TFS 2010 - bulk checking out of just .html files this time... How? - tfs

I need to bulk-check-out of all our .html files.
(to do a masse edit-replace from the command-line, and check them all back).
This is just a one time thing. I see a lot of threads on how to exclude files types but at project inception and definition level, like
Team => Team Project Collection Settings => Source Control File Types
or for TFS 2012 the .tfignore file.
1) This seems to be for permanent exclusion at the project level. I don't want to touch the overall Source Control settings, colleagues work with all these other files types I need excluded.
2) These filters are all defined by what you exclude. But it would be much easier in that case, to define what you want to include (here .html files), so in essence, to say include 'A', instead of having to say exclude 'B', exclude 'C', exclude '...' going after the whole alphabet.
Thank you

For a bulk checkout, you can use tf checkout.
Open a command prompt with the current path within your local workspace and issue this command to check out all .html files:
tf checkout *.html /recursive
If you want to limit the checkout to part of the source tree, specify that in the itemspec:
tf checkout $ProjectCollection/Trunk/Project/*.html /recursive

If you are using TFS 2012 or newer, just make sure you are using a local workspace and you don't need to explicitly check-out anything. TFS will automatically detect local changes and put them in the Pending Changes list.
So just run your tool locally to go and bulk change all the html files. Then fire up VS and look in the Pending Changes window, all changed files should be listed and can be checked in.


Modified TFS Destination path

I am working with Team Foundation Server and I'm trying to fetch content from the server into my local folders.
so basically I'm using: tf get "companyName" /recursive /force /noprompt in the command prompt and everything is working smoothly and it gets stored under
I'm using a program class and the path gets called from an app.config (XML) file into my visual studio class.
Is there a way to change the final path? I need to segregate the customers into subfolders so C:\Users\myFolders\Escrow\XYZCompany\TFS\CompanyOne or something similar, can this be done or altered? if I change the path I always get a message that everything is up to date and if I don't include the TFS folder, it gets created automatically whenever I run my command.
Thanks in advance for the help
This behavior is controlled by the workspaces you have mapped. A workspace represents the mapping between a location in source control and a folder on your PC.
It's not entirely clear whether your intent is to map the same source control location to multiple folders on your PC. You can't do that. In that case, it sounds like you need to adopt a branching strategy to allow for isolation of work between different customers.
No, you can't map the same repository to the subfolders of one folder. You could either:
Create multiple workspaces. Each customer has a workspace and map to different path.
Use branches. In general, you should map your entire team project to a single local folder under for example c:\Users\YourName\Source\Workspaces\, If you create branches for each customer, then you could map branches to c:\Users\YourName\Source\Workspaces\Main or c:\Users\YourName\Source\Workspaces\branch

Checkin multiple files with tf.exe in one changeset

On one of our builds we are kicking off some automated process which is checking out and checking in some files automatically.
This all works rather well, but at this time we are running the checkin command which looks like the following
tf.exe checkin /force /comment:"foo" /noprompt /bypass /override:"bar"
All of the files with a Pending status will get checked in.
I'd like to make this script a bit more specific and only checkin the files (2 in total) which we actually change during the build, so we know for sure no files will get checked in 'by accident'.
I've already seen we can specify a single filename with the checkin command, but doing so we will get 2 different changesets in TFS, instead of 1. We would really like to have 1 changeset, containing both changed files as the changes belong to eachother.
Any ideas on how to approach this?
Minor addition / Short term solution
For the moment I've solved our 'problem' by specifying the folder where our modified files are located, which kind of looks like this
tf.exe checkin "/my/folder/location/" /recurse /force /comment:"foo" /noprompt /bypass /override:"bar"
Note the folder location and the /recurse parameter added.
You simply separate the files by spaces:
tf.exe checkin file1.ext file2.ext /force /Comment:"foo" /noprompt /bypass /override:"bar"
The documentation is not clear about this point but it might be a general specification of an itemspec that it can be multiple items.
See similar question about checkout: Is there a way to check-out multiple files from various folders in TFS in a single operation
As mentioned by others you might run into problems with the command line being longer than the system supports, in which case you might need to look at other solutions.
cmd.exe has a limit on how long a command can be. Using the version control API, or simply 'tf checkin /i' (no arguments) is likely to be a better choice than passing lots of long filenames.
It's normal if a file becomes automatically checked out due to a change, and if ultimately the contents of the file are changed back to it's original state. At that point you would see the message about identical contents upon comparison. You could also use tfpt uu /noget /r * command to ignore Files which are identical to the originals. You'll need to have TFS Power Tools installed for this to work. Note: there is no TFS Power tool 2017.
For more details please refer below two links:
Visual Studio TFS shows unchanged files in the list of pending changes
Can TFS Pending Changes show files that are truly changed like SourceGear Vault?

