I am currently developing an application with Jersey JAX-RS as backend and AngularJS as frontend ; I need a sort of authentication, and so with every request I send a token that should be verify by the backend. For this, I decided to create a Jersey filter that will look for that token, and then call my AuthenticateService to check if the user can be authenticated.
Authorization is then managed by #RolesAllowed annotation.
Here is my problem : I can't inject an EJB inside a Jersey filter, strangly because it works great with resources.. But with a filter, the service always stays null
Any idea how to trick it ?
Filter code :
#Priority( Priorities.AUTHORIZATION )
public class AuthenticationFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
#EJB( name=AuthenticationService.LOOKUP_NAME)
private AuthenticationService authService;
public void filter( ContainerRequestContext requestContext ) throws IOException {
* Get headers parameters
String userIdStr = requestContext.getHeaderString( SecurityConsts.HEADER_ID_PARAMETER );
int userId = 0;
if( userIdStr != null && !userIdStr.isEmpty() ) {
userId = Integer.parseInt( userIdStr );
String securityToken = requestContext.getHeaderString( SecurityConsts.HEADER_TOKEN );
User user = null;
* If a token is present, try to authenticate the user
if( securityToken != null && !securityToken.isEmpty() ) {
// NullPointerException happens here
user = authService.authenticateWithToken( userId, securityToken );
* Set correct security context
requestContext.setSecurityContext( new ConfiguratorSecurityContext( user ) );
This is a more or less know problem.
JAX-RS 2.0 does not support injection of EJBs into JAX-RS components
(providers, resources).
But there are some options to solve this.
You can try switching to CDI, e.g. turning your service into a #ManagedBean and using #Inject.
You can try to get your service via context lookup, something like this:
InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
You can also try to annotate your filter with #Stateless so it gets managed by the container.
You can find related JIRAs here and here.
See also:
GlassFish 4 + JAX-RS Filter with #EJB
Dependency injection into ResourceFilter not working?
How to inject EJB into ResourceFilterFactory (Jersey)
Let me explain my use case.
I need to have a spring boot oauth2 client application (not a resource server As we already have a separate resource server). Also I have following requirements:
For each out going request to resource server, we need to send id_token. (Done by customizing resttemplate).
For any request, no matter if it invokes resource server or not, If access token is expired my application must refresh it automatically (without any user intervention like any popup or redirection.).
If refresh_token is also expired, user must be logged out.
For point 2 and 3, I have spent many hours reading documents and code and Stack Overflow but was not able to find the solution (or did not understand). So I decided to put all pieces together which I found on many blogs and documents, and come up with my solution. Below is my solution for point 2.
Can we please have a look to below code and suggest if there could be any problem with this approach?
How to solve point 3 I am thinking of extending solution for point 2 but not sure what code I need to write, can anyone guide me?
* #author agam
public class ExpiredTokenFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExpiredTokenFilter.class);
private Duration accessTokenExpiresSkew = Duration.ofMillis(1000);
private Clock clock = Clock.systemUTC();
private OAuth2AuthorizedClientService oAuth2AuthorizedClientService;
CustomOidcUserService userService;
private DefaultRefreshTokenTokenResponseClient accessTokenResponseClient;
private JwtDecoderFactory<ClientRegistration> jwtDecoderFactory;
private static final String INVALID_ID_TOKEN_ERROR_CODE = "invalid_id_token";
public ExpiredTokenFilter() {
this.accessTokenResponseClient = new DefaultRefreshTokenTokenResponseClient();
this.jwtDecoderFactory = new OidcIdTokenDecoderFactory();
protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)
throws ServletException, IOException {
log.debug("my custom filter called ");
* check if authentication is done.
if (null != SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication()) {
OAuth2AuthenticationToken currentUser = (OAuth2AuthenticationToken) SecurityContextHolder.getContext()
OAuth2AuthorizedClient authorizedClient = this.oAuth2AuthorizedClientService
.loadAuthorizedClient(currentUser.getAuthorizedClientRegistrationId(), currentUser.getName());
* Check if token existing token is expired.
if (isExpired(authorizedClient.getAccessToken())) {
* do something to get new access token
"=========================== Token Expired !! going to refresh ================================================");
ClientRegistration clientRegistration = authorizedClient.getClientRegistration();
* Call Auth server token endpoint to refresh token.
OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantRequest refreshTokenGrantRequest = new OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantRequest(
clientRegistration, authorizedClient.getAccessToken(), authorizedClient.getRefreshToken());
OAuth2AccessTokenResponse accessTokenResponse = this.accessTokenResponseClient
* Convert id_token to OidcToken.
