zendframework 2 doctrine2 schema will not open - zend-framework2

i am working in zendframework 2 in conjuction with doctrine 2
i am trying to use the orm:validate-schema to validate and generate tables in my database; i.e match the entity class User with a new table.
i followed the tutorial by marco pivetta
however when i try to open the schema in my git i.e
andreea#Andreea-HP /cygdrive/c/users/andreea/zend/testingZend
./vendor/bin/doctrine-module orm:validate-schema
i get the following message:
Could not open input file:
does anyone have an idea why i am unable to open the page
warm regards
hi again
followng the advice of foozi i tried the folllowing:
php public/index.php orm:validate-schema
however, i received the following error message:
Undefined index: APPLICATION_ENV in C:\Users\andreea\zend\testingZend\public\index.php on line 19
Call Stack:
0.0002 235176 1. {main}() C:\Users\andreea\zend\testingZend\public\index.php:0
Zend Framework 2.2.5 application
Reason for failure: Invalid arguments or no arguments provided
PHP Notice: Undefined index: APPLICATION_ENV in C:\Users\andreea\zend\testingZend\public\index.php on line 19
PHP Stack trace:
PHP 1. {main}() C:\Users\andreea\zend\testingZend\public\index.php:0
i believe that the message is referring to the followng:
* Display all errors when APPLICATION_ENV is development.
if ('development' === $_SERVER['APPLICATION_ENV']) {
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
would be gratful for some advice

Try to use doctrine command line over your application's index instead of directly doctrine-module binaries (actually both of them does same thing)
$ cd /your/zf2/project
$ php public/index.php orm:validate-schema
This is the way which i prefer.


Error on creating news archive on contao 3.5.16

If anyone familiar with contao,
I got a default contao error page when I try to create a news archive, I have check the log and nothing is wrong. Do I need add the news module first?
P.S I am newbie contao user, as a client only asked me to resolve this problem.
Last error log :
[12-Jan-2017 12:46:29 GMT] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Query error: Unknown column 'master' in 'where clause' (SELECT id, title
FROM tl_news_archive
WHERE jumpTo IN (315) AND master=0
ORDER BY title)' thrown in /homepages/19/d124359810/htdocs/2016/system/modules/core/library/Contao/Database/Statement.php on line 295
I use 2 languages for the website with language extension.
I wonder if it has something to do with the language setting of main archive, because it somehow tells the error of unknown "master"
this is the screenshot of the interface when I tried to create a news archive.
Image : create new news archive
Your database is missing a column from the changelanguage extension. If you still have this extension installed, simply log into the Contao Install Tool and execute a database update.

SymfonyCMF RoutingBundle Doctrine PHPCR configuration error

i'm following the tutorial Creating a Basic CMS but after configurate the CMF RoutingBundle like it's shown in Enable the Dynamic Router i got the following error when i try to load the fixture data
PHP Catchable fatal error: Argument 2 passed to Doctrine\Bundle\PHPCRBundle\Initializer\GenericInitializer::__construct() must be of the type array, none given
here is my config.yml
cmf_routing.dynamic_router: 20
router.default: 100
enabled: true
route_basepath: /cms/routes
you seem to have gotten a version mixup. you need either the 1.1.* family of phpcr-odm and phpcr-bundle with the routing-bundle 1.2.* or phpcr at 1.0.* and routing at 1.1.*
did you do any composer tricks or are the dependencies allowing this incompatible combination?

