I am using Gradle and Groovy to work on the problem. Gradle task is calling a groovy method, which returns the GPATH Result of all site elements, after parsing an xml file. The xml file looks like below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<site name="OctUK">
<property name="warName">OctUKbuild-Deployable</property>
<site name="GbsJP">
<property name="warName">GbsJPbuild-Deployable</property>
The Gradle task reads the GPathResult through each method and executes the below ant task:
ant.unzip(src:sourceFile, dest:destFile)
def siteWarName = it.property.findAll{it.#name.text()}
def destFile="${project.Release_Path}/${project.POSReleaseID}/${siteWarName}- ${project.Version_ID}-${project.env}-${project.appGroup}-exp"
ant.unzip(src:sourceFile, dest:destFile)
The source file is a war file, which needs to be unzipped with name retrieved after parsing the XML file.
It is at the moment a sequential activity.
Is it possible to make it parallel, for e.g. a new ant task will be fired for each element in the GPathResult, so that the ant tasks are parallel.
Not sure if it will work, but have you tried:
ant.parallel {
siteNavigator.findSite().each {
def destFile = "${project.Release_Path}/${project.POSReleaseID}/${it.#name}- ${project.Version_ID}-${project.env}-${project.appGroup}-exp"
ant.unzip( src:sourceFile, dest:destFile )
I have XML file named TIBCOUniversalInstaller_TRA_5.10.0.silent as below.I want to replace values in XML file using "replace" target in ant script using xmltask task.
XML File is below:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd">
<comment>---Universal Installer Silent Installation Properties---</comment>
<!--accept the license agreement-->
<entry key="acceptLicense">true</entry>
<entry key="installationRoot">/opt/tibco</entry>
<entry key="environmentName">TRA</entry>
At time of parsing XML file ,since my server can not reach java.sun.com , so i had downloaded properties.dtd on my local machine and using xmlcatalog task i am forcing ant script to read local copy of properties.dtd.Below is my ant script
<xmlcatalog id="dtd">
<dtd publicId="SYSTEM" location="/home/tibco/BW-AUTOMATION-
<xmltask source="${TRASoftwareFolder}/TIBCOUniversalInstaller_TRA_5.10.0.silent" dest="${TRASoftwareFolder}/TIBCOUniversalInstaller_TRA_5.10.0.silent">
<xmlcatalog refid="dtd">
<replace path="/:properties/:entry/:[#key='installationRoot']/text()"
But still at time of parsing XML contents , everytime it is going to http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd and i get "Connection Refused Error".
When i did debug i see below which i believe can be issue and it is always going to website instead of local dtd file.
"No matching catalog entry found, parser will use: 'http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd'"
I believe it is because i gave "SYSTEM" as value in "publicId" attribute inside dtd element.
Can you please advise what should be correct value for "publicID" attribute for this given dtd so that it matches catalog at the time of parsing.
If there is another way of reading/replacing this XML file please advise.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<test-run id="2" testcasecount="596" result="Failed" total="596" passed="448" failed="148" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="812" engine-version="" clr-version="4.0.30319.42000" start-time="2017-01-30 07:19:45Z" end-time="2017-01-30 07:31:25Z" duration="700.676581">
I have to read the result attribute from above xml from jenkins file
I could fetch the result from groovy script but unable to fetch from Jenkin script file
How to access xml attributes from JenkinsFile?
i am facing the below issue
org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException: Scripts not permitted to use new groovy.util.XmlSlurper
Assuming accessing this from groovy is ok, the following works:
def str = '''\
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<test-run id="2" testcasecount="596" result="Failed" total="596" passed="448" failed="148" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="812" engine-version="" clr-version="4.0.30319.42000" start-time="2017-01-30 07:19:45Z" end-time="2017-01-30 07:31:25Z" duration="700.676581">
def xml = new XmlParser().parseText(str)
println "Test result: ${xml.#result}"
Note that I added an end tag for the test-result element. The at character # is used to access attribute values.
The above prints:
Test result: Failed
Edit: After re-reading I realize you are looking for a non groovy solution. I will leave this here in case a groovy fallback would be useful.