OidcIdToken idToken = createOidcToken(clientRegistration, accessTokenResponse);
* Since I have already implemented a custom OidcUserService, reuse existing
* code to get new user.
OidcUser oidcUser = this.userService.loadUser(new OidcUserRequest(clientRegistration,
accessTokenResponse.getAccessToken(), idToken, accessTokenResponse.getAdditionalParameters()));
"=========================== Token Refresh Done !! ================================================");
* Print old and new id_token, just in case.
DefaultOidcUser user = (DefaultOidcUser) currentUser.getPrincipal();
log.debug("new id token is " + oidcUser.getIdToken().getTokenValue());
log.debug("old id token was " + user.getIdToken().getTokenValue());
* Create new authentication(OAuth2AuthenticationToken).
OAuth2AuthenticationToken updatedUser = new OAuth2AuthenticationToken(oidcUser,
oidcUser.getAuthorities(), currentUser.getAuthorizedClientRegistrationId());
* Update access_token and refresh_token by saving new authorized client.
OAuth2AuthorizedClient updatedAuthorizedClient = new OAuth2AuthorizedClient(clientRegistration,
currentUser.getName(), accessTokenResponse.getAccessToken(),
this.oAuth2AuthorizedClientService.saveAuthorizedClient(updatedAuthorizedClient, updatedUser);
* Set new authentication in SecurityContextHolder.
filterChain.doFilter(request, response);
private Boolean isExpired(OAuth2AccessToken oAuth2AccessToken) {
Instant now = this.clock.instant();
Instant expiresAt = oAuth2AccessToken.getExpiresAt();
return now.isAfter(expiresAt.minus(this.accessTokenExpiresSkew));
private OidcIdToken createOidcToken(ClientRegistration clientRegistration,
OAuth2AccessTokenResponse accessTokenResponse) {
JwtDecoder jwtDecoder = this.jwtDecoderFactory.createDecoder(clientRegistration);
Jwt jwt;
try {
jwt = jwtDecoder
.decode((String) accessTokenResponse.getAdditionalParameters().get(OidcParameterNames.ID_TOKEN));
} catch (JwtException ex) {
OAuth2Error invalidIdTokenError = new OAuth2Error(INVALID_ID_TOKEN_ERROR_CODE, ex.getMessage(), null);
throw new OAuth2AuthenticationException(invalidIdTokenError, invalidIdTokenError.toString(), ex);
OidcIdToken idToken = new OidcIdToken(jwt.getTokenValue(), jwt.getIssuedAt(), jwt.getExpiresAt(),
return idToken;
I am open for any suggestion to improve my code. Thanks.
There are not enough details to understand your use-case fully. It would be great to understand:
Spring security is rapidly evolving around OAuth2, consider mentioning the version you are using. My answer assumes 5.2+
Are you in servlet (user logged in somehow) or non-servlet (like #Scheduled method) environment
From the limited information and my limited knowledge I have following hints:
Consider using WebClient instead of RestTemplate, this is they way to go for the future. It is reactive but don't be scared. It can be used in "blocking" environment as well, you will not use it's full potential but you can still benefit from its better support for OAuth2
WebClient itself has a ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction which does pretty much what you are trying to achieve
When creating ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction you pass in AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager which is a strategy on how to (re)authenticate client.
Sample configuration may look as follows:
public WebClient webClient(ClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository, OAuth2AuthorizedClientService authorizedClientService) {
AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager manager = new AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager(clientRegistrationRepository, authorizedClientService);
manager.setAuthorizedClientProvider(new DelegatingOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider(
new RefreshTokenOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider(),
new ClientCredentialsOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider()));
ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction oauth2 = new ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(manager);
return WebClient.builder()
And use it as:
private final WebClient webClient;
.map(string -> "Retrieved using password grant: " + string)
Hope this helps to move in the right direction! Have fun
so I'm using the spring-session project and I want to know if it is possible to autowire the HttpSessionManager bean? I can see in the users example you are getting it from the request together with the SessionRepository:
HttpSessionManager sessionManager =
(HttpSessionManager) req.getAttribute(HttpSessionManager.class.getName());
SessionRepository<Session> repo =
(SessionRepository<Session>) req.getAttribute(SessionRepository.class.getName());
However, I want to access it from a service near the db layer and because I don't think it is a good design practice to pass the request down to the service I tried to autowire it but it doesn't find a bean of this type. The SessionRepository can be autowired fine because I have defined the bean in my configuration. I also tried to get it using the RequestContextHolder but then the getSessionIds methods always returns empty map, so I end up creating a new session all the time. Here's my whole method:
public Session getCurrentSession() {
HttpServletRequest request = ((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes()).getRequest();
HttpSessionManager sessionManager =
(HttpSessionManager) request.getAttribute(HttpSessionManager.class.getName());
final Map<String, String> sessionIds = sessionManager.getSessionIds(request);
if (sessionIds != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : sessionIds.entrySet()) {
final Session session = sessionRepository.getSession(e.getValue());
if (session != null) {
return session;
Session session = sessionRepository.createSession();
return session;
My guess is that the RequestContextHolder is capturing the HttpServletRequest before the SessionRepositoryFilter is invoked. That means that the request will not yet be wrapped.
