unit =
Checking the Timer itself is enough to expose the Status (IsActive/IsRunning).
Start/Stop can be called in any sequence an number of times. A new call to Start() will reset the current timer to the new desired frequency.
It is not thread safe and I haven't tested it enough, so I'm not 100% sure the timer "survives" when/if the whole class is no more referenced.
Anyway I hope this is a useful example.
new version with the suggestion of Ben
open System
type ExampleJob () =
let timer = new Timers.Timer()
let OnCall = fun(args) ->
// do real job here
Console.WriteLine(sprintf"OnCall(%O) at %s" args (DateTime.Now.ToString("ss:fff")))
do timer.Elapsed.Add(OnCall) // carefull to add it only once
member this.IsActive with get() = timer.Enabled
member this.Start(frequency:TimeSpan) =
timer.Interval <- frequency.TotalMilliseconds
timer.AutoReset <- true
timer.Enabled <- true
OnCall() // first call (if needed)
member this.Stop() = timer.Enabled <- false
interface IDisposable with
member this.Dispose(): unit =

Enumerator and disposing in F#

I am trying to draw lessons on the following behaviour from an example I simplified :
let groupedEnum (input: 'a seq) =
using (input.GetEnumerator()) (fun en ->
Seq.unfold(fun _ ->
if en.MoveNext() then
Some(en.Current, ())
else None) ()
let c = groupedEnum ("11111122334569999" |> List.ofSeq ) |> List.ofSeq
//BOOM !! System.NullReferenceException
let c = groupedEnum ("11111122334569999" ) |> List.ofSeq
Is the enumerator "en" disposed of independently of it being captured ? (I guess it is but is there anything to say / materials to read on this behaviour beside this msdn doc on ressources)
Why is it working if the sequence is transformed to a list first ?
Edit : this is just a toy example to illustrate a behaviour, not to be followed.
There are very few good reasons to manipulate enumerators directly.
The using function disposes the enumerator as soon as the lambda function returns. However, the lambda function creates a lazy sequence using Seq.unfold and the lazy sequence accesses the enumerator after the sequence is returned from groupedEnum.
You could either fully evaluate the whole sequence inside using (by adding List.ofSeq there) or you need to call Dispose when the end of the generated sequence is reached:
let groupedEnum (input: 'a seq) =
let en = input.GetEnumerator()
Seq.unfold(fun _ ->
if en.MoveNext() then
Some(en.Current, ())
Exception handling becomes quite difficult in this case, but I guess that one way to do it would be to wrap the body in try .. with and call Dispose if an exception happens (and then return None).
If you use sequence expressions instead, then the meaning of use changes and it automatically disposes the enumerator after the end of sequence is reached (not when the lazy sequence is returned). So using sequence expressions might be a better choice because the hard work is done for you:
let groupedEnum (input: 'a seq) = seq {
use en = input.GetEnumerator()
let rec loop () = seq {
if en.MoveNext() then
yield en.Current
yield! loop () }
yield! loop () }
EDIT And why does it work in your first example? The enumerator returned by F# list type simply ignores Dispose and continues working, while if you call Dispose on an enumerator returned by a string, the enumerator cannot be used again. (This is arguably a bit odd behaviour of the F# list type.)

