Set mmc2 on beaglebone black - beagleboneblack

I am working with a Beaglebone Black and I would like to use the mmc2 slot.
according to AM335xx TRM, a beaglebone black should have 3 mmc available:
mmc0 (sd card);
mmc1 (2G flash),
I am trying to enable mmc2 by device tree (and I am quite sure to have the right pin settings) but, by doing
I obtain:
/ocp/mmc#47810000: can't find DMA channel
omap_hsmmc mmc.11: unable to obtain RX DMA engine channel 65
By putting the oscilloscope probe on the header (e.g. the mmc2 clk signal), I do not see any transition.
I already removed R 160 to have mmc2 cmd accessible but I do not see any transition also there.
I tried both to enable it by
echo > /sys/devices/..../slots
and by
with no success:
I can see it in
(with the L meaning loaded)..but no way to see any signal on the header.
I already googled it but answers are not clear at all.
Any ideas?
uname -a
Linux beaglebone 3.8.13 #1 SMP Tue Jun 18 02:11:09 EDT 2013 armv7l GNU/Linux
Thanks for your help.

You need to configure the mmc2 DMA events to some DMA channel since these events are not direct mapped.
I was not able to do this successfully using device tree overlays. So I made a change in the
am335-x-bone-common.dtsi directly (not sure this is the best way though):
&edma {
ti,edma-xbar-event-map = <32 12>, /* gpevt2 -> 12 */
<30 20>, /* xdma_event_intr2 -> 20 */
+ <1 32>,
+ <2 33>;
In the example above the event 1 (SDTXEVT2) was mapped to channel 32 and event 2 (SDRXEVT2) to channel 33.
In case you want to pick another open DMA channel check tables 11-23. Direct Mapped and Table 11-24. Crossbar Mapped from the technical reference manual Rev J.
In your device tree overlay file add these channels in the mmc3 node:
dmas = <&edma 32
&edma 33>;
dma-names = "tx", "rx";


How to use custom modetimings with NVIDIA on Linux? (In a mult-screen setup)

I am trying out the NREAL Air, and after extensive testing I've found that it is more comfortable for me to use it at the not-edid-available 90 Hz mode. I was able to find this by setting the following parameters in the "screen" section of my xorg conf.
Option "UseEDID" "false"
Option "ModeDebug" "true”
Option "ExactModeTimingsDVI" "true"
Option "ModeValidation" "NoEdidModes, NoMaxPClkCheck, AllowNonEdidModes"
And then appropriately configuring the rest of my xorg.conf. See
This has the added beneift of you being able to use custom ModeLine with xrandr. Which is awesome, btw!
sudo xrandr --output DP-2 --newmode HS2 200 1920 1952 1968 2000 1080 1089 1094 1250 +hsync +vsync
sudo xrandr --addmode DP-2 HS2
sudo xrandr --output DP-2 --mode HS2
But, this does not work with display managers, like lightdm, which switch into my desired mode, and then immediately switch to the default 1024x768 for both monitors, which my laptop display cannot handle.
It does, however, work with startx but I'd rather not use my system that way, as I like display managers.
Even if I use custom ModeValidation commands, as soon as I don't disable UseEDID the NVIDIA drivers seem to block xrandr from doing any particularly interesting modes, failing with the following error:
X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
Major opcode of failed request: 140 (RANDR)
Minor opcode of failed request: 18 (RRAddOutputMode)
Serial number of failed request: 45
Current serial number in output stream: 46
So, I'm in a bit of a pickle. If I want to use the smoother, less headache-inducing mode for the NREAL AIR, I can't use EDIDs, but what is a life without EDIDs?

Property power-supply for an external pwm-backlight IC

I have this LCD panel:
LED panel's backlight is driven by the MIC2297 chip which takes two signals:
BRT - PWM signal for setting brightness of the LCD's background LEDs.
BL_EN that - gpio signal that enables or disables the LCD's background LEDs.
MIC2297 is powered from the +12V.
Now I connected this display to the Beaglebone Black's (BBB's) expansion connector and I am already running Linux on the BBB's microcontroller AM335x.
In order to enable the backlight I have to properly define it in the device tree i.e. .dts file. Currently I managed to set this up:
backlightt: backlight {
compatible = "pwm-backlight";
pwms = <&ehrpwm1 0 500000000>;
power-supply <>; // ???
enable-gpios = <&gpio2 3 0>;
brightness-levels = <0 4 8 16 32 64 128 255>;
default-brightness-level = <7>;
What I don't understand is the property power-supply. How can I know which regulator to use? My devicce uses external 12V! This is really confusing! Why do we even have to specify the regulator?
I found solution...
PWM backlight requires a property "power-supply" that points to some regulator inside the AM335x. This regulator is used to set the output voltage of the PWM - so we don't need to put any kind of voltage regulator between an AM335x and the backlight IC (which might only support 1.5V PWM input on some mobile devices). This is actually really useful.