By default the EnableRedisHttpSession configuration does not expose CookieHttpSessionStrategy as a Bean. This is necessary in order to allow users to override the SessionStrategy and supporting older versions of Spring (newer versions of Spring support #Conditional). If you wish to expose CookieHttpSessionStrategy as a Bean, then you can add the following to your configuration:
public CookieHttpSessionStrategy sessionStragegy() {
return new CookieHttpSessionStrategy();
After thinking about it some I may be able to expose it in future versions. I have created gh-spring-session-75 to address it.
I try to develop an "hybrid" server using spring boot webApplication with embedded tomcat and a netServer from reactor to scale-up my Rest Api.
There are no Spring controller, all the incoming request are handled by the netServer.
Never the less i'd like to have a login page using spring security remember me facilities to authenticate the user and use this authentication to secure incoming request on the reactor netServer.
I start to implements the netServer, according to this tutorial reactor thumbmailer
here is my netServer :
NetServer<FullHttpRequest, FullHttpResponse> server = new TcpServerSpec<FullHttpRequest, FullHttpResponse>(NettyTcpServer.class)
.consume(ch -> {
// attach an error handler
ch.when(Throwable.class, UserController.errorHandler(ch));
// filter requests by URI
Stream<FullHttpRequest> in = ch.in();
// serve image thumbnail to browser
in.filter((FullHttpRequest req) -> req.getUri().startsWith(UserController.GET_USER_PROFILE))
So when a user try to load his profile, the incoming request is handled by the userController :
public static Consumer<FullHttpRequest> getUserProfile(NetChannel<FullHttpRequest, FullHttpResponse> channel) {
UserService userService = StaticContextAccessor.getBean(UserService.class);
return req -> {
try {
LoginDTO login = RestApiUtils.parseJson(LoginDTO.class, RestApiUtils.getJsonContent(req));
DefaultFullHttpResponse resp = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, OK);
String result = userService.loadUserProfile(login);
resp.headers().set(CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json");
resp.headers().set(CONTENT_LENGTH, result.length());
} catch (Exception e) {
Here is the hack : getUserProfile is a static methode, so i can't use GlobalMethodSecurity to secure it.
i then inject a userService in this controller using a StaticContextAccessor :
public class StaticContextAccessor {
private static StaticContextAccessor instance;
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public void registerInstance() {
instance = this;
public static <T> T getBean(Class<T> clazz) {
return instance.applicationContext.getBean(clazz);
UserService :
public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService{
public String loadUserProfile(LoginDTO login){
//TODO load profile in mongo
return new GsonBuilder().create().toJson(login);
the service is managed by spring so i guess i could use spring GlobalMethodSecurity on it (i m still developping this part, but i'm not sure this is the best way to secure my netServer)
Is there a easier way to use Spring security on reactor netServer ???
My first web site version was developped with nodeJS to handle many concurent users, and i try to refactor it using a JVM nio solution.
So is spring / reactor / netty a good solution to have a highly scalable server, or should i use something like play! or vertx.io ?
Thank you so much
Have you tried bootstrapping your NetServer from within a JavaConfig #Bean method? Something like:
class AppConfig {
public Function<NetChannel, UserController> users() {
return new UserControllerFactory();
public NetServer netServer(Environment env, Function<NetChannel, UserController> users) {
return new TcpServerSpec(NettyTcpServer.class)
.consume(ch -> {
// attach an error handler
ch.when(Throwable.class, UserController.errorHandler(ch));
// filter requests by URI
Stream<FullHttpRequest> in = ch.in();
// serve image thumbnail to browser
in.filter((FullHttpRequest req) -> req.getUri().startsWith(UserController.GET_USER_PROFILE))
This should preserve your Spring Security support and enable you to share handlers as beans rather than as return values from static methods. In general, just about everything you need to do in a Reactor TCP app can be done using beans and injection and by returing the NetServer as a bean itself.
