Understanding concepts of twiter4j - twitter

Can someone tell whether my understanding is correct.
is for each tweet we are capturing?
converts object into json string?

First of all, twitterstream.addlistener(listner) is for generating a listener in twitterstream to listen all tweets which hit your conditions. So, that means you do not have to add more than one listener to get all the tweets. However, you might add more than one listener for different purposes like getting tweets only having a particular hashtag with each listener, etc..
The second thing you asked (Dataobjectfactory.getRawjson(status)) is returning the json formatted string of the caught tweet status.


Angular 11 Material DataSource without further Requests to the Server

I've been playing around with the example table-schematic for the Material Design [version: 11.0.3] table.
Basically i want to make a request, take the response and display it with the options to sort and limit the displayed items (pagination).
It works fine if I just replace the content of the connect function with "return a mapped Observable of the Response" but then the sorting and pagination obviously don't work anymore (since they are deleted) and i can't figure out how to make them work.
I assume the example pagination and sorting requires the data to be already present when the page loads/initializes (e.g. with a static Array).
Putting the request in the connect() function, saving the objects of the response to a variable and subscribing does work. However the page does not update after filling the initially empty array with data until sorting or pagination settings change. Which would make sense to me.
My question is, how do i get the data in there once and use the same data for pagination and sorting.
Can I even use the schematic in this case or is it misleading?
You can initialize a MatTableDataSource using an array of data, and then it will handle paging, filtering, and sorting locally and not try to fetch any more data.
See this example: https://stackblitz.com/angular/nleleddqmel?file=src%2Fapp%2Ftable-overview-example.ts
This example creates the data array locally, but you would instead use the response from your server request.

What's the use of getCollisionKey() in relayjs?

I am new in relay and saw this on getCollisionKey on treasurehunt tutorial:
getCollisionKey() {
return `check_${this.props.game.id}`;
In the docs it states - Implement this method to return a collision key. Relay will send any mutations having the same collision key to the server serially and in-order.
Please help me understand what is getCollisionKey. Would really appreciate.
collisionKey is an identifier to help know when mutations needs to be executed one after the other or when they can be parallelised.
Why we need this is mostly because of network inconsistencies.
Take for example a mutation LikeOrUnlikePost. This mutation likes or unlikes the post depending on if you already like it or not.
Suppose you like the post, then 1s after you decide to unlike.
But the first mutation fails, so it isn't sent to your server, so only one LikeOrUnlikePost mutation is sent.
The result is that you think you unliked the post (you clicked twice), but in fact you only liked it (only one mutation succeed).
This is what collisionKey is for. It tells Relay to queue any mutations which have the same collision key.
In the case above, what would happen is the second mutation would get queued, and would never get executed as the first one fails.

How do I filter Purchase Order query in QBXML to only return records that are not fully received?

When doing a PurchaseOrderQuery in QBXML I am trying to get Quickbooks to only return purchase orders that are not yet processed (i.e. "IsFullyReceived" == false). The response object contains the IsFullyReceived flag, but the query object doesn't seem to have a filter for it??
This means I have to get every single Purchase Order whether or not it's received, then do the filtering logic in my application - which slows down Web Connector transactions.
Any ideas?
You can't.
The response object contains the IsFullyReceived flag, but the query object doesn't seem to have a filter for it??
Correct, there is no filter for it.
You can see this in the docs:
This means I have to get every single Purchase Order whether or not it's received, then do the filtering logic in my application - which slows down Web Connector transactions.
Yep, probably.
Any ideas?
Try querying for only Purchase Orders changed or modified (ModifiedDateRangeFilter) since the last time you synced.
Or, instead of pulling every single PO, keep track of a list of POs that you think may not have been received yet, and then only query for those specific POs based on RefNumber.
Or, watch the ItemReceipt and BillPayment objects, and use that to implement logic about which POs may have been recently filled, since BillPayment andItemReceipt` objects should get created as the PO is fulfilled/received.

What does hydrate mean on Twitter?