Most recent changes done to the project

I have couple of projects in which one or more files have been updated. These updates need not change the *.proj file but the overall project dll is changed.
Each project can have multiple folders and each folder can have multiple files.
Is there a way in TFS to know which file was when updated last?
If you want to simply see a list of changesets, then you can by going to:
View -> Source Control Explorer
All Changesets and select $/Team project
That will give you a list of all changes.
You can get a more fine grained control of this using the:
tf history
Command; something like this:
tf history /recursive $/Project
I believe that if you wanted to list each file then you would have to go to the API.

Team Foundation Server - TF Get with changeset number

I'm trying to write a very lightweight "build" script which will basically just get a few files from TF (based on a Changeset number). Then I'll run those files in SQLCMD.
I'm using this:
tf.exe get c:\tfs\ /version:c2681 /force /recursive
However, this appears to get EVERYTHING, not just the files in changeset #2681. I'd like to be able to point it to the root of my tfs workspace, give it a changeset number, and have it just update those few specific files. Also, it appears to be getting older versions (perhaps what was current when changeset #2681 was checked in)?
Is there a way to get just those specific files, WITHOUT needing to call them out specifically in the tf get itemspec?
EDIT: I actually had to add the /force option in order for it to do anything at all. Without force, it doesn't appear to even retrieve from the server a file I deleted locally, that's definitely in the changeset.
Everything mentioned in Jason's and Richard's posts above is correct but I would like to add one thing that may help you. The TFS team ships a set of useful tools separate from VS known as the "Team Foundation Power Tools". One of the Power Tools is an additional command line utility known as tfpt.exe. tfpt.exe contains a "getcs" command which is equivalent to "get changeset" which seems to be exactly what you are looking for.
If you have VS 2010, then you can download the tools here. If you have an older version, a bing :) search should help you find the correct version of the tools. If you want to read more about the getcs command, check out Buck Hodges's post here.
The TFS server keeps track of what each workspace contains1. Any changes made locally with non-TFS client commands (whether tf.exe, Team Explorer or another client) will lead to differences between the TFS Server's view and what actually exist.
The force options on the various clients just gets everything removing such inconsistencies (effectively resetting both what is on the client and what the server thinks is there).
When you perform a get against a specified version (whether date, changeset or label) you get everything up to and including that point in time, whether on not specifically changed at that point. So getting
tf get /version:D2012-03-30
will get changes made on or before that date.
To get only the items included in a changeset you'll have to do some work yourself, using a command to get a listing of the content of a changeset and parse that to perform the right actions (a changeset can include more than just updates and adds of files2).
It seems to me that if you want to perform a build at each changeset affecting a particular TFS folder you would be better off looking at using TFS Build which is all about doing exactly that – avoid reinventing the wheel – and focus on the build part (other continuous build solutions are available).
1 This will change with TFS11 local workspaces.
2 Eg. handing the rename of a folder will take some non-trivial work.
The command will get all the sources for the given changeset. By default it will only get the files that it thinks are different between your workspace and the server. However, by using the /force option you are asking it to get everything regardless of the state it thinks your workspace is in (which is much slower but has the benefit of ensuring your workspace is fully in sync with the server).
So just removing /force will probably achieve what you want.
As I said above, tfs will get all files that it thinks are different from the server. If you manually delete a file from your local workspace, TFS won't know that it is missing from your local version, so it won't think it needs to update the file. There are three solutions to this:
Use /force to make sure things are in sync, and put up with it being very slow.
Don't modify files in your workspace with anything other than TFS tools (tf.exe, Visual Studio, TFS power tool for the explorer shell). You shouldn't just delete files on your local hard drive - if they really need to be deleted, then delete them in source control.
Go offline in TFS before you make changes manually. Then when you go online, TFS will search for all the changes you have made and add them to your pending changes so that TFS is aware of them.