Style guidelines for global variables in F#

For a project I am working on I need a global variable(technically I don't, I could build it and then pass it to every single function call, and let every single function call know about it, but that seems just as hacky, less readable and more work.)
The global variables are look up tables(endgame, opening book and transpositions/cache) for a game.
The fact that some of the code may lose some of it's indempotent behavior is actually the point(speedups) in short, yes I know global mutable state is bad, it's really worth it in this case(10x+ performance improvement)
So here's the question, "build a singleton or use a static value in a static class with combinators"
They are effectively identical but I am curious what people have done before on this sort of problem
Or alternatively, should I be passing the thing around to everyone(or at least a reference to it anyways),is that really the best answer?
Here is a solution similar to the one posted by #Yin Zhu's, but using abstract types to specify a usage interface for the mutable value, a local definition to encapsulate it and object literals to provide an implementation (this is taken from Expert F#--which is co-authored by Don Syme):
type IPeekPoke =
abstract member Peek: unit -> int
abstract member Poke: int -> unit
let makeCounter initialState =
let state = ref initialState
{ new IPeekPoke with
member x.Poke(n) = state := !state + n
member x.Peek() = !state }
You can also do it with static fields, like this:
type Common() =
static let mutable queue : CloudQueue = null
static let mutable storageAccount : CloudStorageAccount = null
static member Queue
with get() = queue
and set v = queue <- v
static member StorageAccount
with get() = storageAccount
and set v = storageAccount <- v
In another module, just:
open Common
Common.Queue <- xxxx
here is the convention used in F# PowerPack Matrix library (\src\FSharp.PowerPackmath\associations.fs):
// put global variable in a special module
module GlobalAssociations =
// global variable ht
let ht =
let ht = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Type,obj>()
let optab =
[ typeof<float>, (Some(FloatNumerics :> INumeric<float>) :> obj);
typeof<int32>, (Some(Int32Numerics :> INumeric<int32>) :> obj);
typeof<bignum>, (Some(BigRationalNumerics :> INumeric<bignum>) :> obj); ]
List.iter (fun (ty,ops) -> ht.Add(ty,ops)) optab;
// method to update ht
let Put (ty: System.Type, d : obj) =
// lock it before changing
lock ht (fun () ->
if ht.ContainsKey(ty) then invalidArg "ty" ("the type "+ty.Name+" already has a registered numeric association");
ht.Add(ty, d))

Cyclic lists in F#

Is it just me, or does F# not cater for cyclic lists?
I looked at the FSharpList<T> class via reflector, and noticed, that neither the 'structural equals' or the length methods check for cycles. I can only guess if 2 such primitive functions does not check, that most list functions would not do this either.
If cyclic lists are not supported, why is that?
PS: Am I even looking at the right list class?
There are many different lists/collection types in F#.
F# list type. As Chris said, you cannot initialize a recursive value of this type, because the type is not lazy and not mutable (Immutability means that you have to create it at once and the fact that it's not lazy means that you can't use F# recursive values using let rec). As ssp said, you could use Reflection to hack it, but that's probably a case that we don't want to discuss.
Another type is seq (which is actually IEnumerable) or the LazyList type from PowerPack. These are lazy, so you can use let rec to create a cyclic value. However, (as far as I know) none of the functions working with them take cyclic lists into account - if you create a cyclic list, it simply means that you're creating an infinite list, so the result of (e.g.) map will be a potentially infinite list.
Here is an example for LazyList type:
#r "FSharp.PowerPack.dll"
// Valid use of value recursion
let rec ones = LazyList.consDelayed 1 (fun () -> ones)
Seq.take 5 l // Gives [1; 1; 1; 1; 1]
The question is what data types can you define yourself. Chris shows a mutable list and if you write operations that modify it, they will affect the entire list (if you interpret it as an infinite data structure).
You can also define a lazy (potentionally cyclic) data type and implement operations that handle cycles, so when you create a cyclic list and project it into another list, it will create cyclic list as a result (and not a potentionally infinite data structure).
The type declaration may look like this (I'm using object type, so that we can use reference equality when checking for cycles):
type CyclicListValue<'a> =
Nil | Cons of 'a * Lazy<CyclicList<'a>>
and CyclicList<'a>(value:CyclicListValue<'a>) =
member x.Value = value
The following map function handles cycles - if you give it a cyclic list, it will return a newly created list with the same cyclic structure:
let map f (cl:CyclicList<_>) =
// 'start' is the first element of the list (used for cycle checking)
// 'l' is the list we're processing
// 'lazyRes' is a function that returns the first cell of the resulting list
// (which is not available on the first call, but can be accessed
// later, because the list is constructed lazily)
let rec mapAux start (l:CyclicList<_>) lazyRes =
match l.Value with
| Nil -> new CyclicList<_>(Nil)
| Cons(v, rest) when rest.Value = start -> lazyRes()
| Cons(v, rest) ->
let value = Cons(f v, lazy mapAux start rest.Value lazyRes)
new CyclicList<_>(value)
let rec res = mapAux cl cl (fun () -> res)
The F# list type is essentially a linked list, where each node has a 'next'. This in theory would allow you to create cycles. However, F# lists are immutable. So you could never 'make' this cycle by mutation, you would have to do it at construction time. (Since you couldn't update the last node to loop around to the front.)
You could write this to do it, however the compiler specifically prevents it:
let rec x = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: x;;
let rec x = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: x;;
stdin(1,25): error FS0260: Recursive values cannot appear directly as a construction of the type 'List`1' within a recursive binding. This feature has been removed from the F# language. Consider using a record instead.
If you do want to create a cycle, you could do the following:
> type CustomListNode = { Value : int; mutable Next : CustomListNode option };;
type CustomListNode =
{Value: int;
mutable Next: CustomListNode option;}
> let head = { Value = 1; Next = None };;
val head : CustomListNode = {Value = 1;
Next = null;}
> let head2 = { Value = 2; Next = Some(head) } ;;
val head2 : CustomListNode = {Value = 2;
Next = Some {Value = 1;
Next = null;};}
> head.Next <- Some(head2);;
val it : unit = ()
> head;;
val it : CustomListNode = {Value = 1;
Next = Some {Value = 2;
Next = Some ...;};}
The answer is same for all languages with tail-call optimization support and first-class functions (function types) support: it's so easy to emulate cyclic structures.
let rec x = seq { yield 1; yield! x};;
It's simplest way to emulate that structure by using laziness of seq.
Of course you can hack list representation as described here.
As was said before, your problem here is that the list type is immutable, and for a list to be cyclic you'd have to have it stick itself into its last element, so that doesn't work. You can use sequences, of course.
If you have an existing list and want to create an infinite sequence on top of it that cycles through the list's elements, here's how you could do it:
let round_robin lst =
let rec inner_rr l =
seq {
match l with
| [] ->
yield! inner_rr lst
| h::t ->
yield h
yield! inner_rr t
if lst.IsEmpty then Seq.empty else inner_rr []
let listcycler_sequence = round_robin [1;2;3;4;5;6]