In the Twitter API there is a status_lookup method that "hydrates" a tweet. The docs are unclear about what this means. So when do I need to hydrate a tweet?
If I have tweets from /statuses/user_timeline why would I need to hydrate them?
Please provide an example before and after of normal tweet and hydrated tweet and explain the difference.
From the docs:
"This method is especially useful to get the details (hydrate) a collection of Tweet IDs."
HYDRATE = get complete details (i.e. fields) of a tweet.
Many Twitter API calls that return tweets do not return all the fields. So, statuses/lookup may be used as a secondary call to get these fields.
For example, search/tweets may return tweets that have embedded video, but it will not return the URL of the embedded video. So, a second call to statuses/lookup is required to get the video.

Cancelling NSJSONSerialization - Search as you type, requests overlapping

Similar to the iPhone Facebook app search function, I am implementing search as you type functionality into my application although I have a problem when decoding the data into JSON format.
Basically what happens is because some searches take longer than others, they return at different intervals and this causes some small visual issues when the data is presenting on the screen.
I have set an NSLOG after each decode using NSJSONSerialization for the keyword 'industry'
2013-04-09 23:38:18.941 Project Name [42836:1d03] http://fooWebAddress/json/?method=search&limit=10&q=indus
2013-04-09 23:38:19.776 Project Name [42836:3e07] http://fooWebAddress/json/?method=search&limit=10&q=indu
2013-04-09 23:38:20.352 Project Name [42836:8803] http://fooWebAddress/json/?method=search&limit=10&q=indust
2013-04-09 23:38:21.814 Project Name [42836:4e03] http://fooWebAddress/json/?method=search&limit=10&q=industr
2013-04-09 23:38:23.434 Project Name [42836:8803] http://fooWebAddress/json/?method=search&limit=10&q=ind
2013-04-09 23:38:24.070 Project Name [42836:7503] http://fooWebAddress/json/?method=search&limit=10&q=industry
As you can see it is all out of order.
Does anyone have any way of stopping NSJSONSerialization for the previous connection.
Or possibly any other way to go about this problem?
Steps up to NSJSONSerialization...
NSURLRequest (initwithURL)
NSURLConnection (asynchronous)
Thanks in advance.
When the user starts typing more text, you could cancel your previous connections and ignore any further delegate callbacks you receive from them. Then make the new request for the current text.
You can do this by maintaining some sort of lastRequest or lastOperation reference. When the user starts typing, call [self.lastRequestOrOperation cancel] and ignore any further notifications from that request with a check like if (request != self.lastRequest) { return; } in whatever callbacks you have.
However this has the problem that if the user keeps typing for a while you are constantly cancelling requests and they may not see any results until they have stopped typing.
A better solution would be to add sequencing so that each request is associated with an increasing sequence ID. You then only parse the result and update the UI when the sequence of the response is higher than the last one you received. If you receive any out-of-band responses from earlier, you just ignore them.
This is a much more complex issue than just being able to cancel the NSJSONSerialization. My suggestion is to use NSFetchedResultsController to populate your table view that shows the search results. Use the search term as one of the predicate variable in the NSFetchRequest attached to NSFetchedResultsController. And then, when you parse the results using NSJSONSerialization, store the results with the search term associated with that request. As soon as the search term changed (which you can detect when the user types more characters), re-create the NSFetchedResultsController and reload your table view. In addition, you can also try to cancel the call to parse the previous results if you launched it using performSelector:withObject:afterDelay. Beware that this cannot be always relied upon as the call may have been initiated by the time you are trying to cancel.
Kinda basic, but you could always maintain an nsdictionary of sub-classed NSURLRequests (sub-classed to provide a tag).
Start request - add request to dicationary with tag = array.count - 1, with key matching tag
Connection returns - is the request the most recent request, if so, parse json
Parse JSON - is the request the most recent request, if so, show results, if not, only display if there are no previous results displayed
Request handling - remove key from dictionary
most recent request = does the dictionary contain an object with a higher key value
Currently what you are doing is, you type each character and calling web-service. Why to call web-service for each letter you type. If user is type continuously, then it will increase the load, so call the web-service only when user stops for a particular interval of time. and then pass that string to call web-service or what ever method you are calling.
[NSObject cancelPerformSelectorsWithTarget:self]; // This will cancel your all req which is going to make when user typing without stopping
[self performSelector:#selector(sendSearchRequest) withObject:searchText afterDelay:0.1f]; // This will pass the string to call a web-service method, on which user hold for some time.