How can I exclude a specific file from TFS source control

We have multiple config files (app.DEV.config, app.TEST.config, etc) and a pre-build event that copies the correct config file to app.config. Obviously the configuration specific files are in source control --- but at the moment so is App.Config, and that shouldn't be.
How can I mark that one file as excluded from source control, but obviously not from the project.
I'm using VS 2005, and 2005 Team Explorer.
It's easy in TFS2012, create a .tfignore file
# Ignore .cpp files in the ProjA sub-folder and all its subfolders
# Ignore .txt files in this folder
# Ignore .xml files in this folder and all its sub-folders
# Ignore all files in the Temp sub-folder
# Do not ignore .dll files in this folder nor in any of its sub-folders
# A filespec is recursive unless prefixed by the \ character.
Select the App.config file in Solution Explorer, and choose File -> Source Control -> Exclude App.config from Source Control.
There is a checkin policy (Forbidden Patterns Policy) in the MS Power Tools which lets you screen filenames against a regular expression. See: Microsoft Team Foundation Server Power Tools
While checkin policies are not completely foolproof, they are the closest thing TFS has to enforcing user-defined rules like what you're looking for.
(And as the others have said, you can also cloak a file or folder, which means it stays in Source Control and is visible to everyone else on the team, but it's not copied to your PC until you decide to uncloak it; or you can delete the file, which means it gets deleted from everybody's PCs when they get latest - but neither of these options will prevent such files being added to source control in the first place)
There is an option that is hard to find:
1. Select the file or multiple files in Solution Explorer
2. Go to File -> Source Control -> Advanced
and here it is
Keep in mind:
If you right click a file in Solution Explorer you only find "the most important options" not all :)
If all you want is to have a file in the project but not under source control with TFS, just go into SourceControl, delete the said file, and undo your checkout of the project file (it will attempt to remove the file from the project as well). Then check-in your delete of the file you are excluding. In the solution explorer you should see that there is no source control icon next to the file you're excluding. The project file should list a file there, but that file should now no longer be under source control.
Keep in mind, any other person will now see a missing file in the project when they get latest.
TFS allows you to cloak at the folder/file level. When something is cloaked, TFS won't attempt to sync it (much like a svn:ignore).
When setting up your workspace, cloak anything you want TFS to ignore. A more detailed how-to is here.
This worked for me:
One way is to add a new or existing item to a project (e.g. right click on project, Add Existing Item or drag and drop from Windows explorer into the solution explorer), let TFS process the file(s) or folder, then undo pending changes on the item(s). TFS will unmark them as having a pending add change, and the files will sit quietly in the project and stay out of TFS.
=">How can I exclude a specific files from TFS source control
Visual Studio 2013 (and 2012)
This feature is available by selecting the file(s) and going to:
File > Source Control > Advanced > Exclude ... from Source Control
This question was asked a while ago but it pertains to the same type of issue I was having.
The Problem:
We want to check in our code.
We then want build our project.
During our build we depend on Build Events to move files around so we have the proper files in place for the build process to complete.
When our Build Event tries to copy the files, we get Access Denied errors.
The Reason:
Team Foundation Server Visual Studio Plugin changes the Read Only attribute on our files to READONLY TRUE when we check in our files.
Build Event Example:
copy "$(TargetDir)SomeFile.ext" "$(ProjectDir)"
Above, we simply need to move a file from our Target Build Path (the bin\debug or bin\release folders) to our Project Folder. In my situation, this was so I could include project built files in my installer. My Installer wasn't grabbing them as part of the Project Output.
The Fix: (nearly kicked my self in the face when I figured this out)
New Build Event:
attrib -R "$(ProjectDir)SomeFile.ext"
copy "$(TargetDir)SomeFile.ext" "$(ProjectDir)"
attrib +R "$(ProjectDir)SomeFile.ext"
We're all having fun with Build Events right? Above I simply do 2 things, I remove the read only attribute, now the files not read only. Copy my file as I was originally wanting to. Then replace the Read Only Attribute (optional I guess) to keep Visual Studio and Team Foundations happy.
And yes... I'm still kicking myself in the face on this one.
I have a similar issue, my App.config contained sensible data (e.g. username) that this data should not by sync with TFS.
The article Best practices for deploying passwords and other sensitive data to ASP.NET and Azure App Service describes an good approach to prevent this issue:
Use the "file" attribute of the "appSettings" element to reference an config file that is not added to source-control
If you have an older version than TFS2012 and thus can't create a .tfignore file or use the File > Source Control > Advanced > Exclude … option, you can try this:
Make a copy of the target file in Windows Explorer.
Undo Pending Changes (if any) on the target file in Team Explorer/Visual Studio.
Delete the target file in Windows Explorer.
Move the copy of the target file to the location of the deleted target file, and rename it so it has the same name as the deleted target file.
TFS now seems to ignore the changes in the target file. If you need to edit the file again, don't use Visual Studio, as TFS will then put the file back in the list of files with Pending Changes.
You can just simply select the file from your Source Control Explorer and Right Click on it, and the select the "Rename" option from there, and you can add ".exclude" at the end of the file name.
And then do remember to check-in the file, and after that you can see that your file is excluded from Source Control.