I have a web application which sets a spring security context through a spring filter. Services are protected with spring annotations based on users roles. This works.
Asynchronous tasks are executed in JMS listeners (extend javax.jms.MessageListener). The setup of this listeners is done with Spring.
Messages are sent from the web application, at this time a user is authenticated. I need the same authentication in the JMS thread (user and roles) during message processing.
Today this is done by putting the spring authentication in the JMS ObjectMessage:
SecurityContext context = SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
Authentication auth = context.getAuthentication();
... put the auth object in jms message object
Then inside the JMS listener the authentication object is extracted and set in the context:
SecurityContext context = new SecurityContextImpl();
This works most of the time. But when there is a delay before the processing of a message, message will never be processed. I couldn't determine yet the cause of these messages loss, but I'm not sure the way we propagate authentication is good, even if it works in custer when the message is processed in another server.
Is this the right way to propagate a spring authentication ?
I did not find better solution, but this one works for me just fine.
By sending of JMS Message I'am storing Authentication as Header and respectively by receiving recreating Security Context. In order to store Authentication as Header you have to serialise it as Base64:
class AuthenticationSerializer {
static String serialize(Authentication authentication) {
byte[] bytes = SerializationUtils.serialize(authentication);
return DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(bytes);
static Authentication deserialize(String authentication) {
byte[] decoded = DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(authentication);
Authentication auth = (Authentication) SerializationUtils.deserialize(decoded);
return auth;
By sending just set Message header - you can create Decorator for Message Template, so that it will happen automatically. In you decorator just call such method:
private void attachAuthenticationContext(Message message){
Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
String serialized = AuthenticationSerializer.serialize(auth);
message.setStringProperty("authcontext", serialized);
Receiving gets more complicated, but it can be also done automatically. Instead of applying #EnableJMS use following Configuration:
class JmsBootstrapConfiguration {
public JmsListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor jmsListenerAnnotationProcessor() {
return new JmsListenerPostProcessor();
public JmsListenerEndpointRegistry defaultJmsListenerEndpointRegistry() {
return new JmsListenerEndpointRegistry();
class JmsListenerPostProcessor extends JmsListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor {
protected MethodJmsListenerEndpoint createMethodJmsListenerEndpoint() {
return new ListenerEndpoint();
class ListenerEndpoint extends MethodJmsListenerEndpoint {
protected MessagingMessageListenerAdapter createMessageListenerInstance() {
return new ListenerAdapter();
class ListenerAdapter extends MessagingMessageListenerAdapter {
public void onMessage(Message jmsMessage, Session session) throws JMSException {
super.onMessage(jmsMessage, session);
private void propagateSecurityContext(Message jmsMessage) throws JMSException {
String authStr = jmsMessage.getStringProperty("authcontext");
Authentication auth = AuthenticationSerializer.deserialize(authStr);
I have implemented for myself a different solution, which seems easier for me.
Already I have a message converter, the standard JSON Jackson message converter, which I need to configure on the JMSTemplate and the listeners.
So I created a MessageConverter implementation which wraps around another message converter, and propagates the security context via the JMS message properties.
(In my case, the propagated context is a JWT token which I can extract from the current context and apply to the security context of the listening thread).
This way the entire responsibility for propagation of security context is elegantly implemented in a single class, and requires only a little bit of configuration.
Thanks great but I am handling this in easy way . put one util file and solved .
public class AuthenticationSerializerUtil {
public static final String AUTH_CONTEXT = "authContext";
public static String serialize(Authentication authentication) {
byte[] bytes = SerializationUtils.serialize(authentication);
return DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(bytes);
public static Authentication deserialize(String authentication) {
byte[] decoded = DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(authentication);
Authentication auth = (Authentication) SerializationUtils.deserialize(decoded);
return auth;
* taking message and return string json from message & set current context
* #param message
* #return
public static String jsonAndSetContext(Message message){
LongString authContext = (LongString)message.getMessageProperties().getHeaders().get(AUTH_CONTEXT);
Authentication auth = deserialize(authContext.toString());
byte json[] = message.getBody();
return new String(json);
Is there any way to define the users that can use my application in a list in Config.groovy? This will be using Grails 2.2.3 and the latest versions of Spring Security Core and Spring Security LDAP.
