Radstudio and Interbase license issue? - ios

I had my RadStudio setup all working and have created a very simple mobile app for android that uses IBLite to grab some data. For business reasons I had to leave the project and move on to other things. So I come back to Radstudio thinking I can just pick up where I left off.
I notice there is an update for the product so I apply the changes and then open up my previous project. From there things get very strange. I can build and deploy to android and the project still works. If I deploy to IOS simulator again no problem and everything works fine. As soon as I try to deploy to a device I get the following compiler error:-
[DCC Error] E2597 ld: library not found for -libtogo
(This is an outstanding question on Embarcadero Developer Forum)
Which looks to me like a problem with the licence file. So I try to manually add it to the deployment but still get the error. So I decided to park my project and go back to the IOS IBLite tutorial from the Embarcadero website. I get to the stage where I want to drop an sqlconnection to the form and connect to the database... No joy it comes up with unavailable database which I thought might be a licensing issue or the fact the IB Server was not running. So I double checked the latter and sure enough it is running as a windows service and I can use IBConsole to connect to it.
So I drop trying to create a mobile application and try to create a desktop app that connects to the dbdemos database. No luck, the ide still states unavailable database...
So to my question?
How do I get radstudio to pick up the license for Interbase and particulary IBLIte for IOS?
I have searched online and on the EDF and have been unable to find a solution.

Take a look to this link.
IBREDISTDIR environment variable should be properly configurated with the directory containing library folders and licenses.
RAD Studio links statically libibtogo.a probably this file is missing. This file usually is into ($BDS)/lib/iosDevice/debug path


How do I get UWP Uninstall to remove database completely?

I have managed to get an XAF application into the Windows Store via the Desktop Bridge.
When a user installs my software from the Windows Store and then chooses to uninstall,
I want them to have the option to completely uninstall the software including the database.
So that they won't have any problem should they later decide to re-install?
Currently, the UWP uninstall does not give an option to delete the database ( or even explain how to delete it ) Thus the user may be tempted to delete the data files via Windows Explorer - which still leaves some instance of LocalDB maintaining an entry in its list of databases.
Thus on a second install after deleting the database files, the UWP program displays the error
"Login failed for user"
As explained in this question
My connection string is using
How do I automate removing the database and memory of it completely?
i.e What uninstall event can I use, What do I override where?
I can't see any executable code in the Desktop Bridge itself.
At the moment I think I may need to put "Run This Before You Uninstall" option in the actual program.
Or perhaps as a workaround, I should code a Clean Up handler for the "Login failed for user" error.
This issue is related
I am using Entity Framework 6.2 and .Net Framework 4.7.2
The Bridge Project is using Windows 10, version 1809, Build 17763 ( Min and Target)
See Getting Started with EF Core on Universal Windows Platform (UWP) with a New Database. It introduces use of migrations. Migrations are designed to help you change your database design and implement the changes in production. Migrations can be frustrating though because Microsoft has not documented the feature thoroughly. There is a list somewhere of the migration features not supported for SQLite; it is important to know about that from the beginning.

Delphi XE8 update 1 - random file not found

When I compile a project in XE8 (with update 1), I get frequently a error that a file is missing, although the file is just available. And when I compile again, it is another file that is missing. It seems random. After a few compiles (sometimes more or less) I have build the project. And even at Run (F9) I sometimes get the error that a file is missing.
Like #Andrei Galatyn said at the end of his post, it will be solved when you delete your Android configuration in SDK versions. But I want to be able to develop with Android. What is the real problem?
I couldn't find a solution on the internet yet.
Is there a solution for this problem? Thanks in advance!
I have similar problem with Delphi XE8/XE7 at least at 3 different PCs (home PC, notebook, VMW-based virtual machine in office). All PCs are fast, all are SSD-based. Usually i get the error message when trying to build large project, for small projects errors are very rare (but happens time to time anyway). So i am quite sure that it is problem with Delphi. What i tried:
added src/dcu paths as exception to antivirus
disabled indexing of files in Windows (Windows 7 x64/Windows 8.1 x64)
deleted all SDKs for mobile development in IDE (this step was most usefull in my case).
It doesn't solve the problem for 100%, but now i see that random message only few times per week. I will be glad to see real solution.
Just for information - many errors like "file YYY\XXX.pas not found" where with wrong path to the file, it was path somewhere inside of Android SDK. After deleting of all SDKs (fortunately i need only with Win x32/x64 platforms) i never see such errors anymore.
Some time ago i sent it to my colleagues:
Many times i got an sporadic error in Delphi IDE like this:
F2039 Could not create output file '.\dcu\FireDAC.Comp.DataSet.dcu'
When I just tried to compile again, the problem disappeared but compilation may fail on another file. It was especially annoying when I need to rebuild an large project, for example <...>. Finally I discovered that under some conditions Delphi is trying to access files at wrong path:
C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\PlatformSDKs\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20130522\sdk\tools\dcu\FireDAC.Comp.DataSet.dcu
Instead of
All the time when I get the error it was try to access Android SDK folder instead of my application folder.
If you experienced same problem, you can solve it now, just delete Android SDK from Delphi IDE:
Open “Tools\Options\Environment Options\SDK Manager”
Select installed SDK (list “SDK versions”)
Delete it (button “Delete”)

How can I activate Xamarin.Android for use on a CI server?