SP605 Spartan 6 DDR3 addressing

the following post is quite long, but since I have had trouble making the SP605 board properly interact with the DDR3 for over a month now, hopefully this will be useful to others in the same situation as I find myself in. I am pretty certain it's a simple configuration or conceptual error, but I would be more than happy to have this resolved soon.
=== SCENARIO ===
I have created a USB-UART interface to communicate with the FPGA and control the DDR3. Using the IP generator in ISE, I generated a MIG wrapper and then I designed the memory interface controller. However, I have referenced manuals ug388 and ug416, but I have not been able to have the DDR3 behave as expected.
Playing around with the burst lengths for write and read commands, I am able to get data back from the DDR3, yet the addressing scheme does not seem to be correct as data is duplicated in addresses 0 and 1, 2 and 3, 4 and 5, and so forth. Also, whenever I write into address 0, for example, nothing changes. Then, when I write into address 1, both addresses 0 and 1 are updated with the data value I just sent. It seems I am "losing" half of the memory space due to this coupled effect.
The setup for the DDR3 using the IP generator – considering the SP605 board scenario – is listed below. In sum, I activated the DDR3 Bank 3 and configured Port0 to be 32-bit bidirectional.
Memory selection:
Enable AXI interface: unchecked
Use extended MCB performance range: unchecked
Memory type for bank 3: DDR3 SDRAM
Memory type for bank 1: none
Options for C3 – DDR3 SDRAM
Frequency: 400 MHz
Memory part: MTJ41J64M16XX-187E
Memory options for C3 – DDR3 SDRAM
Output driver impedance control: RZQ/6
RTT (nominal) – ODT: RZQ/4
Auto self refresh: enabled
Port configuration for C3 – DDR3 SDRAM
Two 32-bit bi-directional and four 32-bit unidirectional ports
Port0: checked
Port1: unchecked
Port2: unchecked
Port3: unchecked
Port4: unchecked
Port5: unchecked
Memory address mapping selection: row-bank-column
FPGA options for C3 – DDR3 SDRAM
Memory interface pin termination: Calibrated input termination
Select RZQ pin location: R7
Select ZIO pin location: W4
Debug signals for memory controller: disable
System clock: differential
From Matlab, I send in a 64-bit command which should write or read the DDR3 based on the address and data provided in this command.
wire [00:00] cmd_instruction = usb_data[63:63]; // ‘0’ = write; ‘1’ = read
wire [27:00] cmd_address = usb_data[62:37]; // 26-bit address
wire [31:00] cmd_data = usb_data[31:00]; // 32-bit data
In ug388, the following can be extracted:
Page 20: The address is 26 bits wide.
C_P0_DATA_PORT_SIZE = 32 // 32-bit data ports
C_P0_MASK_SIZE = 4 // 4 bytes = 32 bits (1 mask bit = 1 entire data byte)
Pages 26-27: Command data structure.
pX_cmd_addr[29:0]: 30-bit address, however the last two bits should = “00” since every word (32 bits) is formed by 4 bytes.
pX_cmd_bl[5:0]: Burst length of 1 is obtained by setting this signal to 0.
pX_cmd_instr[2:0]: The only command instructions used are write=”000” and read=”001”.
Page 28: Write data structure.
pX_wr_mask[PX_MASKSIZE-1:0]: 4-bit mask is set to “0000” so that all 4 bytes are always written into the memory.
Using all this information, I assigned my signals in the following manner:
assign p0_mcb_cmd_instr = {2'b00, cmd_instruction};
assign p0_mcb_cmd_addr = {2’d0, cmd_address, 2'd0};
assign p0_mcb_cmd_bl = 6'd0;
assign p0_mcb_wr_data = cmd_data;
assign p0_mcb_wr_mask = 4'd0;
localparam C3_MEM_BURST_LEN = 8;
Based on the configuration, does anyone know what the expected behavior of my controller should be?
If any additional information is necessary for clarification, please let me know.
Thanks a lot,

How can I tell if my laptop can do 4k resolution? (Using Linux Mint)