I want to extract an application version from a DITA map file. The ditamap file is valid and looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE map PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Map//EN" "map.dtd">
<map id="user-manual">
<title><ph keyref="product"/> User Manual</title>
<prodname><keyword keyref="product"/></prodname>
<vrm version="4" release="3" modification="0"/>
The information I want to get is in the <vrm> element.
"Easy peasy," I think to myself. So I use Ant's <xmlproperty> task to just load this XML file.
<project default="test">
<!-- notice #validate -->
<xmlproperty file="path/to/user-manual.ditamap" validate="false"/>
<target name="test">
I don't want it to validate because Ant isn't going to find map.dtd.
Loading the file returns an error:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/user/user-manual/map.dtd (No such file or directory)
If I remove the <!DOCTYPE> declaration or add a nested <xmlcatalog> with the path to the DTD, the file loads and I can use the properties from it.
I tested this with Ant 1.7.1 and 1.9.4. Is this a bug with Ant, or am I misunderstanding how Ant loads XML properties and the purpose of the validate attribute?
How can I make Ant obey my will?
I recommend to not use the <xmlproperty> for this. Please have a look at the docs:
For example, with semantic attribute processing enabled, this XML
property file:
<foo location="bar"/>
is roughly equivalent to the following fragments in a build.xml file:
<property name="root.properties.foo" location="bar"/>
<property name="root.properties.quux" value="${root.properties.foo}"/>
So the name of the properties you set is generated using their paths to the root element, so they rely on the structure of your DITA Map. But many elements in DITA may be set at different positions on your DITA Map. That means, if you move your metadata to another parent element, the property name changes and your build fails. This is probably not, what you want.
I'd recommend to grab those values via XSLT and than set the properties. That way, you could, for example, say, "give me the first occurance of that element with a simple //foo[1] XPath selector. Further on, you have the power of XSLT and XPath to slice values, format dates and so on before setting a property.
You can use the oops consultancy Ant xmltask for that. It is very easy to set a property using <copy>:
<copy path="//critdates/created/#date"
I need to retrieve some values from an HTML file. I need to use Ant so I can use these values in other parts of my script.
Can this even be achieved in Ant?
As stated in the other answers you can't do this in "pure" XML. You need to embed a programming language. My personal favourite is Groovy, it's integration with ANT is excellent.
Here's a sample which retrieves the logo URL, from the groovy homepage:
[echo] Logo URL: http://groovy.codehaus.org/images/groovy-logo-medium.png
Build uses the ivy plug-in to retrieve all 3rd party dependencies.
<project name="demo" default="print" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
<target name="resolve">
<ivy:cachepath pathid="build.path" conf="build"/>
<target name="parse" depends="resolve">
<taskdef name="groovy" classname="org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovy" classpathref="build.path"/>
import org.htmlcleaner.*
def address = 'http://groovy.codehaus.org/'
// Clean any messy HTML
def cleaner = new HtmlCleaner()
def node = cleaner.clean(address.toURL())
// Convert from HTML to XML
def props = cleaner.getProperties()
def serializer = new SimpleXmlSerializer(props)
def xml = serializer.getXmlAsString(node)
// Parse the XML into a document we can work with
def page = new XmlSlurper(false,false).parseText(xml)
// Retrieve the logo URL
properties["logo"] = page.body.div[0].div[1].div[0].div[0].div[0].img.#src
<target name="print" depends="parse">
Logo URL: ${logo}
The parsing logic is pure groovy programming. I love the way you can easily walk the page's DOM tree:
// Retrieve the logo URL
properties["logo"] = page.body.div[0].div[1].div[0].div[0].div[0].img.#src
Ivy is similar to Maven. It manages your dependencies on 3rd party software. Here it's being used to pull down groovy and the HTMLCleaner library the groovy logic is using:
<ivy-module version="2.0">
<info organisation="org.myspotontheweb" module="demo"/>
<configurations defaultconfmapping="build->default">
<conf name="build" description="ANT tasks"/>
<dependency org="org.codehaus.groovy" name="groovy-all" rev="1.8.2"/>
<dependency org="net.sourceforge.htmlcleaner" name="htmlcleaner" rev="2.2"/>
How to install ivy
Ivy is a standard ANT plugin. Download it's jar and place it in one of the following directories:
I don't know why the ANT project doesn't ship with ivy.