My company owns several business licenses for Xamarin.Android, and we'd like to use this on our CI server. However, it seems that I'd need to install the full Xamarin suite on my CI server including Visual Studio Pro to make this work. My question is, using the vanilla Xamarin.Android package, how can I activate it?
It seems that installing this on its own adds the Xamarin.Android tools and libraries to build with but there is no way to activate it that I can find, so when I attempt to build using MSBuild, the build fails with this error:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Xamarin\Android\Xamarin.Android.Common.targets(299,2): error XA9008: Building from the command-line requires aÿBusinessÿLicense.
Now, after some googling, I have found that the activation tool is called "mandroid.exe", which can be found in C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Xamarin\Android - although I have found references to this being in the 64-bit program files too.
Unfortunately, I can't find any suitable documentation on this tool. Every time I find a thread where someone discusses this, someone from Xamarin jumps in and says "contact support#xamarin.com". After a while I did that but two business days later there still is no response and I've got deadlines to meet so I thought it might be helpful for everyone involved for us to publicly document this process.
The best thing I've found comes from a thread on the Xamarin mailing list which references this invocation:
mandroid.exe --activate --name "NAME" --company "COMPANY" --email "EMAIL" --phone "PHONE" --code "ACTIVATION CODE"
I have also discovered another variant of this invocation that looks like this:
.\mandroid.exe –activate –activation-name="NAME" –activation-phone="PHONE" –activation-company="COMPANY" –activation-code="CODE" –activation-email="EMAIL"
I've tried many permutations of my account data here using both invocations - using the activation code from the products page on the Xamarin store. No matter what though, this error occurs:
\mandroid.exe : monodroid: error XA9997: Incomplete data provided to complete activation
In the "problems activating?" section of the products page, it says this:
In Mono for Android 1.0.21316 and later, if activation within Visual Studio fails then a MfaActivation.dat file will be created within the Documents folder. Select this file below.
Perhaps there's some way to force this file to be created by mandroid.exe? That would be very helpful. While I imagine that offline activation is the only way to make this work, I would accept any answer that involves uploading MfaActivation.dat or otherwise invoking the online activation machinery as well.
Update - I'm afraid that the below steps no longer work. Xamarin has updated their activation system to activate by a different method for newer versions.
In the end I had to install Xamarin Studio as part of the Chef configuration and just instruct administrators to manually activate the software as part of creating a new build node. I had no luck trying to reverse engineer a fix, and if I did, it would probably just break again.
It turns out that I almost had it correct. The second invocation I specified is actually the correct way to call this command but the -- part was apparently converted to a – token by some blog software somehow.
The --activate verb will perform an online activation with Xamarin's servers, so I'm still not sure how you'd do it without an internet connection.
For reference, here is how I did it:
mandroid.exe -v --activate --activation-name "(NAME)" --activation-phone "(PHONE_" --activation-email "(EMAIL)" --activation-company "(COMPANY)" --activation-code "(CODE)"
I'm not sure about the significance of the -v switch, but perhaps that would make it output debugging info if there was a problem.
You must enter all the information exactly as specified on your products page - select one of your licenses and select "problems activating?". However, you will need to enter the licensee name - i.e. the user who owns the license in the --activation-name parameter which must correspond to the --activation-code parameter.
After doing this you can call mandroid with the --activated switch which returns an exit code:
PS> & .\mandroid.exe --activated
PS> $LastExitCode
You will also be able to reload the products page and you should see that your license for the chosen user has a new computer registered to it.
This does use up another activation but if you e-mail the support team you can sign the build server agreement and then I assume they can set you up with additional activations for your build nodes.
It's a shame that this wasn't documented better because this has wasted my time for several days. Hopefully this will be helpful to someone else with the same situation.
From Xamarin documentation, we can see
"Visual Studio Professional (or greater) must be installed on the Team
Foundation Server along with licensed copies of Xamarin.Android and
Xamarin.iOS to support development of Android and iOS mobile
applications via the Team Foundation Server."
So I assume that in all cases you need to have VS + Xamarin products installed and activated.
I might be wrong, so the best way is to contact Xamarin support, http://xamarin.com/support