Is it possible to use the pipeline operator to call a method on a returned object?

Is it possible to call a method on a returned object using the pipeline infix operator?
Example, I have a .Net class (Class1) with a method (Method1). I can currently code it like this:
let myclass = new Class1()
let val = myclass.Method1()
I know I could also code it as such
let val = new Class1().Method1()
However I would like to do be able to pipeline it (I am using the ? below where I don't know what to do):
new Class1()
|> ?.Method1()
Furthermore, say I had a method which returns an object, and I want to only reference it if that method didn't return null (otherwise bail?)
new Class1()
|> ?.Method1()
|> ?? ?.Method2()
Or to make it clearer, here is some C# code:
public void foo()
var myclass = new Class1();
Class2 class2 = myclass.Method1();
if (class2 == null)
You can define something similar to your (??) operator fairly easily (but operators can't start with a question mark):
let (~??) f x =
if (x <> null) then
f x
Unfortunately, your pipelined code will need to be a bit more verbose (also, note that you can drop the new keyword for calling constructors):
|> fun x -> x.Method1()
Putting it all together:
|> fun x -> x.Method1()
|> ~?? (fun x -> x.Method2())
Using a custom operator as 'kvb' suggests is definitely an option. Another approach that you may find interesting in this case is to define your own 'computation expression' that automatically performs the check for null value at every point you specify. The code that uses it would look like this:
open System.Windows.Forms
// this function returns (0) null, or (1) btn whose parent is
// null or (2) button whose parent is not null
let test = function
| 1 -> new Button(Text = "Button")
| 2 -> new Button(Text = "Button", Parent = new Button(Text = "Parent"))
| _ -> null
let res =
safe { let! btn = test(2) // specify number here for testing
// if btn = null, this part of the computation will not execute
// and the computation expression immediately returns null
printfn "Text = %s" btn.Text
let! parent = btn.Parent // safe access to parent
printfn "Parent = %s" parent.Text // will never be null!
return parent }
As you can see, when you want to use a value that can potentially be 'null', you use let! inside the computation expression. The computation expression can be defined so that it immediately returns null if the value is null and runs the rest of the computation otherwise. Here is the code:
type SafeNullBuilder() =
member x.Return(v) = v
member x.Bind(v, f) =
if v = null then null else f(v)
let safe = new SafeNullBuilder()
BTW: If you want to learn more about this, it is very similar to 'Maybe' monad in Haskell (or computation working with F# option type).
