top of scrollable text is cut off - ios

I am working with storyboards and have put text inside a table cell within a ViewController. The text shows up correctly in portrait view without need for set constraints. However, on landscape view without constraints the text does not fill the entire width. Thus, I apply constraints to fill the canvas with text but the top part of the text does not appear.
I have this hierarchy:
View Controller
Table View
Table View Section
Table View Cell
Content View
(Constraints are set for vertical top, and both horizontal sides)
I have autolayout checked, working with attributed text, word wrap, with about 30 lines and indent head at 20. Without an indent the clipping or cutting off does not occur, but it makes my text start about midway on the screen as opposed to just below the navigation bar.
Any help with this would be much appreciated.
EDIT: Attached Link


How to let the tableview control fit the entire screen

I add a TableView to a new Single View Application. The exercise requires me to allow the TableView control to fit the entire screen. But I can't find any function to do this. Should I adjust the parameters in the Table View in Size Inspector?
You really should learn auto-layout and constraints as they're an extremely important part of building up layout in UIKit.
For now, this is how you set your table view (or essentially any view) to fill the screen:
Select your table view
Click on the Add New Constraint button at the bottom right of your storyboard.
Set 0 for top, bottom, left and right.
That will add 4 constraints that will stretch your table view to fill up all the space available in the screen's safe area.

Setting the content size of a view inside UIScrollView

I have to lay out a few views in a View Controller which should look like this when run.
Initially the white view should be partially covering the blue view at the bottom like shown in the image. The blue view should stay put while the white view at the bottom can be scrolled over the blue view.
I added the blue view to the main UIView of the view controller. Then added a UIScrollView on top of blue view and added the white view on to the scroll view.
Now I'm getting the dreaded ambigeous content size error. I have pinned the scrollview on all four sides. Then added leading, bottom and trailing constraints to the white view. Then I tried adding a top constraint to the white view but the error still persisted. I also adding a height constraint to the white view to no avail.
It might be dofficult to imagine my setup so I added a demo project here as well.
I set the constraints for you here.
You are getting ambigous content size because your scrollView does not know its content (white view's) width and height.
I added top,width and height constraint to white view. This way your scrollView knows its content width and will scroll only vertically. As for content height - u can change heightContstrait's constant in code, or completely remove height constraint if you use autolayout properly for white view's subviews.
Put the blue view under scrollview. And set scrollviews content inset, to make your white view appear not on top, but with some space. Now on start you get white view a bit over blue, and on scroll it covers blue view. About size errors, scrollview needs to know it’s content size initially. I assume your white view is table view, so set it’s bottom constraint to zero. If you want blue size to change it’s size on scrolling, like it’s avatar or something, it’s a bit different. You should take scrolling events on uiscrolldelegate, and change blue views height accordingly
Make sure you've read (and understand) Apple TN2154: "UIScrollView And Autolayout", which explains the steps required.
Looks like you're not specifying the content size properly.

Button is being covered by tabbar

I have a save button that is supposed to be located right above the tab bar and right under the table view, but it does not appear in the view when I switch to a smaller screen. There is auto layout on all the elements, and the button is centered horizontally, equal width to the view, and has vertical spacing between the table view and bottom. Any ideas on how to make sure the save button always appears in the position stated above? Auto layout was done through storyboard not code.
set height of UIButton, and do not set height of UITableView.

iOS - weird constraints using scrollview

I have a weird behavior when I use scrollView.
As you can see in the picture bellow the button called "Back" has a bottom space constraint with value 0. But we can see is not even near to the bottom of the scroll view.
I already set the scrollview to have equals width and height of the superView and top,bottom,trailing and leading space with 0 value.
How can I fix this? I want the Back button still inside of the scrollview and put it at the bottom of the view.
I have the code here and the xib is called PageB.xib
Ricardo: you've added two constraint regarding manage y position of Validate Code button where your top constraint stop to move Validate Code button towards the bottom. So please remove top constraint of Validate Code only add bottom constraint.
you need to manage all constraint like your scrollview content view height will be equal to height. Please increase some top constraint from top.
So, if I understand correctly, the problem you are running into is that your back button is unable to be positioned based on the bottom of the scroll view.
A scroll has two sets of constraints in a storyboard, one that defines the size of the scroll view, and the other that defines the content size. The top, left, bottom, right to superview constraints on the scroll view will define the size.
The part that is causing your problem is that the content size is defined by the subviews inside the scroll view. So the button cannot be placed relative to the bottom of the scroll view since the scroll view doesn't know how large its content size is. All of the subviews of a scroll view must be placed in relation to each other.
So, create constraints for your logo, text fields, and all the buttons in relation to each other. Then create constraints from the outer most subviews to the scroll view.
In your example, you would constraints from the logo to the text field, 1st text field to 2nd text field, then 2nd text flied to the label, label to the "Send email..." button, and finally "Send email..." to the "Validate Code". For the "Back" button, it would need a left align with the text fields and then a center align with the "Validate Code" button. Create a top constraint from the logo to the scroll view. Then have leading and trailing constraints from one of the text fields to the scroll view. Finally, create a bottom constraint from either the "Back" or "Validate Code" buttons to the scroll view. You will also need some alignment constraints (logo center to the text field is an example of one). After that is all setup, your view will be fully defined for the content size of the scroll view.
If I understand you, my new question is: how can I make the subviews
make the height of scroll fit 100% screen device height? Is there a
way to define weights like Android? I don't know how achieve this
since the canvas is 600*600 which is different to every device.
Response would be too long for a comment:
So you wouldn't use a scroll view for that. A scroll view is specifically for containing content that will not fit on the screen (so the user can scroll to reach the new content).
The simplest solution is to add a regular view that has TopLeftBottomRight 0 distance constraints (so it is the max height and width of the screen) and setup the view like you have here to position the bottom in the bottom left all the time.
There is also a weight system, I can explain that if you want, but it wouldn't be required thus far.
I feel like your next response will be something like "what if I want it to scroll when its too small for the current screen?". The only way I know of doing that in encapsulating all your interface into a single UIView, and changing its sized in the viewDidLoad/viewDidAppear based on the size of the scroll view. Something like this:
func viewDidLoad() {
containerViewHeightConstraint.constant = scrollView.frame.size.height
containerViewWidthConstraint.constant = scrollView.frame.size.width

UITextView scroll to end automatically issue

I have set auto layout constraints to my text view and now when I rotate the device app sometimes automatically scrolls text view to the end of content. For example in case when I have many words in the textview and the content size is bigger then text view, then I see not a top word but see instead bottom words. And never see the First word of text.
As you can see the text is cut off on the visible first line. Because it scrolled. But I just want to see top of text view not a bottom.