I am thinking about getting a new monitor. Short of plugging one in and seeing what happens, how can I tell if my laptop can output 4k resolution?
Is there a command I can run that will tell me this?
I thought maybe I could xrandr, but I think that only tells me what each monitor is capable of (even if the controller is capable of more.)
I also thought maybe I could look up the device from the lspci and find it on google, but I couldn't find much.
My lspci -v says:
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
Subsystem: Lenovo Device 500d
Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 45
Memory at f3000000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4M]
Memory at d0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]
I/O ports at 6000 [size=64]
Expansion ROM at <unassigned> [disabled]
Capabilities: <access denied>
Kernel driver in use: i915
Update: Mr. Llama's suggestion about xrandr made me think that this output could be useful to someone who knows more than I do. Here's my xrandr:
Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 5206 x 1080, maximum 16384 x 16384
eDP-1-0 connected 1366x768+0+0 309mm x 173mm
1366x768 60.1*+
... other resolution options removed for brevity ...
320x240 60.1
HDMI-1-0 connected 1920x1080+3286+0 160mm x 90mm
1920x1080 60.0*+ 50.0 59.9
... other resolution options removed for brevity ...
640x480 60.0 59.9
DisplayPort-1-1 connected 1920x1080+1366+0 509mm x 286mm
1920x1080 60.0*+
... other resolution options removed for brevity ...
720x400 70.1
VGA-1-0 disconnected
HDMI-1-1 disconnected
DisplayPort-1-0 disconnected
Looks like the xrandr command might be of use to you. It lists the available and current monitor resolution.
See this SuperUser question for more information.

Scapy - retrieving RSSI from WiFi packets

I'm trying to get RSSI or signal strength from WiFi packets.
I want also RSSI from 'WiFi probe requests' (when somebody is searching for a WiFi hotspots).
I managed to see it from kismet logs but that was only to make sure it is possible - I don't want to use kismet all the time.
For 'full time scanning' I'm using scapy. Does anybody know where can I find the RSSI or signal strength (in dBm) from the packets sniffed with scapy? I don't know how is the whole packet built - and there are a lot of 'hex' values which I don't know how to parse/interpret.
I'm sniffing on both interfaces - wlan0 (detecting when somebody connects to my hotspot), and mon.wlan0 (detecting when somebody is searching for hotspots).
Hardware (WiFi card) I use is based on Prism chipset (ISL3886). However test with Kismet was ran on Atheros (AR2413) and Intel iwl4965.
Looks like I need to access somehow information stored in PrismHeader:
line 92 ?
Anybody knows how to enter this information? and packet.show2() don't show anything from this Class/Layer
After more digging it appears that the interface just isn't set correctly and that's why it doesn't collect all necessary headers.
If I run kismet and then sniff packets from that interface with scapy there is more info in the packet:
###[ RadioTap dummy ]###
version= 0
pad= 0
len= 26
present= TSFT+Flags+Rate+Channel+dBm_AntSignal+Antenna+b14
notdecoded= '8`/\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10\x02\x94\t\xa0\x00\xdb\x01\x00\x00'
Now I only need to set the interface correctly without using kismet.
Here is a valuable scapy extension that improves scapy.layers.dot11.Packet's parsing of present not decoded fields.
Just use:
import scapy_ex
It'll look like this:
###[ 802.11 RadioTap ]###
version = 0
pad = 0
RadioTap_len= 18
present = Flags+Rate+Channel+dBm_AntSignal+Antenna+b14
Flags = 0
Rate = 2
Channel = 1
Channel_flags= 160
dBm_AntSignal= -87
Antenna = 1
RX_Flags = 0
To summarize:
signal strength was not visible because something was wrong in the way that 'monitor mode' was set (not all headers were passed/parsed by sniffers). This monitor interface was created by hostapd.
now I'm setting monitor mode on interface with airmon-ng - tcpdump, scapy show theese extra headers.
Edited: use scapy 2.4.1+ (or github dev version). Most recent versions now correctly decode the « notdecoded » part
For some reason the packet structure has changed. Now dBm_AntSignal is the first element in notdecoded.
I am not 100% sure of this solution but I used sig_str = -(256 - ord(packet.notdecoded[-2:-1])) to reach first element and I get values that seems to be dBm_AntSignal.
I am using OpenWRT in a TP-Link MR3020 with extroot and Edward Keeble Passive Wifi Monitoring project with some modifications.
I use and I had this information:
802.11 RadioTap
version = 0
pad = 0
RadioTap_len= 36
present = dBm_AntSignal+Lock_Quality+b22+b24+b25+b26+b27+b29
dBm_AntSignal= 32
Lock_Quality= 8
If someone still has the same issue, I think I have found the solution:
I believe this is the right cut for the RSSI value:
sig_str = -(256-ord(packet.notdecoded[-3:-2]))
and this one is for the noise level:
noise_str = -(256-ord(packet.notdecoded[-2:-1]))
The fact that it says "RadioTap" suggests that the device may supply Radiotap headers, not Prism headers, even though it has a Prism chipset. The p54 driver appears to be a "SoftMAC driver", in which case it'll probably supply Radiotap headers; are you using the p54 driver or the older prism54 driver?
I have similar problem, I set up the monitor mode with airmon-ng and I can see the dBm level in tcpdump but whenever I try the sig_str = -(256-ord(packet.notdecoded[-4:-3])) I get -256 because the returned value from notdecoded in 0. Packet structure looks like this.
version = 0
pad = 0
len = 36
present = TSFT+Flags+Rate+Channel+dBm_AntSignal+b14+b29+Ext
notdecoded= ' \x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x02\xed\x07\x05