Fusion Tables PHP Framework - getting sample file to work: form_example.php

When I run the Fusion Tables PHP Framework sample file "form_example.php" I get the following errors:
Notice: Undefined offset: 3 in C:\XAMPP\htdocs\php\fusion-tables-client-php\clientlogin.php on line 17
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in C:\XAMPP\htdocs\php\form_example.php on line 31
Any help is greatly appreciated. My main goal is to test code that can insert a row into Fusion Tables from data entered in a form.
Thanks -
Sounds like ClientLogin is failing. The following stack overflow question might be helpful:
Can't connect to HTTPS site using cURL. Returns 0 length content instead. What can I do?

error using doctrine:build --all symfony 1.4.4 apostrophe trunk

I'm stumped on why when I do doctrine:build -all it throws 2 warnings.
I've tried commenting out all the schema.yml files and it still throws it.
Anyone better informed help me understand where it is coming from, is there some caching I am unaware of?
I've deleted the cache (./symfony cc). Manually deleted all the lib/ models, forms, filters tasks so that there isn't anything hanging around and to no avail. I can't find anything on google for the error so I'm pretty stuck, I want to understand where the error is coming from, it's very early on in the process so I presume it is yaml related but I don't know how to track down where.
Shell output section Below:
doctrine generating model classes
PHP Warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array in /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/task/sfDoctrineBaseTask.class.php on line 182
PHP Stack trace:
PHP 1. {main}() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/symfony:0
PHP 2. include() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/symfony:14
PHP 3. sfSymfonyCommandApplication->run() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/command/cli.php:20
PHP 4. sfTask->runFromCLI() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/command/sfSymfonyCommandApplication.class.php:76
PHP 5. sfBaseTask->doRun() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/task/sfTask.class.php:97
PHP 6. sfDoctrineBuildTask->execute() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/task/sfBaseTask.class.php:68
PHP 7. sfTask->run() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/task/sfDoctrineBuildTask.class.php:156
PHP 8. sfBaseTask->doRun() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/task/sfTask.class.php:173
PHP 9. sfDoctrineBuildModelTask->execute() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/task/sfBaseTask.class.php:68
PHP 10. sfDoctrineBaseTask->prepareSchemaFile() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/task/sfDoctrineBuildModelTask.class.php:67
PHP 11. array_merge() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/task/sfDoctrineBaseTask.class.php:182
Warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array in /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/task/sfDoctrineBaseTask.class.php on line 182
Call Stack:
0.0008 47204 1. {main}() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/symfony:0
0.0136 279748 2. include('/mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/command/cli.php') /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/symfony:14
0.9075 7815564 3. sfSymfonyCommandApplication->run() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/command/cli.php:20
0.9419 7817164 4. sfTask->runFromCLI() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/command/sfSymfonyCommandApplication.class.php:76
0.9433 7818056 5. sfBaseTask->doRun() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/task/sfTask.class.php:97
1.0198 8445008 6. sfDoctrineBuildTask->execute() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/task/sfBaseTask.class.php:68
2.0900 9762304 7. sfTask->run() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/task/sfDoctrineBuildTask.class.php:156
2.0907 9764724 8. sfBaseTask->doRun() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/task/sfTask.class.php:173
2.0926 9766452 9. sfDoctrineBuildModelTask->execute() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/task/sfBaseTask.class.php:68
2.1560 9789556 10. sfDoctrineBaseTask->prepareSchemaFile() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/task/sfDoctrineBuildModelTask.class.php:67
4.3235 10119764 11. array_merge() /mnt/Target01/338166/www.example.co.uk/web/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/task/sfDoctrineBaseTask.class.php:182
file+ /tmp/doctrine_schema_70082.yml
I just stumbled over the same error. I had an error in my schema.yml by definining an empty table name:
id: etc. pp
Rather easy to spot one would think, yet when such a vague warning is thrown ...

symfony 1.4: error with include_once()

after installing sfDoctrineApplyPlugin-1.1.1, extracting Zend at
lib/vendor/Zend, executing sfApply/apply and submitting the form that
appears i get this errror:
[function.include-once]: failed to
open stream: No such file or directory
s.php on line 350
Warning: include_once()
[function.include]: Failed opening
'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php' for
s.php on line 350
Fatal error: Class
'Zend_Loader_Autoloader' not found in
s.php on line 351
If i write
the error disappears, but you know, i can not use absolute paths.
I tried with some piece of paths instead but it didn't work.
Any idea?
Did you read Installing and configuring the Zend Framework part of a jobeet tutorial? There's a simple way to use Zend autoloader in a ProjectConfiguration.
