storyboard and apple recommendations - ios

im starting a new project now and I would like to build it with nibs and not with storyboard, apple removed the option in xcode 5 to build an app without storyboard, my question is that is there any recommendations by apple that developers should develop with storyboard and other xib files will not be allowed in the future? or its ok and apple will always support nib files without storyboard projects and allow it to be submitted in the future

Apple certainly seem to be pushing people to use Storyboards, but there's nothing to stop you removing Storyboards from a project and just using Xibs. I only use Storyboards sometimes, occasionally use Xibs, and often write entire apps programmatically (no Xibs or Storyboards at all). There are a number of important use cases which are only possible using Xibs, so they won't be going anywhere any time soon.
The only change Apple made was that project templates always include a Storyboard - but you can still remove it once you've created a new project.


XIB files still used in XCode and For IOS Development

Can someone explain if there is still any use for nib or xib files in iOS development these days? Are xib files even still supported in XCode?
If you wanted to create a new app and/or multiple views in those apps in a non-programmatic way you would simply use Storyboard now. Am I thinking about this correctly?
I use xibs all the time for common cells and views shared between different views. You can't do that with a storyboard.

Remove storyboard view controller iOS at build time

The fact is that I have a View Controller in my storyboard that is using StackViews. Now, I'm trying to make the application iOS 7 compatible but I don't want to remove that view controller. Is there a way to compile the project without that view controller? I tried to keep the build target of the storyboard to 9 but i would prefer if there is a way to hide that view controller at build time working with iOS 7 on the storyboard
Stack View came with iOS9 and you can't tell the Stack View to disappear depending on the running iOS. It's not possible to build the Storyboard depending on the iOS either. But it seems to be possible to select different storyboards depending on the used iOS. See this link. The cody is ojective-c, but it seems not that hard to transfer the logic.
You can either remove the Stack View or, what I'd suggest, build your App for iOS9, since some survey I've recently read, tells that up to 90% of all Apple Users upgrade to the newest iOS within a week. Your 3rd possibility is to build different storyboards depending on the iOS.
Edit: You may want to check out the OAStackView. Which implements most of the features from UIStackView and supports iOS 7+.

how to transition an older project whose UI is written by code to support Slide Over and Split View of iOS 9?

hi,I want to transition an an older project to support Slide Over and Split View of iOS 9,but I find all the demo projects I found was written by storyboard or xib, but my older project's UI is written by code, can any one suggest, thanks!
Just FYI.
I was not able to adopt Split View until disabled this setting in Project settings->Deployment Info->(Switch iPad)->Status Bar Style->Requires full screen.
I would suggest switching to storyboards to make your life easy.
I would highly recommend you watch the following WWDC videos and then think about what exactly you need to do in order to support multi tasking.
Mysteries of Auto Layout, Part 1
What's New in Storyboards
Implementing UI Designs in Interface Builder
Getting Started with Multitasking on iPad in iOS 9
Optimizing Your App for Multitasking on iPad in iOS
Just add LaunchScreen storyboard and set it as LaunchScreen from the General settings of your project. You can keep everything else as the code.

Upgrading an iPad app from 3.2 to 6.1 on Xcode

I am starting to work on iPad application which was created in 2011 for iOS 3.2. Now I would like to upgrade the application to be able to work properly on iOS 6.1 and also add some new features. What are your advices to do these tasks? Main points that I capture so far as:
Add storyboard
Remove xibs
Fix .m/.h missing file errors
Do you know when I add the storyboard if it is going to be updated with my app screens automatically? Or do I have to introduce the screen all the properties one by one?
You'd have to add your screens into the storyboard one-by-one yourself. But you can carry on using XIBs just fine - there's absolutely no reason you have to have a Storyboard, unless there's some specific reason you need it. I generally don't use them very much, even in iOS 7-only apps.

iPhone 3GS iOS 5 support (nibs to storyboards)

I have an iOS project that supports iPhone 3GS and on and requires iOS 5 or later.
This project is using nibs instead of storyboards and is using ivars and properties the "old" way (i.e declaring ivars and the appropriate properties).
I would like to work hard and convert this project to a "new" way, i.e to storyboards and clean up the redundant ivars and the synthesise things). It does use ARC, though.
My question is first: will I still be able to support iPhone 3GS?
And second, is there any convenient way to transform this project to the new-fashioned way besides just manually copying the nibs to storyboards and managing all the IBOutlets and IBActions and so on?
will I still be able to support iPhone 3GS? NO
Apple doc clearly says
Storyboards are supported in iOS 5 and later and are enabled by default for new projects. If your app must run on earlier versions of iOS, though, you cannot use storyboards and should continue to use nib files
Is there any convenient way to transform?
There is no shortcut(single step)to convert an existing application to use storyboards.
Converting to Storyboards