Missing dependency for .ocx on Windows CE 6.0

I'm trying to make an ActiveX control for an application on a Windows CE 6.0 device, but I can't get it to register on the device. When I transfer the .ocx file over to the device and try to register it using regsvrce.exe, it fails with error 7e, which I've learned means a dependency is missing. How can I identify which dependency is missing? Alternatively, have I gone about creating the ActiveX control wrongly?
I have loaded the .ocx in Dependency Walker on my development machine (running Windows 7 64-bit, if that matters) and all of the top-level dependencies it lists are present on the CE device. I can't check further down the tree since Depends then looks for the top-level dependencies on my development machine, half of which are missing since they're CE-specific. Dependency Walker doesn't run on the CE device (unless there's a CE version I've missed?). I tried to copy the DLLs from the CE device to a flash drive so I could load them into DW on my development machine, but the device won't allow me to do so. The OEM tool I have for transferring files unfortunately only transfers to the device. [Edit: I haven't tried writing my own tool to try to pull files from the device to development machine.]
Some details on how I've set up the project, in case I have some wrong assumptions on that end. I have tried with two projects. One has my code in it (the ActiveX Control itself is just a graphical representation of some data, which I had originally set up in a win32 ActiveX control to see how it looks), and one is a clean project - created from template, compiled, downloaded to device; no code added or configuration changed. Both have the same result when trying to register.
Using VS2005, created a project using the "MFC Smart Device ActiveX Control" template, targeting the SDK I received from the OEM.
In the case of the project with my code in it, I copied my drawing code into the project and created the necessary properties for the data input. I can provide more details on my code if it would help, but my issue happens even without the code. I am assuming that since it compiles successfully when targeting the SDK from the OEM that the functions I am using are supposed to be available on the target device.
Build the project in Release configuration (I wondered if the debug libraries were missing on the target device and causing the issue).
Transfer the .ocx file to the target device using an OEM tool.
Start command line on target device, move to directory the .ocx is in, run "regsvrce.exe .ocx". I have also tried transferring all of the files that VS leaves in the build output folder, but the result is the same.
Many thanks in advance for any answers! If you see something obvious point it out - this is my first ActiveX project and my first CE project, so it's very possible I'm missing something basic.
Since you build OCX I assume that you are using MFC. How do you link with MFC? Look in project settings|General, try to select "Use MFC in a Static Library". Same goes for ATL - try selecting "Static Link to ATL" (if you use ATL). This goes also for VCRT - in C/C++|Code Generation, in "Runtime Library" try selecting options without the 'DLL' (i.e. - statically link with VCRT).
Since the default empty OCX does not work for you - this is the only thing I can think of...
Another thing - I assume you have a reason for working with Visaul Studio 2005? Why not a newer version?
Good luck, PazO

XNA 4.0 ClickOnce game does not run after installation

Okay, I have been looking all over to solve this problem before I actually broke down and decided to finally ask for my psecific problem. I am using ClickOnce installation and when I use the setup.exe to install nothing runs, not even on my personal computer that I know has all of the proper libraries and such. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong so it is difficult to explain the problem.
I have included dotNetFramework4.0 client x86 x64 , xna redistributable 4.0 and windows installer 3.1 along with my game and I have it set to install all of that with setup , also I have it set to download prereqs from same location as application. I've tried it on three separate computers , one that does not have XNA or VS C# installed and the same problem occurs.
Here is the problem , after I install the game nothing runs, I try clicking on the ClickOnce application file (the one with my game's icon image) and again nothing happens. The thing that really bugs me is that there isn't any errors or crashes or anything , it's almost like clicking on the desktop screen. (I looked at the properties of the "shortcut" that was installed with the game and the file size of the shortcut is like 300 bytes. Isn't that really small? I was thinking maybe there is a problem with a startup executable? I'm not sure though.)
I've tried tweaking some stuff in the Publish section of my project , such as un-checking the box that says "use .deploy extension files" (I don't know why, I've been grasping at straws here) I've been looking into some other installers such as NSIS but I don't know how to compile a list of files to include in other installers and I feel like that won't solve the problem anyway because I've gotten ClickOnce to work with me before.
On one computer there was an error report that said something about 'deployment and application do not have matching security zones.'
Game.application resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected:
+ Deployment and application do not have matching security zones.
It's getting late so if I need to provide more information let me know.
ClickOnce can be a fickle thing. There are times that I've had errors occur that could only be solved by recreating an entire Windows user profile. Because there are so many different options for ClickOnce, it's going to be hard for me to diagnose your exact issue, so I can only offer what options I used to successfully install via ClickOnce.
Publishing Folder: local folder
Installation Folder URL: blank
Install Mode: offline
Application Files
Make sure the Publish Status of your game files is set to Include (Auto)
Make sure the Publish Status of the XNA libraries is set to Prerequisite (Auto)
Click Prerequisites
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile
Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 4.0
Windows Installer 3.1
Do not check for updates
Everything else default under Options (publisher/suite name shouldn't affect anything)
Specify the version number
Publish Now
Install the game through the setup.exe provided in the publish location. I always distribute every file that is publishes. However, you can clean up old versions in the "Application Files" folder if you don't want the history to be distributed.
You can double check the "Application Files" folder to see if your version got published correctly (look at the files that were deployed and see if they match your project contents).
