Send email notification when sidekiq start or stop - ruby-on-rails

I need to send email notifications if sidekiq crashes or stops at anytime and also can i send notification when sidekiq start.
It will be really helpful for me if i get notification email.

I use monit for this. You'll need to run sidekiq as a service first, see init script example here:
A sample monit file for tracking the process would be:
check process sidekiq with pidfile /home/deployer/my_app/current/tmp/pids/
start program = "/etc/init.d/sidekiq start"
stop program = "/etc/init.d/sidekiq stop"
if totalmem is greater than 800 MB for 2 cycles then restart
if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout

You may use airbrake gem.
for more detail about airbrake gem click here:
and airbrake:


Is there is something like cron in rails application on windows?

I'm trying to use cron in my application to send mails every week but I think it doesn't work on Windows.
Does anybody knows any equivalent to cron solution that works on Windows?
Windows equivalent of Unix's cron is a "Task Scheduler". You can configure your periodical task there.
Purely Ruby solution
If you want a purely Ruby solution look into:
rufus-scheduler - it's Windows cron gem.
crono - it's a in-Rails cron scheduler, so it should work anywhere.
Web services - there are plenty of free online services that would make a request to a given URL in specific time periods. This is basically a poor man's cronjob.
I recommend taking a look at Resque and the extension Resque-scheduler gems. You will need to have a resque scheduler process running with bundle exec rake resque:scheduler and at least one worker process running with QUEUE=* bundle exec rake resque:work.
If you want these services to run in the background as a windows service, you can do it with srvany.exe as described in this SO question.
The above assumes you are ok with installing Redis - a key-value store that is very popular among the Rails community as it can be easily used to support other Rails components such as caching and ActionCable, and it is awesome by itself for many multi-process use cases.
Resque is a queue system on top of Redis that allows you to define jobs that can be executed asynchronously in the background. When you run QUEUE=* bundle exec rake resque:work, a worker process runs constantly and polls the queue. Once a job is enqueued, an available worker pops it from the queue and starts working on it. This architecture is quite scalable, as you can have multiple workers listening to the queues if you'd like.
To define a job, you do this:
class MyWeeklyEmailSenderJob
def self.perform
# Your code to send weekly emails
While you can enqueue this job to the queue yourself from anywhere (e.g. from a controller as a response to an action), in your case you want it to automatically be placed into the queue once a week. This is what Resque-scheduler is for. It allows you to configure a file such as app/config/resque_schedule.yml in which you can define which jobs should be enqueued in which time interval. For example:
cron: 0 8 * * Mon
class: MyWeeklyEmailSenderJob
queue: email_sender_queue
description: "Send weekly emails"
Remember that a scheduling process has to run in order for this to work with bundle exec rake resque:scheduler.
thanks guys , actually i tried rufus scheduler gem and it worked for me , i guess it's the best and easier solution

Prevent sidekiq from executing queued up jobs when starting from command line?

When I start sidekiq in my development environment (Rails 3.2), I use the following command:
bundle exec sidekiq
When I do this, sidekiq will execute all jobs that have been queued up when it was not running. e.g. If I have created a bunch of new user accounts during testing, it will try and send welcome emails to all of the fake accounts (my emails are sent from a sidekiq job).
Is there a way to start sidekiq and tell it to delete all pending jobs? That way I can turn it back on without worrying that it will try and run a bunch of jobs that don't need to run (since this is my dev environment).
I have looked in documentation, but can't find an answer, hopefully it's something simple I overlooked...
redis-cli flushall && bundle exec sidekiq
I found a solution: Using the sidekiq monitoring UI that comes with sidekiq (, I'm able to view all queues (even when sidekiq is not running). Deleting the queue will remove all of the jobs in it, which solves the problem.

Override 30 seconds timeout on gem class timeout

My thin server is timing out after 30 seconds. I would like to override this ruby file.
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT from 30 seconds to 120 seconds. how to do it? Please let me know.
code is here:
I would like to override without "already initialized constant" Warnings.
See the help
➜ ~/app ✓ thin --help | grep timeout
-t, --timeout SEC Request or command timeout in sec (default: 30)
So you can change it from the command line when starting the server
➜ ~/app ✓ thin --timeout 60 start
or you can set a config file somewhere like /etc/thin/your_app.yml with something like this
timeout: 60
and then run thin, pointing it at this YAML file with
thin -C /etc/thin/your_app.yml start
As a side note, you should consider if increasing your timeout is really necessary. Typically long running requests should be queued up and run later through a service like delayed_job or resque
After seeing your comment and learning you're using Heroku, I suggest you read the documentation
Occasionally a web request may hang or take an excessive amount of time to process by your application. When this happens the router will terminate the request if it takes longer than 30 seconds to complete. The timeout countdown begins when the request leaves the router. The request must then be processed in the dyno by your application, and then a response delivered back to the router within 30 seconds to avoid the timeout.
I even more strongly suggest looking into delayed_job, resque, or similar if you're using Heroku. You will have at least one worker running to handle the queue. HireFire is an excellent service to save you money by only spinning up workers when your queue actually has jobs to process.

Resque: worker status is not right

Resque is currently showing me that I have a worker doing work on a queue. That worker was shutdown by me in the middle of the queue (it's just for testing) and the worker is still showing as running. I've confirmed the process ID has been killed and bluepill is no longer monitoring it. I can't find anyway in the UI to force clear that it is working.
What's the best way to update the status for the # of workers that are currently up (I have 2, web UI reports 3).
You may have a lingering pid file. This file is independent of the process running; in other words, when you killed the process, it didn't delete the pid file.
If you're using a typical Rails and Resque setup, Resque will store the pid in the Rails ./tmp directory.
Some Resque start scripts specify the pid file in a different location, something like this:
PIDFILE=foo/bar/resque/pid bundle exec rake resque:work
Wherever the script puts the pid file, look there, then delete it, then restart.
Also on the command line, you can ask redis for the running workers:
redis-cli keys *worker:*
If there are workers that you don't expect, you can delete them with:
redis-cli del <keyname>
Try to restart the applications.
For future references: also have a look under

How do I clear stuck/stale Resque workers?