We use Active Directory for authentication, and only 2 or 3 people will use this little application, so it doesn't seem worthy of making an AD Group for just this app. It would be simpler to define a list, and any time there is a new hire instead of adding them to the AD group all I have to do is add their name to the external Grails config.
I would like to do something like the following:
#Secured("authentication.name in grailsApplication.config.my.app.usersList")
class SomeController {
Then in Config.groovy put this code:
my.app.usersList = ['Bill', 'Tom', 'Rick']
Is this possible? If so, is this a terrible idea? Thanks a lot.
That seems really silly. Why not have the list of users in a table? Then you can add/remove from that table without have to modify the application.
I currently do this and in my UserDetailsContextMapper I make sure the username already exists in the Users table.
You need a custom authenticator that will try to access your Active Directory and if authenticated, will look into Grails properties to check if the username is allowed to login.
This is the class that I use. I changed the code to validate the config:
class ActiveDirectoryAuthenticator {
private DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource contextFactory
private String principalSuffix = ""
def grailsApplication
public DirContextOperations authenticate(Authentication authentication) {
// Grab the username and password out of the authentication object.
String principal = authentication.getName() + "#" + principalSuffix
String password = ""
if (authentication.getCredentials() != null) {
password = authentication.getCredentials().toString()
// If we have a valid username and password, try to authenticate.
if (!("".equals(principal.trim())) && !("".equals(password.trim()))) {
try {
String provider = contextFactory.getUrls()[0]
Hashtable authEnv = new Hashtable(11)
authEnv.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, provider)
authEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple")
authEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, principal)
authEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password)
javax.naming.directory.DirContext authContext = new InitialDirContext(authEnv)
//here validate the user against your config.
if(!authentication.getName() in grailsApplication.config.adUsersAllowed) {
throw new BadCredentialsException("User not allowed.")
DirContextOperations authAdapter = new DirContextAdapter()
authAdapter.addAttributeValue("ldapContext", authContext)
return authAdapter
} catch ( NamingException ex ) {
throw new BadCredentialsException(ex.message)
} else {
throw new BadCredentialsException("Incorrect username or password")
public DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource getContextFactory() {
return contextFactory
* Set the context factory to use for generating a new LDAP context.
* #param contextFactory
public void setContextFactory(DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource contextFactory) {
this.contextFactory = contextFactory
public String getPrincipalSuffix() {
return principalSuffix
* Set the string to be prepended to all principal names prior to attempting authentication
* against the LDAP server. (For example, if the Active Directory wants the domain-name-plus
* backslash prepended, use this.)
* #param principalPrefix
public void setPrincipalSuffix(String principalSuffix) {
if (principalSuffix != null) {
this.principalSuffix = principalSuffix
} else {
this.principalSuffix = ""
Declare it as your ldapAuthenticator in resources.groovy:
ldapAuthenticator(ActiveDirectoryAuthenticator) {
contextFactory = ref('contextSource')
principalSuffix = 'domain.local' //your domain suffix
grailsApplication = ref('grailsApplication')
The downside is that you need to restart your context when you change config.groovy
In your controllers just use #Secured('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY')
I do not think you can do that because annotations are resolved at compile time and not in runtime. Config properties will be read during the application runtime so you I fear you have to end up doing:
#Secured(["authentication.name in ['Bill', 'Tom', 'Rick']"])
class SomeController {
If I remember correctly the #Secured annotation cannot be used for other things than comparing roles. But you should be able to do this with spring securities #PreAuthorize and #PostAuthorize annotations. When using grails the easiest way to setup these annotations is installing the spring security ACL plugin.
Within #PreAuthorize and #PostAuthorize you can use SPEL expressions which are more flexible. Unfortunatelly SPEL does not provide an in operator. However you can delegate the security check to a service:
public void test() {
println "test?"
With the # symbol you can reference other beans like services within expression. Here the method securityService.canAccess() is called to evaluate if the logged in user can access this method.
To use this you have to configure a BeanResolver. I wrote some more details about configuring a BeanResolver here.
Within securityService you can now do:
class SecurityService {
def grailsApplication
public boolean canAccess(Authentication auth) {
return grailsApplication.config.myList.contains(auth.name)
In general I would not recommend to use a configuration value for validating the user in security checks. The groovy configuration will be compiled so you cannot easily add a new user without redeploying your application.