Yes this is very possible.
Note that in order to use this solution you will need to set your JAVA_HOME variable to JRE 1.6 or later.
<project name="extractElement" default="test">
<!--Extract element from html file-->
<scriptdef name="findelement" language="javascript">
<attribute name="tag" />
<attribute name="file" />
<attribute name="property" />
var tag = attributes.get("tag");
var file = attributes.get("file");
var regex = "<" + tag + "[^>]*>(.*?)</" + tag + ">";
var patt = new RegExp(regex,"g");
project.setProperty(attributes.get("property"), patt.exec(file));
<!--Only available target...-->
<target name="test">
<!--Load html file into property-->
<loadfile srcFile="D:\Tools\CruiseControl\Build\artifacts\RECO\20110831100942\RECO_merged_report.html" property="html.file"/>
<!--Find element with specific tag and save it to property element-->
<findelement tag="title" file="${html.file}" property="element"/>
<echo message="File : ${html.file}"/>
<echo message="Title : ${element}"/>
Output : [echo] Title : <title>Test Report</title>,Test Report
As I don't know what exactly variables you were looking for this particular solution will find all elements that you specify in the tag attribute. Of course you could modify the regex to suit your own specific needs.
Also this is pure build.xml ant with no external dependencies whatsoever.
Sure, but you have to write your own task for it. Visit http://ant.apache.org/manual/develop.html#writingowntask for more information about writing own tasks for Ant. In your Ant task you may parse your HTML file as needed.
I claim, that it is not directly possible with "pure" XML (build.xml) to achieve what you want.
Take a look at the (http://ant.apache.org/manual/Tasks/xmlproperty.html) task and see if it'll work for you. It's pretty straight forward:
<xmlProperty file="${html.file}"
After all, HTML is just a subset of XML. I've used it before to do this very task. No need to write your own task or script.
I was trying to edit the my config.xml file using ant task but I could not do that can anybody tell me How can I edit the xml using ant task automatically so that i dont need to change it manually for every new branch?
The first option to check would be the Ant xslt task. For an introduction to its use see the Ant/XSLT Wikibook.
I've used groovy to do this. groovy is very Java like, so you can create your groovy classes very similarly to a static java method, and have ant call out to your groovy script using the <groovy> task (you will of course need to include the groovy task def).
Because groovy can use Java syntax you can include the org.w3c.com.* libraries to have access to DOM classes.
For example, snippet of code showing the adding a resource ref element to a specifed web.xml file :-
import org.w3c.dom.*;
String web_xml_filename=args[0];
String res_ref_name=args[1];
Document doc = DomHelper.getDoc(web_xml_filename);
Element rootNode=doc.getDocumentElement();
newNode = doc.createElement("resource-ref");
DomHelper.createElement(doc, newNode, "res-ref-name", res_ref_name);
DomHelper.createElement(doc, newNode, "res-type", "javax.sql.DataSource");
DomHelper.createElement(doc, newNode, "description", description);
DomHelper.createElement(doc, newNode, "res-auth", "Container");
rootNode.insertBefore(newNode, nodes.item(0));
DomHelper.writeDoc(doc, web_xml_filename, false);
To call from ant, use the groovy task :-
<groovy src="${e5ahr-groovy.dir}/addResoureRefToJBossWebXML.groovy" classpath="${groovy.dir}">
<arg value="${jboss-web.xml}"/>
<arg value="jdbc/somesource/>
<arg value="java:jdbc/somesource"/>
You can use ReplaceRegExp. Pattern and Expression options won't let you use less than or more than, but it can be replaced with HTML entities. For example:
<replaceregexp byline="true">
<!-- In config.xml this looks like <myVariable></myVariable> -->
<regexp pattern="<myVariable>(.*)</myVariable>" />
<substitution expression="<myVariable>${myVariable.value}</myVariable>" />
<fileset dir="${user.dir}">
<include name="config.xml" />