As you can see from the attached image, I've got a couple of workers that seem to be stuck. Those processes shouldn't take longer than a couple of seconds.
I'm not sure why they won't clear or how to manually remove them.
I'm on Heroku using Resque with Redis-to-Go and HireFire to automatically scale workers.
None of these solutions worked for me, I would still see this in redis-web:
0 out of 10 Workers Working
Finally, this worked for me to clear all the workers:
Resque.workers.each {|w| w.unregister_worker}
In your console:
queue_name = "process_numbers"
Resque.redis.del "queue:#{queue_name}"
Otherwise you can try to fake them as being done to remove them, with:
Resque::Worker.working.each {|w| w.done_working}
A lot of people have been upvoting this answer and I feel that it's important that people try hagope's solution which unregisters workers off a queue, whereas the above code deletes queues. If you're happy to fake them, then cool.
You probably have the resque gem installed, so you can open the console and get current workers
It returns a list of workers
#=> [#<Worker infusion.local:40194-0:JAVA_DYNAMIC_QUEUES,index_migrator,converter,extractor>]
pick the worker and prune_dead_workers, for example the first one
Adding to answer by hagope, I wanted to be able to only unregister workers that had been running for a certain amount of time. The code below will only unregister workers running for over 300 seconds (5 minutes).
Resque.workers.each {|w| w.unregister_worker if w.processing['run_at'] && - w.processing['run_at'].to_time > 300}
I have an ongoing collection of Resque related Rake tasks that I have also added this to:
Run this command wherever you ran the command to start the server
$ ps -e -o pid,command | grep [r]esque
you should see something like this:
92102 resque: Processing ProcessNumbers since 1253142769
Make note of the PID (process id) in my example it is 92102
Then you can quit the process 1 of 2 ways.
Gracefully use QUIT 92102
Forcefully use TERM 92102
* I'm not sure of the syntax it's either QUIT 92102 or QUIT -92102
Let me know if you have any trouble.
I just did:
% rails c production
Got the list of workers.
... where n is the zero based index of the unwanted worker.
I had a similar problem that Redis saved the DB to disk that included invalid (non running) workers. Each time Redis/resque was started they appeared.
Fix this using:
Resque::Worker.working.each {|w| w.done_working} # Save the DB to disk without ANY workers
Make sure you restart Redis and your Resque workers.
Started working on recently. It's not a solution to how to fix stuck workers but it addresses the issue of resque hanging/being stuck, so I figured it could be helpful for people on this thread. From README:
"If resque doesn't run jobs within a certain timeframe, it will trigger a pre-defined handler of your choice. You can use this to send an email, pager duty, add more resque workers, restart resque, send you a txt...whatever suits you."
Been used in production and works pretty well for me thus far.
Here's how you can purge them from Redis by hostname. This happens to me when I decommission a server and workers do not exit gracefully.
Resque.workers.each { |w| w.unregister_worker if }
I ran into this issue and started down the path of implementing a lot of the suggestions here. However, I discovered the root cause that was creating this issue was that I was using the gem redis-rb 3.3.0. Downgrading to redis-rb 3.2.2 prevented these workers from getting stuck in the first place.
I've cleared them out from redis-cli directly. Luckily allows access from environments outside heroku.
Get dead worker ID from the list. Mine was
Run this command in redis directly.
del "resque:worker:55ba6f3b-9287-4f81-987a-4e8ae7f51210:2:*"
You can monitor redis db to see what it's doing behind the scenes.
redis> MONITOR
1380274567.540613 "MONITOR"
1380274568.345198 "incrby" "resque:stat:processed" "1"
1380274568.346898 "incrby" "resque:stat:processed:c65c8e2b-555a-4a57-aaa6-477b27d6452d:2:*" "1"
1380274568.346920 "del" "resque:worker:c65c8e2b-555a-4a57-aaa6-477b27d6452d:2:*"
1380274568.348803 "smembers" "resque:queues"
Second last line deletes the worker.
In resque 2.0.0, here's one way that seems to work to remove only actually appearantly-dead workers in resque 2.0.0:
Resque::Worker.all_workers_with_expired_heartbeats.each { |w| w.unregister_worker }
I am not an expert in what's going, it's possible there's a better way to do this or that this will have problems. I'm just trying to figure this out too.
This seems to remove workers that haven't sent a "heartbeat" in much longer than expected from the resque worker list.
If the phantom worker was in a "running" state, then a new entry in the "failed" job queue will be created corresponding to phantom job.
I had stuck/stale resque workers here too, or should I say 'jobs', because the worker is actually still there and running fine, it's the forked process that is stuck.
I chose the brutal solution of killing the forked process "Processing" since more than 5min, via a bash script, then the worker just spawn the next in queue, and everything keeps on going
have a look at my script here:
If you are using newer versions of Resque, you'll need to use the following command as the internal APIs have changed...
Resque::WorkerRegistry.working.each {|work| Resque::WorkerRegistry.remove(}
This avoids the problem as long as you have a resque version newer than 1.26.0:
resque: env QUEUE=foo TERM_CHILD=1 bundle exec rake resque:work
Keep in mind that it does not let the currently running job finish.
If you use Docker, you can also use this command:
<id> is the worker id.
docker stop <id>
docker start <id>
